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The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effects of replacing ground corn with soybean hulls (SH) in high-concentrate diets on the growth (56-d period), carcass characteristics, and eating behavior of feedlot lambs. Sixty-four Santa Inês ram lambs (18.3 ± 2.8 kg of BW and 69 ± 5 d of age) were assigned to a randomized complete block design experiment with 8 blocks and 4 diets. The control diet contained 10% coastcross (Cynodon sp.) hay, 70% corn, and no SH (SH0) in the dietary DM. In the remaining diets, SH replaced corn at the rate of 15 (SH15), 30 (SH30), or 45% (SH45) of the original corn concentration, resulting in 0, 10.5, 21.0, or 31.4% SH in the dietary DM. Dry matter intake increased linearly (P < 0.01) when SH replaced ground corn (1.0, 1.0, 1.1, and 1.1 kg/d for SH0, SH15, SH30, and SH45, respectively). There was no effect on ADG of lambs, with values of 276, 278, 282, and 287 g for SH0, SH15, SH30, and SH45, respectively. Feed efficiency decreased linearly (P < 0.01) with SH inclusion. Carcass measures were not affected by SH as a replacement for ground corn. Eating time, expressed as minutes per day and minutes per gram of NDF, showed a quadratic effect (P < 0.05), whereas no effect was observed when expressed as minutes per gram of DM. Rumination, in minutes per day, was not influenced by dietary SH inclusion, but a linear decrease (P < 0.01) was observed when this variable was expressed as minutes per gram of NDF. Soybean hulls can replace up to 45% of the ground corn (31.4% of SH in the dietary DM) in high-concentrate diets fed to feedlot lambs without negative effects on ADG and carcass measures. The linear decrease in feed efficiency (11.6% reduction from SH0 to SH45) suggests that optimal dietary SH inclusion rates should be dictated by the relative costs of SH and corn.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of diets with ammoniated buffel grass hay on the ingestive behavior of feedlot lambs. Thirty-two sheep of no defined breed with an average body weight of 17.7?±?1.8 kg were used. A completely randomized design with four treatments (0, 18, 36, and 54 g/kg dry matter (DM) basis) and eight repetitions was used. Ingestive behavior, rumination, and idle time were similar (P?>?0.05) among the diets containing ammoniated buffel grass hay, with mean values of 294.5, 554.44, and 594.25 min per day, respectively. Regarding the chews, all of the variables resulted in similar behavior (P?>?0.05). The quadratic effect (P?<?0.05) observed for daily intake can be explained based on the amount of DM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) per meal per rumination. There was no effect of urea levels from the ammoniation (P?>?0.05) on the efficiency of DM and NDF consumption. However, the rumination efficiency of DM and NDF showed a quadratic effect (P?<?0.05). Thus, the use of ammoniated buffel grass hay with urea in lamb diet affects the ingestive behavior by increasing the rumination efficiency, increased intake, and feed utilization.  相似文献   

Thirty-six Thalli male growing lambs were used in a completely randomized design with 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to evaluate the effect of varying levels of energy and protein on nutrient intake, digestibility, weight gain, and gain to feed ratio. Four experimental diets, i.e., low energy–low protein (LE-LP), low energy–high protein (LE-HP), high energy–low protein (HE-LP), and high energy–high protein (HE-HP) were formulated. The low- and high-energy diets contained 2.3 and 2.7 MJ/kg dry matter (DM) with 12% and 14% of crude protein. The lambs were fed ad libitum. Dietary energy and protein levels and their interactions influenced the nutrient intake. Maximum dry matter intake was noted in animals fed LE-HP diet followed by LE-LP, HE-HP, and HE-LP diets. Digestibility of DM and N increased (P < 0.01) and that of neutral detergent fiber decreased (P < 0.01) linearly with increasing levels of dietary energy and protein. Digestibility of N was only affected by protein level and interaction between energy and protein levels. Average daily gain was higher (P < 0.01) in lambs fed HE-HP diet followed by LE-HP, LE-LP, and HE-LP diets. Dietary energy and protein levels and their interaction had significant effect (P < 0.01) on gain to feed ratio.  相似文献   

