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利用主成分分析和聚类分析对我国8个地方鸭品种(巢湖鸭、高邮鸭、山麻鸭、广西小麻鸭、金定鸭、荆江麻鸭、攸县麻鸭、临武鸭)的体尺、体质量及其中心产区生态特征的资料进行了多元统计分析.结果表明,主成分分析选取前3个特征值作为3个主成分(占总信息量的90.854%),并根据各品种的前3个主成分值计算相似系数,并藉以进行聚类分析,8个地方鸭品种可划分为2类,这说明生态因子亦是品种分类中的一个重要方面.  相似文献   

为研究生态因子、体重体尺及屠宰性能对中国地方鸡品种聚类影响,采集110个中国地方鸡品种所在地5个生态因子,8个体重体尺和7个屠宰性状共计35个指标,利用主成分分析法提取出10个主因子,包括2个生态因子(累积贡献率为80.60%),公母鸡各1个体重体尺因子(累积贡献率分别为62.70%和56.819%)和3个屠宰性能因子(累积贡献率分别为80.40%和81.29%)。利用所提取的10个主因子对110个地方品种鸡进行聚类分析,结果显示110个地方鸡品种根据体型大小以及所生长地区生态环境等分为明显南方小型、南方中等偏小型、南方中等偏大型、北方高寒高海拔型和南北方大体型五种类型。  相似文献   

应用多元统计分析法对湖南5个地方猪种的39个性状进行协方差法主成分分析,得到4个主成分因子,第一至第二主成分因子累积贡献率达93.35%,其中第1主成分贡献率达70.13%.第一主成分值以升序观察,5品种依次为沙子岭猪、大围子猪、浦市黑猪、桃源黑猪、宁乡猪.应用最短距离法对5个品种进行聚类,并以0.70距离值截取分类界...  相似文献   

本文在主成分决策分析的基础上,建立了功能团主成分性状的数学模型.利用27个地方鸡种12个数量性状,构建出3个功能团主成分:体量主成分、繁殖主成分、屠宰主成分,进行聚类分析和综合评分,为中国地方鸡种分类和利用提供了新的方法.  相似文献   

为深入了解杧果种质资源的多样性,测定了11个杧果品种(系)的果实品质指标,并对这7个指标进行了变异分析、聚类分析、主成分分析以及综合评价。果实变异分析结果显示:果实品质指标差异较大,其中Vc含量的变异系数最大,为35.99%;果实横径的变异系数最小,为7.55%。聚类分析结果显示:11个杧果品种(系)分为两类,其中第一类种质资源果实的Vc含量、粗纤维高于第二类,第二类种质资源果实的单果重、果形指数、可食率、可溶性固形物、总糖含量均高于第一类。主成分分析结果显示:前3个主成分的累积贡献率达到了73.99%,其中第1主成分贡献率最高,为27.38%,主要决定因子是:Vc含量。综合评价显示:金煌杧、黔山杧1号、热农1号3个种质果实品质优良。综上所述,杧果品种(系)的果实性状具有丰富的多样性,为改良品种以及鉴定新品系提供理论基础。  相似文献   

为全面了解我国地方鸡种营养需要量的现状,根据文献对27个地方鸡种营养需要量的3个重要指标代谢能、粗蛋白质、蛋能比进行统计。将110个地方鸡种的35个指标,用主成分分析法提取10个主因子进行聚类分析、分为五大类的基础上,沿用上述聚类分析结果及命名并进一步细分,将地方鸡品种分为明显南方小型(①、②、③)、南方中等偏小型(④、⑤),北方高寒高海拔型(⑥)和南北方大体型(⑦)七种类型。结果发现:随着体重的增加,不同鸡种育雏期对粗蛋白的需要量、蛋能比南方中型偏小品种鸡④最高,代谢能的需要量较均衡;育成期:不同鸡种之间对粗蛋白、代谢能的需要量、蛋能比南方中型偏小品种鸡④最高,但北方高寒高海拔地区鸡种⑥坝上长尾鸡与体重相近的相邻鸡种相比,粗蛋白、代谢能需要量偏低;产蛋期:随着体重的增加,不同鸡种粗蛋白需要量和蛋能比的变化呈上升趋势,南北地区大体型品种的蛋白质需要量最高,蛋能比达到最大值,代谢能需要量变化不大。  相似文献   

