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从山东省某海兰褐鸡场祖代、父母代种鸡和商品代蛋鸡中获得疑似血管瘤型禽白血病(Avian leukosis,AL)病料.采用病理剖检、IFA、分子生物学检测,确定为J亚群禽白血病.从祖代、父母代病料中各分离到1株J亚群禽白血病病毒(J subgroup of avian leukosis virus,ALV-J),从商品代蛋鸡中分离到4株ALV-J.根据原型毒株HPRS103设计1对gp85基因引物,获得gp85基因序列.获得的gp85基因序列与各亚群参考毒株序列核苷酸同源性比对,结果显示:分离自商品代蛋鸡的Commercial03株、Commercial04株、Commercial06株和父母代分离株Parent02株位于同一分支,同源性在97.2%~97.9%,与HPRS103株同源性94.7%~95.2%;Commercial05株与祖代分离株Grandparent01株在同一分支,与HPRS103株同源性为98.3%,4株分离自商品代的ALV-J同源性为95.0%~99.9%.表明商品代蛋鸡中的ALV-J可能来自父母代或祖代种鸡的垂直传播,也可能来自于其他来源的水平传播.从同一鸡场祖代、父母代及商品代鸡中分离得到ALV-J,这在我国还是首次.对后续研究其基因突变、致瘤机制等奠定了良好的基础.  相似文献   

商品代肉鸡J亚群禽白血病的病理及病毒分离鉴定   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
通过对山东某肉鸡养殖场发病的商品肉鸡组织病理学检查和将病料接种鸡胚成纤维细胞 (CEF) ,我们在国内首次从商品代肉鸡中分离到了 J亚群禽白血病病毒 (AL V- J)。从组织切片中可以看到肝脏、脾脏等器官的髓细胞瘤细胞 ,呈散在或成簇 ,髓细胞瘤细胞的细胞质内显现嗜酸性颗粒。用抗 AL V- J囊膜糖蛋白的单克隆抗体进行的 IFA中 ,病料接种 CEF后进行的 IFA呈现强阳性  相似文献   

父母代肉种鸡有商品代肉鸡饲料转化率高、生长速度快的优点,但我们为了获得父母代肉种鸡良好的产蛋性能,就必须根据种鸡的生理发育特性,对父母代肉种鸡做有别与商品代肉鸡的饲养管理。1育雏期的管理  相似文献   

海波罗PN肉用种鸡是我所今年初从荷兰引进的白羽肉鸡新品系。由于海波罗PN商品肉鸡具有生长速度快,胸肌率高,料肉比低等特点,所以对父母代种鸡的管理也提出更高的技术要求。  相似文献   

从山东省某一地区发病肉鸡中分离到一株细菌,根据培养特性、形态学特性、生化特性及药物敏感性等鉴定所分离的菌株为奇异变形杆菌。采用自行研制的奇异变形杆菌诊断抗原,通过平板凝集试验对河南、山东、广西等省(自治区)共26个鸡场的739份血清样品进行了奇异变形杆菌病的血清学调查。结果表明70日龄以下商品代和父母代肉鸡抗体阳性率较低(6.85%),70日龄以上父母代肉种鸡阳性率较高(20.10%)。回归分析表明,鸡奇异变形杆菌抗体阳性率与日龄呈显著正相关(r=0.954)。  相似文献   

鸡奇异变形杆菌的分离、鉴定及流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从山东省某一地区发病肉鸡中分离到一株细菌,根据培养特性、形态学特性、生化特性及药物敏感性等鉴定所分离的菌株为奇异变形杆菌。采用自行研制的奇异变形杆菌诊断抗原,通过平板凝集试验对河南、山东、广西等省(自治区)共26个鸡场的739份血清样品进行了奇异变形杆菌病的血清学调查。结果表明70日龄以下商品代和父母代肉鸡抗体阳性率较低(6.85%),70日龄以上父母代肉种鸡阳性率较高(20.10%)。回归分析表明,鸡奇异变形杆菌抗体阳性率与日龄呈显著正相关(r=0.954)。  相似文献   

2008年前三季度我国祖代白羽肉种鸡进口量增速较去年同期有所减缓。父母代白羽肉鸡苗供应量充足,父母代鸡苗价格在波动中走高。商品代白羽肉鸡生产受整个肉类行情高企的影响,价格整体在高位运行,但是波动幅度较去年同期有所减小。白羽肉鸡商品代鸡苗波动较大,但与商品代肉鸡的出场价格走势几乎趋同。  相似文献   

