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鸡住白细胞虫病发病情况及其防治研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
鸡住白细胞虫病简称鸡住白虫病是由鸡住白原虫寄生在鸡体内脏组织和白细胞而引起的。住白虫属血抱子虫目,血变科,住白虫属(Leucocytozoon)。目前已发现鸡住白虫3种:沙氏住白虫(L.sabrazesi),卡氏住白虫(L.caulleryi),安氏住白虫(L.andrewsi)。鸡住白虫病流行于东南亚。我国广东、福建、上海、辽宁等地均有报道。我省鸡住白虫病流行广,发病季节长,危害十分严重。福州市几家重要养鸡场均有遭受鸡住白虫病的严重危害报道。例如榕泉种鸡场1989年以来每年均有该病流行,且以产蛋鸡受害最为严重。根据统计每年5~9月祖代鸡产…  相似文献   

鸡住白细胞虫病是由住白细胞虫属中的卡氏住白细胞虫和沙氏住白细胞虫寄生于鸡的单核白细胞内所引起的一种高度致死性原虫病,又称作鸡白冠病。该病由吸血昆虫传播,库蠓传播卡氏住白细胞虫病,蚋传播沙氏住白细胞病。其中以卡氏住白细胞虫最常见、危害最大。  相似文献   

鸡住白细胞原虫病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸡住白细胞原虫病俗称鸡住白虫病、鸡白冠病。该病是由卡氏住白细胞虫和沙氏住白细胞虫寄生于鸡的白细胞(主要是单核细胞)内引起的寄生原虫病。病鸡以鸡冠苍白、咯血、下痢等为主要症状,以全身性出血和白色裂殖体小结节为典型病变。  相似文献   

鸡住白细胞原虫病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸡住白细胞虫病俗称鸡住白虫病 ,鸡白冠病。该病是由卡氏住白细胞虫 ( L eucocytozooncaulleryi)和沙氏住白细胞虫 ( L .sabrazesi)寄生于鸡的白细胞 (主要是单核细胞 )内所引起的寄生原虫病。病鸡以鸡冠苍白、咯血、下痢等为主要症状 ,以全身性出血和白色裂殖体小结节为典型病变。 1 960年在福建省首次确诊后 ,陆续在全国各地均有该病的报道 ,目前该病在本市各养鸡区流行。1 发病情况2 0 0 2年 9月 ,盐都县某户饲养 1 5 0 0只雏鸡 ,在 30日龄时开始下痢 ,鸡冠、肉垂苍白 ,病鸡逐渐增多并出现死亡现象。整群发病率达 80 %以上 ,发病 1 0 d…  相似文献   

鸡住白细胞原虫病及防制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鸡住白细胞原虫病是由疟原虫科(Plasmodiidae)住白细胞原虫属(Leucocytozoon)的原虫寄生于鸡的内脏组织细胞、白细胞和红细胞内所引起的一种血孢子虫病。已知有两个种,即卡氏住白细胞虫(L.Caulleryi)和沙氏住白细胞虫(L.Sabrazesi),前者主要分布于东亚、东南亚和北美等地,后者主要分布于东南亚、印度和中国。本病是一种以阻碍雏鸡生长发育、死亡、成鸡严重贫血、生产性能下降、内脏和组织广泛出血为特征的疾病。1流行情况  鸡卡氏住白细胞原虫病自1960年在福建省确诊以来,各地研究者进行了广泛的调查,目前已在台湾、广东、上海、…  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病是由鸡卡氏住白细胞虫寄生于鸡的白细胞和红细胞内所引起的一种血孢子虫病,俗称白冠病,其传播媒介为库蠓。本病在我国南方流行比较普遍,常呈地方性流行,最近几年本病在我省流行也很严重。现将我省邯郸地区鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病的发生和防治作一报告。1流行情况调查近年来邯郸地区鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病流行比较严重,尤其去年,由于雨水比较大,发病率和死亡率都很高,每年8月份出现发病,高峰在9~10月,终止于11月。今年在码头等产稻区仍有很高的流行。去年和今年在发病高峰期调查了邯郸地区7个县,在每个县的10个养鸡户…  相似文献   