Sixty-four Large White cross Landrace weanling pigs were randomly allotted to eight treatments in a two by four factorial arrangement. The two dietary variables were cassava peel (0 and 40 per cent) and crude protein (20, 15, 10 and 5 per cent). Total serum protein concentration was significantly (P less than 0.01) reduced by protein deficiency and by its interaction with cassava peel. The multiple coefficient of determination (R2) showed that protein intake was the primary factor determining changes in serum protein. R2 values for cyanide intake (independent variable) on serum protein (dependent variable) increased from day 30 to 90 of the trial. Serum urea was increased on the 5 per cent protein diets on days 60 and 90 of the trial. The R2 values for cyanide and protein intake on serum urea concentration increased from day 30 to day 90 of the trial. Serum creatinine increased (P less than 0.05) on the 5 per cent protein diet on day 90 of the trial. The R2 value for the effects of protein intake on serum creatinine was higher than for cyanide intake on days 30 and 90. The results confirm the progressive and pronounced effects of long term cyanide intake on serum nitrogenous metabolites in pigs consuming between 110 and 120 ppm hydrocyanic acid, especially in diets containing 10 per cent or less protein.  相似文献   

The relationship between feeding behavior and performance of 274 feedlot cattle was evaluated using Charolais cross steers from 2 consecutive years averaging 293 ± 41 kg for yr 1 (n = 115) and 349 ± 41 for yr 2 (n = 159). Steers were blocked by BW and assigned to 3 (yr 1) or 4 (yr 2) feedlot pens equipped with a radio frequency identification system (GrowSafe Systems). Each pen contained 5 feeding stalls that allowed individual animal access to a feed tub suspended on load cells. The system recorded animal identification, duration, and frequency of feedings as well as the amount of feed consumed during each visit. Daily variation in DMI (DVI), calculated as the absolute difference in DMI from one day to the next, as well as eating rate were determined for each steer. Barley-based diets were delivered to meet steer ad libitum intake over the 213- and 181-d feeding periods for yr 1 and 2 of the study, respectively. The backgrounding periods included the first 85 and 56 d of yr 1 and 2, respectively, in which steers were fed a 14 to 30% concentrate diet, whereas the finishing periods included the last 116 and 101 d of feeding in yr 1 and 2, respectively, with the diet consisting of 77.9% concentrate. Steers were weighed individually every 14 d. To relate feeding behavior to performance, steers were grouped by ADG and G:F and categorized as high, average, or low (based on 1 SD greater than and less than the mean). In the backgrounding and finishing periods of both years of the study, steers classified as having high ADG exhibited greater (P < 0.001) DVI than steers classified as having average or low ADG. Total daily DMI was also greater (P < 0.001) for steers in the high ADG group than those in the low ADG group. Overall, those steers with the greatest G:F also tended (P = 0.15) to have greater DVI than average or low G:F steers. Compared with average or low G:F steers, DMI by high G:F steers in both years of the study was less during backgrounding, finishing, and overall (P = 0.02). Bunk visits and bunk attendance duration were less frequent and shorter (P ≤ 0.01) overall for high compared with low G:F steers. In this study, steers with more variable eating patterns exhibited greater ADG and tended to have greater G:F, a finding that is contrary to industry perception.  相似文献   


An investigation was made into the feeding behavior of goats to evaluate the effects of a detoxified castor bean meal in the diet of goats. Thirty-six ½ crossbred Boer goats were used, with an average weight of 20?±?3.2 kg. A completely randomized design was used with four treatments (diets with of 0, 100, 200, and 300 g detoxified castor bean meals/kg dry matter) and nine replicates. Castor bean meal was detoxified using calcium oxide. Diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous, and the forage:concentrate ratio was 50:50. The feeding behavior was observed on the 17th, 45th, and 70th days of the experiment. For the evaluation of feeding behavior (feeding, idle, and rumination times), the animals were observed in 5-min intervals for 24 h. The addition of detoxified castor bean meal did not change (P?>?0.05) the evaluated behavioral variables. Linear reduction was observed (P?<?0.05) in the efficiencies of feeding and rumination, expressed in g dry matter/h. The variables related to the time series discretization of the feeding behavior of goats did not change (P?>?0.05) with the inclusion of detoxified castor bean meal. The inclusion of detoxified castor bean meal in growing goats’ diets does not change the feeding, rumination, and idle times, however, decreases intake, feeding, and rumination efficiencies of dry matter.


