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Swabs of the oropharynges of 801 live turkeys (621 meat birds and 180 breeders), collected from 15 flocks that had experienced an outbreak of fowl cholera and from 12 non-outbreak flocks, were screened for the presence of Pasteurella multocida. Turkeys from outbreak flocks were sampled within 2 to 9 weeks of the outbreak. Forty-nine isolates of P. multocida were recovered from turkeys in 11 of the outbreak flocks, and none were recovered from turkeys in non-outbreak flocks. Isolation rates varied from 0 to 72% of turkeys sampled in a flock. Nineteen isolates were tested for virulence by injecting them intravenously into turkeys, and 14 were lethal. Results demonstrated that for purposes of disease control, meat birds in fowl-cholera-outbreak flocks should be considered carriers of potentially virulent P. multocida for the life of the flock.  相似文献   

We examined the skin samples from 23 fattened pigs with papular dermatitis (PD) and from 17 pigs showing no skin lesions; the live weight of the pigs was from 95 to 105 kg and the pigs came from a large fattening house D that is located in the region where the mines are frequent (lignite extraction). It was only in 26% of pigs with PD where the common ectoparasites Haematopinus suis and Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis were found out. The skin lesions were not fluorescent in the light of Wood's lamp. The fungi Aspergillus flavus, A. fumigatus, A. tereus, Chrysosporium, Mucor sp., Scopulariopsis sp. were sporadically isolated from the skin lesions in 39% of pigs with PD. In 65% of pigs with PD Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from the skin lesions, which was not found in pigs without dermal lesions. Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated in 87% of pigs with PD and 58% of pigs without any skin changes. The skin lesions were virus-free. Increased concentrations of cadmium and mercury were observed in the skin of pigs with PD and in control pigs. The concentration of aflatoxin B1 in the skin of the two groups of pigs did not exceed the level of 5 micrograms X kg-1, in PD pigs it was, however, twice higher than in the clinically healthy pigs. The residues of chlorinated hydrocarbons in the subcutaneous fat were not higher than the certified hygienic levels. Both epidermis and corium are affected by inflammatory lesions. At the beginning, neutrophil infiltration with necrotization of epithelial cells prevails. It is followed by capillary proliferation with angioblast and fibroblast multiplication and straggled lymphoid infiltration. It is necessary to distinguish by differential diagnostics: swine pox, parakeratosis of swine, lesions of impetigo contagiosa suum, pustular dermatitis and scab of swine, and from rarely occurring skin diseases of swine hypotrichosis cystica suis and demodicosis of swine. No conclusions can be drawn explicitly on the etiology and pathogenesis of papular dermatitis in fattened pigs. We must study the potential interactions of negative environmental factors with regulating homeostatic and adaptation mechanisms in fattened pigs.  相似文献   

1. The aims of this study were (i) to evaluate the prevalence of welfare-related cutaneous lesions in turkeys at the end of the rearing period and (ii) to study the correlations between lesions.

2. The percentage of lesions in each flock was determined by observation at the slaughterhouse. Sixty flocks were investigated in 13 slaughterhouses between April and July 2006.

3. All flocks showed a high proportion of turkeys with footpad lesions, with 40·7% of turkey flocks having severe footpad dermatitis. A significant number of feet had swelling of the footpad and deviated toes (60·0% and 21·4% respectively). Arthritis was observed in 25·4% of the carcases and an average of 30·1% had breast buttons on the keel.

4. Positive correlations were found between evidence of feather pecking and arthritis, toe deviations and swelling of the footpad. Deviated toes, swelling of the feet and feather pecking were negatively linked to the most severe scratches (P? 5. A method is proposed to assess turkey welfare at the slaughterhouse based on several criteria: footpad lesions, arthritis, severe scratches, deviated toes, swelling of the footpad and breast buttons.  相似文献   