鸡卡氏住白细胞原虫病又称鸡出血性病、鸡白冠病,危害鸡的主要有卡氏住白细胞虫和沙氏住白细胞虫,其中以卡氏住白细胞虫的致病力最强,危害范围更广。病鸡在临床主要表现为贫血、消瘦、鸡冠苍白等特征。在多雨的夏秋季节,潮湿的环境对蠓、蚋大量繁殖十分有利,而蠓、蚋就是本病的传播媒介,因此,该病多发生于高温多湿的7~10月份,呈明显的季节性流行。由于该病发病急、易流行、危害重,并且各个年龄的鸡都能感染,成年鸡比雏鸡更易感,常给养鸡业带来了较大的经济损失。因此要高度重视,做好白冠病的防控工作。  相似文献   

<正>1鸡白冠病病原是住白细胞原虫,在鸡被蠓、蚋叮咬时进入鸡组织内分裂增殖,在红细胞和白细胞内生长成熟,成熟的公母虫被蠓、蚋吸血后随血到蠓、蚋体内交配生殖。有几种库蠓在许多省传播卡氏住白细胞原虫,福建报道蚋传播沙氏住白细胞原虫。鸡卡氏住白细胞原虫病是鸡的秋季多发病,因其引起严重贫血,首  相似文献   

鸡住白细胞原虫病在我国的研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸡住白细胞原虫病是由疟原虫科(Plasmodiidae)住白细胞原虫属(Leucocytozoon)的原虫寄生于鸡的内脏组织细胞、白细胞和红细胞内所引起的一种血孢子虫病,已知有两个,即卡氏住白细胞虫(L.Caulleryi)和沙氏住白细胞虫(L.Sabrazesi),前者主要分布于东亚、东南业和北美等地,后者主要分布于东南亚、印度和中国,本病是一种以阻碍雏鸡生长发育、死亡、成鸡严重贫血、生产性能下降、内脏和组织广泛出血为特征的疾病。一、地理分布和危害鸡卡氏住白细胞原虫病自1960年在福建省确诊有…  相似文献   

鸡住白细胞原虫病又称鸡白冠病,是由住白细胞虫属的卡氏住白细胞原虫和沙氏住白细胞原虫寄生于鸡的白细胞和红细胞中而引起的。卡氏住白细胞原虫致病力强,危害严重。据统计,3~6周龄雏鸡发病率高,死亡率50%~80%,中、大雏死亡率10%~30%,成鸡死亡率5%~10%。该病是由吸血昆虫传播的,尖喙库蠓传播卡氏住白细胞原虫病,蚋传播沙氏住白细胞原虫病。因此,该病是在有尖喙库蠓和蚋的地区及其活动时期发生,有着明显的区域性和季节性。  相似文献   

Protective effects of recombinant R7 (rR7) vaccine against Leucocytozoon caulleryi in chickens were studied. After injection of oil-adjuvanted rR7 vaccine into chickens, antibody titers against second-generation schizonts (2GS) antigen of L. caulleryi (anti-2GS antibody) rapidly rose in all the immunized chickens, reached to a peak value 2 weeks after injection, and the titers persisted through 4 or 5 months after injection. Chickens having high levels of the anti-2GS antibody titers (> or = 102,400 ) at pre-challenge completely protected against sporozoites challenge of L. caulleryi. After the challenge inoculation, relatively high parasitemia of L. caulleryi was observed in all the inadequately immunized chickens having low levels of the antibody titers (< or = 3,200) at pre-challenge, although some of them seemed to be clinically normal. Correlation of protective effects in the immunized chickens was observed between both prevention of appearance of clinical signs and parasitemia after parasites challenge and anti-2GS antibody titers of the chickens at pre-challenge. The present study shows that chicken leucocytozoonosis can be prevented by vaccination, and humoral immunity may play an important role in the control of chicken leucocytozoonosis.  相似文献   

