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林道 《饲料研究》2003,(3):46-46
由于育珠蚌需要进行手术插片 ,并分泌珍珠质 ,以便形成珍珠 ,因此 ,体质相对较弱 ,容易受病菌侵染后发生斧足糜烂病。其主要症状是斧足红肿甚至糜烂 ,并逐渐出现死亡 ,严重的可相对集中成片死亡。造成育珠蚌斧足糜烂病的原因除育珠蚌手术插片受伤外 ,主要是池水不洁所致。通常是池水水质较差 ,病菌较多 ,体质弱及斧足受损伤的蚌 ,感染病菌而生病。加之死蚌未能及时捞除 ,腐烂后成为病菌的培养基 ,使病菌大量繁殖 ,直接危害周围的健康蚌 ,便造成了局部相对密集性死蚌。要防止育珠蚌斧足糜烂病 ,对放养育珠蚌的池塘 ,必须在放养进行清池消毒。…  相似文献   

孟枋  叶荫云 《畜牧与兽医》1992,24(4):151-153
<正> 三角帆蚌瘟病的病原.属一种病毒(据有关报道系嵌砂样病毒).为了防治三角帆蚌瘟病,我们自1986年始对本省三个地区的疫点进行了调查和试验观察,本病多发生在夏秋两季,尤以春夏之交和秋末死亡较高,在死亡蚌中;又以育珠手术蚌最多,我们收集了三个地区部分蚌瘟带毒组织,进行人工感染、继代和保存试验,结果如下:1 材料和方法  相似文献   

正三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)属于软体动物门,瓣鳃纲,真瓣鳃目,蚌科,帆蚌属,是我国特有的品种,也是渔业生产上使用最为广泛、培育珍珠效果最理想的淡水育珠蚌。近年来,随着淡水珍珠养殖业迅速发展,养殖规模和集约化程度不断扩大,各类病害也频繁发生,育珠蚌传染性瘟病仍然成为当前制约珍珠养殖业发展的主要障碍之一,同时也造成巨大的经济损失。1临床症状发病初期,病蚌分泌大量粘液,此后对外界刺激反  相似文献   

取1-5龄不同蚌龄的三角帆蚌怀珠蚌与非怀珠蚌若干只,提取其外套膜、心脏、斧足、鳃四个组织的粗酶液,然后利用丙酮酸钠作底物,加入还原性辅酶NADH(烟碱胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸)生成NAD。据NAD在340nm处无吸光度显示,根据吸光度的降低情况来了解酶的反应速度,从而测定超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性。结果表明:在三角帆蚌的心脏和斧足中,怀珠蚌和非怀珠蚌的1、2、3、4和5龄蚌的机体免疫力无显著性差异;在外套膜和鳃中,怀珠蚌的机体免疫力为5龄蚌>1、2、3、4龄蚌,而非怀珠蚌的1、2、3、4和5龄蚌的机体免疫力无显著性差异。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探明地衣芽孢杆菌对三角帆蚌消化酶活性、免疫指标和抗氧化指标的影响.选取二龄三角帆蚌144只,随机分成4组,按终浓度分别为0(对照)、0.5×106、1.0×106、2.0×106 cfu/mL添加芽孢杆菌菌液,每组设3个平行,每个平行12只蚌,养殖30 d.结果表明:与对照组相比,各试验组增重率显著升高(P<0.05),其中以1.0×106cfu/mL组增重率最高,且显著高于0.5×106和2.0×106cfu/mL组(P<0.05).15 d时1.0×106 cfu/mL组淀粉酶、脂肪酶和蛋白酶活性显著升高(P<0.05),30 d脂肪酶和蛋白酶活性恢复到对照组水平.各试验组溶菌酶活性均显著升高(P<0.05),0.5×106、1.0×106cfu/mL组酚氧化酶活性显著升高(P<0.05).随着芽孢杆菌水平的增加,酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶活性呈上升趋势,15 d时1.0×106、2.0×106 cfu/mL组酸性磷酸酶和碱性磷酸酶活性均显著升高(P<0.05),30 d时恢复到对照组水平.总抗氧化力和超氧化物歧化酶活性显著增加,但0.5×106cfu/mL,组15 d时除外,且1.0×106cfu/mL组与2.0×106cfu/mL组差异不显著(P>0.05).添加1.0×106cfu/mL芽孢杆菌15 d时过氧化氢酶活性显著提高(P<0.05),30 d时恢复到对照组水平.添加芽孢杆菌不影响血清丙二醛的含量(P>0.05).由此得出,水体中添加地衣芽孢杆菌可提高三角帆蚌消化酶、免疫指标和抗氧化指标活性,促进蚌体生长;最适添加水平和间隔时间分别为1.0×106cfu/mL和15 d.  相似文献   

