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运用SAS和SPSS11.5软件对127只梅花鹿500个产茸数据进行统计。分析年龄、鹿茸形态对南方梅花鹿产茸量的影响以及各年龄段产茸量之间的相关性。结果表明,年龄对梅花鹿鹿茸产量的影响很大,在一定范围内,鹿茸产量会随年龄(锯次)的递增而上升,峰值出现在第8锯,以后产量逐渐下降。不同年龄鹿茸产量之间也呈现极显著相关性,特别是第1锯对以后各年龄的产量影响十分显著。此外,三种形态的鹿茸与鹿茸产量间呈现极显著相关,表现为三杈茸二杠茸毛桃。  相似文献   

锯茸止血中药方剂的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据鹿茸的组织结构、生长规律和生理特点,选用白芨、炒蒲黄、紫珠、大黄炭、枯矾、血余炭、冰片等7味中药组成外用锯茸止血方剂。通过药物刺激性试验、抑菌试验、实验动物止血试验以及锯茸止血应用试验,结果表明,该锯茸止血中药方剂外用无刺激性;对大肠杆菌、绿脓杆菌、链球菌、金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制浓度分别为1∶128、1∶64、1∶32、1∶64;与目前鹿场常用的锯茸止血药物白藓皮消炎粉、七厘散、腐植酸钠比较,在收取毛桃、二杠茸、三杈茸、怪角茸等不同茸形锯茸试验,止血时间缩短1/2~1/3;锯茸创面感染少,愈合快,对再生茸产量没有明显影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

乌兰坝马鹿鹿茸生长性状表型参数的统计分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
观测和生物统计学分析结果表明 ,乌兰坝马鹿的鹿茸生长性状的大部分指标显著高于其他东北马鹿 ,但远不如天山马鹿清原品系 ;其畸型茸率较低 ;茸主干围度的增长率显著高于主干长度的增长 ;首次探讨的鲜茸日增重、主干长和主干围及杈口深与锯龄之间 ,呈强正相关 (P <0 0 1 ) ,并建立了其相应的线型回归方程  相似文献   

为提高茸鹿养殖业经济效益、减少饲养成本,在茸鹿饲料中添加超微粉碎加工的中药添加剂,研究中草药添加剂对提高梅花鹿鹿茸产量的影响,结果表明:在梅花鹿开始脱盘后应用中药添加剂,直至锯二茬茸结束,梅花鹿头茬茸及二茬茸产量均有极显著(P<0.01)或显著(P<0.05)提高。  相似文献   

本文研究了东北梅花鹿(Cervus nippon hortulorum)(?)与东北马鹿(C.elaphus xanthopygus)(?)种间杂交F1(简称花·马F1)和东北马鹿(?)与天山马鹿(C.elaphus Songoricus)(?)亚种间杂交F1(简称马·马F1)鹿茸产量与鹿年龄的关系。给果表明:花·马F1 1~10锯(2~11岁)公鹿茸茸产量(千克/付,鲜茸)与鹿年龄之间呈强正相关,n=418,r=0.931,P<0.01,其直线回归方程为y(鹿茸产量)=1.589+0.264X(锯别)(P<0.001);生茸最佳年龄为10锯,高达3.859千克,经F测定表明,生茸最佳年限为5~13锯,7~13锯相当稳产高产。4·马F1 1~9锯公鹿鹿茸产量(千克/付,鲜茸)与鹿年龄之间呈强正相关,n=354,r=0.996,P<0.1.其线性回归方程为y(鹿茸产量)=1.826+0.647X(锯别)(P<0.001),生茸最佳年龄为9锯,高达7.431千克,经F测定表明,生茸最佳年限为5~9锯。  相似文献   

