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为掌握祁连县防治前后牛羊棘球蚴及家养犬棘球绦虫感染情况与人间包虫病感染情况,为更好地防治包虫病提供依据。采用随机抽查宰杀牛羊的肝脏、肺脏等内脏器官中棘球蚴包囊或囊肿,ELISA方法检测犬粪棘球绦虫抗原,剖检法检查家养犬棘球绦虫成虫,走访调查和采用B超及血清学诊断法进行人包虫病感染情况调查。结果为:牛棘球蚴感染率分别为5.7%、4.0%和3.27%;羊棘球蚴感染率分别为7.75%、5.36%和3.75%,均呈逐年下降趋势。未驱虫犬粪便抗原阳性率34.7%。驱虫后犬粪便抗原阳性率分别为28.9%和阳性率3.33%。剖检未驱虫犬感染率83.3%,驱虫后犬感染率0.0%。调查成年人3 0622人,检出包虫病阳性20人,调查儿童3507人,检出包虫病阳性29人。结果表明祁连县畜间包虫病呈一定的流行性,防治工作具有成效。  相似文献   

犬、狐狸和狼是剌球蚴属(Genus Echinococcus和Genus Alveococcus)绦虫的主要终末寄生宿主,在其体内排出的虫卵,污染草地和水源等,人和家畜在进食和饮水时,使其感染,引起人畜的棘球蚴病。检查细粒棘球绦虫感染状况时,由于犬粪便中其它种类绦虫的混合感染,进行绦虫和虫卵的形态区别比较困难,检查速度慢,方法较繁琐,影响检出结果。由于以上等原因,经改进应用夹心ELISA法对青海省互助县和海晏县的犬细粒棘球绦虫感染状况进行了调查取得了更好的效果。  相似文献   

本文采用ELISA检测法对采集民和县南大山地区的109份狼粪样、51份狐狸粪样进行了棘球绦虫病调查,结果显示,狼棘球绦虫粪抗原阳性26份,阳性率为23.9%;狐狸棘球绦虫粪抗原阳性14份,阳性率为27.5%,表明民和县南大山地区的野生动物感染棘球绦虫病。  相似文献   

应用双抗体夹心ELISA诊断试剂盒,对来自青海省部分牧区的94份犬粪便,进行了棘球绦虫分泌抗原检测。结果检出棘球绦虫分泌抗原阳性粪便26份,阳性率27.66%。  相似文献   

为了了解青海省西宁地区犬棘球绦虫的感染情况,用ELISA对采自于青海省西宁地区4个县的466份犬粪进行棘球绦虫抗原检测,结果总体阳性率为6%。其中西宁市犬粪样121份,阳性3份,阳性率2.48%;湟源县犬粪样105份,阳性5份,阳性率4.76%;湟中县犬粪样123份,阳性9份,阳性率7.32%;大通县犬粪样117份,阳性11份,阳性率9.4%。结果表明西宁市区犬棘球绦虫的感染率低于郊县,说明西宁市区犬棘球绦虫感染引起注意。  相似文献   

正为全面掌握大通县犬棘球蚴病的感染情况及流行状况及防治后的效果,在全县范围内对犬棘求绦虫病感染情况进行了调查,并对驱虫后犬粪进行棘球绦虫抗原检测,结果显示本县犬棘求绦虫抗原检测阳性率6.6%,犬剖检阳性率0%,犬棘求绦虫感染范围较广,只有因地制宜,采取综合防治措施才能有效控制此病的传播流行。棘球蚴病又称包虫病,是由寄生于犬、狼、狐等肉食动物小肠内的棘球绦虫的中绦期幼虫—棘球蚴感染中间宿主人或动物所引起的人畜共患寄生虫病。包虫病几  相似文献   

