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我市生猪定点屠宰推行1年来,由于政策合理,措施得力,顺民心,得民意,得到了四个满意。一是人民群众吃上了“放心肉”,“满意肉”,人民满意;二是政府税费增加,为老百姓办了件大好事,大实事,树立了政府的良好形象,政府满意;三是企业生产启动,机械化生产线得到充分利用,职工上了岗,有活干,有饭吃,企业满意。四是检疫队伍充分发挥了作用,集中检疫,效果好了,跑路少了,收费多了,动检部门满意。 市区这次生猪定点屠宰工作之所以能稳步推进,得益于一个目标(确保人民群众吃上“放心肉”)把握的好,四条原则(谁的权利谁行…  相似文献   

盱眙县发掘资源优势,把龙虾作为特色产业,举办中国龙虾节,带动了一系列相关产业的发展,改变了当地的农业产业结构和就业结构,增加了就业和收入,增强了地方经济实力;并通过特色产业的品牌效应,带动了旅游等服务业的发展,吸引了外来投资,加速了工业化进程。通过总结盱眙县的经济发展实践,为落后地区的区域经济发展提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

充分利用再生饲料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
充分利用再生饲料近几年来,随着养禽业的发展,养鸡数量的逐年增多,鸡粪已成为一大公害,如果处理不妥,病源微生物繁殖而传染疾病。降低了生产力,减少了经济收入。当前饲料昂贵,如果能充分利用再生饲料,鸡粪喂猪,猪粪喂鱼,这不但节省了饲料,降低了生产成本,提高...  相似文献   

我是一名教师,自从参加高兴劲就不用说了。从此以后,我就迷上了小工作就开始业余养蜂。刚养蜂那年,只有1群中蜂,却取蜜15公斤,那种蜜蜂。前几年,我的蜂群染上了囊状幼虫病,几经周折,病情终于得到控制,但8群蜂只剩了3群,而且群势很弱。经过这次挫折,我明白了干任何事情都需要一定专业知识的道理,单凭自己摸索、积累经验是不够的,于是订了《中国养蜂》,  相似文献   

苏东坡与王安石虽在政治上观点相差很大,但在诗文上却是相互敬重的。一日,苏东坡去王安石家,由于都是朋友,便直接去了书房,看见王安石的书桌上有一首诗,未写完,其中有句日‘’吹落黄花满地金”。看了这句诗,苏东坡笑了,以为是王安石写错了,便提笔续遭;“春花不比秋花落,说与诗人仔细吟”。当然,王安石看到了苏东坡的续诗,却也仅仅是一笑,并未说什么。后来,苏东坡被贬,九月九重阳节,邀友赏月于后花园,届时,菊花遍地——苏东坡幡然醒悟,想起了他对王安石的批评,顿失惭意,他同时对王安石作诗之严谨表示钦佩。苏东坡的自…  相似文献   

几年前,兽药GMP这个词对大多数兽药生产企业而言还比较陌生,对它的内涵理解也是很模糊的。如今,随着GMP认证工作全面深入的开展,GMP这个概念在兽药界已经是家喻户晓了。大多数企业能够正确对待,积极努力,如期获得《GMP合格证》,取得了继续生产兽药的资格。但是,面对得之不易的认证成果,一些企业产生了“松一口气”思想,更有少数企业认为通过GMP认证,就有了“铁饭碗”进入了“保险箱”,从此就可以高枕无忧了。其实,通过GMP认证,只是说明企业的软硬件得到改善,实现了规范化管理,通过了进入兽药生产这一行业的门槛。而从某种意义上讲,GMP认证之后的市场竞争,是一种更高层次也更激烈的竞争。因为市场环境已发生了变化,它的竞争者同样是GMP认证的通过者,都是站在同一条新的起跑线上展开竞争。那么,通过GMP认证后的企业如何谋求新的发展,成为兽药行业的佼佼者呢?笔者就此谈几点粗浅认识。  相似文献   

读者刘成:去年,我因为工作分配的问题与本单位职工宋某发生口角,由于宋某的辱骂,我一怒之下,将其打伤,造成小臂尺骨轻微骨折。为此,单位免去了我的行政职务,降了一级工资,赔偿了宋某医疗费4000多元。宋某也于今年初上了班。  相似文献   

