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简要地介绍了理论分析、试验研究、数值计算等方法在深基坑开挖对邻近管线影响研究中的应用,归纳总结了各方法的优点及局限性。在此基础上,重点综述了目前相关研究现状,并指出研究中存在的不足,针对研究中存在的问题提出了今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

本文介绍了中国洞穴动物的研究历史、主要研究概况,总结了最近中国在洞穴动物研究方面所取得的成果,在分析洞穴动物研究动态后,展望了中国洞穴生物研究的前景。并对中国洞穴动物保护提出来一些想法。  相似文献   

近年来,动物转基因技术得到了迅猛的发展,在病毒的研究中得到了广泛的应用,并取得了显著的成果。随着该技术的不断完善,它将在病毒学研究中发挥越来越重要的作用。本文综述了动物转基因技术的发展及研究方法,并介绍了该技术在病毒研究中的应用。  相似文献   

禽病一直是困扰我国养殖业的关键难题之一,影响着养殖业的发展,科研院所对此进行了大量试验研究,在关键领域取得了一定的成就。就现有国内外相关研究进行梳理和综述,并对比分析了国内外禽病研究现状,在综合现有研究的基础上,就后续研究方向提出思考和建议。  相似文献   

在微卫星即简单序列重复序列(SSR)标记基础上发展了简单序列重复间区(ISSR)标记,目前ISSR分子标记技术在遗传学研究上得到了较为广泛的应用,在鸟类研究上正在明显增加。文章介绍了ISSR分子标记技术的原理及特点,并从遗传多样性研究、种质资源评价、亲缘关系分析、分类研究、分子系统地理学研究五个方面探讨在鸟类遗传研究中ISSR分子标记的应用现状,同时对未来其发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

在当前的宝石学的研究中,对于其中的流体包裹体的研究,为宝石学的研究增添了新的技术支持,也相应的提供了许多新的思路。当前,我们对流体包裹提的研究主要针对的是;宝石学中的宝玉石在成矿理论中的研究,合成宝石的理论方法研究,以及处理宝石的理论方法研究上。在这之中,相对于宝石的成矿研究,我们在宝石合成和处理以及宝玉石的鉴定方面,还处在一个比较初级的进展时期。其中,对于宝石的鉴定研究,更加需要加强在研究科技和地质知识方面的提高。  相似文献   

体外产气技术在三江源区动物营养研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在畜牧科研中,体外产气法是被广泛应用在动物营养研究领域的成熟技术。该文阐述了目前体外产气技术可应用的研究领域,并结合青藏高原三江源区动物营养研究的实际情况,讨论并展望了体外产气技术在高原动物营养研究中的应用和研究方向。  相似文献   

我国菌根学研究进展及其应用展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着科学技术的进步和人们对菌根认识的不断深入,菌根学理论研究日益引起世界各国学者的广泛关注,菌根化应用技术研究也日趋加强。为了及时把握我国菌根学研究的最新进展和现状,阐明我国学者在菌根机理研究和应用领域取得的成绩,本研究归纳了从2006-2010年我国菌根学研究发表的所有科技论文,分析了这些研究论文的性质和特征,在此基础上分别对我国在菌根营养学、菌根生态学、分子生物学技术在菌根学中的应用和菌根对植物耐受胁迫能力等方面的研究成果进行了论述;探讨了我国在利用菌根真菌开展育苗造林和食用菌生产方面的进展。结合当前菌根研究在农、林生产上的应用前景,分析当前我国菌根研究及应用中存在的问题和不足,并对今后我国菌根学的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

前言关于敌百虫在动物体内残留动态的研究,我们从1978年开始先后进行了在猪体、绵羊和山羊体内的研究。在此基础上1980年又进行了奶牛乳中残留动态的研究。敌百虫在牛奶中残留动态的研究,国内尚没见报道,而国外研究较早,从1956年到1971年这十多年的时间里研究的最多,有上百篇的研究报告发表。  相似文献   

抗菌肽作为新型的潜在抗菌药物,在耐药问题日益严峻的今天引起了广泛关注。在对抗菌肽体外研究不断深入的同时,抗菌肽体内研究也逐渐成为关注重点。论文主要从抗菌肽的体内抗菌活性研究和毒性评价两个方面进行了综述,在体内抗菌活性研究中介绍了模型设计及动物试验原则、接种途径和模型鉴定方法,并对常用于抗菌肽体内研究的几种典型细菌感染动物模型建立及活性试验方法进行了总结,在毒性评价中主要介绍了测定半数致死量(LD50)法,同时对建模及活性毒性评价研究中的不同方法进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

高速公路边坡生态恢复技术进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
论述了高速公路给生态环境带来的影响,总结了国内外高速公路边坡生态恢复的研究现状和常用的边坡防护技术,提出工程防护与植物防护有机结合的生态防护是高速公路边坡生态恢复的重要措施。同时指出了我国高速公路边坡的生态恢复在技术模式、植物选择、施工与养护等方面存在的问题;提出要建立适用于不同路域的生态恢复模式、选用乔灌草有机搭配的乡土植物、加强有效监督机制与后期养护和环境评估等建议。  相似文献   

