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猪传染性胸膜肺炎是一种典型的呼吸道疾病,病原会随着患病猪咳嗽、打喷嚏等途径排出体外,以飞沫形式经呼吸道传播给健康猪。猪传染性胸膜肺炎传播速度较快,为降低感染疾病对生猪养殖造成的威胁,需要加强流行病学调查,掌握该种疾病的具体发生特点,并在此基础上构建综合性的防控措施。该文主要分析猪传染性胸膜肺炎的诊断和防治过程。  相似文献   

目前,疫病仍然是养猪业的最大困扰。呼吸道疾病尤为突出,且多表现为病毒和细菌多种病原微生物的混合感染。虽然广大从业人员都知道,控制猪病的流行和蔓延,要从消灭传染源、切断传播途径和保护易感猪群三个环节上下功夫,但实际生产中很多人都把希望寄托在疫苗上,片面狭隘地认  相似文献   

生猪集约化规模化养殖产业不断向前发展、养殖规模扩大的同时,猪疫病呈现高发趋势,各个生猪养殖主产区的猪疫病发生率越来越高,多种疫病发生呈现新的流行特点。猪伪狂犬病是由伪狂犬病病毒感染引起的一种高度接触性传染性疾病,该种疾病易感种类数量多,危害面积广,传染形式多样化,防治难度越来越大。该文结合实际工作经验,分析了猪伪狂犬病的流行特点、临床症状、病理学变化、诊断方法和防控措施。  相似文献   

消毒是控制传染病的重要措施,消毒是为了消灭病原微生物,切断病原传播途径,保证畜禽不受病原微生物的侵害,使畜禽在洁净环境中生长。近年来我镇每年春夏之交常发生猪高热病、红皮病,冬季常会发生传染性胃肠炎等疫病的流行,给畜禽养殖带来不小的损失。  相似文献   

消毒是为了消灭外界环境中的病原微生物,切断传播途径,防止传染病发生和蔓延。春夏季节是猪瘟、猪传染性胃肠炎、猪流行性腹泻、猪流感、猪传染性胸膜肺炎等疫病的流行季节,作好栏舍消毒工作尤为重要。  相似文献   

“养殖先防病,不然丢干净”。疫病风险大于市场风险,防病必须坚持“预防为主,防重于治”的原则,采取综合措施,把疫病损失降低到最低程度。 疫病是传染病的简称,疫病传播有三个必要环节:传染源(向外界排放病原微生物如病毒、细菌、真菌等的患病动物或隐性感染者)、传播途径(使病原微生物传播扩散并侵入易感动物体内的通道或方式)、易感动物群(某种动物对某种病原天生具有易感性,如家猪和野猪对猪瘟病毒没有抵抗力,容易感染,就是猪瘟病的易感动物;而山羊和鸡等不会感染猪瘟,就不是猪瘟的易感动物。一定数量的易感动物构成易感动物群,又叫易感畜群)。易感动物被传染后又变成了新的传染源,开始了下一个循环。综合防疫就是采取一系列有效方法,切断疫病流行中的一个或数个环节,从而有效阻止传染病的发生发展,进而控制甚至扑灭传染病。  相似文献   

消毒是为了消灭外界环境中的病原微生物,切断传播途径,防止传染病发生和蔓延.春夏季节是猪瘟、猪传染性胃肠炎、猪流行性腹泻、猪流感、猪传染性胸膜肺炎等疫病的流行季节,作好栏舍消毒工作尤为重要.  相似文献   

消毒的主要目的是切断传播途径,预防和控制传染病的传播和蔓延。传染病的发生主要有传染源、传染途径和易感染动物。在畜禽养殖中,有时没有看到疫病发生,但外界环境已存在传染源,传染源排出病源体,如果没有采取严格的消毒措施,病源体就会通过空气、饲料、饮水用具、鞋帽等传染途径侵人易感畜禽,  相似文献   

家禽疫苗使用注意事项李中银刘伯友曾统英(农业部成都药械厂)养禽重在防病,通常意义上讲:防病是指预防传染性疾病。禽的传染病流行有三个因素,传染源、传播途径和易感禽群。控制传染病,即需控制传染源、切断传播途径、隔离易感禽群,搞好严格的卫生、消毒、隔离制度...  相似文献   

<正>就动物传染病防控而言,依旧离不开切断传播途径、控制、淘汰传染源及保护易感群体这三要素,掌握基本疾病传播途径并全面切断对于实施动物疫病净化十分重要。只有充分了解相关疾病的各种传播途径并通过相关措施加以切断才能在实施净化过程最大程度地将带毒动物淘汰或避免漏检动物的扩大传播。只有充分了解相关疾病的各种  相似文献   

