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考察了市售18个厂家生产的克仑特罗酶联免疫试剂盒,对其用于猪尿中克仑特罗残留检测的可操作性、灵敏度、准确度、精密度等参数进行比较,试验表明目前市售的部分克仑特罗酶联免疫试剂盒可用于猪尿中克仑特罗残留的筛选监测,检测限为1 μg/L.  相似文献   

笔者对滕州市生猪进行瘦肉精抽样检测,共采集16个中小猪场猪尿样品,首先采用瘦肉精三联快速检测卡检测,然后抽取50份,采用ELISA检测试剂盒进行复检。结果显示,检测样品中克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺残留均不超标。  相似文献   

使用三种猪口蹄疫O型抗体检测试剂盒分别检测接种猪口蹄疫O型合成肽疫苗和猪口蹄疫O型灭活疫苗的免疫抗体,以探讨三种抗体检测试剂盒的相关性。结果发现,猪口蹄疫病毒VP1结构蛋白抗体ELISA试剂盒和猪口蹄疫O型液相阻断ELISA试剂盒都可检测猪口蹄疫O型合成肽疫苗,两种试剂盒的相关性达90.8%,而间接血凝试剂盒不能用来检测猪口蹄疫O型合成肽疫苗;猪口蹄疫O型液相阻断ELISA试剂盒和间接血凝试剂盒可用来检测猪口蹄疫O型灭活疫苗,两种试剂盒的相关性达93.7%,而猪口蹄疫病毒VP1结构蛋白抗体ELISA试剂盒不能用来检测猪口蹄疫O型灭活疫苗。  相似文献   

经克仑特罗CLEIA试剂盒与ELISA试剂盒检测效果比较。结果表明,CLEIA试剂盒检测时间为33 min,而ELISA试剂盒则需要50 min,采用CLEIA试剂盒方法检测比ELISA试剂盒方法更加节省时间;CLEIA试剂盒IC50为40 ng/L,对猪尿和猪肉的最低检测限分别为20.1 ng/L和90.7 ng/kg,而ELISA试剂盒IC50则为125.2 ng/L,对猪尿和猪肉的最低检测限分别为23.5 ng/L和99.3 ng/kg,CLEIA试剂盒方法检测灵敏度高于ELISA试剂盒方法。  相似文献   

本研究通过制备可乐定完全抗原,免疫新西兰大白兔,得到特异性多克隆抗体,并和HRP标记的羊抗兔,构建间接ELISA检测法试剂盒,并进行性能测试评价。结果表明,吸光度百分比值与赛庚啶质量浓度的对数在0.1-8.1μg/L呈线性关系,相关系数R2为0.977,半数抑制浓度(IC50)为0.675μg/L,检测限为0.2μg/L,回收率为81% ~109%,具备良好的特异性,可用于动物尿样、血清和组织中的可乐定残留检测。  相似文献   

评价ELISA法用于筛选猪瘟抗体阴性猪的可行性,分别采用两种商品化猪瘟抗体ELISA检测试剂盒检测了61份猪血清样品,并与兔体中和试验方法进行了比较。兔体中和试验法检测出4份阳性、2份可疑、55份阴性,而两种ELISA试剂盒均检测出6份阳性、55份阴性;两种ELISA方法与兔体中和试验检测结果阴性符合率均为100%(55/55)。结果表明,ELISA法更加敏感,可以替代兔体中和试验方法用于筛选猪瘟抗体阴性猪。  相似文献   

评价ELISA法用于筛选猪瘟抗体阴性猪的可行性,分别采用两种商品化猪瘟抗体ELISA检测试剂盒检测了61份猪血清样品,并与兔体中和试验方法进行了比较.兔体中和试验法检测出4份阳性、2份可疑、55份阴性,而两种ELISA试剂盒均检测出6份阳性、55份阴性;两种ELISA方法与兔体中和试验检测结果阴性符合率均为100%(55/55).结果表明,ELISA法更加敏感,可以替代兔体中和试验方法用于筛选猪瘟抗体阴性猪.  相似文献   

饲料中喹乙醇ELISA检测试剂盒的研制及性能分析喹乙醇是一类广谱抗菌药,但由于能使动物发生中毒或死亡,还会在畜产品中残留,国家规定禁止用于家禽及水产养殖,只能限量用于体重低于35 kg猪的饲料。为了研制快速检测饲料中喹乙醇的ELISA试剂盒(OLA-Ki)t,该研究用喹乙醇单克隆抗体(OLA-mAb)建立间接竞争ELISA方法,  相似文献   

雌二醇残留ELISA检测试剂盒的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用包被单克隆抗体直接竞争ELISA法研制一种检测食品中雌二醇残留的ELISA试剂盒。将不同浓度的雌二醇添加到鸡肉样品中,用制备的试剂盒检测雌二醇残留,结果样品的加标回收率在73.1%~102.7%之间,变异系数<20%。对试剂盒的灵敏度、特异性、精密度、准确度和有效期进行测定,结果表明:研制的试剂盒最低检出限为0.5μg/L;在4℃条件下试剂盒有效期可达6个月。用ELISA试剂盒检测雌二醇残留可批量分析样品,具有快速、简便、灵敏、经济的特点,可广泛应用于食品中雌二醇的监测。  相似文献   

