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豆科牧草种子生产技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹致中  聂朝相 《草业科学》1994,11(5):55-56,45
依据甘肃河西走廊灌区的自然条件和栽培条件及多年种子生产的经验,提出了苜蓿,百脉根,鹰嘴紫云英,小冠花等小粒种子类和红豆草,毛苕子,豌豆,箭舌豌豆等大粒种子类的豆科牧草合格种子的生产技术要点,供牧草种子生产者使用。  相似文献   

陕北丘陵沟壑区冬牧-70黑麦牧草引种栽培试验研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
为了解决陕北丘陵沟壑区封山禁牧舍饲养羊冬春青绿饲草的补饲需要,进行了冬牧-70黑麦牧草引种栽培和生产性能的研究。通过测定出苗率、分蘖数、越冬率、生长速度、株高、产草量和种子产量等指标,结果表明,冬牧-70黑麦牧草在半干旱暖温带气候的黄土丘陵沟壑区适应性良好,抗逆性强,在全生育期内可刈割3-4茬,产草量达53700kg/hm^2,种子产量为2750kg/hm^2,可作为优良牧草在该区域川台地大面积推广种植。  相似文献   

为科学评价决明属(Chamaecrista spp.)牧草种质资源的种子生产潜力,2006-2007年,对决明属牧草品系的种子产量、种子数量及其时间分布开展调查,结果表明:34个品系年均种子产量为7.05~120.56g/m2,千粒重为2.63~5.89 g,年种子数量1 527~21 553粒/m2,种子成熟时间为8月至翌年1月。随着来源地纬度提高,圆叶决明品系的种子产量呈明显降低趋势。以种子产量为依据,2个品系属高产型,5个品系属中产型,27个品系属低产型,包括威恩圆叶决明(C.rotundifolia)、闽引圆叶决明、闽引羽叶决明(C.nictitans)。以种子数量的时间分布为依据,11个品系属早熟型,5个品系属中熟型,16个品系属中熟-晚熟过渡型,2个品系属晚熟型。建议把年均种子产量≥80 g/m2、45~80 g/m2、45 g/m2作为决明属牧草种子高产型、种子中产型、种子低产型的简明划分标准。  相似文献   

松嫩草地主要豆科牧草种子萌发期耐旱性差异研究   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
采用8个PEG渗透势梯度模拟干旱胁迫,探讨了松嫩草地8种豆科牧草种子萌发期抗旱性的差异。结果表明:紫花苜蓿、扁蓿豆、兴安胡枝子、细叶胡枝子和黄花草木樨5种小粒种子的发芽率、发芽势和活力指数等指标,在溶液渗透势下降到一0.6MPa后迅速下降,当渗透势下降到-0.8MPa时,各项指标为0;而五脉山黧豆、多茎野豌豆和山野豌豆3种大粒种子则在溶液渗透势下降到-0.3MPa时指标显著下降,下降到-0.6MPa时下降到0。小粒种子的抗早性明显好于大粒种子。在较低的溶液渗透势范围内,PEG有提高种子活力指数和促进幼苗生长的现象,是因为PEG对种子有引发作用,增强了种子的活性所致;PEG处理抑制胚芽生长,是幼苗调节营养分配以适应不良环境的结果。  相似文献   

氮磷钾肥配施对健宝牧草产量和效益的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用“311-B”二次回归最优设计,研究了N、P、K肥配施对健宝牧草产量和效益的影响。结果表明,N肥对健宝牧草的产量和效益影响最大;在较高施N水平下,P、K间交互效应有利于健宝牧草的增产增收;最优施肥方案为N303.89kg/hm^2、P2O5240kg/hm^2、K2O240kg/hm^2,其产量为104378.58kg,/hm^2,效益为8154.38元/hm^2。  相似文献   