新疆是养鹿较多的省 (区 )之一 ,总饲养量在 5万头左右。在每年的锯茸季节、每个养鹿场都有因成年公鹿锯茸后发生出血不止 ,或止血较晚、失血多引起鹿的体质下降甚至部分鹿的死亡。 1 990年笔者先后对许多鹿场锯茸的止血方法进行了实际观察和了解 ,主要的止血方法为药物止血和结扎止血。1 药物止血法止血药物常用的有 :七厘散、云南白药、兽用外科止血粉、无名异止血粉、明胶海棉等。方法是在锯茸前 ,由一助手把上述的药物中的一种撒在 1 0cm× 1 0cm的牛皮纸或白布 ,或塑料布上 ,托于手掌 ,当茸锯下后迅速按在留茬鹿茸的断面上 ,经几…  相似文献   

目前,我国各鹿场收茸保定方法大体上分为吊圈保定和药物麻醉两种方法。收取梅花鹿茸采用夹板式保定器,锯马鹿茸使用抬杆式保定器,砍头茸一般用药物麻醉。使用吊圈保定收茸,在某一具体坏节注意不够,可出现鹿茸破皮,折断,使之降等减值。为了在锯茸时确保人、鹿、茸安全,减少各类事故的发生,我们从1982至1987年,用镇静药静松灵试验麻醉锯茸7,只,其中奶山羊哺乳驯化野生马鹿3只,梅花鹿4只,实践证明,用静松灵麻醉锯茸,人鹿都很安全,鹿茸无一损  相似文献   

梅花鹿优良品种(品系)产茸性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对我国双阳、长白山、西丰梅花鹿品种 (品系 )的产茸性能进行了测定。结果表明 :双阳、长白山、西丰的头锯头茬鲜茸产量双阳 >西丰 >长白山 ,2锯头茬鲜茸产量西丰 >双阳 >长白山 ;西丰 3锯时、双阳 4锯时、长白山 5锯时头茬鲜茸产量达到 30 0 0g以上 ,进入高产期 ;双阳 6锯时、西丰 7锯时、长白山 8和 9锯时达到产茸高峰 ;双阳具有经济早熟性 ,长白山具有高产期长而持久的特点 ;西丰、长白山、双阳的群体鲜茸平均单产分别为 2 895g、316 0g、32 0 5g;三者是我国人工培育的梅花鹿品种 (品系 )群 ,均具有优良的产茸性能。  相似文献   

甘肃马鹿茸尺性状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对 15副甘肃马鹿干茸称重、测量茸尺形状的统计分析表明 ;甘肃马鹿的茸根围与冰枝基围、冰枝长 ,眉枝长与冰中间距 ,冰枝长与中枝长、冰中间距及鹿茸主干长 ,中枝长与中枝至茸端的距离与鹿茸主干长 ,中枝长与中枝至茸端的距离、主干长等 9对性状之间显著正相关 ;冰中间距与眉冰间距和中枝至茸端的距离等 2对性状之间显著负相关。鹿茸干重与茸根围、眉枝基围、眉枝长、冰枝长、中枝基围、中枝长、冰中间距和主干长显著正相关 ,与眉枝长、冰枝基围和中枝至茸端的距离的关系密切而复杂。  相似文献   