Methane emissions from feedlot cattle fed barley or corn diets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Methane emitted from the livestock sector contributes to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Understanding the variability in enteric methane production related to diet is essential to decreasing uncertainty in greenhouse gas emission inventories and to identifying viable greenhouse gas reduction strategies. Our study focused on measuring methane in growing beef cattle fed corn- or barley-based diets typical of those fed to cattle in North American feedlots. The experiment was designed as a randomized complete block (group) design with two treatments, barley and corn. Angus heifer calves (initial BW = 328 kg) were allocated to two groups (eight per group), with four cattle in each group fed a corn or barley diet. The experiment was conducted over a 42-d backgrounding phase, a 35-d transition phase and a 32-d finishing phase. Backgrounding diets consisted of 70% barley silage or corn silage and 30% concentrate containing steam-rolled barley or dry-rolled corn (DM basis). Finishing diets consisted of 9% barley silage and 91% concentrate containing barley or corn (DM basis). All diets contained monensin (33 mg/kg of DM). Cattle were placed into four large environmental chambers (two heifers per chamber) during each phase to measure enteric methane production for 3 d. During the backgrounding phase, DMI was greater by cattle fed corn than for those fed barley (10.2 vs. 7.6 kg/d, P < 0.01), but during the finishing phase, DMI was similar for both diets (8.3 kg/d). The DMI was decreased to 6.3 kg/d with no effect of diet or phase while the cattle were in the chambers; thus, methane emissions (g/d) reported may underestimate those of the feedlot industry. Methane emissions per kilogram of DMI and as a percentage of GE intake were not affected by grain source during the backgrounding phase (24.6 g/kg of DMI; 7.42% of GE), but were less (P < 0.05) for corn than for barley during the finishing phase (9.2 vs. 13.1 g/kg of DMI; 2.81 vs. 4.03% of GE). The results indicate the need to implement dietary strategies to decrease methane emissions of cattle fed high-forage backgrounding diets and barley-based finishing diets. Mitigating methane losses from cattle will have long-term environmental benefits by decreasing agriculture's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

When performance is recorded in automated facilities that measure feed intake of individual lambs that are penned in a group, such as Pinpointer units, a legitimate question is the degree to which daily gain is genetically correlated with daily gain achieved under feedlot conditions. Lambs were from a composite population (1/2 Columbia, 1/4 Suffolk, and 1/4 Hampshire germplasm) and of the F2 or more advanced generations. Data were daily gains of 1,101 rams (PR) fed in Pinpointer units (11 to 17 wk of age) and 2,021 rams (FR) and 3,513 ewes (FE) fed under feedlot conditions (9- or 10-wk period starting at 9 wk of age). The FR and FE lambs were born from 1983 through 1995, whereas the PR lambs were born from 1986 through 1995. Measurements of daily gain in PR, FR, and FE lambs were considered to represent three correlated traits. Unadjusted means were .411, .406, and .326 kg/d for PR, FR, and FE, respectively. Random effects in the model were animal direct genetic, maternal genetic, and maternal permanent environmental. Fixed effects were associated with age of dam (1 to 6 yr), type of rearing (1 to 4), and contemporary group (test date). Variances due to maternal genetic effects with single-trait analyses were near zero, so those effects were eliminated from the three-trait analysis although a random uncorrelated effect due to dam was included in the model. Estimates of heritability were .22, .14, and .23 for PR, FR, and FE, respectively, with fractions of variance due to dam effects ranging from .02 to .05. Estimates of genetic correlations were .86 for PR with FR, .83 for PR with FE, and 1.00 for FR with FE. Estimated phenotypic variances were similar for PR and FR, but one-third less for FE. The similarity of heritability estimates and estimates of genetic correlations all exceeding .83 suggest that daily gain of rams fed in Pinpointer units will reflect genetic expression for daily gain in both ram and ewe lambs fed under feedlot conditions.  相似文献   

