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2009--2010年,对新疆部分地区蛋鸡、肉鸡、家养水禽的养殖场随机采集血清样品10193份,活禽市场采集血清样品1620份。用HI方法对禽流感免疫抗体进行检测,结果表明:蛋鸡的H5免疫抗体合格率为33.33%~100%,其中0效价率为33.33%-80.00%;H9免疫抗体合格率为62.4%-100%,20%-33%蛋鸡场存在100%的0效价现象。肉鸡H5免疫抗体合格率为0%-100%,其中7.69%-69.6%肉鸡群中H5抗体0效价率为100%。水禽的H5免疫抗体合格率为0%-100%,有25%33.33%鸭群全部是0效价。活禽市场H5抗体效价≥410g2的比例为10.59%-83.57%,H9抗体效价至410醇的比例21.70%-67.14%。  相似文献   

2009-2010年新疆地区活禽市场肉鸡禽流感H5抗体监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解新疆地区活禽市场中肉鸡禽流感H5抗体的情况,对2009-2010年新疆五个地区八个大型活禽批发市场采集的37批次1225份血清样品进行了AIH5抗体监测。结果表明,AIH5抗体效价≥4.0log2样品占总样品率的32.5%,0效价样品率达到54.5%;不同地区和不同市场的样品AIH5抗体效价存在较大差异;在37批次样品中有9批次样品来自于免疫鸡群,抗体效价≥4.0log2样品率达到99.2%以上;28批次样品来自于非免疫鸡群,0效价样品率高达71.3%。  相似文献   

向导  田艳  王成 《兽医导刊》2016,(6):58-59
为监测湘西自治州H5亚型禽流感的免疫抗体水平和H7亚型禽流感的感染情况;对32个规模禽场和8个活禽交易市场进行了抽样检测.从整体水平看,采集的810份禽血清样品,有567份样品的H5亚型禽流感免疫抗体合格,合格率为70%.H7亚型禽流感的非免疫抗体水平全为阴性.  相似文献   

为了解湖南省家禽(鸡、鸭、鹅)H7N9亚型禽流感的免疫抗体水平及其流行情况,2022年在全省14个市州,采用配额抽样方法,在种禽场、商品代场、散养户和活禽市场共采集46 112份禽血清和53 246份禽拭子样品,通过血凝抑制试验、荧光定量PCR方法分别进行免疫抗体和病毒核酸检测。结果显示:H7N9亚型禽流感免疫抗体平均场群合格率为93.27%,平均个体合格率为90.60%,仅在活禽市场的1份鸡拭子样品中检测到病毒核酸阳性;鸡H7N9亚型禽流感免疫抗体平均场群合格率和个体合格率(94.66%和91.51%)均高于水禽(83.26%和81.86%);种禽场的免疫抗体平均场群合格率和个体合格率最高,活禽市场最低,两者差异具有统计学意义(P <0.05);全省14个市州的H7N9亚型禽流感免疫抗体平均场群合格率和个体合格率均在70%以上。结果表明:2022年湖南省家禽H7N9亚型禽流感免疫效果较好,在饲养场禽群中也未检出病原,发生大规模疫情的风险较低,但在活禽市场中仍检出病原,且水禽以及散养户和活禽市场禽群的免疫抗体水平略低,疫情散发风险依然存在。建议进一步加强对H7N9亚型禽流感的免疫...  相似文献   

为监测天门市活禽调运禽流感免疫情况和病毒的分布状况,对该市辖区2018年8月至12月调运送检的禽类养殖场样品,采用血凝抑制试验检测禽流感H7亚型、普通PCR技术检测禽流感通用型及H5、H7亚型,并进行统计学分析。结果共检测1830份血清和对应的禽拭子,样品来源于61个养殖场,禽流感H7亚型免疫阳性率按禽种类分类分别是种鹅100%、蛋鸡90.52%、蛋鸭33.00%;禽流感通用型及H5、H7亚型的病毒核酸阳性率分别为0.18%、0.00%、0.00%。表明该市活禽调运中,水禽禽流感H7N9的免疫抗体群体合格率低,有禽流感通用型病毒存在。加强水禽调运前免疫、运输车辆消毒及宣教工作是预防和控制H7N9禽流感在流通环节发生的有效手段。该结果为及时发现疫情隐患和防控薄弱环节提供了指导依据。  相似文献   

