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针对目前高校社会工作的专业特点和教学中存在的问题,借鉴当今职业教育中较为先进的教学模式,探索该专业"小组工作"实训课程教学改革,以期引起社会工作教育者对该专业教学模式作更进一步的思考和探索,探寻有中国特色的社会工作专业教育之路。  相似文献   

社会工作专业,适应了我国社会转型发展的需要,在预防和解决社会问题,缓解社会矛盾,促进社会和谐和稳定中发挥着重要作用。但作为一个新兴和尚未实现职业化的专业,在专业人才就业过程中面临着诸多问题与困境,。社会工作是一种助人的活动,它是一种专业,也是一种专门的职业和制度。一些国家还设立了社会工作教学委员会,以规范社会工作专业课程的设置,推进社会工作教学的发展。但是目前社会工作专业的就业压力大,求职难,其毕业生在我国的就业形势不容乐观,本文将从社会工作现状、现状原因以及对策分别阐述社工的就业问题状况。  相似文献   

近20年来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,社会工作专业教育在中国大陆获得了快速发展。在简单回顾社会工作教育在中国的发展历程的基础上,剖析了社会工作教育在发展中的主要问题,提出了几点不太成熟的看法和建议。  相似文献   

高校作为一个由数万在校学生和教职工组成的大社区,是社区社会工作很重要的一部分,不应被专业社会工作者所忽略。这里有很多热心于公益事业的大学生,致力于投身公益事业。他们并不知道慈善商店和社会企业的概念,不了解社会工作的专业价值观,但是他们正在用实际行动践行着慈善和公益的本质。本文通过对首都经济贸易大学THANKS CLUB社团及其主要负责人的访谈研究,以及对"爱心跳蚤市场"项目的跟踪,了解目前高校公益事业的发展模式,发现存在的问题。  相似文献   

日本社会工作专业在读生中,参加高考时社会工作专业为高考报考第一志愿占95%,毕业时社工职业内就业率占40%。而在中国大多社会工作专业的学生几乎都是调剂生,社工职业内就业率很低。完善岗位资格制度、继续努力设定合理的雇佣条件、改善工作环境,为被服务者解压,同时也要为工作人员解压是社工人才确保的条件。  相似文献   

语言是价值观的载体,大学生正处于人生观和价值观塑型的关键时期,更容易受西方价值观的渗透,大学英语课堂教学在传授西方语言与文化的同时,应加强对大学生社会主义核心价值观的隐性培育,促进大学生对中国传统文化的传承和引导大学生树立正确的价值观。本文提出大学英语课堂教学是隐性培育社会主义核心价值观的主渠道,大学英语第二课堂和教材建设也是弘扬社会主义核心价值观的重要途径。  相似文献   

性别分层理论是西方传统社会分层思想的重要组成部分。近年来,国内关于性别分层的实证研究也不断丰富。本文基于对西方性别分层理论和当前国内实证领域性别分层研究的总体描述,从理论和事实的角度分析了中国传统社会和当代社会中性别分层问题,最后呼吁在西方性别分层理论和中国本土化现实之间建立起沟通的桥梁,进而实现人类的发展与进步。  相似文献   

社会工作是以利他主义价值观为指导,以科学的知识为基础,运用科学的方法进行的助人服务活动。社会工作的功能是通过社会服务和社会管理,帮助人解决现存问题、满足需要、促进发展,从而达到解决社会问题、促进社会公平正义、维护社会稳定和谐的功能。  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值观反映着社会主义的价值追求,培育大学生社会主义核心价值观是建设有中国特色社会主义大学的本质体现,是解决当代大学生思想矛盾和问题的关键。本文立足研究辽宁省高校大学生对社会主义核心价值观的认同和践行情况,分析当前大学生社会主义核心价值观的培育困境,探寻高校大学生社会主义核心价值观的培育路径,为新形势下应对西方"西化"、"分化"阴谋,实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦提供强大精神动力。  相似文献   