Four mature geldings were used in a 4 X 4 Latin Square digestion experiment to determine the digestibility of pelleted diets containing 0. 15, 30 and 45% Nonpareil almond hulls. The four isonitrogenous treatments consisting of almond hulls, oat hay, and alfalfa hay provided approximately 94% dry matter (DM), 11% crude protein (CP), 23-32% acid detergent fiber (ADF) and 4100 kcal/kg gross energy (GE). Each horse consumed a different diet during each of four 14-day trial periods. Horses were fed 10 kg of their assigned diet per day. The horses gained an average of 15 kg over the course of the 8-week study. No feed was refused in any of the trials and there were no signs of adverse reactions to any of the diets. The digestibilities of the four dietary components (DM, CP, ADF and GE) were not affected by horse or trial period. Dry matter and GE digestibilities increased (P<.05) as the almond hull content increased in the four diets (59, 63, 64 and 68% DM digestibility and 57, 61, 61 and 64% GE digestibility, respectively). Acid detergent fiber digestibility was not affected by almond hull content (39, 39, 39 and 42% digestibility, respectively) while CP digestibility decreased as the almond hull content increased in the four diets (69, 62, 66 and 56% digestibility, respectively). Almond hulls appear to be a safe and palatable feed for horses and can be fed up to levels of 45%.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was conducted to determine residual melamine concentrations in eggs of quail given diets containing different concentrations of melamine, and to estimate the time at which withdrawing melamine from the diet would result in undetectable concentrations in eggs. A total of 600 Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly divided into 5 treatments, and given melamine at concentrations of 0, 2, 10, 50, and 100?mg/kg diet respectively for 30?d. From d 31 to 41, all quails were given a diet without melamine. Each diet was offered to 4 replicates (cages) of 30 quails each. On d 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, and 41, eggs were collected for the determination of melamine and cyanuric acid levels.

2. Throughout the 41?d experimental period, inclusion levels of melamine in the diets of quails had no significant effect on daily feed intake, egg production percentage, and feed efficiency. No detectable amount of cyanuric acid was found in all eggs. When the diets contained melamine at 2?mg/kg, the amounts of melamine in eggs were below the detection limit. During the entire 30?d exposure, the maximum melamine concentrations in eggs were 0·162, 0·998 and 1·784?mg/kg for the 10, 50 and 100?mg/kg treatment groups, respectively, which demonstrated a linear dose-response relationship.

3. Upon feeding a diet without melamine, the melamine concentration in eggs decreased rapidly. The time taken for the amounts of melamine to decline below the detection limit were 1, 5, and 5?d for quails fed on the diets containing melamine at 10, 50, and 100?mg/kg respectively.

4. Melamine is not metabolised into cyanuric acid in quails, and a positive relationship exists between the concentrations in feed and in eggs.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of different levels of ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) and raw propolis (RP) on broiler performance and on selected bacterial groups in caecal microbiota using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) measured by fluorescent activated cell sorting. Two experiments were conducted with 120 male chicks from 1 to 21 days of age for each, raised in cages and distributed in a completely randomized experimental design; there were five replicates with four birds per experimental unit and six treatments for each experiment (trial 1 – EEP – 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 ppm and trial 2 – RP – 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm). Fluorescent probes were used against the bacterial groups in caecal samples collected at 21 days of age. The data were subjected to one‐way anova followed by Tukey's and regression analyses were used to assess the relationship between dietary levels of EEP or RP on performance and intestinal microbiota (p < 0.05). In the trial 1, results showed that the EEP did not cause any significant (p > 0.05) modification in the performance and caecal microbiota. In the trial 2, RP inclusion did not affect the performance but changed the bacterial composition (p < 0.05). Clostridiaceae, Gammaproteobacteria excluding Enterobacteriaceae and Lactobacillus spp. showed a quadratic response (p < 0.05), with the lowest value predicted to occur at 240 ppm, 221 ppm and 213 ppm of RP respectively. The proportion of Bacteroidaceae and Gammaproteobacteria did not differ (p > 0.05) among the experimental groups. The inclusion of ethanolic extract of propolis did not affect the performance and intestinal microbiota, whereas the supplementation of raw propolis modulates the caecal microbiota composition without any effects on chicken performance.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The histomorphometric parameters of the fore-stomach epithelium of lambs fed with spineless cactus genotypes resistant to Dactylopius sp. were evaluated....  相似文献   