为研制一种小鼠血清中猪圆环病毒2型(Porcine circovirus type 2,PCV2)抗体检测试剂盒,以PCV2 Cap蛋白兔多抗作为包被用抗体,捕获纯化的PCV2 Cap蛋白,制备抗原检测板,辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记羊抗小鼠IgG作为二抗,建立检测小鼠血清中PCV2抗体ELISA检测方法并制备试剂盒。采用所制备的ELISA试剂盒对50份已知阴性血清样本进行检测,临界OD450nm值为0335;采用ELISA试剂盒与IFA分别对100份血清检测,总符合率为96%,检测小鼠血清敏感性效价达1∶16000,与其他常见的猪病毒小鼠阳性血清无交叉反应,2~8 ℃保存15个月稳定,批内变异系数为2.28%~4.17%,批间变异系数为4.27%~6.02%,具有良好的敏感性、特异性、稳定性及重复性;采用ELISA试剂盒对不同来源疫苗免疫组小鼠血清进行检测,均显示良好效果。研究表明,本研究制备的ELISA试剂盒可用于小鼠血清中PCV2抗体效价检测。  相似文献   

Three commercialized ELISA kits for the detection of antibodies to the non-structural proteins (NSPs) of FMD virus were compared, using sera from uninfected, vaccinated, challenged and naturally infected pigs. The kinetics of the antibody response to NSPs was compared on sequential serum samples in swine from challenge studies and outbreaks. The results showed that ELISA A (UBI) and ELISA B (CEDI) had better sensitivity than that of the 3ABC recombinant protein-based ELISA C (Chekit). The peak for detection of antibodies to NSPs in ELISA C was significantly delayed in sera from natural infection and challenged swine as compared to the ELISA A and B. The sensitivity of the three ELISAs gradually declined during the 6-month post-infection as antibodies to NSP decline. ELISA kits A and B detected NSP antibody in 50% of challenged pigs by the 9-10th-day and 7-8th-day post-challenge, respectively. ELISA B and C had better specificity than ELISA A on sequential serum samples obtained from swine immunized with a type O FMD vaccine commercially available in Taiwan. Antibody to NSPs before vaccination was not detected in swine not exposed to FMD virus, however, antibody to NSPs was found in sera of some pigs after vaccination. All assays had significantly lower specificity when testing sera from repeatedly vaccinated sows and finishers in 1997 that were tested after the 1997 FMD outbreak. However, when testing sera from repeatedly vaccinated sows or finishers in 2003-2004, the specificity for ELISAs A, B and C were significantly better than those in 1997. This effect was less marked for ELISA A. The ELISA B was the best test in terms of the highest sensitivity and specificity and the lowest reactivity with residual NSP in vaccinates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the diagnostic value of different commercially available ELISA kits for the detection of bluetongue virus (BTV) antibodies in infected and vaccinated animals. The relative specificity of ELISA kits was evaluated using a panel of sera originating from healthy cattle, never vaccinated nor exposed to BTV. All ELISA kits applied had a high relative specificity (99.3 - 100%). The relative sensitivity of ELISA kits assessed using a panel of sera collected from BTV infected cattle was also high and similar for all the kits (97.3 - 100%). However, the relative sensitivity evaluated on the basis of testing vaccinated animals was different: the highest sensitivity was found for Ingenasa, PrioCHECK and ID VET ELISAs (96.5 - 98.3%). Slightly lower sensitivity was calculated for Pourquier and LSI kits (82.8% and 85.4%, respectively) and much lower sensitivity was found for VMRD ELISA kit (69.5%). The repeatability of BTV ELISA kits was expressed as a coefficient of variation (CV) of results of sera tested 5 times in the same day and in different days by the period of 2 months, by the same person, in the same conditions, and by using the same equipment. The CVs of sera tested in all ELISA kits ranged from 6.1 to 9.8% and were below 10% threshold adopted as a maximum for the acceptable repeatability of the method. In conclusion, it can be stated that the applied ELISA kits can be a valuable diagnostic tool for the serological monitoring studies in the BTV contaminated premises. All the methods are very specific and sensitive when testing BTV infected animals. Nevertheless, the Ingenasa and PrioCHECK can be the most useful in sero-surveillance of livestock following vaccination.  相似文献   

以人工感染弓形虫的猪阳性血清及感染前的阴性血清为样品,比较3个国产(A、B、C)和2个国外(D、E)ELISA试剂盒检测猪弓形虫病的敏感性。用这5种ELISA试剂盒,检测人工感染弓形虫的猪阳性血清42份及感染前的阴性血清45份,并参考PCR扩增结果,比较这5种ELISA试剂盒检测猪弓形虫病的敏感性。5种试剂盒中,1种国产试剂盒的检测结果与PCR结果完全一致,其余4种试剂盒的检测结果都与PCR检测结果差别较大。结果表明,国产试剂盒A的检测效果最佳,国外试剂盒与部分国内试剂盒的检测结果相当,临床选用试剂盒时,可选择检测效果最佳的试剂盒A,不必盲目选择国外试剂盒。  相似文献   