南昌市青云谱区2004年发生的一起高致病性禽流感疫情,在省委省政府、市委市政府的正确领导下,该市沉着应对,上下同心,周密布置,快速反应,果断处置,措施有力,迅速扑灭了疫情,有效地控制了疫情的蔓延,得到了联合国粮农组织、世界卫生组织和国务院督导组的充分肯定。通过对疫情的处理,积累了宝贵的防治经验,但也带给一些启示。  相似文献   

引言历史没有忘记,为发展扶余经济而负重自强的扶余人更不会忘记─—公元1995年7月20日。中华人民共和国国务院国函[1995]68号文件批准扶余恢复县级建制,设立扶余县。区县分家后,县城迁至三岔河镇。小镇一夜之间变成了县城,多年的愿望实现了,于是,三岔河镇一下子便增加了十分、百分的热闹。然而,没过去几天,一些人便喜忧参半了,小镇顷刻间就变得狭小了:昔日引为自矜的火车的鸣笛声,不再如过去那样撩拨人们的神经了,机动车数日之内便中了魔似地增长了不知多少倍,原有的楼房仿佛低矮了许多,连平日里静寂的小巷也凑热闹似地变…  相似文献   

李琴  崔延 《四川蚕业》2004,32(4):22-23
过去由于对病虫害发生规律缺少了解,预后性较差,致使桑园多年遭受较严重灾害。近年来,我们在经受桑病虫危害考验的同时,掌握了我市主要病虫害的发生规律,提高了预测预报水平,从而及时制订了相应的防治策略,落实了一系列防治措施,取得了较为显的防治效果。  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) is essential for postnatal somatic growth, maintenance of lean tissue at maturity in domestic animals and milk production in cows. This review focuses on neuroregulation of GH secretion in domestic animals. Two hormones principally regulate the secretion of GH: growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) stimulates, while somatostatin (SS) inhibits the secretion of GH. A long-standing hypothesis proposes that alternate secretion of GHRH and SS regulate episodic secretion of GH. However, measurement of GHRH and SS in hypophysial-portal blood of unanesthetized sheep and swine shows that episodic secretion of GHRH and SS do not account for all episodes of GH secreted. Furthermore, the activity of GHRH and SS neurons decreases after steers have eaten a meal offered for a 2-h period each day (meal-feeding) and this corresponds with reduced secretion of GH. Together, these data suggest that other factors also regulate the secretion of GH. Several neurotransmitters have been implicated in this regard. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone, serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid stimulate the secretion of GH at somatotropes. Growth hormone releasing peptide-6 overcomes feeding-induced refractoriness of somatotropes to GHRH and stimulates the secretion of GHRH. Norepinephrine reduces the activity of SS neurons and stimulates the secretion of GHRH via alpha(2)-adrenergic receptors. N-methyl-D,L-aspartate and leptin stimulate the secretion of GHRH, while neuropeptide Y stimulates the secretion of GHRH and SS. Activation of muscarinic receptors decreases the secretion of SS. Dopamine stimulates the secretion of SS via D1 receptors and inhibits the secretion of GH from somatotropes via D2 receptors. Thus, many neuroendocrine factors regulate the secretion of GH in livestock via altering secretion of GHRH and/or SS, communicating between GHRH and SS neurons, or acting independently at somatotropes to coordinate the secretion of GH.  相似文献   