<正>石渠县隶属四川省甘孜藏族自治州,是棘球蚴病的重度流行地区,其中泡型棘球蚴和细粒棘球蚴均有流行。高原鼠兔,属兔形目、鼠兔属,是多房棘球绦虫和石渠棘球绦虫的重要中间宿主。据2017年调查显示,石渠县高原鼠兔平均密度达到9.58只/亩,相当于全县约有3.6亿只[1],是当地数量最多的物种。高原鼠兔中间宿主因吞食虫卵受感染,虫卵在体内发育成幼虫,被狐狸、流浪犬、家犬等终末宿主捕食,终末宿主将虫卵和孕节随粪便排出体外,污染土壤和草地,中间宿主经口  相似文献   

通过对青海省门源县所辖地区畜间包虫病(棘球蚴病)流行情况进行调查,为畜间包虫病的净化和综合防治提供依据。2016年1—12月,对青海省门源地区犬、牛、羊棘球蚴感染情况进行采样、实验室检测等方式进行调查,采用随机抽样的方法,对门源地区犬棘球绦虫,牛、羊棘球蚴感染情况进行剖检和实验室检测。结果显示:共剖检7条犬,细粒棘球绦虫感染率为42.86%,棘球绦虫数量在0.08万~28.8万条,发现为泡状带绦虫感染;检测犬粪抗原样品270份,阳性数为58份,阳性率为21.48%;该次调查共抽查剖检羊脏器150份,检出阳性110份,棘球蚴感染率为73.33%;抽查剖检牛脏器100份,检出阳性30份,感染率为30.00%。不同地区的犬、牛、羊均有感染,涉及全县浅、川、脑不同地区。建议加强犬只管理,加大对畜间包虫病的防控知识宣传教育和专业技术培训,积极开展犬的驱虫工作,加强牛羊屠宰管理,充分发挥动物防疫部门的作用,以期为今后畜间包虫病的防控工作提供参考。  相似文献   

采集27个重点感染县犬粪样品2780份,进行病原学检测结合流行病学调查。表明全区重点感染27个县犬粪抗原阳性阳性247份,阳性率9.12%。从各地市犬细粒棘球绦虫抗原检测结果可知,山南和那曲阳性率较高于其余地市,这与牧区养殖方式以散养为主、流浪犬管控不到位,在放牧过程中通常共用草场或共同放牧,放牧时有家犬跟随,增大了感染机率,造成棘球蚴循环传播、重复感染有密切关系;除了个别县外全区犬包虫病感染率明显下降,终末宿主数量明显减少。  相似文献   

羊包虫病包括多头蚴和棘球蚴。多头蚴俗称脑包虫,是多头绦虫的幼虫,寄生于羊脑内;棘球蚴是细粒棘球绦虫的幼虫,包括无头棘球蚴、人型棘球蚴及多房棘球蚴,主要寄生于羊的肝脏、肺脏,人亦可感染。多头蚴与棘球蚴的成虫寄生于犬、狼、狐狸等终未宿主的小肠内,其孕卵体节脱落后,随粪便到体外。  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infection in yaks (Bos grunniens) was surveyed in Qinghai Province, northwestern China in May and June 2010. A total of 650 serum samples were collected from six counties and assayed for T. gondii antibodies by an indirect hemagglutination test. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 35.08% (228/650) with the highest rate of 55.34% in Chengduo County. The results of the present survey indicated that infection with T. gondii in cattle is widely spread in China, including yaks in Qinghai Province.  相似文献   

An RT-nPCR assay was used for testing fecal samples of dogs, foxes, raccoon dogs and minks for the presence of canine coronavirus (CCV). The animals were raised in homes, dog schools or farms. Seventy out of 81 healthy dog feces from three cities and 21 out of 48 diarrhea feces from pet dogs were positive for type II CCV. From a total of 61 healthy fox feces, 43 were positive for type II and 29 for type I CCV, out of which 25 were simultaneously positive for the two different genotypes. Among 24 raccoon dogs samples, 22 were CCV type II-positive, and from those 16 were additionally type I positive. No CCVs was detected from healthy mink feces. Sequence analysis found that ten type II CCVs fragments of M gene shared a high similarity with reference strain CCV 1-71 (96.5-99.5%), and four type I CCVs shared a high similarity (96.7%-98.1%) with a reported FCV-like CCV strain. The sequence of one particular M gene fragment was found to cluster between the type I and type II CCV branches in phylogenetic analysis, suggesting the existence of a novel strain. Our study confirmed that type II CCVs infection is very common in domestic dog, fox, and raccoon dog populations in China. This is also the first report on the co-existence of two CCV genotypes in healthy foxes and raccoon dogs.  相似文献   