禽J亚群白血病是由白血病病毒J亚群(ALV-J)引起的、主要侵害肉鸡的一种肿瘤性疾病.1991年,Payne在肉种鸡中首次发现此病[1].1999年,杜岩等[2]在国内首次从商品代肉鸡中分离检测到ALV-J,此后在蛋鸡、地方种鸡中也陆续发现ALV-J感染[3].  相似文献   

六和饲料股份有限公司养殖事业部成立于2002年,从事祖代肉种鸭、父母代肉种鸭、原种猪、祖代猪、父母代猪、父母代肉种鸡及商品肉鸡的饲养和销售。现有下属企业31家。年出栏纯种樱桃谷种鸭16000单元,商品代鸭苗6000万只,出栏商品肉鸡苗10000万余只,商品鸡1500万只,年出栏种猪20000余头,商品猪10万头。  相似文献   

六和饲料股份有限公司养殖事业部成立于2002年,从事祖代肉种鸭、父母代肉种鸭、原种猪、祖代猪、父母代猪、父母代肉种鸡及商品肉鸡的饲养和销售。现有下属企业31家。年出栏纯种樱桃谷种鸭16000单元,商品代鸭苗6000万只,出栏商品肉鸡苗10000万余只,商品鸡1500万只,年出栏种猪20000余头,商品猪10万头。  相似文献   

Chickens from seven different parental lines of commercial White Leghorn layer flocks from three independent breeders were inoculated with a naturally occurring avian leukosis virus (ALV) containing an ALV-B envelope and an ALV-J long terminal repeat (LTR) termed ALV-B/J. Additional groups of chickens from the same seven parental lines were inoculated with ALV-B. Chickens were tested for ALV viremia and antibody at 0, 4, 8, 16, and 32 wk postinfection. Chickens from all parental lines studied were susceptible to infection with ALV-B with 40%-100% of inoculated chickens positive for ALV at hatch following embryo infection. Similarly, infection of egg layer flocks with the ALV-B/J recombinant virus at 8 days of embryonation induced tolerance to ALV with 86%-100% of the chickens viremic, 40%-75% of the chickens shedding virus, and only 2/125 (2%) of the chickens producing serum-neutralizing antibodies against homologous ALV-B/J recombinant virus at 32 wk postinfection. In contrast, when infected with the ALV-B/J recombinant virus at hatch, 33%-82% of the chickens were viremic, 28%-47% shed virus, and 0%-56% produced serum-neutralizing antibodies against homologous ALV-B/J recombinant virus at 32 wk postinfection. Infection with the ALV-B/J recombinant virus at embryonation and at hatch induced predominately lymphoid leukosis (LL), along with other common ALV neoplasms, including erythroblastosis, osteopetrosis, nephroblastomas, and rhabdosarcomas. No incidence of myeloid leukosis (ML) was observed in any of the commercial White Leghorn egg layer flocks infected with ALV-B/J in the present study. Data suggest that the parental line of commercial layers may influence development of ALV-B/J-induced viremia and antibody, but not tumor type. Differences in type of tumors noted in the present study and those noted in the field case where the ALV-B/J was first isolated may be attributed to differences in the genetics of the commercial layer flock in which ML was first diagnosed and the present commercial layer flocks tested in the present study.  相似文献   

Sung HW  Reddy SM  Fadly AM 《Avian diseases》2002,46(2):281-286
Subgroup J avian leukosis viruses (ALVs), which are a recombinant virus between exogenous and endogenous ALVs, can spread by either vertical or horizontal transmission. Exogenous and endogenous ALVs can be detected in feather pulp. In this study, virus titers in feather pulp of chickens infected with subgroup J ALV were compared with those of plasma and cloacal swab. All of the broiler chickens inoculated with subgroup J ALV at 1 day old were positive for virus from feather pulp during the experimental period of between 2 wk and 8 wk of age. Virus titers in feather pulp of some broiler chickens infected with subgroup J ALV were very high, ranging from 10(7) to 10(8) infective units per 0.2 ml. Virus titers in feather pulp were usually the highest among the samples of plasma, cloacal swab, and feather pulp tested. In another experiment in which layer chickens were inoculated with subgroup J ALV at 1 day old, virus was detected in feather pulp from 2 wk until 18 wk of age, and virus persisted longer in feather pulp than in plasma. Almost all of the layer chickens tested were positive for virus by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with DNA extracted from feather pulp samples at 2, 4, and 10 wk of age, and the PCR from feather pulp was more sensitive than virus isolation from plasma, cloacal swab, and feather pulp. All above results indicate that samples of feather pulp can be useful for virus isolation and PCR to confirm subgroup J ALV infection.  相似文献   