Protection against chicken leucocytozoonosis was assessed in chickens immunized with spleen homogenates from chickens that had received sporozoites of Leucocytozoon caulleryi 7 or 13 days previously. Chickens immunized with the homogenate were challenged with sporozoites of L. caulleryi and observed for changes in clinical signs, parasitemia, serum-soluble antigen, and antibody responses. In chickens immunized with either the 7-day or 13-day homogenate, clinical signs and parasitemia were moderate, mild or absent. This was the case both after immunization with the homogenate and after sporozoite challenge. Immunization with spleen homogenates demonstrated protection against chicken leucocytozoonosis.  相似文献   

Leucocytozoonosis caused by Leucocytozoon caulleryi is a significant disease prevalent in open chicken houses of southern and eastern Asia. L. caulleryi is transmitted by Culicoides arakawae, a blood-sucking vector. Leucocytozoonosis prevalence is influenced by vector population succession. Thus this examination was performed on a farm to investigate vector population succession and leucocytozoonosis prevalence in experimental chicks and to obtain the ecology data for assessing the prevalence. The findings were as follows: (1) C. arakawae adults might be highly host specific because they were rarely discovered on cattle or pig farms, and none of the experimental chickens were infected by L. caulleryi on those farms. (2) Identifying and counting gorged and gravid C. arakawae to assess leucocytozoonosis prevalence is a practical strategy. The critical vector index should be 5.0 calculated by dividing the smallest vector mean from the prevalent period by the largest vector mean from the population not causing leucotocytozoonosis. (3) Taking vector means from three or more collections each month, should be the best assessment of leucocytozoonosis prevalence because C. arakawae succession appears to have a 3-week periodicity. Hopefully, these findings will contribute to assessing leucocytozoonosis prevalence.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), R1 and M5, were established against the second-generation schizont of Leucocytozoon caulleryi (L. caulleryi). Both antibodies reacted to membrane and internal structure proteins of the second-generation schizont by immunofluorescence microscopy. Molecular weight of the second-generation schizont (2GS) antigen was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting. At least 40 protein bands were detected in 2GS antigen by SDS-PAGE under reduced condition and ranged from 10 to 270 kDa. MAb R1 reacted to polypeptides of 150-268 kDa in 2GS antigen, whereas MAb M5 did with that of 66 kDa. Injection with a protein of 2GS antigen fractionated by affinity chromatography using MAbs R1 and M5 protected chickens against challenge with sporozoites of L. caulleryi. These results suggest that MAbs, R1 and M5, recognize 2GS antigen of L caulleryi.  相似文献   

根据已测得的卡氏住白虫ITS-2序列,在3'端设计一种特异引物,另外采用一个位于5’端的保守引物,建立了鸡卡氏住白虫病的PCR诊断方法。特异性试验和敏感性试验表明,该诊断方法与其他虫体如疟原虫,弓形虫,微孢子虫,球虫等无交叉反应性,能检测的卡氏住白虫最低DNA浓度为1000fg,可用于本病的早期诊断。  相似文献   

四种药物治疗人工感染鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验室人工攻虫治疗试验,比较验证血虫净、克球粉、泰灭净和痢特灵四种药物对鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病的治疗效果.结果,血虫净和泰灭净治疗效果最好,治愈率皆为100%,且血虫净不影响蛋鸡的产蛋,但泰灭净则影响产蛋,因此,泰灭净应慎用.用血虫净治疗临床上确诊为鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病的病鸡,跟踪观察,结果临床治愈率达99%以上,因此,血虫净是治疗该病的首选药.  相似文献   