梅花鹿茸鲜重与年龄的相关性研究及经济效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以江苏地区的梅花鹿为对象,研究分析了梅花鹿鹿茸重量与其年龄之间的相关性。结果表明:9龄内梅花鹿的鹿茸重与年龄呈正相关(r=0.767,P<0.05),它们之间线性回归方程为y=0.345x+1.186。梅花鹿3~8锯的鲜茸单产很高,平均水平达3.28kg/锯。公鹿鲜茸重的变异系数在2~6龄之间逐渐减小,7龄之后又有上升的超势,其中以5~7龄的变异系数最小,分别为16.2%、6.1%、11.7%。相关数据分析表明,梅花鹿公鹿在1~4龄内经济效益较差,从5龄开始获利,年获利逐年增加,这种趋势与梅花鹿的茸产量变化趋势是一致的。  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of various routes of administration and doses of local anaesthetic to provide analgesia of the velvet antler of young stags. METHODS: In study 1, in which an electrical stimulus was used, 64 l-year-old male red and red X wapiti deer with velvet antler lo-30 cm long, were randomly allocated to one of ten treatments with four treatments/animal, and 23 or 24 antlers/treatment. Treatments delivered included three control groups, three local anaesthetic (2% lignocaine HCL) doses delivered by ring block (5, 10 or 15 ml per pedicle), and a high or low regional block with or without an auriculopalpebral nerve block (5 ml per site). An electrical stimulus was applied before and 1,2,4 and 8 minutes after local anaesthetic treatments and to controls, at an increasing voltage until a response was observed. The voltage and animal responses were recorded. In Study 2 the same seven local anaesthetic treatments (16-I 8 antlers/treatment) were evaluated using 58 of the stags from Study 1 when antlers were ready for removal, but a saw cut was used as the test stimulus. A test cut was applied to the antler I,2 and 4 minutes after application of local anaesthetic. If no response was observed, the antler was removed at that time. RESULTS: In Study 1, major dose and treatment effects were significantly different (p < 0.05) with the outcome variable being whether or not the deer responded. No stags given the high dose ring block responded to electrical stimulation 1 minute after treatment, one responded at 2 minutes, and none responded at 4 or 8 minutes. At least one animal responded after all other treatments at all time intervals. More deer responded after the low regional block than the high regional block, and there was a lower response rate when the auriculopalpebral nerves were anaesthetised. In Study 2, no deer responded 2 minutes after the medium dose ring block treatment. Three of 18 stags receiving the high dose ring block still responded after 2 minutes, and one responded after 4 minutes. Responses occurred to all other treatments at each time, with some deer requiring further administration of local anaesthetic before antler removal, even with the four minute waiting period. CONCLUSION: Ring blocks produced more consistent analgesia of the velvet antler than regional nerve blocks. The high dose ring block produced analgesia faster and more effectively than lower doses, and the regional nerve blocks were more effective when the auriculopalpebral nerve was blocked.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究TMEM219基因3种剪切体在不同重量鹿茸尖端的表达规律及TMEM219基因表达对鹿茸重量的影响,以期探究TMEM219基因对鹿茸生长发育的调控机理。利用实时荧光定量PCR技术对TMEM219基因及其3种剪切体在同一重量组鹿茸的不同组织及不同重量组鹿茸的同一组织mRNA的相对表达水平进行检测,同时测定并比较不同产茸量梅花鹿的血清中胰岛素生长因子1(IGF-1)和胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白3(IGFBP-3)的浓度。结果表明,TMEM219基因的3种剪接体在梅花鹿鹿茸的间充质及前成软骨组织(RP)、过渡组织(TZ)及软骨组织(C)中均有表达,TMEM219-918基因相对表达量极显著高于TMEM219-1005与TMEM219-1960基因(P<0.01),TMEM219-1005与TMEM219-1960基因相对表达量无显著差异(P>0.05);高重量组TMEM219基因表达量显著高于低重量组(P<0.05);同时,高重量组个体血清中IGF-1浓度显著高于低重量组个体(P<0.05),而IGFBP-3浓度显著低于低重量组个体(P<0.05)。结果提示,TMEM219基因高表达可能会促进鹿茸的生长,增加鹿茸重量;推测其可能的机理是TMEM219竞争性结合IGFBP-3,减少与其结合的IGF-1,加强IGF-1与IGF-1R的亲和力,进而提高IGF-1对鹿茸生长的促进作用。TMEM219基因可能成为影响鹿茸生长发育的候选基因,为提高鹿茸生长提供理论基础。  相似文献   

