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对藏猪在舍饲条件下的行为特性进行了观察,结果表明一天内母猪走动时间约占15%~25%,卧息时间占75%~85%.一天内妊娠母猪排粪5~6次.藏母猪性成熟早,发情特征明显,情期长.青年母猪70~85日龄出现性行为.母猪产前20 h开始出现闹圈等一系列产前行为,产仔持续时间1.9~4.2 h.母猪一天哺乳25次,仔猪拱乳时间52~57 s,母猪持续放乳15~26 s.藏猪调圈或合群后经咬斗过程,在一周内建立新的位次序列.藏猪耐粗食,抗逆性强,对高原恶劣的气候条件有独特的适应能力,并具有良好的定圈能力.  相似文献   

观察舍饲条件下合作猪的行为特征,表明:在1d内,公猪走动时间占30%~40%,卧息时间占60%~70%,母猪走动时间占15%~25%,卧息时间占75%~85%,1d内采食时间占4%左右,排粪5~6次。合作母猪性成熟早,发情特征明显。青年公猪40~55日龄出现爬跨行为,80日龄可参加配种。母猪产前18h开始闹圈,产仔持续时间1.5~4.5h。母猪哺乳能力强。合作猪经调圈或合群后产生咬斗行为,以便建立新的位次序列。合作猪抗逆性强,耐粗饲,对高原环境有独特的适应能力。  相似文献   

观察舍饲条件下合作猪的行为特征,表明:在1d内,公猪走动时间占30%~40%,卧息时间占60%~70%,母猪走动时间占15%~25%,卧息时间占75%~85%,1d内采食时间占4%左右,排粪5~6次。合作母猪性成熟早,发情特征明显。青年公猪40~55日龄出现爬跨行为,80日龄可参加配种。母猪产前18h开始闹圈,产仔持续时间1.5~4.5h。母猪哺乳能力强。合作猪经调圈或合群后产生咬斗行为,以便建立新的位次序列。合作猪抗逆性强,耐粗饲,对高原环境有独特的适应能力。  相似文献   

香猪的行为特性研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
对香猪的走动与卧息,采食,排粪,发情,配种,产仔,哺乳,咬架与群居,定栏等行为特性进行观察和研究,结果表明:(1)母猪一天内走动时间约占12-20%(其中采食时间6.0-7.7%),卧息时间占80-88%;(2)妊娠母猪一天内排粪次数平均为4.0-5.4次,(3)母猪性成熟早,发情持续时间长,发情征候明显,性反应强烈;(4)青年猪65-75日龄出现爬跨,交配和射精等性行为,(5)母猪产前10-16  相似文献   

西藏小型猪在广州地区的行为学特性栽   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解西藏小型猪在亚热带地区的行为特性,对从西藏自治区偏僻山区引进到广州市的42头西藏小型猪,进行为期1年的封闭饲养,观察并记录其行为特性.结果表明,母猪走动时间约占全天的15%~25%,卧息时间占75%~85%,排粪5次~6次;4月龄~5月龄左右出现初次发情,发情特征明显;产前19 h开始出现闹圈等一系列产前行为,产仔持续时间2.0 h~4.2 h,胎衣排出时间4.9 h~6.4 h,产仔数为3头~6头;每天哺乳25次,产后10 d~15 d达到高峰.公猪65日龄~80日龄出现爬跨行为,120日龄可配种利用.说明西藏小型猪对亚热带气候区的生态条件具有很好的适应能力.  相似文献   

西藏小型猪在广州地区的行为学特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解西藏小型猪在亚热带地区的行为特性,对从西藏自治区偏僻山区引进到广州市的42头西藏小型猪,进行为期1年的封闭饲养,观察并记录其行为特性。结果表明,母猪走动时间约占全天的15%~25%,卧息时间占75%~85%,排粪5次~6次;4月龄~5月龄左右出现初次发情,发情特征明显;产前19h开始出现闹圈等一系列产前行为,产仔持续时间2.0h~4.2h,胎衣排出时间4.9h~6.4h,产仔数为3头~6头;每天哺乳25次,产后10d~15d达到高峰。公猪65日龄~80日龄出现爬跨行为,120日龄可配种利用。说明西藏小型猪对亚热带气候区的生态条件具有很好的适应能力。  相似文献   

