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<正>1我国肉鸽育种概况近年来,国内从事肉鸽生产的饲养场越来越多,规模亦越来越大,但专业肉鸽户变数不大。国内相继引进了诸多国外肉鸽新品系,如美国王鸽、银王鸽、白卡奴鸽、法国蒙腾鸽、欧洲肉鸽等,这些品种都是国内育种制种的基因库。同时国内也培育了一批新的肉鸽品种(系),如泰深自别鸽、深王鸽、天翔鸽、良田王鸽、上海王鸽、朱桥王鸽、太湖王鸽等。  相似文献   

鸽肉、鸽蛋是动物性蛋白质食品中的高端产品。近年来,随着居民生活质量和消费水平的提高,我国肉鸽养殖产业规模发展迅速,丰富了优质禽肉市场的产品结构。然而,我国饲养的鸽种主要从国外引进,至今为止仍缺乏自主培育、性能优良、广泛应用并已通过国家审定的肉鸽品种。与其它禽类相比,鸽的生理生殖特性决定了其育种工作难度较大,时间跨度长、遗传进展慢;各级政府对鸽的育种工作支持不多,基础研究积累薄弱,特别是生物技术和遗传标记等分子育种技术的应用都处于起步阶段,严重制约了我国肉鸽产业的优质、高效、快速发展。因此,在借鉴其它家禽育种研究成果的基础上,开展系统的肉鸽育种研究工作、培育新鸽种是产业发展赋予育种工作者的历史使命。  相似文献   

首届中国肉鸽产业与科技大会于今年11月在扬州召开,大会邀请行业专家、企业家共同探讨肉鸽业的发展。本专题关注了肉鸽育种、繁殖、行为、孵化以及疾病防控方面的研究进展,为读者展示肉鸽研究领域的最新动态。  相似文献   

<正>2018年12月13—15日,由中国畜牧业协会鸽业分会和国家鸽业科技创新联盟共同主办的第三届中国鸽业发展大会在广州召开,广东省肉鸽行业协会承办了本次会议,吸引了来自全国各地的养鸽业人士和相关专家约300多人出席。会议主要就肉鸽育种、科技发展以及产业发展三个方面组织专家和企业家进行了探讨,主办方还与餐饮行业首次联合,就肉鸽美食进行了集中展示,现场琳琅满目、精致诱人的肉鸽菜肴使养鸽人叹为观止。  相似文献   

本文从我国肉鸽种质资源的研究与品种选育的严重滞后为切入点,首先强调了种质资源是肉鸽产业发展的基础,要作为重中之重来抓,具体在于:开展肉鸽品种资源的调查、发掘及收集,构建肉鸽种质资源评价及保护技术体系,建立肉鸽良种繁育体系和标准化体系,加快审定及推广国内现有的重要优良品种,创新和培育高产、优质新品种(配套系)。同时提出了开展肉鸽育种领域前沿科学技术的研究与应用,重点在于:肉鸽分子育种新技术研究,肉鸽前沿科学技术研究,肉鸽有关重大科学问题研究,基于肉鸽基因组学的重要性状的系统生物学研究等领域。通过上述两方面的高度重视和切实强化,突破我国肉鸽种质资源研究和品种选育工作滞后的瓶颈,为肉鸽产业的稳步健康发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

<正>随着人民生活水平的不断提升,对食品多样性需求的增加,肉鸽产业,近几年来发展迅速,已成为鸡、鸭、鹅之后规模较大的特种养殖业,成为农民就业创收的重要途径之一。江苏省作为肉鸽养殖的后起之秀,生产发展迅速,全省肉鸽存栏达500万对,并形成了以南京、无锡、常州和苏州等地的区域性消费市场,肉鸽产业产值近10亿元。然而尽管发展迅速,但由于江苏肉鸽养殖业起步晚,一开始的肉鸽生产规模散而小,养殖设施落  相似文献   

优质的肉鸽产品消费需求量逐年上升,消费带动了生产的发展。肉鸽养殖快速发展的同时,也存在着引进品种杂化,自主培育品种缺乏;种鸽自养自繁,生产性能退化;育种技术研究滞后,评价体系缺失等诸多问题。种是养殖生产之根本,每个肉鸽养殖场都应根据自己的实际情况,重视种鸽的引进与培育,开展力所能及的选育工作。中小肉鸽养殖场实际可操作的选育技术包括——有效的选择指标:28日龄体重、25周龄体重、产蛋间隔、年产蛋数、受精率、孵化率、年产乳鸽数、整齐度、0~4周龄存活率、5~25周龄存活率、肉鸽月乳鸽产出比、蛋鸽月平均产蛋数;选择依据,准确与完善的生产记录:系谱记录、生产性能记录;根据自身情况,灵活确定选择标准。让选留下的优良产鸽尽可能多地繁殖后代,保证种鸽生产性能正常发挥。各养殖场可通过不断的选育,提高生产水平,进而获取更高的养殖效益。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了广东省目前肉鸽产业的主要品种:石岐鸽、佛山鸽、银王鸽、白羽王鸽、美国王鸽、卡奴鸽、杂交王鸽、深王鸽、广东肉鸽、良田王鸽、泰深鸽、新白卡鸽、天翔1号、2号肉鸽的生长和繁殖性能等种质概况,饲养方式和环境等养殖概况以及育种现状,并对今后开展系统高效的育种研究工作,培育满足广东省消费者需求的肉鸽品种的方法进行了展...  相似文献   