特效生茸宝系由多种中西药物组成的复方药物添加剂,具有明显的促进鹿茸生长的效果。为了进一步研究其促鹿茸生长机理及对鹿茸品质的影响,按日量30g/头,添加于精料中,连喂70d。采集锯茸时茸基部流出的血液和锯下的鹿茸,分别测定了某些血液生理生化指标和鹿茸氨基酸含量。结果,饲喂特效生茸宝的鹿,血液红细胞数、Hb、血清总蛋白量均增加(P〈0.05),AKP活性增高(P〈0.01),鹿茸中氨基酸含量增高。由此  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of various routes of administration and doses of local anaesthetic (LA) to provide analgesia of the velvet antler of adult stags. METHODS: In Experiment 1, antlers from 50 red deer stags, >or=2-years-old were allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups (n = 25 antlers/group) to receive injections with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride as follows: High-dose (1 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or Low-dose ring-block (0.4 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or; High-site or Low-site regional nerve block (5 ml per site, both of which included the auriculopalpebral nerve). An electrical stimulus was applied before application of LA and then each min for up to 4 min after LA injection. If no response was observed, analgesia was tested with a saw cut. If no response occurred, the antler was cut at that time. If the animal responded, a further wait time was applied until 4 min had elapsed, at which time observations ceased. In Experiment 2, 10 primary and 50 re-growth antlers were given a High-dose ring-block and tested with a saw cut after 1 min (n = 30) or 2 min (n = 30). If no response occurred, the antler was removed. If a response occurred, further 1-min wait periods were applied. RESULTS: In the High-dose ring-block and High-site nerve-block groups, 24/25 and 21/25 antlers were removed without response by 2 min, compared with 20/25 and 15/25 antlers in the Low-dose ring-block and Low-site nerve-block groups, respectively. The High-dose ring-block provided more effective analgesia after 3 min than the Low-dose ring-block, as assessed by the number of stags that did not respond to the electrical stimulus (p = 0.008), or subsequent antler removal (p = 0.050). The numbers of antlers removed without response after 1 or 2 min were greater using the High-site nerve-block than the Low-site nerve-block (p = 0.002 and p = 0.037, respectively). In all but the High-dose ring-block group, at least 1 stag required further LA after 4 min, before antler could be humanely removed. In Experiment 2, stags reacted to a saw-cut test on 6/30 antlers, 1 min after a High-dose ring-block, compared with 1/30 antlers after 2 min (p = 0.051). CONCLUSION: The High-dose ring-block produced the most effective and rapid analgesia. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A High-dose ring-block with a 2-min wait period should be the preferred method for achieving local analgesia for velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of various routes of administration and doses of local anaesthetic (LA) to provide analgesia of the velvet antler of adult stags.

Methods: In Experiment 1, antlers from 50 red deer stags, ≥2-years-old were allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups (n = 25 antlers/group) to receive injections with 2% lignocaine hydrochloride as follows: High-dose (1 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or Low-dose ring-block (0.4 ml/cm pedicle circumference) or; High-site or Low-site regional nerve block (5 ml per site, both of which included the auriculopalpebral nerve). An electrical stimulus was applied before application of LA and then each min for up to 4 min after LA injection. If no response was observed, analgesia was tested with a saw cut. If no response occurred, the antler was cut at that time. If the animal responded, a further wait time was applied until 4 min had elapsed, at which time observations ceased. In Experiment 2, 10 primary and 50 re-growth antlers were given a High-dose ring-block and tested with a saw cut after 1 min (n = 30) or 2 min (n = 30). If no response occurred, the antler was removed. If a response occurred, further 1-min wait periods were applied.

Results: In the High-dose ring-block and High-site nerve-block groups, 24/25 and 21/25 antlers were removed without response by 2 min, compared with 20/25 and 15/25 antlers in the Low-dose ring-block and Low-site nerve-block groups, respectively. The High-dose ring-block provided more effective analgesia after 3 min than the Low-dose ringblock, as assessed by the number of stags that did not respond to the electrical stimulus (p = 0.008), or subsequent antler removal (p = 0.050). The numbers of antlers removed without response after 1 or 2 min were greater using the High-site nerve-block than the Low-site nerve-block (p = 0.002 and p = 0.037, respectively). In all but the High-dose ring-block group, at least 1 stag required further LA after 4 min, before antler could be humanely removed. In Experiment 2, stags reacted to a saw-cut test on 6/30 antlers, 1 min after a High-dose ring-block, compared with 1/30 antlers after 2 min (p = 0.051).

Conclusion: The High-dose ring-block produced the most effective and rapid analgesia.