猪皮炎肾病综合症是由圆环病毒二型感染引起的一种以猪皮肤表面出现红疹、丘疹、结痂或坏死,肾脏严重肿大为主要临床特征的常见传染性疾病。皮炎肾病综合症主要危害生长猪和育肥猪。受病毒感染后,患病猪表现为生长发育不良,免疫功能受到严重抑制,易继发感染其他传染性疾病,表现出复杂的临床症状,给生猪养殖业造成严重损失和危害。防范疾病的发生流行,需要掌握猪皮炎肾病综合症的具体流行特点、临床表现,并采取针对有效措施进行诊断,然后构建有效的防控措施,短时间内控制病情,避免损失进一步加大。该文主要论述猪皮炎肾病综合症的流行特点、临床症状、病理变化、诊断方法和防治措施。  相似文献   

为了实现养猪业的健康、安全、优质高效生产,必须深刻认识到养猪环境控制在猪病防控中的中心地位,以期改善当前的生猪养殖环境,提高猪只的非特异性抵抗力,消除疾病诱发因素,切断疫病传播途径,减少疾病的发生,降低药物的使用,确保食品安全。论文对生猪养殖中,环境对猪健康的影响及存在的问题等予以综述,提出了环境优化的主要措施。  相似文献   

规模化羊养殖产业发展中,由于不科学的引种行为使传染性疾病的发生率呈现增高的趋势,羊群在生长发育中,易受到多种病原的侵害。现阶段越来越多的养殖管理人员认识到羊疫病防控的重要性,并构建针对性的防控措施,很好的控制疫情发生流行。疫苗免疫接种是防控疫病的重中之重,在具体免疫接种中,需要结合当地的疫病流行特点,制定针对性的免疫程序,保证免疫接种的针对性合理性,提高羊群抵抗力。该文在探讨羊防疫要点的基础上,论述常见疫苗的使用方法。  相似文献   

羊口疮病又被称为羊传染性脓疱病,是由羊口疮病毒感染引发的一种高度接触性急性传染性疾病。该病具有传播速度、传播范围广、发病率高的特点,虽然造成的死亡率降低,但是会严重影响羊的正常产生、正常休息,使羊群生长发育不良,身体逐渐消瘦,如果继发感染多种细菌性疾病、病毒性疾病,会加重病情,表现出复杂的临床症状,给疾病的诊断工作带来很大难度。养殖户在发展羊养殖中如果没有做好科学管理,饲料中存在杂质或者饲料坚硬,造成羊口腔出现损伤,给传染性脓疱病的发生流行提供条件。发生流行后如果不能做好针对有效的诊断,易造成病原的扩散蔓延,带来严重损失。该文主要论述羊口疮病的预防和治疗。  相似文献   

自2018年8月受到非洲猪瘟疫情影响,生猪养殖产业受到巨大打击,直接促进家禽养殖产业的发展。随国家对畜禽养殖结构的调整力度不断加大,规模化鸡养殖场的建设数量不断增加。依托规模化鸡养殖产业,带来更多经济收入的同时,也面临较高的疫情防范风险。初春季节外界温度忽高忽低,昼夜温差较大,该时期的鸡身体免疫功能出现下降的现象,造成各种传染性疾病频发。因此做好春季传染性疾病的防治工作,成为需要重点攻克的难题。该文主要结合地区的鸡养殖现状,探讨春季鸡疾病的发生情况,并提出相应的养殖管理措施,更好地控制春季传染性疾病的发生蔓延。  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) causes great economic losses in growing pigs and there are several reviews on disease manifestations and lesions associated with PCV2 in growing pigs. Reproductive failure in breeding herds, predominately associated with increased numbers of mummies and non-viable piglets at parturition, is one of the disease manifestations of PCV2 infection. Boars shed low amounts of infectious PCV2 in semen for extended time periods, and vertical transmission of PCV2 to fetuses during PCV2 viremia of the dam has been experimentally confirmed. However, intrauterine-infected piglets often are clinically normal. Nevertheless, pigs infected with PCV2 by the intrauterine route can be born viremic, possibly contributing to horizontal spread of PCV2 within the breeding herd and into the nursery. Shedding of PCV2 in semen and prevalence of intrauterine-infected piglets can both be greatly reduced by PCV2 vaccination well ahead of expected PCV2 exposure. This review is a discussion on current knowledge on the effects of PCV2 infection in the dam and in in utero fetuses, including clinical signs, lesions, diagnosis and prevention through vaccination. Infection of boars with PCV2, the potential for PCV2 transmission via semen and prevention of PCV2 shedding are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the transmission of Classical Swine Fever virus (CSF virus) within herds during the 1997–1998 epidemic in the Netherlands. In seven herds where the infection started among individually housed breeding stock, all breeding pigs had been tested for antibodies to CSF virus shortly before depopulation. Based upon these data, the transmission of CSF virus between pigs was described as exponential growth in time with a parameter r, that was estimated at 0.108 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 0.060–0.156). The accompanying per-generation transmission (expressed as the basic reproduction ratio, R0) was estimated at 2.9. Based upon this characterisation, a calculation method was derived with which serological findings at depopulation can be used to calculate the period in which the virus was with a certain probability introduced into that breeding stock. This model was used to estimate the period when the virus had been introduced into 34 herds where the infection started in the breeding section. Of these herds, only a single contact with a herd previously infected had been traced. However, in contrast with the seven previously mentioned herds, only a sample of the breeding pigs had been tested before depopulation (as was the common procedure during the epidemic). The observed number of days between the single contact with an infected herd and the day of sampling of these 34 herds fitted well in the model. Thus, we concluded that the model and transmission parameter was in agreement with the transmission between breeding pigs in these herds.