A seroepidemiological survey was conducted to investigate the prevalence of antibodies reactive with Ehrlichia canis and Hepatozoon canis antigens in free-ranging red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Israel. Of 84 fox sera assayed, 36% were seropositive for E. canis by the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test and 24% were positive for H. canis using an enzyme-linked immunosrbent assay (ELISA). Canine ehrlichiosis and hepatozoonosis appear to be endemic in the wild red fox populations in Israel, and foxes may serve as a reservoir for infection of domestic dogs and other wild canine species.  相似文献   

Few studies have been carried out for the prevalence of canine echinococcosis in Mongolia. This study was designed to elucidate a preliminary information of the prevalence from feces collected in the field. Sixty-seven fecal samples from dogs and 2 red foxes in Altai town were collected and examined for Echinococcus coproantigen and eggs. Coproantigen detection was performed by a sandwich ELISA using a monoclonal antibody EmA9 raised against Echinococcus multilocularis somatic antigen. Of the dog samples examined, 17 (25.4%) were positive by the ELISA. One out of two foxes was positive, too. Taeniid egg-positive feces were recognized in 12 dog feces. Only 6 samples were both coproantigen and egg positive. Eggs of Ancylostoma sp., Trichuris sp.; and Capillaria sp.; were also registered.  相似文献   

应用虎红平板凝集试验(Rose-Bengal Plate Agglutination Test,RBPT)、衣原体、弓形虫、绵羊支原体间接血凝试验(Indirect Hemagglutination Assay,IHA),对采自青海省祁连县两个村绵羊的199份血清进行了布氏杆菌、衣原体、弓形虫的血清抗体检测。结果:在199份被检血清中,未检出布氏杆菌和衣原体的血清阳性;检出弓形虫阳性血清9份,阳性率为4.5%;羊传染性胸膜肺炎阳性血清13份,阳性率为6.5%。  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal parasites and prevalence of infestation in the Arabian red fox Vulpes vulpes arabica Thomas, were investigated at the King Khalid Wildlife Research Centre (KKWRC) in Thumamah, Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia. Faecal samples were collected from 58 wild caught foxes while under anaesthesia and examined for gastrointestinal parasites stages. Male and female foxes were infected with three major groups of parasites; cestodes, nematodes, protozoa as well as an acanthocephalan. Faecal analyses revealed that 22 foxes (37.9%) were infected with two different Isospora spp. and three (5.2%) with an undescribed Eimeria sp., 12 (20.7%). Nine individuals (15.5%) harboured hookworms, (Trichosomoides sp.), two (3.5%) were infected with Trichuris sp. (probably Trichuris vulpes) and one individual (1.7%) with Taenia sp. (probably Taenia hydatigena). Carcasses of five male and three female foxes were necropsied. Four of the necropsied carcasses yielded Ancylostoma caninum, two each harboured Pterygodermatitis affinis, T. vulpes and Macracanthorhynchus catalinus, in six foxes Joyeuxiella echinorynchoides was found. Five and four foxes were infected with T. hydatigena and Diplopylidium n?lleri, respectively. The possible role of the Arabian red fox as an intercalary host essential for the life cycle of Trichosomoides sp., common to the Libyan jird, Meriones libycus, in particular and the importance of this species as a vector for zoonotic infections and in the spread of other parasites to wild and domestic animals in general is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to establish in which degree wild boars and red foxes are reservoir of Trichinella spp. in North-West Poland. Research was carried out between 1997 and 2004 on 505 foxes and 56,462 wild boars in muscle samples. The muscle samples were examined using the digestion method. The average prevalence rate of Trichinella spp. infection of foxes was 4.4 %. Large differences of the infection rate in wild boars were observed. In the years 1999-2001 Trichinella spp. larvae were observed in 58 animals (0.2 %) and between 2002 and 2004 the Trichinella spp. prevalence in 227 wild boars was 0.9 %, demonstrating that the animals were 5.1 times more often infected than in 1999-2001. The growth of red fox population after the oral vaccination against rabies was probably the cause of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The so-called "fox tapeworm" (Echinococcus multilocularis), the causative agent of a severe disease in man (alveolar echinococcosis), is presently under public discussion in Switzerland. Therefore, actual information is provided on the life cycle of the parasite, epidemiology, disease in humans, symptomatology, diagnosis, therapy and prophylaxis. It is recommended that in endemic regions hunters handling foxes should wear protective gloves, dead foxes should be transported in plastic bags and wild fruits, berries and vegetables should be carefully washed and--if possible--heated to more than 70 degrees C for some minutes prior to consumption. After contact with foxes or other final hosts (dogs, cats) infected with E. multilocularis, persons should be monitored with the highly sensitive and specific Em2-ELISA for serum antibodies aiming at an early diagnosis and treatment of a potential infection.  相似文献   