为了解广东某七彩山鸡种禽场禽白血病流行情况,通过接种DF-1细胞、ELISA抗原检测、聚合酶链式反应(PCR)、囊膜基因克隆测序等方法分离并鉴定出两株ALV-F,分别命名为FGD1801和FGD1802。为进一步了解分离株遗传进化特点,利用PCR方法扩增出env基因并测序,同时与各亚群参考毒株的gp85核苷酸序列进行对比。结果显示:这两个分离株env基因gp85片段长度都为1080 bp,预计编码360个氨基酸,FGD1801和FGD1802分离株gp85基因核苷酸序列的相似性为92.8%,与A、B、E、J和K亚群共26株ALV参考毒株相似性在47.0%~64.5%之间,而与F亚群参考株的相似性在92.0%~92.5%,显著高于其他亚群,且位于同一进化分支上。研究表明,从七彩山鸡分离的FGD1801和FGD1802属于ALV-F,是我国华南地区新发现的ALV亚群。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the infection status of avian leukosis virus (ALV) and avian reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) in the major local breeds of Qinzhou,Guangxi,totally 953 samples of egg white,cloaca swab and serum of Ma duck,Shitou goose,Tiejiao-Ma chicken,turkey and pigeon were collected from the representing flocks and detected by the commercial ELISA kits.ALV was isolated for the ALV p27 positive samples by culturing on DF-1 cells,and gp85 gene was sequenced.The results showed that the detections of ALV were negative in the samples except those of Tiejiao-Ma chicken,while REV antibody was found positive in Ma duck,Tiejiao-Ma chicken and turkey.The nucleotide sequences of gp85 gene of two isolates shared 94.5% identity with each other,and shared 86.9% to 94.9% with reference strains.The amino acid sequences of gp85 gene of two isolates shared 91.5% identity with each other,and shared 84.0% to 91.6% with reference strains.There were many variable sites in the hyper variable region hr1 and hr2,and the vr2 and vr3 variable regions were relatively conservative.Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that the two isolates shared the highest homology with SCAU11-XG strain.  相似文献   

Commercial Marek's disease (MD) vaccines produced by two manufacturers were tested for possible contamination with avian leukosis virus (ALV). Samples of MD vaccines manufactured by two companies (A and B) were received from a breeder company; samples were also received directly from vaccine company B. Using virus isolation tests, samples initially tested positive for subgroup E (endogenous) ALV. However, upon repassage, the vaccines also tested positive for exogenous ALV. The isolated exogenous ALV proved to be a subgroup A virus, as determined by flow cytometry using polyclonal chicken antibodies specific for various subgroups of ALV, and by DNA sequencing of the envelope glygoprotein (gp85). The exogenous ALV isolated from MD vaccines was inoculated in chickens from ADOL lines 15I(5) x 7(1) and 0 to determine its pathogenicity and compare it with that of Rous-associated-virus-1 (RAV-1), the prototype strain of ALV-A. Each chicken from each line was inoculated with approximately 10,000 infectious units of RAV-1 or the ALV-A isolated from vaccines termed B-39 virus at 7th day of embryonation. At hatch, and at 4, 8, and 16 wk of age, chickens were tested for viremia and cloacal shedding; chickens were also observed for ALV-induced tumors within 16 wk of age. Viremia and cloacal shedding results suggest that chickens from both lines were susceptible to infection with either virus. Within 16 wk of age, the proportion of ALV tumors induced by strain B-39 in line 0 and line 15I5 x 7(1) chickens was 0% and 12%, respectively, compared with 62% and 67% in chickens inoculated with RAV-1. The data indicate that commercial MD vaccines produced by two manufacturers were contaminated with endogenous subgroup E and an exogenous subgroup A ALV. Further, data from biological characterization suggest that the ALV-A isolated from commercial MD vaccines is of low oncogenicity, compared with that of RAV-1. GenBank accession numbers: The gp85 gene sequences of ALV isolated from commercial Marek's disease vaccines have been deposited in GenBank and assigned the following accession numbers: A46 subgroup A, DQ412726 ; B53 subgroup A, DQ412727; A46 subgroup E, DQ412728; B53 subgroup E, DQ412729.  相似文献   