为掌握甘肃省天水市鸡群H7N9流感免疫抗体水平,2019年5—6月在全市34个不同类型采样场点,随机采集820份鸡血清样本,采用血凝与血凝抑制试验进行H7N9流感免疫抗体检测。结果显示,10个蛋鸡场、10个肉鸡场、5个种鸡场的场合格率全部为100%,平均样品合格率分别为99.0%、98.7%、98.0%;5个散养村的场点合格率为60.0%,平均样品合格率为76.7%;4个活禽交易市场的场点合格率为25.0%,平均样品合格率为40.0%。结果表明,规模养鸡场H7N9流感的免疫保护水平较高,受病毒威胁程度较低,但散养户和活禽交易市场的H7N9免疫效果较差,存在暴发疫情的潜在风险,需重点加强免疫和病原学监测。  相似文献   

2017年7月,农业部决定对全国家禽开展H7亚型流感免疫。为评价重组禽流感病毒(H5+H7)二价灭活疫苗(H5N1 Re-8株+H7N9 H7-Re1株)对家禽的安全性及免疫效果,2017年10—12月以田间试验方式,常规养殖肉鸡(江村黄鸡)、樱桃谷白鸭、黑棕鹅各120只。按程序免疫:肉鸡9日龄首免(剂量0.3 mL),30日龄二免(剂量0.5 mL);樱桃谷白鸭15日龄首免(剂量1 mL);黑棕鹅15日龄首免(剂量1 mL)、50日龄二免(剂量1.5 mL)。定期采集血清测定抗体效价直至出栏,并每日观察禽群临床表现。试验结果显示:鸡首免后21 d,H5亚型HI抗体效价为4.2 log2,抗体合格率均小于70%,H7亚型HI抗体效价为7.5 log2,抗体合格率均大于70%;二免后H5和H7亚型HI抗体效价均大于8 log2,抗体合格率均大于70%。鸭首免后21 d,H5亚型HI抗体效价为5.1 log2,抗体合格率均大于70%,H7亚型HI抗体效价为5.6 log2,抗体合格率均大于70%,出栏前(47日龄)H5和H7亚型HI抗体效价均大于6 log2,抗体合格率均大于70%。鹅首免后21 d,H5亚型HI抗体效价为3.9 log2,抗体合格率均小于70%,H7亚型HI抗体效价为5.2 log2,抗体合格率均大于70%;二免后H5和H7亚型HI抗体效价均大于7 log2,抗体合格率均大于70%。通过临床观察,未发现该疫苗有严重免疫副反应。试验结果表明,该二价灭活疫苗安全有效,但对于生长周期超过70 d天的家禽,应免疫两次。  相似文献   

为了解H5亚型禽流感Re-4毒株疫苗免疫效果,采用血凝-血凝抑制试验(HA-HI)方法对16个县区102个规模场/散养户送检的1621份鸡血清,进行H5亚型禽流感Re-4毒株免疫抗体检测。结果:Re-4毒株免疫血清抗体合格率为72.9%(抗体滴度≥5log2),Re-4毒株免疫抗体合格率高于50%的蛋鸡场户占80.4%,免疫抗体滴度≥7log2的血清份数占合格数的76.2%;发生过H5亚型禽流感疫情和疑似H5亚型禽流感疫情地区的17个养鸡场户,鸡群抗体滴度≥7log2的血清比例占到免疫合格数90%以上。  相似文献   

用血凝抑制试验对1200份采自活禽交易市场的禽血清进行禽流感H5亚型抗体水平监测,结果免疫合格血清样本为841份,总体免疫合格率为70.08%,平均HI效价为24.03,标准差为1.47.表明活禽交易市场的禽类总体免疫合格率低于农业部兽医局的强制规定75%.  相似文献   

2014—2015年,随机从安徽省16个地市、2个直管县的部分种禽场、商品代饲养场、村散养户、交易市场采集家禽血清样品18 286份,其中鸡血清13 788份、鸭血清3 422份、鹅血清1 076份,采用血凝和血凝抑制试验检测H5亚型禽流感免疫抗体。结果显示,H5亚型禽流感免疫抗体平均合格率为82.45%,其中鸡血清合格率为84.38%、鸭血清合格率为74.99%、鹅血清合格率为81.41%;种禽、规模场商品禽、散养禽、交易市场禽的免疫抗体合格率分别为95.25%、84.32%、77.70%、70.19%。结果表明,安徽省H5亚型禽流感总体免疫效果较好,免疫抗体合格率达到了农业部规定的70%的标准,但交易市场的家禽免疫抗体合格率较低,应加强对交易市场家禽的检疫。  相似文献   