为获得三角帆蚌育珠蚌与养殖水体中浮游藻类量最佳需求关系,设计不同梯度的水体透明度,用围隔法圈围10个面积为100 m~2的水域作为试验点,2个围栏为1组,共设5个透明度梯度,每个围栏吊养120只育珠蚌;通过人工投入饵、肥,维持每个围栏水体的透明度尽量接近试验设计值;定期测定水体中透明度、p H值、溶氧、藻类量等指标,统计分析不同水体透明度情况下的2~+~3~+(2~3龄)育珠蚌产珠能力与藻密度、湿重等之间的关系。结果显示:在水体透明度40.3 cm,藻密度18.58万个/m L、湿重181.73 mg/L时,2~+育珠蚌有较好的产珠量;在水体透明度41.2 cm,藻密度20.40万个/m L、湿重194.48 mg/L时,3~+育珠蚌有较好的产珠量;此时,每只蚌所需人工投入饵、肥料费用为0.48元。  相似文献   

针对南美白对虾养殖中传染性疾病暴发流行的主要原因一养殖水平的生态环境污染和致病微生物的交叉感染,提出了应用稳定性二氧化氯用于改善和净化水体环境,控制南美白对虾传染性疾病的方法;针对此药物进行了安全性用药试验,并例举了采用该药物成功养殖南美白对虾的生产实例。  相似文献   

<正>南美白对虾是目前我国广泛养殖的重要经济水产动物,但随着规模化、集约化养殖程度的提高,养殖过程中所出现的大量应激因素(如营养、拥挤、环境变化等)经常会导致虾体代谢紊乱、抗病力下降、疾病易流行和爆发,因此,抗应激饲料添加剂的研制和开发日益成为当前研究的热点。虾安Ι是以天然中草药姜  相似文献   

池塘养殖鱼类除遭受各种微生物和寄生虫的侵害而引起种种疾病外,还会因水体中的各种生物性和非生物性因素的不良影响.而使养殖鱼类生病或死亡。由于长时间的滥用药物和养殖水体的使用、保护不当,导致池塘养殖水体的严重恶化.再加上运输方式、使用器具不当等原因.增加了养殖鱼类非寄生性鱼病的爆发。非寄生性鱼病主要包括感冒、窒息、气泡病、饥饿及营养不良、水生生物引起的中毒等。各种致病因子单独致病,或多个致病因子协同致病,给水产动物的养殖业带来巨大的经济损失。  相似文献   

规模养殖场(户)是指有固定饲养场地,有一定的动物疫病预防控制能力,畜禽具有一定养殖数量的畜禽养殖场(户)。规模化养殖场动物集中饲养极易发生疾病,特别是传染性疾病,其发病急、蔓延迅速、死亡率高,给养殖者造成重大损失,如不及时控制极易向周围扩散,导致辖区内动物疾病大流行。因此,加强规模养殖场的动物防疫工作是有效减少动物疾病爆发的关键措施之一。  相似文献   

Prophylactic measures concerning stock management, premises (indoor systems), water supply (tap water as make-up water in reuse systems), water quality control and management, fish feed and staff (short term quarantine after contact with other fish or equipment) helped to build up and maintain a disease free stock of rainbow trout (Oncorhychus mykiss) over a period of seven years in a time-limited trial. 60% of fertilized eggs survived, 3 fish were lost out of 1000 reared to pan-size without any medication. Although it must be kept in mind that the trial was a small size undertaking it can be shown that consequent prophylactic measures can prevent disease mediated losses of fish.  相似文献   

奶牛真胃变位是危害集约化养牛尤其是高产奶牛的多发腹腔疾病之一。据变位部位不同又可分为左方变位和右方变位。本病的病因及发病机制目前尚无一致性结论:右方变位的临床症状比左方变位严重且病程较急;具有典型的示病症状,不难做出诊断;有保守治疗和手术治疗两种治疗方法,而对于右方变位手术治疗几乎是唯一的治疗方法;加强饲养管理、合理预防和及时治疗原发病可有效降低其发病率。  相似文献   