规模化猪场母猪产前与产后便秘的病因及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母猪产前和产后便秘,是母猪在产前和前后7d左右发生的以便秘为主要临床症状的一种疫病。该病可引起母猪产程延长、产后无乳和发烧等,对母猪危害较大,是造成当前规模化猪场经济损失较大的一种疾病。经对我县15个规模猪场616头母猪调查,该病由于饲养管理水平不同.发病率有较大差异,最高可达68%,最低6.3%。笔者结合多年临床经验,总结了该病的主要发病原因及防治方法,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

李剑虹  包军 《畜牧与兽医》2000,32(Z1):68-76
本文通过2个试验对泌乳母猪授乳行为及哺乳仔猪吮乳行为进行了观察,试验(一)中,选择6头经产的大白猪及仔猪作为观察对象,试验(二)中选择6头哈白猪及仔猪作为观察对象.在观察中使用摄像机,摄录母猪的泌乳过程(包括成功和不成功的泌乳过程).观察中发现,随着产后日龄的增加,母猪及仔猪哺乳过程的一系列行为发生变化,母猪授乳动机状态逐渐减弱,表现为发动哺乳的次数越来越少,终止哺乳的比例越来越大,在产后第1周,母猪发动哺乳的比例为85%,到产后第4周下降到50%。母猪中止哺乳的比例由产后第1周的20%上升到产后第5周的90%.仔猪的表现与母猪相反.母猪放乳的持续时间也逐渐减少,在产后第1周放乳持续时间为14~18s,在产后第4周放乳持续时间为7~8s.仔猪的前按摩时间随产后日龄的增加而逐渐增加,但后按摩时间逐渐缩短.这一系列的行为变化表明母子利益发生冲突,断奶期即将到来. 试验结果表明授乳一般的间隔40~55min时,当授乳间隔短于40min,不成功泌乳较易发生  相似文献   

[目的]研究巴氏杀菌乳贮藏温度及时间对保质期的影响。[方法]以75 ℃,15~20 s热处理的新鲜巴氏杀菌乳为研究对象,分析其在6 ℃、10 ℃、15 ℃恒温条件下贮藏,样品大肠菌群、菌落总数、酸度及感官品质的变化。[结果]巴氏杀菌乳在6 ℃条件下贮藏,产品质量可控且有保障,7 天内不会发生变质;巴氏杀菌乳在10 ℃条件下贮藏,产品质量在6 天内有保障,不易出现变质;巴氏杀菌乳在15 ℃条件下贮藏,产品质量在3~4 天内有保障,在第4~5天开始出现变质。  相似文献   

产后瘫痪又称生产瘫痪、乳热症,是母牛分娩后突然发生的一种营养代谢障碍病。临床较为常见,病情急剧,若不及时诊治,则很快昏迷致死。临床诊疗34例奶牛产后瘫痪,其发病月份在1-3月占52.9%,8-10月占32.3%。患牛年龄6-11岁占79.4%,3-6胎占85.29%,产奶量21-25Kg占67.6%,产后24/J‘时内发病占44%,25—48小时内发病的占323%。1临床症状及诊断病初患牛精神沉郁、食刍减少,鼻镜少汗,体温、呼吸正常,泌乳量下降,站立不安,步态瞒珊,肩臂部肌肉震颤。随后,食刍废绝,精神迟钝,耳时下垂,鼻镜干燥、磨牙,乳量大减…  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨给妊娠后期和哺乳期母猪补饲发酵芦笋下脚料对母猪粪便形态和乳汁质量的影响。将15头膘情、胎次和预产期相近的妊娠母猪随机分配到Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组,每组5个重复,每个重复1头猪。Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组母猪每头每天分别补饲0、0.25和0.50 kg发酵芦笋下脚料。试验从母猪妊娠期的第85天开始到产后第21天结束。结果表明:1)给母猪补饲发酵芦笋下脚料能改善母猪的粪便形态。2)Ⅲ组母猪初乳中乳蛋白质、生长激素、胰岛素和免疫球蛋白G水平显著高于Ⅰ组(P0.05),肿瘤坏死因子-α水平显著低于Ⅰ组(P0.05)。3)Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组母猪第10天乳汁中总超氧化物歧化酶活性显著高于Ⅰ组(P0.05),而第21天乳汁中总超氧化物歧化酶活性则极显著高于Ⅰ组(P0.01);Ⅲ组母猪第21天乳汁中丙二醛、白细胞介素-1β、白细胞介素-6和肿瘤坏死因子-α水平分别显著低于Ⅰ组(P0.05)。由此得出,补饲发酵芦笋下脚料能减少妊娠后期和哺乳期母猪便秘的发生,并不同程度地改善母猪乳汁质量。  相似文献   