为了在临床上制定合理的禽流感疫苗免疫程序,用重组禽流感病毒H_5亚型二价灭活疫苗(H_5N_1,Re-5株+Re-4株)分别在14日龄、49日龄、105日龄免疫蛋鸡,免疫剂量分别为0.3ml/只、0.5ml/只、0.5ml/只。分别在第1、6、10、14、20、28、35、42、49、56、63、70、77、86、94、105、120、150、180日龄采血测定HI抗体效价。结果表明首免后HI抗体上升较慢较低,只有第二次免疫后,抗体才迅速升高。在70日龄(二免后3周)H5N1,Re-4HI抗体达到9.60log2,H_5N_1,Re-5HI抗体达到7.86log2。在120日龄(三免后2周)H_5N_1,Re-4HI抗体达到9.30log2,H_5N_1,Re-5HI抗体达到9.25log2。  相似文献   

H D Stone 《Avian diseases》1987,31(3):483-490
An experimental avian influenza (AI) oil-emulsion vaccine was formulated with 1 part inactivated A/turkey/Wisconsin/68 (H5N9) AI virus emulsified in 4 parts oil. Broilers were vaccinated subcutaneously (SC) either at 1 or 3 days old or at 4 or 5 wks old. Commercial white leghorn (WL) layers were vaccinated SC at 12 and 20 wks old or at only 20 wks old. Maximum geometric mean hemagglutination-inhibition titers postvaccination (PV) were 1:86-1:320 for broilers, 1:597 for twice-vaccinated layers, and 1:422 for once-vaccinated layers. Ninety to 100% of vaccinated broilers were protected against death and morbidity when challenged with highly pathogenic A/chicken/Penn/83 (H5N2) AI virus 4 weeks PV, and all were protected when challenged 8 wks PV. All controls and most vaccinates were infected by challenge virus, and 90-100% of controls died or exhibited clinical signs. Vaccinated commercial pullets were protected against morbidity, death, and egg-production decline at either peak of lay (25 wks old) or at 55 wks old. All unvaccinated controls became morbid or died, and egg production ceased 72 hours after challenge. The 0.5-ml vaccine dose was determined to contain 251 and 528 mean protective doses (PD50S) in 4-wk-old and 1-year-old SPF WL chickens, respectively, challenged 4 wks PV.  相似文献   

耿爱莲  张尧  张剑  陶士军  刘华贵 《中国家禽》2012,34(6):20-23,28
本研究主要比较不同禽流感免疫方法对北京油鸡生长发育、免疫效力和屠体性状的影响。试验选用180只1日龄肉用型北京油鸡公鸡,随机分为6个处理组,每组30只,每10只为1个重复。禽流感疫苗H5N1来自2个厂家,注射部位有颈部皮下、胸肌、腿肌3个部位,注射剂量有0.3mL、0.5mL两种。测定0、8、16周龄时鸡只个体重,7周龄ND、H9抗体效价,9、14周龄H5、新城疫(ND)和H9抗体效价,以及16周末胸肌率、腿肌率、腹脂率的变化。结果表明:①禽流感疫苗颈部皮下注射可以获得和胸肌注射、腿肌注射相似的免疫效力,同时应激降低;②禽流感二次重免时可适当降低免疫剂量,即2周龄采用H5N10.3mL,3周龄采用ND-H9二联苗0.3mL,5周龄采用H5N10.3mL,均采取颈部皮下注射方法,可获得较好的免疫效力;③较高的禽流感免疫效力往往伴随着屠体性状的降低。  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to study the effects of plant additives on growth performance, immune function and morphology of internal organs and tissues in Yellow-feathered broilers. 400 Yellow-feathered broilers at 10-day-old were divided into 4 groups. The broilers in control group were fed with basal diets, while in experimental group A,B and C were fed with basal diets added 3,5 and 8 g/kg plant additives, respectively. Each group had 10 replicates (10 birds per replicates), and the experiment lasted for 50 d. The results showed that group C got the best experimental results of all groups:ADG increased by 5.53% (P<0.05), F/G was decreased by 6.11% (P<0.05), the survival rate was increased by 2.16%(P<0.05), and immune organ index, duodenal villous length and serum antibody titer were significantly increased (P<0.05) compared with the control group. All the experimental groups supplemented with the plant additives could enhance development of the duodenum, liver and kidney, and NDV antibody titer. In conclusion, adding the plant additives in the diet could improve the growth performance, immune function and development of internal organs in Yellow-feathered broilers, and the recommended amount was 5 g/kg.  相似文献   

