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对四川省眉山市某藏獒养殖场65只幼、成年藏獒进行心丝虫和附红细胞体检查,结合临床症状、剖检结果、血涂片、犬心丝虫抗原检测试剂盒和扫描电镜检查,确诊为心丝虫和附红细胞体混合感染。采取驱虫与对症治疗相结合,有效控制了该场犬心丝虫与附红细胞体混合感染病情。  相似文献   

为了解心丝虫、莱姆病、犬埃里希氏体病在东莞市犬中的流行状况,对东莞市210份犬血清进行了心丝虫抗原、莱姆病抗体、犬埃里希抗体检测试验,试验结果:在检测的210份犬血清中,心丝虫抗原阳性0份、莱姆病抗体阳性0份,犬埃里希抗体阳性12份,犬埃里希抗体阳性率为5.71%。  相似文献   

通过检测犬血液中心丝虫共生体-沃尔巴克氏体DNA,了解海南海口犬心丝虫的自然感染及沃尔巴克氏体的基因分型情况。随机以海南流浪狗中心和海口市宠物医院的60只家犬作为指示动物,使用真空采血管抽取家犬全血,应用PCR扩增犬血中犬心丝虫沃尔巴克氏体丝状热敏感蛋白基因(fts Z基因)片段以检测心丝虫感染犬外周血液中的沃尔巴克氏体DNA,然后对阳性片段进行测序,并将所测序列与Gen Bank中注册的基因序列进行比较分析。结果显示,共检测60只家犬血液,其中发现3只犬为心丝虫沃尔巴克氏体阳性,阳性率5.0%。系统发育树对比结果显示,海口犬源犬恶丝虫沃尔巴克氏体与来自中国成都犬恶丝虫沃尔巴克氏体的fts Z基因序列的同源性最高。同时,显示不同宿主和不同地区的犬恶丝虫沃尔巴克氏体形成一个支系。  相似文献   

●一、流行病学原理● 犬心丝虫的中间寄主为中华按蚊、白纹伊蚊、淡色库蚊等多种蚊,犬类由于被含有感染性幼虫的蚊叮咬而感染.心丝虫之成虫寄生于犬心脏与肺动脉处,成虫会产下幼虫,在血液中循环,蚊子叮咬感染心丝虫症的犬后即携带心丝虫之幼虫,幼虫在蚊子唾液腺蜕变成为具感染力的幼丝虫,再经由蚊子叮咬其他犬和人类而感染.犬可重复感染本病.  相似文献   

犬心丝虫病是由恶丝虫寄生于犬的右心室和肺动脉引起的一种临床疾病.犬恶丝虫成虫常寄生在肺动脉及心脏中,引起犬出现心丝虫病相关症状,匐行恶丝虫则常寄生于被感染动物的皮下组织中,但是犬恶丝虫与匐行恶丝虫两者均会在组织中移行(例如中枢神经系统、眼睛等部位).猫、狐、狼等动物亦能感染.人偶被感染属人畜共患病.本病在我国分布很广,广东犬的感染率高达50%.  相似文献   

正犬心丝虫病是由丝虫科的犬恶心丝虫寄生于犬的肺动脉和右心室而引起的一种寄生虫病,能够引起犬的循环障碍、咳嗽、乏力、厌食及右侧或两侧心脏失能等症状,任何年龄的犬都有可能受到感染。在猫和人类身上也有发现,对于猫而言,由于猫的心脏比较小,因此一旦感染此病,死亡率要远高于犬只,研究显示流浪猫罹患心丝虫病的比例约为4%~15%。1心心丝虫生活史  相似文献   

牛指状丝虫检测犬丝虫抗体的PPA—ELISA方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 国内外用蟠尾丝虫、指状丝虫和犬恶丝虫等检测人丝虫病抗体以及棉鼠丝虫检测犬恶丝虫病的报道,说明丝虫有共同抗原部分,斯里兰卡的Dissanyoke已用牛指状丝虫分离到可  相似文献   

1概述犬心丝虫病是由丝虫科的恶丝属和丝状线虫科的双三齿属的犬恶丝虫寄生于犬的右心室和肺动脉引起呼吸困难、贫血、循环障碍等症状的一种丝虫病,蚊子是心丝虫的中间宿主,通过叮咬传播该病,感染期一般是蚊子最活跃的6~9月,成虫的寿命可达到5~6年。根据临床症状的严重程度一般分为四级,在第三级患犬的死亡率通常超过50%。  相似文献   

犬心丝虫病是由犬心丝虫寄生于犬的右心室和肺动脉而引起的血液寄生虫病,以循环障碍、呼吸困难及腹水为主要临床特征。  相似文献   

犬心丝虫病的临床研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
对 1 78头犬进行犬心丝虫微丝蚴的检测 ,结果感染率为 41 43 %。隐性感染犬用药第 1 3天转阴率为 99 0 0 %。采用过滤集虫法检查 ,检出率最高 ,且易于观察。同时对犬心丝虫病的诊断技术、治疗药物及免疫预防问题进行了初步探讨  相似文献   