Because of the limited sample size and because it was usually unknown in which specific pen the infection started, we were unable to estimate transmission parameters for weaned piglets and finishing pigs from the data collected during the epidemic. However, from the results of controlled experiments in which R0 was estimated as 81 between weaned piglets and 14 between heavy finishing pigs (Laevens et al., 1998a. Vet. Quart. 20, 41–45; Laevens et al., 1999. Ph.D. Thesis), we constructed a simple model to describe the transmission of CSF virus in compartments (rooms) housing finishing pigs and weaned piglets. From the number of pens per compartment, the number of pigs per pen, the numbers of pigs tested for antibodies to CSF virus and the distribution of the seropositive pigs in the compartment, this model gives again a period in which the virus most probably entered the herd. Using the findings in 41 herds where the infection started in the section of the finishers or weaned piglets of the age of 8 weeks or older, and of which only a single contact with a herd previously infected was known, there was no reason to reject the model. Thus, we concluded that the transmission between weaned piglets and finishing pigs during the epidemic was not significantly different from the transmission observed in the experiments.  相似文献   

A highly acute and contagious camel disease, an epidemic wave of unknown etiology, referred to here as camel sudden death syndrome, has plagued camel population in countries in the Horn of Africa. To better understand its epidemic patterns and transmission dynamics, we used epidemiologic parameters and differential equation deterministic modeling (SEIR/D-model) to predict the outcome likelihood following an exposure of susceptible camel population. Our results showed 45.7, 17.6, and 38.6 % overall morbidity, mortality, and case fatality rates of the epidemic, respectively. Pregnant camels had the highest mortality and case fatality rates, followed by breeding males, and lactating females, implying serious socioeconomic consequences. Disease dynamics appeared to be linked to livestock trade route and animal movements. The epidemic exhibited a strong basic reproductive number (R (0)) with an average of 16 camels infected by one infectious case during the entire infectious period. The epidemic curve suggested that the critical moment of the disease development is approximately between 30 and 40?days, where both infected/exposed and infectious camels are at their highest numbers. The lag between infected/infectious curves indicates a time-shift of approximately 3-5?days from when a camel is infected and until it becomes infectious. According to this predictive model, of all animals exposed to the infection, 66.8 % (n?=?868) and 33.2 % (n?=?431) had recovered and died, respectively, at the end of epidemic period. Hence, if early measures are not taken, such an epidemic could cause a much more devastative effect, within short period of time than the anticipated proportion.  相似文献   

科学疫病防控是现代化家禽养殖产业发展中一项重要和不可或缺的工作,是实现鸡养殖产业健康可持续发展的关键所在。由于农村地区的很多养殖户科学疫病防控重视程度不高,在养殖管理过程中并没有构建完善的疫病防控措施,养殖管理方案不当,鸡群处于亚健康状态,身体抵抗能力较差,一旦某些传染性疾病在养殖场中爆发流行,很容易造成严重危害,使大量鸡死亡,给养殖场带来不可挽回的经济损失。该文分析农村养鸡防疫存在的问题,论述具体的解决措施。  相似文献   

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