本试验研究了潞党参煎剂和左旋咪唑对蛋鸡禽流感抗体效价和免疫器官指数的影响.将1 548只海蓝褐蛋雏鸡随机分为3组,A组为潞党参,剂量按0.75 g/kg添加在饮水中;B组为左旋咪唑,C组为对照.在给鸡群接种禽流感H5N1疫苗的前1 d,把潞党参煎剂和左旋咪唑分别连续给鸡群饮水3d.2周后每组随机抽取24只鸡翅下静脉采血,检测各组鸡血凝抑制抗体效价.于免疫后35日龄、42日龄、49日龄,每组随机抽取5只鸡称重,剖杀,摘取胸腺、脾脏和腔上囊并称重,计算3种免疫器官指数.试验重复3次,结果显示,与对照组相比A组的抗体效价和免疫器官指数均差异显著(P<0.05),表明潞党参可提高雏鸡的体液免疫水平,增强其非特异性免疫功能,并促进免疫器官的发育.  相似文献   

In this report, 120 healthy one-day-old AA broilers were divided into six groups. Groups 1–4 received 100, 200, 400 and 800 mg/L of sodium new houttuyfonate (SNH) with IB vaccine H120 respectively. Group 5 received PBS and H120 and group 6 IL-2 and H120. The chickens were inoculated at 7 and 14 days of age. On 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 post first vaccination, the dynamic changes of peripheral lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine assays and serum antibody titers were assayed respectively by MTT method, ELISA and hemagglutination inhibition assay (HI). The results showed that sodium new houttuyfonate significantly raised IB antibody titer in the chickens and also markedly promoted lymphocyte proliferation. The serum levels of IFN-γ and IL-4 in groups 1–4 were higher than those in groups 5 and 6. Hence, the immunologic enhancement of SNH was slightly superior to that of IL-2 adjuvant. Following challenge with IBV, chickens inoculated with SNH showed fewer and less severe clinical signs, lower death rate and less kidney pathology, as compared to those of the control groups. It indicated that SNH could enhance immune responses and increase protection against virulent IBV challenge in chickens.  相似文献   

In this report, 120 healthy one-day-old AA broilers were divided into six groups. Groups 1–4 received 100, 200, 400 and 800 mg/L of sodium new houttuyfonate (SNH) with IB vaccine H120 respectively. Group 5 received PBS and H120 and group 6 IL-2 and H120. The chickens were inoculated at 7 and 14 days of age. On 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 post first vaccination, the dynamic changes of peripheral lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine assays and serum antibody titers were assayed respectively by MTT method, ELISA and hemagglutination inhibition assay (HI). The results showed that sodium new houttuyfonate significantly raised IB antibody titer in the chickens and also markedly promoted lymphocyte proliferation. The serum levels of IFN-γ and IL-4 in groups 1–4 were higher than those in groups 5 and 6. Hence, the immunologic enhancement of SNH was slightly superior to that of IL-2 adjuvant. Following challenge with IBV, chickens inoculated with SNH showed fewer and less severe clinical signs, lower death rate and less kidney pathology, as compared to those of the control groups. It indicated that SNH could enhance immune responses and increase protection against virulent IBV challenge in chickens.  相似文献   

Because it is expected to induce cross-reactive serum and mucosal antibody responses, mucosal vaccination against highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is potentially superior to conventional parenteral vaccination. Here, we tested whether intraocular vaccination with an inactivated AI virus induced protective antibody responses in chickens. Chickens were inoculated intraocularly twice with 104 hemagglutination units of an inactivated H5N1 HPAI virus. Four weeks after the second vaccination, the chickens were challenged with a lethal dose of the homologous H5N1 HPAI virus. Results showed that most of the vaccinated chickens mounted positive antibody responses. The median serum hemagglutination inhibition titer was 1:80. Addition of CpG oligodeoxynucleotide 2006 or cholera toxin to the vaccine did not enhance serum antibody titers. Cross-reactive anti-hemagglutinin IgG, but not IgA, was detected in oropharyngeal secretions. In accordance with these antibody results, most vaccinated chickens survived a lethal challenge with the H5N1 HPAI virus and did not shed the challenge virus in respiratory or digestive tract secretions. Our results show that intraocular vaccination with an inactivated AI virus induces not only systemic but also mucosal antibody responses and confers protection against HPAI in chickens.  相似文献   

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