Culicoides arakawae, the most common Culicoides sp. on chicken farms in East Asia, is an important blood-sucking insect and Leucocytozoon caulleryi vector. How parasites, in an ingested blood bolus, enter the midgut of insects and deal with this complex and biochemically hostile environment is poorly understood. However, successful blood-feeding through a membrane in C. arakawae is beneficial for studying this phenomenon. Therefore, a membrane-feeding method for C. arakawae was developed in. The blood-feeding success rates of C. arakawae fed through five different membranes were: turkey egg at 43.7+/-11.7%, chicken egg at 45.2+/-12.1%, duck egg at 38.8+/-12.0%, pig gut at 0% and chick skin at 0%. In fertility measurements, the average number of eggs produced for C. arakawae fed through egg-shell membrane, at 77.7+/-15.1 per female, was significantly higher (P<0.01) than the 46.7+/-10.6 found in C. arakawae fed on the breast skin of a live chicken. Meanwhile, in parasite infectivity tests, C. arakawae could be infected by L. caulleryi when the vector was blood-fed with infective blood cells reconstituted with specific pathogen-free (SPF) sera through an egg-shell membrane. The sporozoite average and infection rates of inoculated chicks were 166.8+/-12.5 and 100%, respectively. In conclusion, feeding C. arakawae blood through fowl-egg-shell membranes should be an efficient method for in vitro infection of midges as the engorged midges are infected by parasites and display reproductive potential. Furthermore, the method is practical for feeding a large number of midges.  相似文献   

采用缓释剂制备技术研制了血虫净缓释注射液,该制剂药物包裹量大,析出量小,粘度均匀,3000r/min离心15分种不分层,且粘度小,便于肌肉注射使用。用含4%血虫净的缓释注射液,以0.5mL只和1mL/只的量分别注射50只110日龄健康海兰白鸡。结果用以上两种剂量给鸡注射,都可有效预防本病一个月,而同时对照的含4%血虫净的水溶剂组没有预防作用。  相似文献   

30 0日龄新罗曼蛋白鸡 40只 ,以混群感染的方式感染卡氏住白细胞原虫病 ,在不同感染阶段剖杀 ,观察试验鸡心、肝、脾、肺、肾、肠、胰、肌肉等器官的病理变化。结果表明 ,感染后各内脏器官普遍出现充血、出血、坏死和血管壁纤维化等病变 ,尤其以肾被膜下和卵巢的出血及肝、脾的凝固性坏死为严重。一些坏死病灶内出现上皮样细胞、浆细胞、淋巴细胞、假嗜伊红性白细胞增生 ,形成类似仔猪副伤寒结节的增生性结节。同时 ,在肝、脾、肺、肾中可见特征性的巨型裂殖体结节。  相似文献   

试验旨在研究类富脯氨酸5(proline rich 5 like,PRR5L)基因遗传变异对鸡脂肪性状及屠体性状的影响。以矮脚黄鸡为研究对象,根据GenBank公布的鸡PRR5L基因全序列(登录号:XM_015287209.1)设计扩增引物,利用PCR直接测序技术检测PRR5L基因的5'UTR区域单核苷酸多态性(SNPs),并用统计学方法分析其与鸡脂肪性状及屠体性状的关联性。结果发现,PRR5L基因5'UTR区域存在C480G、G514A和A579G 3个多态位点,均表现出3种基因型。χ2适合性检验结果发现,群体在G514A位点处于Hardy-Weinberg非平衡状态(P < 0.05);在C480G和A579G位点均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态(P > 0.05)。基因型与性状关联分析结果显示,在脂肪性状方面,PRR5L基因3个多态位点各基因型间腹脂重、腹脂率和肌内脂肪含量差异均不显著(P > 0.05);在屠体性状方面,在G514A位点处AG与GG基因型的胸肌重差异显著(P < 0.05),其余指标差异均不显著(P > 0.05)。因此,可推断PRR5L基因5'UTR的G514A位点可能是一个影响鸡胸肌生长发育的位点,但该位点能否作为标识鸡屠体性状的分子标记辅助选择还需要进一步探究。  相似文献   

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