本文从各个层面分析了改革开放后我国为什么需要社会工作专业人才及社会工作对构建和谐社会有何巨大作用。中国社会工作正面临着一个重要的发展机遇,深入探讨社会工作在和谐社会建设中的作用,以及社会工作制度的发展路径,对稳妥而有效地推进中国社会工作具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Veterinarians generally focus on keeping the performance horse in work but they need to be mindful of ways in which the work itself may jeopardise the animal's welfare and health. Elements of a horse's work may expose it to the risk of injury but insults to wellbeing, which are far more common and far more sustained, although less overt, also deserve consideration. A good example is the way in which chronic physiological stress responses arising from inhumane training techniques may compromise immunity and tissue repair. This article explores the physiological and musculoskeletal insults that can result from ridden work, alongside the gear and training paradigms that can compromise welfare. It also considers issues relating to the use of pharmaceuticals in the ridden horse. With stress reduction as a primary focus, it emerges that veterinarians are uniquely placed to comment on the somatic effects of psychological stressors, including the social and ethological challenges resulting from the work required of the so‐called elite equine athlete. Whether the profession will step up to meet this significant challenge is also discussed.  相似文献   

The debate regarding the benefits of rotational grazing has eluded resolution within the US rangeland profession for more than 60 yr. This forum examines the origin of the debate and the major reasons for its persistence in an attempt to identify common ground for resolution, and to search for meaningful lessons from this central chapter in the history of the US rangeland profession. Rotational grazing was a component of the institutional and scientific response to severe rangeland degradation at the turn of the 20th century, and it has since become the professional norm for grazing management. Managers have found that rotational grazing systems can work for diverse management purposes, but scientific experiments have demonstrated that they do not necessarily work for specific ecological purposes. These interpretations appear contradictory, but we contend that they can be reconciled by evaluation within the context of complex adaptive systems in which human variables such as goal setting, experiential knowledge, and decision making are given equal importance to biophysical variables. The scientific evidence refuting the ecological benefits of rotational grazing is robust, but also narrowly focused, because it derives from experiments that intentionally excluded these human variables. Consequently, the profession has attempted to answer a broad, complex question—whether or not managers should adopt rotational grazing—with necessarily narrow experimental research focused exclusively on ecological processes. The rotational grazing debate persists because the rangeland profession has not yet developed a management and research framework capable of incorporating both the social and biophysical components of complex adaptive systems. We recommend moving beyond the debate over whether or not rotational grazing works by focusing on adaptive management and the integration of experiential and experimental, as well as social and biophysical, knowledge to provide a more comprehensive framework for the management of rangeland systems.  相似文献   

The medical profession has spent much time and many resources engaging in a discourse of medical professionalism and debating the appropriate attitudes and behavior of physicians, but little has been published concerning the concept of veterinary professionalism. Physicians are commonly examined by social scientists and educationalists to establish definitions of medical professionalism in order to teach and assess these values within curricula. This challenging process has not been without criticism, however, with some calling the numerous definitions unhelpful, especially when these behaviors are not demonstrated in practice or the wider sociological implications of medical professionalism are ignored. Veterinary curricula often include professional skills, and there has been some discussion about their inclusion as well as the scope of veterinary surgeons and their role in society. Despite this, no true definition of veterinary professionalism exists, and the teaching of the values and behaviors expected of veterinary professionals may not be explicit. Regardless of the difficulties of engaging in such a discourse, perhaps it is time that this occurred and a realistic and usable definition of veterinary professionalism is established. This is a period of change for the veterinary profession, and a teachable and assessable definition can provide some clarity and assist educators within ever evolving veterinary curricula.  相似文献   

采用知识价值观问卷对1258名大学生进行调查,并结合十年前大学生知识价值观的研究,分析十年来知识价值观的新变化。结果表明:十年前后大学生都更重视知识的社会价值,在年级、性别水平上的知识价值观特征相同,都是大一最重视知识价值,大三最不重视知识价值,女生比男生更重视知识价值,且差异显著;在专业水平上,十年前后大学知识价值观特征不同,十年前文理工三个专业对知识的重视程度无显著差异,当前理科生对知识价值的重视程度依次高于工科生、文科生,差异显著。  相似文献   

American veterinary medical education stands at a crucial point. To maintain the status quo and to meet ever-increasing societal needs within the United States and globally, it is essential that the veterinary medical profession expand its horizons and capabilities. If it does not, it will lose its current status. The profession faces a crucial shortage in the workforce it needs both to continue to perform its current functions and, more importantly, to meet its growing responsibilities. This is not a new situation, and the profession can learn from its past successes and failures. Action is necessary. The profession has the capability and expertise to meet these challenges, but it must activate these skills in order to succeed.  相似文献   

The concept of dairy production medicine has matured. The programs are probably essential for our profession to remain relevant to the dairy industry. Yet delivery of the services has lagged far behind the concept. Delivery lags because it is not simply the addition of some new techniques to an old practice; development of production medicine programs requires fundamental changes in the skills we bring to our work, changes in the way we relate to our clients and our community, and changes in the priorities that shape our practices. That is the challenge. The process is demanding, it is complex, it is sometimes painful, and in my view, it is absolutely necessary.  相似文献   