Application of rational principles of risk management in designing an effective biosecurity plan for reproductive diseases can be an important part of a profitable operation. Knowledge of the disease status of the particular herd, the effective strategies for disease exclusion including test performance and reservoirs is necessary. Vaccination can be an effective part of a biosecurity program by increasing herd immunity and decreasing the impact of an outbreak, but by itself will not prevent infections and losses. A more comprehensive approach to disease control is needed. Development and implementation of a biosecurity program is an individualized effort undertaken for a particular operation. Knowledge of the disease status of the herd for each agent of concern and prioritization of the diseases most important in the herd is necessary. The biosecurity plan is then specific for the herd and the particular agent(s) of concern. Practitioners can apply knowledge of the epidemiology and ecology of disease agents to identify and implement logical control points for the individual herd. Many control strategies may be effective for more than one disease. A comprehensive look at the operation is necessary to make sure that the cost of the biosecurity plan does not exceed the return in prevented disease and increased production over the planning period.  相似文献   

为研究中西医结合治疗牛百叶干的方法及效果。以一例患有瓣胃阻塞的病牛为例,经过中医单独治疗无效后,联合进行西医手术治疗和跟踪回访,评估中西医结合治疗效果,以期为该病的治疗与预防提供参考。研究结果表明,牛百叶干病是常见的一种消化道感染疾病之一,该病种疾病早期临床症状一般不甚明显,因此易被许多牛养殖户所忽略,等到发现病牛临床症状明显后,因其疾病带来了很多损失。该病主要发病原因之一,是由于牛在使役后的时间供给过度、牛的运动时间不足,或长期饲喂一些大量含粗纤维多的干硬、酸性、变质的动物饲料,加之牛每天饮水量的不足,致使牛体内火盛,病牛体内一般不仅严重缺水,而且在原本滞留于牛胃小叶里的饲料难以正常运转下行。中西医相结合对牛百叶干进行治疗,发病及时进行抢救,可具有良好的预防治疗康复效果,避免养殖户因此遭到重大经济损失。  相似文献   

Forty-five Hisex commercial layers and forty-five local Saudi breed layers were used to compare and assess the effect of water restriction under hot conditions on blood constituents and immune response to Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine. The trial was divided into three periods: control (7 day), water restriction (14 day) and rehydration (7 day). During water restriction, layers from each breed were divided into three groups that received 0%, 20% and 40% restriction of drinking water relative to the control period. The immune response against ND was affected by breed; it also declined significantly with 40% water restriction 10 days post-restriction. Water restriction did not affect haematocrit value, plasma total protein, albumin, glucose or osmolality, which may not suggest a reduction in plasma volume. However, plasma creatinine increased in both breeds because of water restriction that remained elevated during rehydration. Water restriction increased plasma urea in the local group, while it decreased in the commercial group. Irrespective of rate of water restriction, it can be concluded that the two breeds can withstand up to 40% water restriction during high environmental temperature. However, the local breed may be superior in water conservation in relation to the commercial layers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effects of different cementing techniques on radiographic cement mantle grade and short-term aseptic loosening of the femoral component in canine total hip replacement (THR). STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. SAMPLE POPULATION: Radiographs of 284 dogs that had THR. METHODS: Immediate postoperative radiographs of 284 dogs that had cemented THR were reviewed by 4 surgeons and 1 radiologist and assigned a cement mantle grade using a 4-grade classification system. Dog age and weight at surgery, cementing technique (1st, 2nd, 3rd generation), complications (type and timing), and follow-up time were retrieved and analyzed. RESULTS: Mean cement mantle score for 2nd generation technique was significantly higher than 3rd generation technique and both were significantly higher than 1st generation technique (P<.001). Aseptic loosening was the 2nd most common complication observed with an incidence of 2.1%. Mean time from surgery to last follow-up examination was 122 days. No statistically significant difference in incidence of aseptic loosening was identified among different cement mantle grades or cementing techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Advanced cementing techniques resulted in better cement mantles based on grading of immediate postoperative radiographs, however grading did not predict short-term aseptic loosening. Cementing technique seemingly did not affect the incidence of short-term aseptic loosening of the femoral component for dogs in this study. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our study suggests that advances in cementing technique may result in improvements in the radiographic grade of cement mantles. With respect to aseptic loosening of the femoral component, our data only suggest that short-term (3 months-3 years) loosening cannot be predicted by immediate postoperative radiographic evaluation of cement mantle.  相似文献   