皖南花母猪昼夜行为规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从250头皖南花猪群中抽选出健康的6月龄后备母猪、发情母猪、妊娠母猪和哺乳母猪分别为4、4、4和5头,连续120小时观测皖南花母猪的行为规律。结果表明,4种母猪每天采食消化能分别为15.94、9.05、35.57和44.61兆焦耳;后备母猪平均每天饮水、排粪和排尿分别为4、2和1次,发情母猪分别为6、1和4次,妊娠母猪为4.8、2.8和5次以及哺乳母猪分别为6.3、2.3和2.6次。4种母猪全天站立活动时间分别占18.83、33.44、16.01和22.43%,其中白夭站立活动时间比夜晚长(P<0.01)。在每天的6~20时中,各类母猪每2小时的站立活动时间占全天的百分比(y)可用y=sum from 0 to 4(a_iX~i)来表达,其中X为6~20时中每2小时的上限值,a_i为参数。将发情、妊娠和哺乳母猪的参数分别与后备母猪相比,得到的对应参数比值分别为1.06~1.16、0.24~0.19和9.54~0.62。仔猪平均每次拱奶时间为76.5秒,母猪每次放乳时间33.3秒,白天拱奶时间比夜晚长(P<0.01)。白天和夜晚分别每隔1.26和1.45小时哺乳1次。  相似文献   

二花脸母猪泌乳期乳中乳铁蛋白分泌规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用我们已建立的酶联免疫吸附分析 (ELISA)方法 ,研究二花脸母猪泌乳期乳中乳铁蛋白 (Lactoferrin,Lf)的分泌规律。采集分娩后的4头二花脸母猪在泌乳起始 48h内的连续乳样 (每小时采样 1次 )进行测定。结果显示 :刚分娩时乳中Lf浓度最高 ,为 1 2 66 59μg/mL ;随后开始下降 ,前 2 0h内下降较快 ,2 0h之后下降变缓 ;至第 48h ,浓度降为第 1小时的 53 %。对处于泌乳期前 30d内的 4头二花脸母猪连续乳样 (每天采集 1次 )和 1 0 2头二花脸母猪散点乳样 (每天随机采样 )的测定结果表明两者Lf的分泌规律基本相似 :分娩第 1天 ,Lf浓度最高 ;1周内迅速下降 ,第 7天降至第 1天的 2 5 % ;1周后下降缓慢 ;2周后趋于平稳。  相似文献   

为了研究五指山小型猪的泌乳性能及泌乳行为,试验测定了8头初产五指山母猪初乳(≤3d)常规成分含量、泌乳行为及第3、13、24和35d的泌乳量。结果表明:①五指山猪初乳(≤3d)中的脂肪、蛋白、乳糖和总固形物的含量分别为(6.64±0.56)%、(15.25±1.27)%、(1.99±0.15)%、(27.46±1.25)%。②随产后日龄的增加,母猪泌乳次数和泌乳持续时间逐渐减少,表现为泌乳次数第35日龄比第3和13日龄均少5.14次/d(P<0.05),且下午(12:00 ̄20:00)比晚上(20:00 ̄04:00)多1.46次(P<0.05);泌乳持续时间第24日龄显著短于第3日龄(P<0.05);日龄与日泌乳时段对泌乳次数和泌乳持续时间无显著交互作用(P>0.05)。③母猪分娩后0~35d的全期泌乳量和日平均泌乳量分别为31528.59g和900.82g,且第35日龄泌乳量显著高于第3和第24日龄泌乳量(P<0.05);日龄与日泌乳时段对泌乳量无显著交互作用(P>0.05);35d哺乳期内每窝仔猪每克初生体重日耗乳量0.94g,若以普通肉用型猪每窝每克初生体重日耗乳量0.50 ̄0.99g为参考值,则说明五指山母猪泌乳量充足。本试验结果表明,五指山母猪分泌的初乳干物质含量高、乳糖含量低,分娩后(35d泌乳期内)泌乳量能充分满足仔猪的维持和生长需要。  相似文献   

