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动物园环境丰容与动物福利管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢绪昌  范志强 《野生动物》2012,33(6):357-358,362
环境丰容是我国动物园近十几年来新接触的概念。近年来,环境丰容逐渐地被引入到我国动物园的建设和管理中,我国动物园相继开展丰容的相关工作,并取得了一定的成效,是动物园工作中的一个热门话题。动物福利是动物的一种康乐状态。开展动物福利,对于人类、自然及社会的和谐发展有着重要的作用。要强化和完善我国的动物福利保护,必须明确动物福利的管理,确定有关的强制性法律规范,提高民众的动物福利意识。本文简要介绍了丰容原则、内容和动物福利的管理,为动物园今后更好地开展环境丰容的相关工作和如何提高动物福利的问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

正丰容是基于动物学、动物生物学及野生动物的自然习性的研究,不断改善动物生存环境的动态过程。通过构建和改变动物在动物园圈养条件下的栖息环境,从而使动物表现出自然状态时的正常行为和为动物提供更多选择的机会。1丰容(enrichment)的定义1.1丰容研究的历史背景早在1920年,著名的灵长类动物研究专家罗伯特·耶克Robert Yerkes就提出了"丰容"的理念—通过改变环境来刺激动物,使动物表现出一系列  相似文献   

张恩权 《野生动物》2006,27(6):41-43,34
中国是世界上动植物种类最丰富的国家之一,但国内对野生两栖爬行动物的掠夺性利用还在发展;国内野生两栖爬行动物资源在这种疯狂的掠夺下已经接近枯竭,多数物种处于濒危状态。动物园作为野生动物异地保护的重要场所,饲养繁殖野生动物的最终目的是实现濒危物种的再引入,恢复野外种群数量.出于以上目的,动物园中两栖爬行动物的饲养管理方式有别于爬虫爱好者单纯的满足对宠物的要求和增殖牟利追求。这种区别不仅表现在选择动物种类方面,更多的体现在丰容概念的引入及工作方法的应用:营造合理的饲养环境、饲养环境小气候的周期性变化、设施的丰容、群体的调整、食物及供给方式的变化、对繁殖行为的鼓励等。这些丰容手段对保持两栖爬行动物的自然行为,从而保证动物的野外生存能力具有重要作用.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,现代动物园已经远远不是单纯的圈养、笼养饲喂了,虽然多数动物园因场地有限,无法做到动物的散养、放养,但近年来环境丰容在越来越多的动物园引起了足够重视,通过环境丰容提高动物福利. 动物馆舍的生态化景观建设是环境丰容的一个重要的组成部分之一.其设计应打破单纯的绿化种植,应在充分了解动物的生长习性和行为习惯的基础上,将园林中的各种造景手法与环境丰容的其他几个组成部分相结合以满足丰容要求,营造出既适合动物生活习性、满足动物生态要求,又能让游人可看、学者可研的馆舍.  相似文献   

动物园环境丰容技术及其效果评估方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对国内动物园调查发现,从20世纪90年代中期至今十几年,人们对动物园环境丰容这一概念逐步得到认识,其应用也越来越广泛,如1995年北京动物园开始尝试对猩猩馆进行环境丰容后,随后卧龙大熊猫研究中心、上海动物园、成都动物园等也有这方面的试验,其他动物园也相继开展相关工作。本文对国内动物园环境丰容工作成果进行总结,归纳出动物园环境丰容技术及效果评估方法,并对环境丰容工作中存在的问题提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

丰容设计的最终目的是使得野生动物能够最大限度地恢复在自然条件下的活动状态,是基于动物福利思想指导下的重要践行方式。综合阐述了我国目前在动物福利思想指导下,动物园对灵长类,狮、豹等食肉兽,非洲象,羚羊等草食兽,大型鹦鹉为代表的野生禽鸟及爬行类动物丰容的研究进展,以期为国内野生动物丰容提供更多的方案参考和理论依据。  相似文献   

动物丰容作为提高动物福利的重要方法越来越受到重视。本文从笼舍环境营造、喂食丰容、行为丰容道具的使用及动物行为训练等方面来阐述福州动物园对灵长类动物的丰容。  相似文献   

在过去的几十年内圈养动物的福利逐渐被认同,动物丰容与行为训练等新术语开始在研究领域内出现,相应的报道也日益增加。丰容和行为训练已经不仅仅是动物园系统的术语,而是动物学的一个名词。本文综述了丰容的概念、丰容的由来以及丰容的意义和方式。丰容方式包括环境丰容、认知丰容、感官丰容、食物丰容和社群丰容等五类,其中行为训练是认知丰容的一种方法。  相似文献   