A literature review on the current situation of echinococcosis in Central Europe is given. The only final host for Echinococcus granulosus in this region ist the dog. The infection rate of dogs with E. granulosus in Central Europe is less than 1%. According to meat inspection statistics in Germany less than 0.008% of sheep, pigs and horses carry larval stages of E. granulosus. Parasitologically confirmed is the occurrence of a cattle-dog strain, the cysts of which were found in 0.26% of slaughter cattle. It is not known whether this strain infects also man as does the sheep-dog strain. Cases of cystic echinococcosis (E. granulosus) diagnosed in Central Europe are often imported from mediterranean countries. In Baden-Wurtemberg, the only state where human cases of echinococcosis are recorded, 50-100 cases are diagnosed per year. In areas with endemic E. multilocularis infection also dogs and cats may be infected with the adult worm besides the red fox. Recent investigations have revealed that not only in classical endemic areas (Switzerland, Austria, Baden-Wurtemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate) foxes have infection rates of up to 67% but that E. multilocularis-infection is also wide-spread in Thuringia, Hesse, Northrhine-Westphalia and in the southern parts of Lower Saxony. The most northern infested area seems to be the region of Detmold (infection rate of foxes 9%). The infection rates with alveolar echinococcosis (E. multilocularis) in humans even in endemic areas are low. In Baden-Wurtemberg 140 new cases became known during the past ten years.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Mink virus enteritis, feline panleukopenia and canine parvovirus-2 were inoculated separately into groups of raccoon, mink, red fox and striped skunk. Raccoons were highly susceptible to mink virus enteritis and feline panleukopenia, with animals developing clinical illness, and several dying within six to ten days of inoculation with lesions typical of parvovirus infection. Both viruses were shed in high titre in the feces of infected raccoons, and high antibody titres were stimulated. Raccoons inoculated with canine parvovirus-2 showed no signs; shedding of virus was sporadic though moderate titres of antibody developed. Mink inoculated with mink virus enteritis and feline panleukopenia developed signs and lesions of early parvovirus infection. No signs or significant lesions followed canine parvovirus-2 inoculation. Shedding of virus was heavy (mink virus enteritis) or sporadic (feline panleukopenia and canine parvovirus-2), though good serological responses were elicited to all three viruses. Red fox showed no signs of infection, shed all three viruses only sporadically, and the serological response was strong only to feline panleukopenia. Skunks developed low antibody titres, but no signs, and did not shed virus. Antibody to parvovirus was found in 79.2% of 144 wild red foxes; 22.3% of 112 wild raccoons; 1.3% of 157 wild skunks and 6/7 coyotes in southern Ontario. The likely significance of these viruses to wild and captive individuals and populations of these carnivores is discussed.  相似文献   

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