This study was aimed at understanding some aspects of the canine heartworm epidemiology in the southern distribution limit of the parasite in South America. With this objective, 19,298 blood samples of owned dogs from 65 localities of 13 municipalities of Buenos Aires Province were tested for Dirofilaria immitis circulating microfilariae and/or female antigens. The overall heartworm prevalence was 1.63% by microhematocrit tube technique (n=19,136), 3.65% by modified Knott (n=713), and 14.41% by antigen test kit (n=118). Microfilaremic dogs showed a median of 1933 microfilariae per millilitre (q1=375, q3=5625, n=100). Male dogs belonging to breeds of short hair and large size recorded significantly higher prevalences than the other categories. Also, the prevalence increased significantly with the age and only dogs younger than 12 months were not found infected. A clear decreasing trend of the annual prevalence was observed during the whole study period, from 3.91% in 2001 to 1.17% in 2006. D. immitis-infected dogs were detected in 32 localities of 9 municipalities (prevalence range: 0.2-6.7%). Generalized linear models were used to assess associations between heartworm prevalence and environmental variables. The resulting significant models were univariate and included variables related with soil cover and human population density. The best model predicted maximum heartworm prevalences around middle values of bare soil cover, and lower at high and low covers. According to our analyses, canine heartworm infection in urban temperate Argentina could be described as relatively low, endemic, and spatially heterogeneous. Host and environmental factors affecting heartworm transmission at local level were identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Surveillance data indicate that failures have been reported for virtually all heartworm prevention product categories. Resistance of third and fourth stage larvae of Dirofilaria immitis to macrocyclic lactones, lack of compliance, other unknown factors, or a combination of these reasons may be the cause of failure. A survey of members of a national hunting dog club was conducted to identify practices used to prevent canine heartworm infections. Questionnaires were completed by 708 dog owners. Year-round administration of heartworm preventive medication was reported by 208 (88%) respondents residing north of the 37th parallel. Dosing was based on the estimated weight of the dog by 54 (7%) respondents, 389 (55%) did not record the date prophylaxis was administered, and 89 (13%) observed the dogs spit out pills. Heartworm testing at least once per year was done by 556 (79%) respondents and test dates were spread throughout the year. Only 448 (64%) respondents tested newly acquired dogs for heartworm. These findings suggest that veterinarians should place a greater emphasis on the frequency and timing of heartworm diagnostic tests, the importance of weighing dogs, duration of administration, recording the date monthly heartworm prophylaxis is given, and observing dogs to ensure that oral medication is retained.  相似文献   

Dirofilaria immitis, the etiological agent for heartworm disease, is a zoonotic, vector-borne parasite. The dog is the most common natural host. Heartworm disease is present in all US states, as well as in South and Central America, Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia [. Prevalence of feline heartworm disease - a global review. In: Proceedings of the Heartworm Symposium'95, Auburn, Alabama, USA, 31 March-2 April, 1995. American Heartworm Society, Batavia, USA, pp. 79-86]. According to Menda [Menda, J.A., 1989. Transplacental migration of Dirofilaria immitus microfilariae. Companion Anim. Pract. 19 (6-7), 18-20], 18% of the canine population in the city of Santo Domingo tested positive for heartworm using the Filar Assay Kit. In the year 2000, clinical veterinarians from the Samana Peninsula in the Dominican Republic stated that the incidence of heartworm was minimal (Goodman, personal communication). In this small epidemiological study performed during the summer of 2001, 104 dogs from the Samana Peninsula were tested for heartworm antigen with the WITNESS HW Test and a wet mount evaluation for microfilaria under light microscopy. It was found that 18.2% of the canine population tested positive according to either one or both of the diagnostic methods. It would be advisable to apply prevention measures to control Dirofilaria immitis infection in the canine population of the Samana Peninsula in the Dominican Republic.  相似文献   

Canine heartworm has been known to exist in the Americas for more than 150 years (1847), and the first South American report was published approximately 30 years later (1875). The first human case was reported in 1887 and the first feline case in 1921. Coincidently, these two reports were from Brazil, where most surveys of the disease during the past two decades have been conducted in dogs. Feline cases are seldom found in the South American literature, although feline heartworm disease has been reported in Venezuela and Brazil. The prevalence in Mexico seems to be stable over the past 10 years (7.3-7.5%). Only 5 of the 13 South American countries have reported on canine heartworm infection prevalence. In Argentina, the national prevalence ranges from 3.5 to 12.7%; however, there was a much higher prevalence (17.7 and 23.5%) reported for two sections of Buenos Aires. In Lima, Peru, the prevalence is 4.35%, and Colombia reports 3.8-4.8% of dogs are infected. No infections were detected in 1056 dogs sampled in Chile. In Brazil, the national prevalence has declined from 7.9% in 1988 to 2% in 2001. The downward trend observed for canine heartworm in Brazil suggests that multiple pressures may be affecting the nematode transmission, including a possible decrease in mosquito vector population due to better control programs, reduction of transmission due to effective chemoprophylaxis, reduction of microfilaremic dog populations with the off-label use of injectable ivermectin, or reduction of the reproductive capacity of worms from tetracyclines used to control ehrlichiosis. Survey of a large population of captured mosquitoes indicated the most frequent species captured were vectors of heartworms (Aedes taeniorhynchus (73.9%), Aedes scapularis (20%) and Culex quinquefasciatus (2.5%), suggesting that the composition of the mosquito population is not a critical factor in the decrease in heartworm infections in dogs in South America.  相似文献   