为了调查种蛋中禽骨髓细胞瘤病毒的母源抗体 ,从北京、山东、内蒙古地区共 4个种鸡场购买种蛋抽取蛋清共 55份 ,其中肉鸡种蛋清3 8份 ,蛋鸡种蛋清 1 7份 ,在 AL V-Jgp85抗原包被的 96孔板中进行微量滴定 ,两个肉鸡场种蛋中 AL V-J母源抗体阳性率分别为 3 .3 3 % (1 /3 0 ) ,2 5% (2 / 8) ,两个蛋鸡场种蛋中 AL V-J母源抗体阳性率分别为 3 3 .3 % (3 / 9) ,3 7.5% (3 / 8)。  相似文献   

为了解禽白血病病毒(ALV)贵州流行株的遗传变异情况及分子特征,本试验基于ALV env基因设计合成引物对禽白血病贵州临床病例进行目的基因扩增、克隆和序列分析。结果显示,从临床病例中筛选获得3份阳性样本,PCR扩增均获得大小约921 bp的目的基因片段,将其命名为:GZ-ALV-1株、GZ-ALV-2株和GZ-ALV-3株。序列分析结果显示,3株ALV贵州流行株之间核苷酸同源性在97.2%~97.6%之间,与国内外ALV-J的同源性相对较高,为93.1%~99.3%;而与A、B、C、D、E、K亚群ALV同源性仅为51.4%~53.2%。系统进化分析显示,3株ALV贵州流行株与ALV-J亚群参考株处于同一分支,表明本试验所检测的ALV毒株均为ALV-J亚群;与A、B、C、D、E、K亚群处于不同进化分支。基因变异分析显示,3株流行株37处相同核苷酸变异导致17处氨基酸发生位点变异,其中9个可变点在高变区hr1和hr2,1个可变点在低变区vr3。结果表明,3株ALV贵州流行株均为ALV-J亚群,env基因存在位点发生了变异,且可变位点位于序列高变区。本研究结果为明确贵州禽白血病流行概况及ALV的防控与净化提供基础数据。  相似文献   

广西凭祥斗鸡禽白血病病毒检测及分离株env基因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解广西凭祥市特有家禽品种斗鸡禽白血病病毒(ALV)的感染情况,采集了该市3个鸡场斗鸡的肛拭子、血清、血浆样品共344份,用禽白血病ELISA检测试剂盒进行检测。结果显示,斗鸡ALV感染情况严重,其中肛拭样品ALV-p27抗原阳性率高达39.13%,血清样品病毒分离阳性率为12.97%,ALV-J和ALV-A/B抗体阳性率分别为22.39%和7.46%;对从2只斗鸡获得的病毒分离株DJ-3-18和DJ-45进行病毒囊膜蛋白基因env的扩增、序列测定及比较分析,结果显示2株病毒的gp85基因与ALV-A亚群参考株之间氨基酸的同源性为88.2%~96.5%,gp37基因与ALV-A亚群参考株之间氨基酸的同源性为91.4%~98.0%,其中与台湾A亚群蛋鸡源分离株TW-3577的亲缘关系最近,而与ALV其他亚群毒株的同源性则较低。结果表明,首次获得的2株斗鸡源ALV分离株属A亚群。  相似文献   

Avian leukosis virus subgroup A (ALV‐A) is a retrovirus which infects egg‐type chickens and is the main pathogen of lymphoid leukosis (LL) and myeloid leukosis (ML). In order to greatly enhance the diagnosis and treatment of clinical avian leukemia, two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) to ALV‐A were developed by fusion between SP2/0 and spleen cells from mice immunized with expressed ALV‐A env‐gp85 protein. Using immunofluorescence assay (IFA), two MAbs reacted with ALV‐A, but not with subgroups B and J of ALV. Western blot tests showed that molecular weight of ALV‐A envelope glycoprotein recognized by MAbs was about 53 kD. Isotyping test revealed that two MAbs (A5C1 and A4C8) were IgG1 isotypes. These MAbs can be used for diagnosis and epidemiology of ALV‐A.  相似文献   

禽白血病-肉瘤病毒的RT-PCR检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用RT-PCR对2株禽白血病病毒(ALV)和1株劳斯肉瘤病毒(RSV)进行了检测试验.试验提取了病毒RNA,并使用3对ALVgp85基因引物对其进行了反转录、扩增,从而建立了ALV-RSV RT-PCR.使用无相关性的禽RNA和DNA病毒进行特异性试验和使用ALV进行的敏感性试验表明,该方法是一种快速、特异、敏感的体外试验,可用于禽源病毒种毒和疫苗中ALV和RSV的污染检测.  相似文献   

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