Six out of seven cuttlefish acquired by the Smithsonian National Zoological Park in July 1998 died before 1 November 1998. Postmortem examinations showed mantle ulcers, secondary bacterial infections, inanition, and cuttlebone fractures. The surviving cuttlefish developed a progressive focal mantle ulcer, was treated with oral chloramphenicol intermittently for 9 wk, and maintained a normal appetite and growth rate until death at 7 mo of age. The National Zoological Park pathology database showed signalments, histories, and causes of mortality of 186 common cuttlefish, each 1-14 mo old, that received gross and histologic examinations; for example, the largest group of cuttlefish of known sex, age, and body weight at postmortem were 7-9 mo old and weighed an average of 376.2 g (males, n = 18) and 299.0 g (females, n = 15). Many cuttlefish had multiple pathologic diagnoses. Significant diseases included inflammation and secondary bacterial infections, especially gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive, and ophthalmic, and septicemia due to Vibrio spp. or other gram-negative bacteria. Mantle lesions, including ulceration/dermatitis, abscess/granuloma, necrosis/fibrosis/cellulitis, and laceration/abrasion/erosion, were also identified, along with inanition, cuttlebone lesions, and trauma. Mantle lesions were associated with secondary bacterial infections and death. On the basis of this information, if captive cuttlefish behavior creates risk for development of mantle lesions, administration of antibiotics effective against gram-negative bacteria may delay or halt disease progression. Cuttlefish exhibits require proper design, husbandry, economic resources, and staffing to minimize disease syndromes and mortality.  相似文献   

为了优化氟尼辛葡甲胺的结晶工艺,提高晶体的内在质量和收率,提高生产操作安全性,选用纯化水替代有机溶媒作为结晶溶剂.试验结果表明,以水作结晶溶剂是可行的,并且结晶液质量浓度在25%时,同样可以得到纯度高,杂质少,收率稳定的晶体.改善了生产环境,提升了生产和用药安全.  相似文献   

桑漆斑病病原发生规律及防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田立道  李雪明 《蚕业科学》1993,19(4):193-197
桑漆斑病是我国近年发现的桑树叶部病害,是由露湿漆斑菌(Myrothecium rorideum Tode ex Fr.)寄生引起的,病原在病叶、土壤与水中越冬,除寄生桑树外,还寄生豆科作物及禾本科杂草等。发病初期用优氯净溶液喷洒桑叶有明显防治效果。桑园中的禾本科杂草,用10%禾草克水溶液喷洒可以清除,以减少病原。杀草效果为100%,该药对桑、蚕均无影响。  相似文献   

This review deals with waterborne zoonotic helminths, many of which are opportunistic parasites spreading directly from animals to man or man to animals through water that is either ingested or that contains forms capable of skin penetration. Disease severity ranges from being rapidly fatal to low-grade chronic infections that may be asymptomatic for many years. The most significant zoonotic waterborne helminthic diseases are either snail-mediated, copepod-mediated or transmitted by faecal-contaminated water. Snail-mediated helminthiases described here are caused by digenetic trematodes that undergo complex life cycles involving various species of aquatic snails. These diseases include schistosomiasis, cercarial dermatitis, fascioliasis and fasciolopsiasis. The primary copepod-mediated helminthiases are sparganosis, gnathostomiasis and dracunculiasis, and the major faecal-contaminated water helminthiases are cysticercosis, hydatid disease and larva migrans. Generally, only parasites whose infective stages can be transmitted directly by water are discussed in this article. Although many do not require a water environment in which to complete their life cycle, their infective stages can certainly be distributed and acquired directly through water. Transmission via the external environment is necessary for many helminth parasites, with water and faecal contamination being important considerations. Human behaviour, particularly poor hygiene, is a major factor in the re-emergence, and spread of parasitic infections. Also important in assessing the risk of infection by water transmission are human habits and population density, the prevalence of infection in them and in alternate animal hosts, methods of treating sewage and drinking water, and climate. Disease prevention methods, including disease surveillance, education and improved drinking water treatment are described.  相似文献   

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