Heartworm antigenemia was evaluated and found to be negative in 1010 dogs in Northeastern Colorado that were examined at the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. The estimated prevalence of canine heartworm for the native Northeastern Colorado population was determined to be 0.3% and is similar to the prevalence reported 10 years ago in the same area. We conclude there has not been an increase in prevalence of heartworm in the last 10 years; because of the low prevalence, there is no need for routine testing or testing and prophylaxis in the study area at this time.  相似文献   

Data from the IDEXX Laboratories Reference Laboratory Network were retrospectively examined for feline heartworm testing trends in testing frequency, geographic bias, and prevalence for the years 2000--2006. Examination of the data supports the commonly held view that veterinarians do not embrace heartworm disease testing or prevention in cats to the same degree they do in dogs. Despite significant awareness and adoption of heartworm testing and prevention in dogs, we hypothesized that heartworm testing rates are lower for cats than for dogs despite a significant prevalence of feline infection. This is important because a perceived low rate of infection in cats is likely to manifest in a low adoption of testing and prevention. In reality, the overall feline heartworm antigen-positive rate is significant--on average 0.9% over the period studied--and in some regions was estimated to be as high as 4.6%. This compares with an average canine heartworm prevalence rate of 1.2%, a feline leukemia virus prevalence of 1.9%, and a feline immunodeficiency prevalence of 1.0%. Based on the low rate of testing and these prevalence rates, practitioners are routinely missing cases of adult feline heartworm infections and the recently defined heartworm-associated respiratory disease (H.A.R.D). Increased antigen testing would result in detection of a significant number of positive cases. In addition, this population of infected cats would represent the "tip of the iceberg" relative to the greater number of cats that have early infection or are at risk for infection.  相似文献   

Twenty-five cases of renal haemosiderosis associated with canine heartworm disease are reported. Severe intravascular haemolysis was a feature of six dogs with filariae in the right atrium and venae cavae (caval syndrome). An association between haemosiderin deposition and filarial burden was apparent in nineteen dogs not showing clinical signs of caval syndrome. The possible reasons for the sub-clinical haemolysis in canine heartworm disease are discussed with regard to current literature.  相似文献   

An interaction between blood platelets and adult heartworms was examined in vitro. Surfaces of glutaraldehyde-fixed heartworms, which were taken from infected dogs washed, and incubated in platelet-rich plasma (PRP), were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy. Adherence of platelets to heartworms occurred only with PRP from infected dogs. Aggregation to epinephrine and adenosine diphosphate of PRP incubated with heartworms was monitored. Seemingly, platelet activation to heartworm membranes occurs in dogs with heartworm disease. The increased platelet reactivity was also observed in dogs with occult heartworm disease, indicating that the presence of circulating microfilaria was not important for this process. The ability to transfer the reactivity to heartworm-negative platelets by suspending them in heartworm-positive plasma indicated that this reactivity resided in the plasma. The processes leading to platelet activation may be responsible for the platelet-associated vascular disorders of canine heartworm disease.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis infection and to investigate the risk factors related to heartworm disease in dogs from Kayseri, Turkey. Blood samples were collected from 280 dogs from May 2005 to March 2006 and were examined by membrane filtration-acid phosphatase histochemical staining and antigen Elisa techniques to detect circulating microfilariae and antigens of D. immitis, respectively. Of the total of 280 dogs, 27 were positive for D. immitis with a prevalence value of 9.6%. In addition 29.6% of positive dogs determined to have occult D. immitis infections. D. immitis was the only canine filarial parasite present in the study area. The mean number of microfilariae in infected dogs was 4730+/-5479 per ml of blood. The highest heartworm prevalence were observed in 7-10 age group (28.6%) followed by 4-6 (17.1%) and 0.5-3 (4.8%) age groups. The differences between 0.5-3 and other age groups were found significant, whereas no statistically significant difference was observed between 4-6 and 7-10 age groups. The infection was more prevalent in males, larger breeds and the dogs not on prophylaxis. No statistically significant difference was observed between stray and owned dogs. Our results suggest that heartworm treatment and prophylaxis should be considered in Kayseri Province.  相似文献   

Vector-borne diseases, including canine heartworm disease (CHWD), are of major socioeconomic and canine health importance worldwide. Although many studies have provided insights into CHWD, to date there has been limited study of fundamental molecular aspects of Dirofilaria immitis itself, its relationship with the canine host, its vectors, as well as the potential of drug resistance to emerge, using advanced -omic technologies. This article takes a prospective view of the benefits that advanced -omics technologies will have toward understanding D. immitis and CHWD. Tackling key biological questions using these technologies will provide a "systems biology" context and could lead to radically new intervention and management strategies against heartworm.  相似文献   

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