本文对近年来在肉鸽饲料营养研究领域的一些研究动态进行归纳总结,旨在回顾与综述肉鸽饲料营养研究的一些试验方法与技术手段,探讨其试验思路,为今后更好地开展肉鸽饲料营养的研究打下基础。同时探索肉鸽颗粒饲料在生产中的合理利用,以适应和推进肉鸽业大生产的需要。  相似文献   

随着肉鸽大规模生产,深入研究肉鸽生产应用技术是广大肉鸽生产者的需要.特别是产鸽的食量、乳鸽的增重速度等数据的测定,对于肉鸽的饲养管理有重要的意义.国内外肉鸽饲养者和养鸽专家对这些方面进行了大量研究,并已测定了一些品种的基础日粮、产鸽生产周期的饲料消耗规律、乳鸽各周龄体重等指标.但是,在育雏期间,产鸽的饲料消耗量与乳鸽增重的规律及其关系的研究尚未见详细报道.  相似文献   

某肉鸽场暴发蛔虫病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某肉鸽场成年鸽群突发死亡,死亡率为2.5%,临床剖检可见胃肠道大量蛔虫寄生, 应用饱和蔗糖溶液漂浮法对该鸽场共226份粪便样品进行调查,共发现4种蠕虫:蛔虫、圆线虫、绦虫和毛细线虫,感染率分别为39.8%、2.7%、2.7%和2.2%,其中,蛔虫为主要感染虫种,且感染强度较大,确诊该场暴发了蛔虫病。随后对鸽群进行针对性治疗,用药后鸽群未再出现死亡,蛔虫感染率从39.8%下降到19.8%,感染强度明显降低,圆线虫和绦虫未能检出,表明该场鸽肠道寄生蠕虫病得到较好的防治。  相似文献   

Pigeon milk (PM) is a semi-solid nutrient substance produced and secreted by the crop of pigeon and it is the only nutritional source of squab. Squabs should be fed by their parents because they could not eat by themselves, so PM is very important for their growth and development. The production and secretion of PM is a special physiological process, which is rare in birds and different from the lactation process of mammals. PM is mainly composed of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and minerals. Synthesis and secretion of PM are regulated by numerous hormones such as prolactin, insulin and relaxin. The signaling pathways such as JAK/STAT, PI3K/Akt/TOR, AMPK and Wnt are activated by these hormones and then the expression of related genes are regulated. The processes of crop epithelial cell proliferation, degeneration, nutrient synthesis and enrichment are regulated. The composition of pigeon milk and its production regulatory mechanism are reviewed, we compare these characteristics of PM with mammalian milk, and the physiological mechanism of pigeon milk production by crop and its similarities and differences with mammalian mammary lactation are further clarified. Research on the composition of PM will provide reference for the formulating of breeding pigeon nutrition requirements and research of artificial PM. The regulation mechanism of PM production will further find out genes regulating lactation and select breeding populations with high yield of PM by using molecular marker-assisted breeding technology.  相似文献   

鸽乳是由鸽嗉囊组织生成并分泌的半固态营养物质,是乳鸽唯一的营养来源。乳鸽出生后不能自主觅食,需由亲鸽哺育,鸽乳对其生长发育极为重要。鸽乳的生成及分泌是一种特殊的生理过程,在禽类中极为少见,也不同于哺乳动物的泌乳过程。鸽乳主要由蛋白质、脂质、碳水化合物和矿物质等物质组成,其合成与分泌受催乳素、胰岛素和松弛素等多种激素共同调控,通过激活JAK/STAT、PI3K/Akt/TOR、AMPK和Wnt等信号通路,调控相关基因的表达,进而调节嗉囊上皮细胞增殖、变性和营养物质合成、富集等过程。本文综述了鸽乳的组成及其生成调控机制,并与哺乳动物进行了比较,进一步明确了嗉囊产生鸽乳的生理机制及与哺乳动物乳腺泌乳的异同。通过研究鸽乳的组成,可为种鸽营养需要标准制定及人工鸽乳研发提供参考;通过研究鸽乳生成的调控机制,进一步深入挖掘调控泌乳的基因,结合分子标记辅助育种技术,应用于提高种鸽的泌乳能力。  相似文献   