Campylobacter is one of the most commonly reported bacterial causes of human foodborne infections in the United States, and epidemiologic evidence indicates that a significant proportion of human infections result from the improper preparation of poultry products. Campylobacter frequently colonizes the avian intestinal tract, but recent research indicates that this organism can also colonize the avian reproductive tract and possibly contaminate eggs and subsequent offspring. The present studies were undertaken to determine the prevalence of Campylobacter in the reproductive systems of commercial turkeys. In the first study, pooled semen samples from seven commercial turkey farms were randomly collected by abdominal massage over a period of 13 wk. The pooled semen samples were serially diluted, and 0.1 ml of each dilution was plated on Campy-Line agar and incubated at 42 C for 48 hr in a microaerophilic environment for enumeration of Campylobacter. Campylobacter was isolated from 57 of the 59 pooled semen samples, and levels ranged from below the limit of detection (<10(1)) to 1.6 x 10(6) cfu/ml of semen. In the second study, the reproductive tracts of 11 hens and 17 toms were aseptically excised, and the segments (female: vagina, shell gland, isthmus, magnum, and infundibulum; male: ductus deferens and testes) were swabbed with a dry cotton sterile swab. The swabs were incubated for 24 hr in Campylobacter enrichment broth, and 0.1 ml of the enriched sample solution was streaked onto Campy-Line agar plates and incubated at 42 C for 48 hr in a microaerophilic environment. Of the 11 hens sampled, Campylobacter was isolated from the vagina (10/11), the shell gland (7/11), the isthmus (8/11), the magnum (6/11), and the infundibulum (4/11). Of the 17 toms sampled, Campylobacter was isolated from the ductus deferens (8/17) and the testes (2/17). Campylobacter is present in the reproductive tracts and semen of commercial turkeys and may lead to vertical transmission of Campylobacter from the hen to the chick.  相似文献   

The green muscle disease (GMD), described for the first time in 1968, is a cause of significant losses in the production of turkey meat. Pathological changes of different intensity are found in smaller pectoral muscles on one or both sides of the sternal crest. GMD has been more frequently observed in Poland since 1991 in breeding turkeys of heavy and medium-heavy types assigned to slaughter after completing the reproductive period. The present study deals with the occurrence of this disease in the Warmia and Mazury District of Poland. Characteristic green foci located in small pectoral muscles were found in 4090 out of 26,169 slaughtered turkeys, i.e. in 15.63% of the carcasses investigated. It was established that 2430.5 kg of meat were confiscated what gave 0.59 kg of confiscated meat per head on the average.  相似文献   

The occurrence of helminths in broiler geese was studied in the rapid-fattening technological system in 1974-1978. The birds were kept on grassy run adjacent to water. Helminthological examination was performed in 1065 broilers and the following 16 helminth species were revealed: Notocotylus attenuatus (0.3%), Apatemon gracilis (1.5%), Cotyrulus cornutus (0.1%), Hypoderaeum conoideum (0.1%), Retinometra longicirrosa (3.2%), Drepanidotaenia lanceolata (3.1%), Sobolevicanthus fragilis (0.7%), Diorchis stefanskii (0.8%), Microsomacanthus microsoma (0.9%), Dilepis undula (0.1%), Capillaria caudinflata (0.2%), Capillaria obsignata (7.7%), Amidostomum anseris (3.7%), Trichostrongylus tenuis (0.2%), Ganguleterakis dispar (16.8%), and Heterakis gallinarum (0.4%). Seven of these species were found for the first time in geese in Czechoslovakia (A. gracilis, C. cornutus, H. conoideum, M. microsoma, D. undula, C. caudinflata, and H. gallinarum). The species Dilepis undula has not been recorded in this host species ever before. The extensity and intensity of the invasions, the frequency of monoinvasions and mixed invasions, and the relation of invasion extensity and intensity to the age of the broilers examined were evaluated during the study.  相似文献   

Samples collected from the oropharynx of wild mammals and birds trapped on 36 turkey farms in California were evaluated for the presence of Pasteurella multocida. A total of 966 animals were collected from 18 premises that had experienced an outbreak of fowl cholera within the past 2-8 months; samples were collected from 16 of these 18 premises within 2-8 weeks of outbreak notification and while the infected flock was still present. A total of 939 animals were trapped from an additional 18 premises that had not reported any outbreaks of fowl cholera within at least 4 months, if ever. Forty-eight isolates of P. multocida, of a variety of somatic serotypes, were recovered from 6 species of mammals and 3 species of birds. On only 2 of 7 premises was the somatic serotype of the isolates obtained from wildlife the same as the isolate obtained from tissues of turkeys that had died of fowl cholera on the same premises. Tests for virulence to turkeys were conducted with 31 of the isolates. Seventeen of these isolates caused mortality in turkeys. Wide ranges in mortality rates and median times to death were observed.  相似文献   