In this study the amount of milk produced during the first week of lactation was compared in sows with induced parturition and sows which delivered spontaneously (with special attention to sows showing MMA symptoms). Fifteen sows (L X LW) were used from a pig farm in which MMA was seen in 20 to 25% of all farrowings. The animals were divided into three groups of 5 each. Group A and B were treated with two different PGF 2 α analogs (2 mg of alfaprostol or 0.45 mg of tiaprost) on 111 day of pregnancy, and group C (control) with 2 ml of saline solution. Treatment with PGF analogs induced parturitions 24 to 30 h later, controls delivered spontaneously on day 114. Litters were equalized to nine piglets per sow. The milk yield of each sow was calculate using the method of weighing piglets before and after each suckling. Piglets were allowed to suckle 12 times in the first 24 h after parturition, then 8 or 9 times in the next 24 h and from 48 h onwards 8 times during 24 h, until the end of the 7 day observation period. During the first day after parturition the control group appeared to produce slightly more milk than groups A and B whereas from 24 to 48 h, milk yields decreased in all animals. From 48 onwards milk production increased in all groups. Between 72–96 h, two sows of the control group showed symptoms of MMA and their piglets developed diarrhea. Microbiological analysis confirmed the presence of haemolytic Streptococci. The lactation curves of treated and untreated sows with no signs of MMA were very similar; the pattern was more erratic in sows with MMA. The total milk yields during the first week of lactation did not differ between groups; there were no significative difference in the weight gain of the piglets in groups A, B and C. The difference recorded in milk yield and release patterns between sows with or without MMA opens new aspects with regard to the aetiology of a syndrome that not only involves the sows health, but produces intestinals disease in their piglets.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate how oxytocin, prolactin and somatostatin during nursings relate to maternal characteristics of sows. Undisturbed nursing behaviour and sow–piglet nasal contacts of 21 lactating sows were recorded on day 13 of lactation, and hormonal status was assessed during three successful nursings on day 14. Piglet and litter growth (days 8–15), sow weight loss (days 1–15) and catabolic state (measured as NEFA on day 7), as well as number of successful nursings on day 13 were used as measures of mobilisation of sow body resources. Nasal contacts and sow behaviour facilitating udder massage were used as measures of positive piglet-directed behaviours. Concentrations of oxytocin were higher, those of prolactin lower and those of somatostatin similar during nursings compared to samples taken 15 min after nursing. Oxytocin peaked during most nursings and prolactin increased gradually after nursings. Non-nursing oxytocin values were positively correlated with the proportion of sow-terminated nursings but not with other measures of piglet-directed behaviour. Non-nursing oxytocin concentrations were positively correlated with piglet weight gain and concentrations of oxytocin during nursings were correlated with NEFA and sow weight loss. Our results indicate that oxytocin might have more than merely an all-or-nothing function in triggering milk ejection. Oxytocin seems to be quantitatively related to efficiency of milk production, although the present study design does not allow for speculation on causal relationships.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of feeding time on behavior and stress responses in pregnant sows under isocaloric conditions. Twenty-four sows were balanced for parity and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 feeding times. Corn–soybean meal-based diet was fed once at: 0730 (Control, T1), 1130 (T2), and 1530 hours (T3). On average, sows received 7,062 kcal ME/d from 2.20 kg of diet formulated to contain SID Lys/ME of 1.71 g/Mcal. The study was conducted for 28 d (21 d acclimation to the feeding regime and 7 d data collection). Saliva samples were collected every 2 hr for 12 hr in stalls on day 52 of pregnancy. Behavior data were collected 24 hr for 7 d from day 53 of gestating by affixing a remote insights ear tag to each sow. Each sow had 120,960 data points categorized into: “Active,” “Feed,” or “Dormant”. Due to housing constraint, all sows were housed in individual stalls in the same barn presenting a potential limitation of the study. Data were analyzed using PROC MIXED and GLIMMIX procedures of SAS 9.4 for cortisol and behavior data, respectively. Sow was the experimental unit. The area under the curve (AUC) is quantitative evaluation of response as threshold varies over all possible values. A 12-hr cortisol total AUC for sows fed once daily at 1130 hours was reduced relative to sow group fed at 1530 hours (P = 0.046) but similar compared with the control sows (P = 0. 323). The control sows (0730 hours) had reduced total (P < 0.001) and feeding (P = 0.001) activity AUCs relative to sows on 1130 hours but did not differ compared with sows on 1530 hours feeding schedules (P > 0.100). Sows on 1130 hours feeding schedule had greater feed anticipatory activity, 24-hr total activity count, total (P < 0.001) and feeding (P < 0.001) activity AUC compared with sows fed daily at 1530 hours. In conclusion, feeding pregnant sows earlier in the morning (0730 hours) appears to minimize sows’ behavior but similar cortisol response. Sows on 1130 hours feeding schedule had greater activities but reduced cortisol concentration, suggesting that elevated sow activity might not necessarily indicate activation of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis.  相似文献   

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