采用7种丰容物品对南京市红山森林动物园2只笼养黑色美洲虎进行环境丰容,研究其对动物行为的影响。结果表明,7种丰容物均使美洲虎在外笼的停留时间增加,影响最大的为长颈鹿粪便,在外笼停留的时间增加45.84%。7种丰容物品均对美洲虎积极行为有不同程度的影响,影响最大的为空纸盒,使动物积极行为增加23.34%。结果表明,环境丰富度的提高可以改变动物的行为,诱导动物表现出更多的积极行为。  相似文献   

2018年9月至2019年3月,对重庆动物园圈养的3只琉璃金刚鹦鹉(Ara ararauna)进行了笼舍环境丰容试验,采用目标动物取样法和瞬时扫描记录法记录并分析3只琉璃金刚鹦鹉在丰容前后的行为分配与区间利用情况。结果表明,环境丰容有效改善了琉璃金刚鹦鹉的生活环境,提高了其对圈养笼舍的区间利用。  相似文献   

本研究利用问卷调查收集了上海动物园游客类型与特征、游园目的、游客游览时获得野生动物科普知识的途径、游客对现有科普活动的评价、对科普教育的需求、游客满意度、意见与建议等,并进行了研究。结果表明,大部分(66.02%)游客为本市居民和暂居本市的中青年。近9成(89.51%)游客携带孩子游览动物园,其中超过半数(52.34%)为父母与孩子共同出行。游客游园目的主要为观看动物、游玩娱乐和让孩子学习动物知识。观察动物和阅读动物科普说明牌是游客学习动物科普知识的主要途径。互动类和深度游类项目,是游客最愿意参加的活动类型。游客更希望园方从动物科普设施、饲养员讲解、志愿者讲解这3方面提升其教育功能。总体而言,游客对上海动物园感到满意,超过半数(53.81%)表示很满意。具体而言,动物说明牌的满意度最高,其次是路面状况和路标指示牌。基于研究结果,提出以下建议:提升科普活动的内涵和互动性;提升游园体验,延长游览时间;寻找迎合和引导的平衡;完善基础设施。  相似文献   

The amount of space available to animals in zoos is always limited by a range of factors that has little to do with animal biology. Most zoos exist on confined sites, their absolute boundaries are usually fixed. The starting point in a discussion about an animal's perceived needs is necessarily immediately to be considered in terms of other demands on the space available. Nonetheless, a detailed scientific understanding of the wild biology of a species has come to be regarded as essential to the determination of what constitutes appropriate captive conditions of zoos for that species. An examination of how zoos have confined animals through the last 2 centuries shows a trend away from the closest forms of confinement in cages, toward larger spaces, often with open viewing for visitors. Elephants represent an anomaly. They continue to be maintained in zoos according to traditions involving extraordinarily close human control, as if they were working animals. Looking at traditional captive elephant management practices, however, does not provide any reasonably complete view of elephant needs. Wild biology suggests that zoo elephants should enjoy a naturalistic social life and live more independently than they traditionally have done in zoos. For this, zoo elephants need far more extensive living spaces than those with which they are currently provided.  相似文献   

王兴金 《野生动物》2012,33(1):48-50
野生动物的移地保护和保护教育是现代动物园的主要功能,兽医在保障野生动物健康方面承担着重要的使命。动物园兽医在本质上是医学的一个特殊分枝,由于野生动物及其疾病种类的复杂性和个人精力、能力的局限性,动物园兽医的职业化和专业化是提高野生动物健康保障能力的根本出路;应激因素对圈养动物的健康造成很大的威胁,而适度驯化则可以最大限度地减少应激的发生;在国内建立区域动物园兽医服务网络、建立兽医行业内部信息交流平台是提高动物园兽医行业整体水平的基本思路:正确的疾病诊断和规范的处方,以及全面关注动物的基本需求、积极主动的疾病防疫等在兽医日常工作中占有同等重要的地位。由于兽医掌握了动物发病和死亡的第一手资料,动物园应当为兽医参与动物管理提供条件。  相似文献   

The avian haemosporidian parasites (phylum Apicomplexa) are taxonomically diverse and cosmopolitan in distribution; infecting most bird families. Sources of concern are reports of clinical haemosporidian infections in birds kept as part of zoo and aviary collections. Recently, severe and acute mortality episodes have been reported in masked bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus ridgwayi), an endangered subspecies from the American Southwest. Two hundred and five eggs of the captive flock held in Arivaca, Arizona, were hatched at a zoo in the American Southwest. Thirty-four sub-adult or adult animals had lesions associated with tissue phases of haemoparasites, especially vasculitis, ventricular leiomyositis and ulcerative pododermatitis. Molecular techniques applied to blood collected from the zoo's last twelve remaining animals resulted in the detection of a Plasmodium juxtanucleare-like and Haemoproteus sp. parasites. A Raven (Corvus corax), in a contiguous exhibit, was positive for the same P. juxtanucleare-like parasite, but remained asymptomatic for three years following detection. These findings indicate that other birds in the exhibit within the zoo premises could act as reservoirs. We conclude that haemosporidian infections could be a factor in the demise of the captive masked bobwhite quails housed at the zoo. We suggest that active surveillance for haemoporidian parasites should be incorporated as a precaution to ex situ conservation efforts of susceptible endangered species.  相似文献   