通过在不同海拔高度设置4个点3个组的对比试验结果为:海拔400m以下A组年干均产鲁梅克斯鲜草128814.3kg/hm^2,B组均产107308.5kg/hm^2;海拔600-700的A组年平均产鲁梅克斯121310.6kg/hm^2,B组年平均产107558.6kg/hm^2;海拔400-500m的C组年均产125312.6kg/hm^2。鲁梅克斯第1年种植均是3次测产,牧草生长良好。其产草量均高于我区其他牧草产量。该牧草引种栽培试验成功,将为西部大开发,退耕还草,大面积推种植,改善生态环境,解决畜禽饲料,推动畜牧业的大发展起到重要作用。  相似文献   

对9个禾本科牧草品种,经过一年的田间试验,结果表明:多花黑麦草品种中,种子产量最高的是按60%理论播量的赣选一号,高速116.7kg/666.7m2;多年生黑麦草品种中,种子产量最高的是按80%理论播量的Mendat,产量为53.9kg/666.7m2;其余7个品种也适应石棉县气候环境。由此可见,牧草种子生产可在石棉县推广。  相似文献   

播期和播量对橘园间作下山黧豆产量及农艺性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在橘园间作条件下,采用裂区试验设计,经连续两年试验,研究了不同播种期、播种量对豆科绿肥山黧豆(Lath yrus sativus)鲜草产量、种子产量及农艺性状的影响.结果表明,1)播期、播量对山黧豆鲜草和种子产量均有显著影响(P<0.05),播量影响大于播期;2)山黧豆的鲜草和种子产量随播期推迟显著降低(P<0.05),9月20日播种的鲜草产量最高,达29 406.0 kg·hm-2,种子产量则以9月30日播种的最高,为1 616.1 kg·hm-2.早播(9月播种)时,株高、单株分枝数、单株根瘤数、结实率和千粒重等农艺性状均优于晚播(10月播种);3)播量为45.0 kg·hm-2时,其鲜草和种子产量均最高,拯种量过大对产量和农艺性状均有负向作用.综上,山黧豆在四川西充与橘园间作下的适宜播种期在9月,最佳播种量为45.0 kg·hm-2.  相似文献   

在甘肃省天祝县高寒地区对一年生牧草燕麦和箭管豌豆混播增产效应进行了研究。结果表明,混播群落中燕麦与箭苦豌豆通过对光能、养分、水分等资源的相互协同利用,提高了资源利用效率,群落草层高度和单位面积干物质产量增加。其中,以燕麦76kg/hm^2+箭管豌豆42kg/hm^2混播草地的种间协同效应最佳,干物质产量为5900kg/hm^2,比燕麦和箭管豌豆单播分别增产15.7%和68.6%。  相似文献   

为了解决陕北丘陵沟壑区封山禁牧舍饲养羊冬春青绿饲草的补饲需要,进行了冬牧-70黑麦牧草引种栽培和生产性能的研究。通过测定出苗率、分蘖数、越冬率、生长速度、株高、产草量和种子产量等指标,结果表明,冬牧-70黑麦牧草在半干旱暖温带气候的黄土丘陵沟壑区适应性良好,抗逆性强,在全生育期内可刈割3~4莅,产草量达53700kg/hm^2,种子产量为2750kg/hm^2,可作为优良牧草在该区域川台地大面积推广种植。  相似文献   


A trial was conducted in a glasshouse to screen seven legumes for their sensitivity to tetrapion. The application rates were 0g, 750g, 1500g and 3000g a.i./ha. Lotus corniculatus and Vicia dasycarpa were not visibly affected even at the highest rates. L. pedunculatus was affected slightly and Coronilla varia was probably also affected slightly. Medicago sativa was affected moderately severely while Trifolium pratense and T. subterraneum were affected severely.