利用参考血清,按试剂盒标明的使用方法,对上海优耐特生物医药有限公司提供的3批反刍动物口蹄疫病毒VP1结构蛋白抗体和3批反刍动物口蹄疫病毒NS非结构蛋白抗体ELISA诊断试剂盒的敏感性和特异性分别进行检测.结果表明,2种试剂盒的敏感性和特异性均符合相关标准的规定.  相似文献   

猪口蹄疫ELISA诊断试剂盒质量检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用参考血清,按试剂盒标明的使用方法,对上海优耐特生物医药有限公司提供的3批猪口蹄疫病毒VP1结构蛋白抗体和3批猪口蹄疫病毒NS非结构蛋白抗体ELISA诊断试剂盒的敏感性和特异性分别进行了检测.结果表明,2种试剂盒的敏感性和特异性均符合标准规定.  相似文献   

To establish a sensitive,specific and efficient method of antibody detection for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus(PRRSV),PRRSV N protein was expressed through prokaryotic expression system and purified by affinity chromatography to act as a coating antigen.Then an indirect ELISA detection method for serum PRRSV antibody was finally set up after the optimization of reaction conditions.Besides,the research also involved cross reaction,repeated experiments,and comparison with other ELISA kits.It was determined that the optimum concentration of coating antigen was 2 μg/mL and that the dilution ratio for serum was 1:100,with 30 min of incubation and 10 min of chromogenic reaction.With this method,positive serum samples of five common swine pathogens,including classical swine fever virus(CSFV),porcine circovirus(PCV)and porcine pseudorabies virus(PRV)and so on,were tested,and the results were negative.Both intra-assay and inter-assay coefficients of variation were below 10%,and the comparison with commercial ELISA kits indicated that its accuracy was 94.7%.So this indirect ELISA,which had been established in this research,could provide a rapid diagnosis for swine infected by wild PRRSV and applied in epidemiological investigation,as a convenient and efficient serological antibody detection method.  相似文献   

为比较胶体金法与ELISA法检测猪瘟抗体的符合率,以了解胶体金法的特异性与敏感度,用胶体金法和ELISA法平行检测受检猪血清标本猪瘟抗体滴度.结果表明,胶体金法和ELISA法检测猪瘟抗体的结果符合率为86.6%,胶体金法较ELISA法敏感度、特异度低,用胶体金法检测猪瘟抗体滴度存在一定程度的漏检率及误诊率,只能初步筛查猪瘟抗体.具有一定技术力量的县级兽医实验室使用ELISA法检测猪血样的猪瘟抗体滴度更为合适,对于胶体金法筛查阴性的猪血样,建议用ELISA法复检以防漏检.  相似文献   

This work describes the evaluation of two commercial ELISA kits for the detection of gI antibodies against Aujeszky's disease. A collection of experimental sera from infected pigs, field sample sera, and sera from pigs vaccinated with seven different modified gI-negative commercial vaccines were used to evaluate each test. Both ELISA kits showed good reproducibility, and specificity, but differences could be appreciated in sensitivity when sera obtained at early stages of infection was analysed. These results also indicated that both kits could be used in conjunction with the seven vaccines evaluated in this study.  相似文献   

目的比较两种免疫酶试剂盒recomWell HEV IgG(swine)ELISA(recom Well )和recomLine HEV IgG(swine)(recom Line )检测猪抗E型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus,HEV)IgG的准确性。方法分别采用基因3型和基因4型人HEV(human HEV,hHEV)人工感染无菌猪各2头,采用上述试剂盒检测猪感染后不同天数的血清样品中抗HEV IgG,同时对两头接种PBS液的无菌猪血清样品18份和4头未感染猪的18份血清进行了检测。结果 2头猪人工感染基因3型hHEV后,recomWell检测均于感染后21d出现阳性,并持续56d;recomLine检测,其中1头猪于感染后14d呈阳性,而另1头于感染后21d呈阳性,且均持续56d。2头猪人工感染基因4型hHEV后,两种试剂盒检测,其中1头猪于感染后21d呈阳性,另1头35d呈阳性,并均持续56d仍为阳性。18份对照血清两种试剂盒检测均为阴性。18份未人工感染猪血清中,只有1份两种试剂盒检测均为阳性。两种试剂盒同时检测的共72份样品中,recomWell检出阳性样品23份,阳性率约为32.0%(23/72),recomLine检出阳性样品24份,阳性率约为33.30%(24/72),检出阳性率两者差异不显著(P>0.05);在recomWell检出的23份阳性样品中,recomLine检测均为阳性,两者阳性检出符合率为100%(23/23);recomWell的漏检率约为4.1%(1/24)。结论 recomWellR和recomLine均可用于猪抗HEVIgG的检测,recomLine检测灵敏度略高于recomWell,且操作更简便,不需要特殊昂贵的检测设备,特别适合用于基层检测猪抗HEV IgG。  相似文献   

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