野生动物的行为是动物与环境相互作用的结果,动物园中动物的行为也反映出动物与相应的由人为提供的环境之间的关系。本文分析了现阶段在动物园圈养人工控制的环境下,动物展现出的有关动物行为如领域行为、攻击行为、交配行为、学习行为、摄食行为、警戒行为和体温调节行为等,以及由这些行为导致的安全问题,并有针对性地提出了在动物管理中相应的防范措施与解决办法。在动物园日常管理工作中,工作人员要熟知动物行为的目的与意义,观察动物行为,及时发现动物的不适与异常,充分掌握与安全有关的动物行为并及时分析,找出可能存在的对动物造成伤害的安全隐患,避免安全事故,给动物提供更舒适安全符合动物生物学特性的环境,同时也是提高动物福利的重要环节。  相似文献   

动物园有限的面积与园中野生动物对环境条件的需求之间往往存在巨大的差距。应用分配通道提高动物园场地利用率可以缓解这一矛盾,并最终有利于提高动物福利。分配通道的应用可以划分为4个阶段,其发展趋势是将动物园中的所有展区联结成网络,从而使每种动物的生活和展示空间逐步接近动物生态领地模型,使动物园中有限的场地条件能够满足圈养野生动物的环境需求。  相似文献   

The biology of the ascarid nematodes has been discussed in the context of their important economic role in farm animals, pet animals and zoo animals with special attention to carnivores and primates. In farm animals, infection with the most common roundworm of horses (Parascaris equorum) and swine (Ascaris suum) depend on many factors such as environmental conditions (larval development in the egg and egg survival), age of the host, breed, husbandry system, hygiene and treatment schedule. The monoxenic ascarids Toxocara canis and T. cati are the most important nematodes in carnivorous animals (dogs, cats, foxes) and carnivores in the zoo. In the period of March 2000 till March 2001, 57.1% of examined representatives of Felidae, Ursidae and Canidae in the Zoological Garden of Wroc?aw were found to be infected with ascarids (T. canis, T. cati, Toxascaris leonina). The prevalence of T. canis in the Canidae was 66.7%, of T. cati in the Felidae was 14.3%, while 57.1% of the Felidae carried T. leonina infection. Ascaris lumbricoides, a typical parasite of primates, was found in some gorillas, chimpanzees and orang-utans during parasitological survey.  相似文献   

中国建立“冷冻动物园”浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘牧  张金国  刘维俊  薛孝先 《野生动物》2011,32(1):41-45,54
生物多样性保护和野生动物保护是目前人类普遍关注的问题。野生动物多样性保护有多种形式,"冷冻动物园"是其中的一个重要手段。该手段具有现代化、高容量等优点。目前已有多个国家建立了"冷冻动物园"。中国物种资源丰富,有许多特有物种,但很多物种已经濒临灭绝。本文根据我国动物资源的现状,针对建立"冷冻动物园"所需的技术条件、物质资源等方面进行了分析,提出了建立国家级的"冷冻动物园"的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

This article discusses the history of the field of zoo and wildlife pathology, training opportunities for veterinary students and graduate veterinarians, and current and future job opportunities. The niches occupied by veterinarians in this field and their contributions to animal and human health are also highlighted. The field of zoo and wildlife, or "non-traditional" species, pathology has its roots in comparative anatomy, zoology, wildlife biology, and medical pathology in the mid- to late nineteenth century. The initial emphasis was on comparisons between animal and human diseases or on management of game animals. Veterinarians became increasingly involved during the twentieth century, gradually changing the emphasis to improvement of conservation strategies, captive care, and elucidation of diseases of concern for the animals themselves. Currently there are several zoos and wildlife agencies in the United States employing full-time veterinary pathologists. Private and government diagnostic laboratories, veterinary schools, and other academic institutions in the United States with pathology departments are other employers. The field requires post-DVM training by means of a residency program leading to board certification, graduate school (MS or PhD degrees), or both. Veterinary students can gain valuable experience in the field through externships and, at some schools, through elective courses in the curriculum. Current concerns about ecosystem health, bioterrorism, and the recognition that captive and free-ranging wildlife can serve as sentinel species will increase the demand for veterinary pathologists choosing this very rewarding career path specializing in non-traditional species.  相似文献   

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