The legumes which were not severely affected by tetrapion show promise in the Dohne Sourveld and should be used in the nassella eradication campaign. The need for further screening and research is stressed.  相似文献   

Backyard poultry has become increasingly popular in industrialized countries. In addition to keeping chickens for eggs and meat, owners often treat the birds as pets. However, several pathogenic enteric bacteria have the potential for zoonotic transmission from poultry to humans but very little is known about the occurrence of zoonotic pathogens in backyard flocks. The occurrence and the antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes and enteropathogenic Yersinia spp. was studied in 51 voluntary backyard chicken farms in Finland during October 2012 and January 2013. Campylobacter isolates were further characterized by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and the occurrence of ESBL/AmpC‐producing E. coli was investigated. The findings from this study indicate that backyard chickens are a reservoir of Campylobacter jejuni strains and a potential source of C. jejuni infection for humans. Backyard chickens can also carry L. monocytogenes, although their role as a primary reservoir is questionable. Campylobacter coli, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Salmonella enterica were only found sporadically in the faecal and environmental samples of backyard poultry in Finland. No Yersinia enterocolitica carrying the virulence plasmid was isolated. All pathogens were highly susceptible to most of the antimicrobials studied. Only a few AmpC‐ and no ESBL‐producing E. coli were found.  相似文献   

王跃栋  刘自学  苏爱莲 《草业科学》2012,29(8):1199-1205
为探索建立统一的草坪草病害风险性评价尺度,本研究引入有害生物风险分析(Pest Risk Analysis)理论。基于有害生物风险分析的规定程序,结合草坪绿地生态系统特点及模糊数学理论,利用德尔菲法及层次分析法,探讨了草坪绿地病害风险分析体系的建立、评价指标和评价值的计算方法。初步建立了三层次17个评价指标的综合评价模型R=5P1×P2×P3×P4×P5,并运用此模型评价了草坪草5种主要病害的风险性危害值。结果表明,草坪草褐斑病(Rhizoctonia solani)、腐霉病(Phythium ultimum)和镰刀菌枯萎病(Fusarium spp.)3种病害的风险性危害值在0.6~0.8,风险级别为高风险;草坪草锈病(Puccinia spp.)和德氏霉叶枯病(Drechslera spp.)2种病害的风险性危害值在0.4~0.6,风险级别为中等风险。在实际工作中,应根据不同的病害风险等级制定相对应的风险管理策略及具体办法。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess the persistent efficacy of ivermectin against gastrointestinal trichostrongyles and lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus) when given late in the season to young calves naturally exposed to infection on permanent pasture. The results suggest that ivermectin prevents the re-establishment of Ostertagia spp. for 2 to 3 weeks, but Cooperia spp. for only 1 to 2 weeks. Re-establishment of lungworm is prevented for a period of at least 3 weeks. The results are discussed in the light of recent studies on the ivermectin effects on experimental or early-season natural infections.  相似文献   

This report offers a consensus opinion on the diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment, and control of the primary enteropathogenic bacteria in dogs and cats, with an emphasis on Clostridium difficile, Clostridium perfringens, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp., and Escherichia coli associated with granulomatous colitis in Boxers. Veterinarians are challenged when attempting to diagnose animals with suspected bacterial-associated diarrhea because well-scrutinized practice guidelines that provide objective recommendations for implementing fecal testing are lacking. This problem is compounded by similar isolation rates for putative bacterial enteropathogens in animals with and without diarrhea, and by the lack of consensus among veterinary diagnostic laboratories as to which diagnostic assays should be utilized. Most bacterial enteropathogens are associated with self-limiting diarrhea, and injudicious administration of antimicrobials could be more harmful than beneficial. Salmonella and Campylobacter are well-documented zoonoses, but antimicrobial administration is not routinely advocated in uncomplicated cases and supportive therapy is recommended. Basic practices of isolation, use of appropriate protective equipment, and proper cleaning and disinfection are the mainstays of control. Handwashing with soap and water is preferred over use of alcohol-based hand sanitizers because spores of C. difficile and C. perfringens are alcohol-resistant, but susceptible to bleach (1:10 to 1:20 dilution of regular household bleach) and accelerated hydrogen peroxide. The implementation of practice guidelines in combination with the integration of validated molecular-based testing and conventional testing is pivotal if we are to optimize the identification and management of enteropathogenic bacteria in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

线粒体在真核生物以及单细胞生物的生命活动中发挥着重要作用。寄生虫为适应不同的生存条件进化了一套自己的方式,包括线粒体基因组成、基因表达和能量代谢方式。梨形虫(巴贝斯虫和泰勒虫)是一类重要的胞内寄生虫,给畜牧业造成重大的经济损失。本文对梨形虫为适应宿主而进化出的一些特征进行了描述,为寻找防治梨形虫的新途径提供理论依据。  相似文献   