Serotonin stimulates secretion of growth hormone (GH) in cattle, but the mechanism is unknown. In rats, thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) mediates serotonin-induced secretion of GH. We hypothesized that the same is true in cattle. Cattle were fed for 2h daily to synchronize secretion of GH, such that concentrations of GH were high before and low after feeding. Our first objective was to determine whether or not feeding suppresses serotonin receptor agonist (quipazine) induced secretion of GH. Holstein steers were injected with quipazine (0.2 mg/kg BW) either 1 h before or 1 h after feeding. Quipazine-induced secretion of GH which did not differ in magnitude before and after feeding. If TRH mediates serotonin-induced secretion of GH, then magnitude of TRH-induced secretion of GH should not be different before and after feeding (our second objective). Sixteen meal-fed Holstein steers were injected with 0.3 microg TRH/kg BW either 1 h before or 1 h after feeding. Indeed, magnitude of TRH-induced secretion of GH before and after feeding was not different. Our third objective was to inhibit endogenous TRH with 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)) and examine basal, GH-releasing hormone (GHRH)-, TRH- and quipazine-induced secretion of GH. Sixteen Holstein steers were injected daily with either T(3) (3 or 6 microg/kg BW) or vehicle for 20 days and then challenged sequentially with vehicle or GHRH, TRH, or quipazine. T(3) did not affect basal, GHRH- or TRH-induced secretion of GH, but reduced basal secretion of thyroxine. T(3) reduced but did not completely block quipazine-induced secretion of GH. In conclusion, TRH mediates, in part, serotonin-induced secretion of GH in cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to develop models that would make it possible to correct exocrine pancreatic secretion data for the effect of BW and feed intake in growing pigs. In addition, the significance of exocrine pancreatic secretion for daily weight gain (DWG) was studied. Data were used from 10 pigs (16 to 32 kg BW) surgically fitted with chronic pancreatic catheters. The samples were collected under controlled conditions for two to five experimental days per animal (a total of 39 observations), during 2 h preprandially and during 2 h when feeding (postprandially). The exocrine pancreatic secretion traits included the hourly output of volume, the amount of protein, and trypsin and amylase activities. Multiple linear regressions were used to develop models to describe exocrine pancreatic secretion. The individual pig was the most important source of variation in the model. With increasing BW, 7 out of 10 pigs showed an increase in exocrine pancreatic secretion. However, the slopes of the regression lines differed between animals, which made it impossible to develop general models for the correction of secretion data for the effect of BW. Postprandial exocrine pancreatic secretion was always higher than preprandial secretion, but the amount of feed intake per se did not seem to affect secretion. Exocrine pancreatic secretion and DWG were positively correlated. We concluded that, under the present circumstances, expressing secretion per kilogram BW or kilogram feed intake was not feasible. Expressing secretion per hour was the best way to present the data.  相似文献   

哺乳动物蛙皮素样肽(BLP)主要包括胃泌素释放肽(GRP)、神经肽C(NMC)和神经肽B(NMB),主要通过GRP-R和NMB-R 2种受体亚型介导生物学效应。其受体BRS-3的内源性配体尚未发现。BLP已经被证明具有促进胰岛素分泌的作用。从组织定位来看,BLP及其受体在胰腺均有分布,其调控胰岛素的分泌主要通过GRP-R介导,其效能与动物的种属、血糖和能量水平有关。BLP可能作为胰腺内神经递质直接促进胰岛β细胞或间接通过激活副交感神经促进胰岛素分泌。BLP还可激活三磷酸肌醇等途径,增加胞外Ca2+内流或者动员胞内钙库,促进胰岛素分泌。BLP对胰岛素分泌的研究不仅补充调控胰岛素分泌机制的理论,也为临床糖尿病的治疗提供新的思路。  相似文献   

To assess the potential of an intravenous calcium-stimulation test (CST) as an indicator of insulin secretion in cats, indices calculated from CST results were compared with indices of insulin secretion derived from an intravenous glucose tolerance test (ivGTT) and hyperglycaemic glucose clamp (HGC) in 11 healthy, normal glucose tolerant, conscious cats. Intravenous administration of 2.5mg/kg Ca(2+) resulted in a significant increase in plasma free Ca(2+) (P<0.001) and plasma insulin (P=0.047) concentrations but did not affect the plasma glucose concentration. The indices of insulin secretion based on the CST did not correlate significantly with corresponding indices based on the ivGTT and HGC. In conclusion, the CST is not a useful test for assessing insulin secretion in cats. Other indices of insulin secretion, such as fasting insulin concentrations and the homeostasis model assessment of beta-cell function (HOMA-B), are easier to obtain and correlate better with indices of insulin secretion derived from the HGC, the gold standard technique for assessing insulin secretion.  相似文献   

许多革兰氏阴性细菌借助于细菌的分泌系统,分泌出毒性因子和效应子,与寄主进行分子交流。革兰氏阴性细菌有5种类型蛋白质分泌系统,即Ⅰ-V型。本文结合这5种分泌系统的特点、组成以及转运机制方面的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