育肥羊大肠杆菌病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大肠杆菌是一种条件性致病菌 ,常因环境、气候以及饲养管理的改变而引起动物发病。某养殖场栈养育肥羊群暴发了一种以腹泻、尾巴水肿为主要症状的疫病 ,经临床症状、病理剖检 ,以及实验室检验 ,诊断为大肠杆菌病 ,并进行了相应的治疗和流行病学调查分析 ,报告如下。1 发病情况  相似文献   

Judging from hitherto knowledge, papular dermatitis of fattened pigs is a polyfactorial disease of idiodisposition nature. It affects only a part of the population of fattened pigs (the so-called susceptible part of population), in the cases of increased contamination of the stable environment with contaminants. The susceptible part of the population includes predisposed individuals unable to cope with the complex contamination stress of large-scale premises for pig fattening. As the concentrations of contaminants in the stable microclimate decrease, papular dermatitis starts declining and the susceptible part of the population of fattened pigs remains latently (free of symptoms) hidden in the population. The main and primary cause of the papular dermatitis of fattened pigs is seen in the predisposed individuals' inability to eliminate quickly and effectively the contaminants (particularly zinc, lead, aflatoxin B1, mercury and cadmium) from their bodies. All the remaining changes, particularly the mutagenic and immunosuppressive effects as well as papular efflorescences on the skin, arise only as secondary phenomena. The papular efflorescences in fact revealed the less resistant and predisposed individuals in the given pig population. In our view there are three factors which play an important role in the resistance of the pigs: the performance of the detoxicating mechanisms, adequate function of the immunity system, and effectiveness of the reparation mechanisms of the genetic apparatus.  相似文献   

The reproductive tracts of turkey breeder hens from five flocks were examined grossly and histologically. Hens from one flock had a normal reproductive history, but hens from the four other flocks had poor records in both egg production and hatchability. Nodular growths occurred in the oviducts of birds in all five flocks. The incidence of lesions varied from flock to flock and from bird to bird. In four flocks, lesions were small and consisted of areas of dysplasia with adenomatous change. Histologically, the lesions in some birds in the fifth flock were adenocarcinomas. No metastases were observed.  相似文献   

A syndrome which causes severe lameness and affects the fetlock area of the hind limbs was recently encountered in beef cattle housed on slatted floors. This condition does not appear to have been reported to others. On radiological and pathological examination of the limb, a lesion of epiphysitis was found in the distal epiphysis of the metatarsus. The clinical, radiological and pathological features are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

Severe pododermatitis is a common lesion in turkeys, unlike in broiler chickens. Both dietary factors (soybean meal, biotin, methionine) and poor litter conditions (wet litter) are documented etiologies of footpad lesions. In the United States and United Kingdom both farm managers and processors monitor lesions. The United Kingdom reports an average footpad relative score higher than that of the United States. In both countries, incidence in toms is higher than in hens. There is no significant difference by country. Data support no consistent association with other lesions (i.e., breast blisters or condemnations), breed, or performance parameters (i.e., weight gain or age). The litter type used in the United Kingdom is either straw or wood shavings, whereas in the United States producers predominantly use wood shavings. In the United Kingdom, diets are formulated with a higher protein, which affects the excreta and subsequent litter conditions. British United Turkey is the predominate breed in the United Kingdom. In the United States, three breeds, British United Turkey of America, hybrid, and Nicholas, are common. Recent research has demonstrated the association between biotin levels and pododermatitis. Factors associated with pododermatitis (such as production systems, wet litter, and stocking density) are discussed. There are some indications that increased stocking density is associated with pododermatitis lesions. Further research is needed to identify what management factors are associated with pododermatitis.  相似文献   

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