The analysis of data in clinical records could be useful to epidemiologists in planning analytical studies and identifying new research initiatives. This paper describes the method used to develop a systematic, replicable technique for compressing many words of text into fewer content categories on the basis of explicit rules of user-defined coding, and systematically sorting a large volume of records accurately and reliably. The method was used to categorise the reasons for retirement from racing in Hong Kong of 3727 thoroughbred racehorses between the 1992/93 and 2003/04 racing seasons into a user-defined dictionary. An automated process successfully categorised 95 per cent of the records. The other 5 per cent were assigned manually to one of the dictionary categories. The whole process from initial screening to the categorisation of all the records took approximately 100 man-hours to complete.  相似文献   

王海波  孙娟  玉永雄 《草业科学》2006,23(12):83-86
草地农业系统作为一个系统模式,本身有其生态效应和工程系统效应。本文就草地农业系统和生态工程技术的基本关系、草地农业系统的生态分析以及草地农业中的关键生态工程技术进行了探讨,以期从生态工程的整体界面和高度去加强草地农业系统的管理,做到合理利用、良性开发、高效运作,最后达到经济和生态的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Two-dimensional, real-time echocardiography (2DE), studied extensively in humans, has only recently been utilized in veterinary medicine. To develop standardized transducer locations and examination technique and to validate cardiac anatomy as imaged from these locations, 2DE was performed in 12 normal, anesthetized dogs. Anatomic structures were identified by shape, position and motion, selective microbubble-laden saline injections, and percutaneous pin insertion followed by necropsy dissection. Consistent echotomographic images were obtained from right intercostal and left intercostal transducer locations. From the right, long-axis and short-axis views of the heart were obtained. From the left, several long-axis views were possible. One or more views of all four cardiac chambers, atrioventricular and semilunar valves, and the proximal portions of the great vessels were obtained by systematic examination from both sides of the thorax. It was concluded that complete anatomic evaluation of the canine heart by 2DE was possible using a standardized, systematic examination technique.  相似文献   

动物营养学研究方法进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了动物营养学研究方法的发展历程,即由传统动物营养学向系统动物营养学的发展,以及各学科在动物营养研究方法中的应用。  相似文献   

笔者综述了动物营养学研究方法的发展历程,即由传统动物营养学向系统动物营养学的发展,以及各学科在动物营养研究方法中的应用.  相似文献   

综述了动物营养学研究方法的发展历程,即由传统动物营养学向系统动物营养学的发展,以及各学科在动物营养研究方法中的应用。  相似文献   

Foodborne illness is an important public-health concern. Livestock operations represent the original source of many foodborne pathogens. Policy- and decision-makers in the area of agri-food public-health need dependable information on interventions to reduce foodborne diseases. While individual studies might be weak or reach contradictory conclusions, the body of information contained in all studies might reveal a clearer picture of the state of knowledge. A formal process has been developed for conducting systematic reviews of the human healthcare literature. Systematic reviews differ from traditional narrative reviews in that systematic reviews follow a structured research protocol to reduce sources of bias at all stages of the review. This includes the objective, the literature search, the identification of relevant literature, quality assessment of relevant studies, summarization or statistical analysis of data, and conclusions. To date, systematic reviews have not been widely used in agri-food public-health. Existing systematic reviews on agri-food public-health topics revealed a scarcity of rigorously conducted intervention research, indicating a need for additional high quality primary studies. The specific protocols used to conduct systematic reviews in agri-food public-health need to accommodate the use of challenge studies and observational studies, the lack of randomized controlled trials, and the clustering of animal populations.  相似文献   

In human medicine, the information infrastructure that supports the knowledge translation processes of exchange, synthesis, dissemination, and application of the best clinical intervention research has developed significantly in the past 15 years, facilitating the uptake of research evidence by clinicians as well as the practice of evidence-based medicine. Seven of the key elements of this improved information infrastructure are clinical trial registries, research reporting standards, systematic reviews, organizations that support the production of systematic reviews, the indexing of clinical intervention research in MEDLINE, clinical search filters for MEDLINE, and point-of-care decision support information resources. The objective of this paper is to describe why these elements are important for evidence-based medicine, the key developments and issues related to these seven information infrastructure elements in human medicine, how these 7 elements compare with the corresponding infrastructure elements in veterinary medicine, and how all of these factors affect the translation of clinical intervention research into clinical practice. A focused search of the Ovid MEDLINE database was conducted for English language journal literature published between 2000 and 2010. Two bibliographies were consulted and selected national and international Web sites were searched using Google. The literature reviewed indicates that the information infrastructure supporting evidence-based veterinary medicine practice in all of the 7 elements reviewed is significantly underdeveloped in relation to the corresponding information infrastructure in human medicine. This lack of development creates barriers to the timely translation of veterinary medicine research into clinical practice and also to the conduct of both primary clinical intervention research and synthesis research.  相似文献   

植物抗病性及诱导抗性在匍匐翦股颖病害防治中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马晖玲  房媛媛 《草业学报》2014,23(5):312-320
针对目前匍匐翦股颖草坪病害防治的弊端,引入诱导植物抗病性的概念,从信号传导、基因表达水平、细胞防御结构和生理响应等层面阐述了诱导抗病性后植株体所发生的变化规律;系统揭示了基于SAR和ISR方式的植物抗病性诱导机理。着意综述了诱导植物抗病性理论和研究成果在匍匐翦股颖病害控制中的应用状况,旨在为匍匐翦股颖新型、环保的草坪病害管理实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

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