鸽沙门氏菌病是由沙门氏菌引起的养鸽业常见且多发的疾病,主要侵害雏鸽,给养鸽业造成严重经济损失。引起该病的沙门氏菌为一种兼性胞内寄生菌,可于宿主细胞内生存繁殖并逃避机体免疫防御机能,增加了该病净化的难度。目前,使用抗生素防治鸽沙门氏菌病是生产中最常用的有效措施,但抗生素的大量使用甚至滥用,导致沙门氏菌这一人兽共患病原菌耐药菌株的不断产生,以及药物残留等危害食品和公共卫生安全问题的出现。寻求抗生素替代品来减少或替代抗生素在畜禽养殖生产中的应用已成为动物疫病防控研究的主流。由于养鸽业起步较晚,有关鸽沙门氏菌病及其防控的研究相对较少,文章主要对鸽沙门氏菌病、沙门氏菌致病机制和近年来针对沙门氏菌病的抗生素替代品防控措施的研究进展进行综述,以期为鸽沙门氏菌病相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Farm animal breeders are facing challenges. More and more powerful technologies are at their disposal for creating genetic change. At the same time, society is concerned about the impact of breeding practices and the use to which new technologies are being put. European breeders must compete in a global market. To meet these challenges, European farm animal breeders have conducted three projects to contribute to sustainable and transparent farm animal breeding and reproduction. In “Farm animal breeding and society”, an overview is presented of farm animal breeding in Europe and its technical, ethical, legal and consumer constraints and possibilities. In ‘SEFABAR’, European breeders, scientists and socio-economists have worked towards sustainable breeding and reproduction scenarios. In ‘CODE–EFABAR’, breeders aim to develop, with experts on ethics, communication and certification, and in close contact with NGOs, farmers' organisations and policy makers, a Code of Good Practice for farm animal breeding and reproduction organisations. Along this Code of Good Practice organisations will be able to explain their goals and practices to the public in a transparent way. This paper reviews these projects.  相似文献   

The present review article deals with the current knowledge on the most important reasons of quantitative and qualitative losses during breeding and turnover before slaughtering of farm animals. At present, the profitability of every economic activity of people is an indispensable necessity. As regards farm animals there are many factors, seemingly banal ones, that determine the final economical effect and satisfaction of such activity. Many essential errors are made by producers as a result of ignorance or not complying with the basic needs of their behaviour. The turnover only deepens these neglects. The most essential limitations of these quantitative and qualitative losses are the proper selection and joining of the animals as well as an exact knowledge and complying with their natural behaviour. Such activity decreases animal stress, improves a proper welfare and consequently increases economical effects considerably.  相似文献   

The paper examines the notion of sustainable farm animal breeding. A brief explanation of why sustainability matters is offered first. After this, the historical development of the concept of sustainability is charted. The authors then turn to review published literature with a bearing on sustainable farm animal breeding. Little has been written directly on the subject: the requirements of sustainable farm animal breeding await serious clarification. The paper looks at SEFABAR (Sustainable European Farm Animal Breeding and Reproduction), a project designed to identify sustainable practices in farm animal breeding which ran for nearly 3 years from 2000. In this project commercial breeders and breeding scientists were required, with the professional assistance of bioethicists, economists, social scientists and NGO representatives, to develop a definition of sustainable farm animal breeding. The authors describe initial attempts to carry out this task. They then describe a general method of building a definition of sustainability—the so-called concern-criteria-indicators method—that was used in SEFABAR to good effect. They note the progress that was made once this method was introduced. Finally, the importance of communication is explained. The authors suggest that the concept of sustainability can be effectively used to organise and facilitate dialogue between stakeholders, including the breeding industry and society as a whole.  相似文献   

对某鸽场送检的6只通过病理剖检疑似新城疫(ND)的病鸽进行实验室诊断,包括细菌分离、新城疫病毒荧光RT-PCR检测、SPF鸡胚分离与鉴定,并测定其鸡胚分离物F3代EID50和ICPI.结果为内脏病料新城疫病毒荧光RT-PCR检测为阳性;SPF鸡胚分离到一株有血凝活性的病毒,经HA和HI鉴定为NDV,其F3代血凝价为1∶26,EID50为107.63,ICPI为1.19.根据病鸽的临床症状、鸡胚分离物EID50和IC-PI,确定该鸽新城疫病毒分离株为弱毒株.  相似文献   

羔羊肉无膻味,脂肪少,胆固醇低和蛋白质含量高,倍受市场青睐,在现有的肉羊市场行情下,通过对山西省一些舍饲种羊场和农户养殖场羔羊培育成本和经济效益的调查和分析,初步得出结论:舍饲种羊场培育一只羔羊的经济效益大约为1369.80元左右;舍饲农户培育一只羔羊的经济效益为226.25元左右。为养殖场和养殖农户提供一些有用的的参考数据,以便较快的提高我省肉羊养殖水平和经济效益。  相似文献   

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