Clinical relevance: A High-dose ring-block with a 2-min wait period should be the preferred method for achieving local analgesia for velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

Heart rate and behaviour during and following velvet antler removal were monitored in yearling red deer stags to determine the extent to which this procedure was perceived by the deer to be aversive. Nine stags normally kept at pasture were habituated over 5 weeks to the following daily handling procedure. Each deer was fitted with a harness containing a heart rate monitor. It was then allowed to run through a fixed course in a deer yard, restrained for 40 s in a mechanical deer crush, and then confined for 3.5 h with the remainder of the group of stags in an indoor pen containing food and water. In Week 6, the deer were subjected to either restraint for 6 minutes (the control treatment) or removal of one velvet antler under local anaesthesia. Each velvet antler was removed on separate occasions, either on Days 1 and 2 (five deer) or Days 3 and 4 (four deer). The control treatment was applied to all deer when velvet antler was not being removed, and on Day 5. Heart rate and behaviour (time taken to enter the treatment area, and number of struggles made during restraint) were measured before and during treatment, and post-treatment activities were recorded at 0, 1 and 3 h (indoors), and at 6 and 9 h (at pasture). Heart rate was higher during the second velvet antler removal treatment than during the first, but lower during the second control treatment than the first (P<0.05). During velvet antler removal, stags struggled more, and after the treatment flicked their ears, shook their heads, and groomed themselves more than control stags (P<0.05). Stags whose velvet antler had been removed spent less time eating than control stags, and spent progressively more time sitting during the 3.5 h of confinement (P<0.05). However, during the paddock observation at 9 h post-treatment, stags which had had their velvet antler removed grazed more than control stags (P<0.05). The increase in heart rate over the two velvet antler removal treatments and the greater amount of struggling during velvet antler removal indicated that it was more aversive than the control treatment. Post-treatment differences in behaviour may have been due to pain following velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

东北梅花鹿产茸性能分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对东北梅花鹿产茸性能的分析 ,证明长沙市养鹿试验场东北梅花鹿产茸量基本保持在一定的水平上 ;产茸量与鹿年龄的大小存在曲线回归关系 ;头杠茸的重量与再生茸的重量不相关 ;体重与茸产量存在着很强的相关性。这些指标可为华南地区发展养鹿业提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

塔里木马鹿鹿茸组织的形态学是研究鹿茸生长发育机制的基础.本研究以增茸素处理和自然生长的生长期为30和60 d的塔里木马鹿二茬鲜茸为材料,采用常规石蜡切片和HE染色等方法,对其茸皮层、未分化的间充质细胞层、成软骨细胞层和软骨细胞层进行组织形态学研究.结果显示:自然生长60 d的鲜茸茸皮组织切片中除了静脉数(8.56士2....  相似文献   

清原马鹿品种选育研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
自 1972~ 2 0 0 2年 12月采用个体表型选择、单公群母配种和闭锁繁育等方法 ,研究并应用饲养管理综合配套技术、幼鹿培育技术、马鹿人工授精新技术及研究生化遗传特性和产茸量的遗传标记、品种及其种鹿标准和经过引种 ,风土驯化 ,确定系祖鹿和建立选育群 ;多组选育群自繁 ,合成“杂交”选育 ,精选F1 和F2 代种鹿和扩繁 ;扩大品系鹿数量 ,改善品系群品质 ;提高品种选育群品质 ,扩繁数量 ,品种形成和推广应用 4个阶段 ,5个世代的系统选育 ,育成了清原马鹿 330 0只。该品种具有体貌一致 ,体型较大 ,体质结实 ,鲜茸平均单产8 6kg ,成品茸年均单产 3 1kg ,鹿茸粗大、肥嫩 ,粗蛋白质 (6 3 7% )和氨基酸总含量 (39 6 % )高 ,茸的优质率达93% ,繁殖成活率高 (6 8 6 % ) ,生产利用年限长 (15年 ) ,适应性强 ,遗传性能稳定 ,茸 (鲜 )重遗传力 0 37,重复力 0 75 ,年改进量 0 4 86kg ,杂交改良效果与经济效益和社会效益显著等典型优良性状。  相似文献   

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