生长激素分泌规律的研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
围绕生长激素在正常生理状况下的分泌方式,探讨了采食、品种、年龄、性别等因素对生长激素分泌的影响,并对生长激素正常分泌的调节进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In this study, secretion of two functional recombinant porcine interleukin-2 (rIL-2) proteins by Lactococcus lactis was studied. Two secretion cassettes were constructed in which the secretion was achieved by gene fusion between the lactococcal usp45 secretion signal, a synthetic propeptide and the sequence encoding the mature IL-2. In addition, one of the two secretion cassettes contained the H-domains of L. lactis PrtP. Both of the constructed recombinant IL-2 proteins were found to be secreted in the same quantities, approximately 0.5mg/l. According to a cell proliferative assay using CTLL-2 cell line the specific biological activities of both purified rIL-2 proteins were found to be of similar levels.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that orexin-B acts directly on the anterior pituitary to regulate LH and growth hormone (GH) secretion, anterior pituitary cells from prepuberal gilts were studied in primary culture. On day 4 of culture, 10(5) cells/well were challenged with 0.1, 10 or 1000 nM GnRH; 10, 100 or 1000 nM [Ala15]-hGRF-(1-29)NH2 or 0.1, 1, 10 or 100 nM, orexin-B individually or in combinations with 0.1 and 1000 nM GnRH or 10 and 1000 nM GRF. Secreted LH and GH were measured at 4 h after treatment. Basal LH and GH secretion (control; n = 6 pigs) was 183 +/- 18 and 108 +/- 4.8 ng/well, respectively. Relative to control at 4 h, all doses of GnRH and GRF increased (P < 0.0001) LH and GH secretion, respectively. All doses of orexin-B increased (P < 0.01) LH secretion, except for the 0.1 nM dose. Basal GH secretion was unaffected by orexin-B. Addition of 1, 10 or 100 nM orexin-B in combinations with 0.1 nM GnRH increased (P < 0.001) LH secretion compared to GnRH alone. Only 0.1 nM (P = 0.06) and 100 nM (P < 0.001) orexin-B in combinations with 1000 nM GnRH increased LH secretion compared to GnRH alone. All doses of orexin-B in combination with 1000 nM GRF suppressed (P < 0.0001) GH secretion compare to GRF alone, while only 0.1 nM orexin-B in combination with 10 nM GRF suppressed (P < 0.01) GH secretion compared to GRF. These results indicate that orexin may directly modulate LH and GH secretion at the level of the pituitary gland.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify and compare the effects of sow's milk and 2 milk replacer diets (containing clotting or non-clotting protein sources) on exocrine pancreatic secretion, plasma cholecystokinin, and immunoreactive cationic trypsin in pigs. In addition, the relationship between exocrine pancreatic secretion and growth in milk-fed pigs was studied. In a changeover experiment, 9 chronically catheterized pigs of 6.6 +/- 0.19 kg of BW were studied for 3 wk. Pigs were assigned to each of 3 diets. Exocrine pancreatic secretion was measured from the third to the seventh day on each diet. The protein content and trypsin activity of the pancreatic juice were measured. Blood samples were taken at 10 min before and after milk ingestion and were analyzed for cholecystokinin and immunoreactive cationic trypsin. Pancreatic protein and trypsin secretion did not differ between pigs fed sow's milk and those fed milk replacer, but the volume secreted was less for the pigs fed sow's milk (0.75 vs. 1.03 mL x kg(-1) x h(-1); P < 0.01). A postprandial response to milk intake was not observed. The 2 milk replacer diets did not affect exocrine pancreatic secretion differently. The average exocrine pancreatic secretion (volume, 0.94 mL x kg(-1) x h(-1); protein, 4.28 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1); trypsin, 1.65 U x kg(-1) x h(-1)) was intermediate between literature values for suckling and weaned pigs. Plasma cholecystokinin was elevated (approximately 18 pmol x L(-1)) and showed low correlations with the pancreatic secretion traits. Plasma immunoreactive cationic trypsin was not significantly related to any of the pancreatic secretion traits and should therefore not be used as an indicator for exocrine pancreatic function in milk-fed pigs. Exocrine pancreatic secretion varied substantially among individual pigs (protein, 0.22 to 13.98 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1)). Pancreatic protein and trypsin secretion showed a positive, nonlinear relationship with performance traits. It was concluded that neither specific sow's milk ingredients nor the protein source are responsible for a low pancreatic protein secretion in suckling pigs. Exocrine pancreatic secretion was positively correlated with ADG in pigs at an identical milk intake.  相似文献   

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