The purpose was to investigate the use of dried cashew pulp (DrCP), the sun-dried residue after juice has been extracted from the cashew apple, as a feed ingredient in growing pig diets. The growth rate, feed intake, feed to gain ratio and cost of gain of grower pigs fed diets containing 0 (0DrCP), 100 (100DrCP), 150 (150DrCP) or 200 (200DrCP) g kg−1 of dried cashew pulp was investigated in a feeding trial set up as a Completely randomized design with 4 treatments replicated 3 times and lasting 112 days. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) among treatments in the parameters measured. It was concluded that dried cashew pulp could be used in growing pig diets up to a level of 200 g kg−1 without any deleterious effects. Future work will look at higher levels of DrCP inclusion in the diets of growing pigs.  相似文献   

Urea recycling occurs in all mammalian species and represents an important source of ruminal nitrogen (N) for ruminants fed protein-restricted diets. However, its importance for cattle fed adequate amounts of protein and energy remains unclear. Six Nellore feedlot steers fed concentrate-based diets were used in a 6 × 6 Latin square design with a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to evaluate ruminal fermentation, urea kinetics, and N excretion. Treatments consisted of 3 protein sources (PS: soybean meal plus urea [SU], corn gluten meal [CGM], and dry distillers grains [DDG]) and 2 inclusion levels (PL; 11% and 14%). Steers were adapted to the diets for 14 d followed by 8 d of sample collection. Feed intake, fecal output, and urine production were measured from day 18 to day 22 of each period. Blood samples were collected every 6 h on day 18. [15N-15N]-urea was infused into the jugular vein for 82 h over day 19 to day 22, and measurement of 15N in background (day 18) and enriched feces and urine (day 21) were used to evaluate urea kinetics. To evaluate the incorporation of recycled urea N into microbial protein (MICP), ruminal and duodenal fluid were collected on day 22. Steers fed SU diets had lower (P < 0.05) nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), greater (P < 0.05) urea-N entry rate (UER), and tended (P < 0.10) to have greater gastrointestinal entry rate of urea-N (GER) compared with those fed CGM or DDG. In addition, steers fed SU had greater (P < 0.05) urea-N returned to ornithine cycle (ROC) compared with those fed CGM or DDG. Increasing PL tended (P < 0.10) to increase UER. The proportion of total microbial N from recycled urea-N was greater (P < 0.05) for steers fed CGM compared with those fed SU and also greater for steers fed diets with 11% CP than for those fed with 14% CP. Diets with 11% CP can be used for Nellore feedlot cattle fed concentrate-based diets without negatively affecting intake, digestibility, and ruminal fermentation. Moreover, diets containing rumen undegradable protein (RUP) feed sources (CGM or DDG) compared with diets with SU markedly increased NUE, while maintaining microbial protein (MICP) synthesis. Results from this study suggest that the equation adopted by NASEM (NASEM. 2016. Nutrient requirements of beef cattle. 8th revised ed. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press) was not accurate in estimating the urea-N used for anabolism (UUA) in Nellore feedlot cattle fed concentrate-based diets.  相似文献   

Twenty-four wether lambs averaging 47 kg were used to study the effects of dietary K and Na additions on metabolism of lambs. Lambs were randomly allotted to four treatments and fed 900 g/d of the following: control diet consisting of 50% ground tall fescue hay and 50% concentrate; K diet calculated to contain 4% K with K added as KCl; Na diet calculated to contain 4% Na with Na added as NaCl, and K-Na diet containing 2% K and 2% Na with K and Na added from the same sources as in the K and Na diets. Water intake and urine excretion were highest for lambs fed the Na diet. Dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) digestibilities were similar among treatments. The K-Na diet resulted in decreased (P less than .05) acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility compared with lambs fed the Na diet. Nitrogen (N) retention was highest (P less than .05) in lambs fed the K diet and lowest in those fed the Na diet. Rumen NH3-N was lower (P less than .05) in lambs fed the Na diet compared with controls. Rumen K at 2 and 6 h postfeeding was highest (P less than .05) and rumen Na at 6 h lowest (P less than .05) for lambs fed the K diet. Plasma K values at both sampling times were highest (P less than .05) in lambs fed the K diet. At 6 h postfeeding, plasma Mg was higher in control lambs compared with those fed the K-Na diet.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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