旨在了解四川省松潘县牦牛体表蜱、高原鼠兔巴尔通体和无形体感染情况。采集牦牛体表的蜱和捕获高原鼠兔,对蜱进行形态学初步鉴定后,提取蜱和高原鼠兔脾总DNA,PCR扩增蜱16S rRNA、巴尔通体rpoB和无形体16S rRNA基因,对PCR产物阳性产物测序、比对及构建系统进化树,从而确定蜱种类及蜱和高原鼠兔感染巴尔通体和无形体的种类及感染率。结果显示:在松潘县进安乡、山巴乡、下八寨乡各采集到蜱102、97和131只,共计330只,经鉴定均为青海血蜱。蜱巴尔通体仅检出1种巴尔通体,与B.melophagi亲缘关系最近,进安乡、山巴乡和下八寨乡检出率分别为16.7%、8.2%和18.3%,其中下八寨乡检出率显著高于进安乡(P<0.05);蜱源无形体进安乡、山巴乡和下八寨乡检出率分别为9.8%、12.4%和26.7%,下八寨乡检出率显著高于进安乡(P<0.01),检出的无形体均为1种,与牛无形体(A.bovis)亲缘关系最近;下八寨乡检出的鼠兔源巴尔通体与B.queenslandens亲缘关系最近,感染率为6.7%;进安乡、山巴乡和下八寨乡检出的鼠兔源巴尔通体与B.grahamii亲缘关系最近,感染率分别为8.7%、17.9%和13.3%,3个点检出率无显著差异;未定种Bartonella sp.(MN296294)和Bartonella sp.(MN296293)仅分别在进安乡和下巴乡检出;与蜱均检出无形体不同,高原鼠兔均未检出无形体。此外,蜱和高原鼠兔均未发现2种及2种以上病原混合感染。松潘县青海血蜱携带巴尔通体和无形体,高原鼠兔感染巴尔通体,且首次在高原鼠兔体内检测到疑似B.queenslandens的病原体,提示当地居民有感染这两类病原风险。  相似文献   

A 10-week-old female Ocicat was presented at a primary care feline veterinary practice for failure to thrive and diarrhoea. Numerous trophozoites, atypical for Giardia sp., were detected on a direct faecal examination, in addition to Giardia cysts. Although the failure to thrive and diarrhoea resolved following treatment for giardiasis, further diagnostic tests performed on faecal specimens from the kitten and 15 other Ocicats from the same cattery, including culture of trophozoites in In Pouch medium, PCR testing and molecular sequencing of PCR amplicons, confirmed infection with Tritrichomonas cf. foetus. This is the first report in Australia of feline trichomoniasis, which appears to be an emerging infectious disease of cats. Pertinent information regarding the clinical features, diagnosis, therapy, and potential source of feline trichomoniasis within Australia are discussed.  相似文献   

Blood transfusions in veterinary medicine have become increasingly more common and are now an integral part of lifesaving and advanced treatment in small and large animals. Important risks associated with transfusion of blood products include the transmission of various infectious diseases. Several guidelines suggest what infectious agents to screen for in canine and feline transfusion medicine. However, while the risk of bacterial contamination of blood products during storage and administration has not been documented in veterinary medicine, it has emerged as a cause of morbidity and mortality in human transfusion medicine. Clinical experience shows that the majority of blood component bacterial contaminations are caused by only a few species. Unlike other types of bacteria, psychrotolerant species like Pseudomonas spp. and Serratia spp. can proliferate during the storage of blood units at 4°C from a very low titer at the time of blood collection to a clinically significant level (> 105 CFU/mL) causing clinical sepsis resulting from red blood cell concentrate transfusions in human medicine. The purpose of this report was to describe the detection and quantification procedures applied in 4 cases of bacterial contamination of canine and feline blood units, which suggest the need for further investigations to optimize patients’ safety in veterinary transfusion medicine.  相似文献   

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