Veterinary medical education is undergoing rapid change in terms of pedagogy, the demographics of the student body, and, in turn, the membership of the profession. Central to the value of the traditional curriculum and the total student experience is the small-group environment, both in client service and in clinical rounds. It is one of the few Socratic learning experiences in higher education today. Similarly, experience in private practice is of inestimable value in terms of developing people skills and a lasting sense of service and accountabilty. In a generation, the student body has transformed from vanishingly small numbers of women to a predominance of female students. However, the profession still is very white, in a world becoming more and more diverse. With a predominantly white faculty and student body today, this circumstance shows little promise of rapid enough change to maintain relevance to a workforce that, a generation from now, likely will be dominated numerically by people of color. The incorporation of various world views and the impact of stereotyping on performance are central to issues of success and failure of minorities and, in somewhat different ways, women in the veterinary medical profession. These issues must become better understood and addressed. And to accomplish this, and to address a host of other culturally important issues, a greater diversity of world views must be engaged in the work and planning of veterinary medical education and the profession at large. Addressing these issues in an environment in which the values of faculty and administrators are intensely focused on the science of veterinary medicine, and in which the participants hold dear a system that places value only on teaching, research, and clinical service, is a formidable undertaking and will require substantial reconsideration of faculty role and reward systems.  相似文献   

The development of Veterinary Medicine in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany and the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) is sketched in highlights. After the collectivization of agriculture (1960) a centralistically controlled national veterinary system was established. It was suited to the requirements of the industrially organized animal production. The successive classification of socialistic veterinary administration was associated with the following matters: the extension of veterinary subject matters, a vertical division of work with the aid of newly created technical veterinary professions, and a penetration of the profession with political guidelines. As the professional level of the veterinary system in the GDR was relatively high the reflection in retrospective needs to be evaluated in a differentiated way considering the textual and social conditions. In spite of centralism and indoctrination the veterinary system remained professionally autonomous with islands of political independence, which sustained the identity of this profession. The latter formed the base for self renewal of the East German veterinary system at the end of the socialistic area 1989/1990.  相似文献   

All who work in veterinary education must recognize the breadth of their responsibilities. We are at a time in veterinary history where the profession must look how to meet a global standard for veterinary education and the global recognition of our basic qualification. There is a societal expectation that a professional approach is being taken to managing food security and food safety, as well as the environment and biodiversity. Within our profession, we need to recognize our obligation to fulfill this role. Society and regulators will seek those who have the capacity to provide for society's needs. It is no longer a case of relying on the reputation of our profession alone. There is a significant disparity in universal recognition of the veterinary qualification between the major blocs of the developed world and the developing world. Graduates from developing countries are not widely recognized, and they and their countries may therefore be at a significant disadvantage. There will be significant costs involved in raising the standards of veterinary education. A lead must be taken by a global body such as the World Veterinary Association to develop a long-term strategy toward global recognition of the veterinary qualification.  相似文献   

The demographic characteristics of the veterinary profession in New Zealand are examined using information supplied by registered veterinarians to the Veterinary Surgeons Board in their applications for annual practising certificates in 1985. Comparisons are made with the veterinary professions in other similar countries, and with the medical and paramedical professions in New Zealand. In 1985 1308 registered veterinarians were working in New Zealand and 304 were overseas, whereas in 1976 the equivalent figures were 748 and 182. This represents an increase of 73% in the number of registered veterinarians in the last 10 years. Eighteen percent of veterinarians were female. The mean age of veterinarians was 38 years, but females in the profession were on average much younger (32 years) than males (42 years). Clinical practice provides employment for 70% of veterinarians: of these 59% work principally with farm animals and 41% with non-farm animals. The remaining veterinarians are employed by Government (22%), University (5%) and Industry (3%). The current demographic structure of the profession has been markedly influenced by the opening of New Zealand's only veterinary school at Massey University in 1963. Differences from other medical professional populations in New Zealand and overseas principally reflect the marked change in the number and sex ratio of graduates entering the veterinary profession since that time. It will take about another twenty years before the population reaches a stable age and sex structure, assuming that current graduation patterns persist throughout that period. Because the structure of the population is changing, considerable caution is needed in predicting future employment trends from data for a single year.  相似文献   

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