通过测定单果重、纵横径、可溶性固形物等11项指标,并对其进行变异分析、主成分分析和聚类分析,旨在更加科学、全面的对云南砂梨品种进行分析和评价,为优质梨新品种选育提供参考。结果表明,果实品质指标差异较大,其中糖酸比变异系数最大,为69.54%,其次是固酸比,为62.48%。主成分分析中,前4个主成分的累积贡献率达到89.423%,第1主成分贡献率最高,为46.563%,其主要决定因子是单果质量、果实纵径、果实横径、糖酸比、固酸比和可滴定酸,第2主成分贡献率为20.383%,其主要决定因子是可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、维生素C,第3、4主成分贡献率分别为13.225%、9.252%,其主要决定因子分别是果形指数和硬度。综合评价得分前三的品种是长冲梨、宝珠梨、鲁沙梨。Q型聚类分析可知,在欧氏距离为3时,可聚为3类,第1类平均单果重为246.3g,第2类平均单果重为504.0g,第3类单果重为781.0g。R型聚类分析可知,单果重、果实横径、果实纵径、糖酸比、固酸比、可滴定酸可作为云南砂梨品质评价的主要指标。  相似文献   

为探明菊苣不同来源、不同类型种植材料的表型变异特征及其原因,通过变异系数、相关性、聚类和主成分分析对80份菊苣属材料表型性状进行多元统计分析。结果表明,1)不同菊苣种质资源的形态学特征存在广泛的变异,3级生殖枝数变异幅度最大,变异系数为31.11%;2)菊苣形态学特征间存在显著相关性,叶片宽大类型的菊苣种质,植株高、生殖枝多、茎秆粗壮,但单个花序小花数少;3)聚类分析表明,不同菊苣种质资源可划分为3个形态类型,即窄叶匍匐型、中等宽叶直立型和阔叶直立型;4)主成分分析表明,不同材料间和类型间的差异主要来源于叶片大小、株高和小花数、小花直径。  相似文献   

为探讨优质鸡肉质合理评价模型,采用主成分和聚类分析方法对优质肉鸡7个新品系9个与肉质有密切联系的指标进行了分析。结果显示:9个原始指标依据主成分解释总变量和碎石图提取了4个主成分,反映原变量89.82%的信息。第一主成分主要综合了失水率、肌纤维面积、肌纤维密度和pH值信息,命名为质构因子;第二主成分主要综合了VB1、肌纤维密度、肌纤维面积和肌内脂肪(IMF)的信息,命名为作肉质因子;第三主成分综合了嫩度、肉色和肌内脂肪的信息即感官因子;第四主成分综合了肌苷酸、肌内脂肪含量和肉色的信息看作风味因子。聚类分析将9个肉质指标分为3类,聚类结果与主成分分析基本一致,综合利用主成分和聚类分析结果制定了优质鸡的肉质评价模型,为优质鸡选育和肉质评价提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为从金川牦牛屠宰性状中提取更多特征和关联信息,利用30头金川牦牛共41个性状值,进行数据挖掘分析。结果表明,聚类分析将屠宰数据聚为产肉相关性状类和其他综合类;对宰前、后全部数据的主成分分析提取到7个主成分,累计方差贡献率达到82.72%,基本代表41个性状信息;对宰前11个性状数据的主成分分析提取到4个主成分,累计方差贡献率达到95.06%,很好地代表了11个宰前性状信息;基于宰前、后全部数据的主成分分析,所进行的综合得分评估,15对肋骨牦牛综合得分高于14对肋骨牦牛(P0.01),产肉性能更为优良;基于11个宰前性状主成分分析,建立了金川牦牛个体综合评分方程,适用于金川牦牛选育。  相似文献   

旨在对中国地方鸡品种的遗传多样性与种群结构进行分析。本研究使用Affymetrix Axiom 600K高密度鸡基因分型芯片对来自8个品种的157只地方鸡及233只商品鸡进行基因分型,以品种作为分组来计算各分组的观测杂合度、期望杂合度、次等位基因频率、近交系数及核苷酸多样性分析地方鸡群体的遗传多样性,利用进化树、主成分分析、群体结构、MDS等方法分析鸡群体的群体结构,基于状态同源(IBS)和群体分化系数(Fst)分析种群内部与种群之间的亲缘关系,利用长纯合片段(runs of homozygosity, ROH)估算得到基于ROH的近交系数。结果表明,各群体的观测杂合度均高于期望杂合度,次等位基因频率在0.175~0.236之间,近交系数在0.018~0.205之间,核苷酸多样性在0~6×10-4之间,进化树与主成分分析表明品种间出现了明显的群体分化,地方鸡群体与商品鸡群的MDS分析发现我国地方鸡与商业肉鸡品种的遗传距离较近;IBS遗传距离在0.092 9~0.319 9之间;各品种成对Fst分析表明,群体间呈现中高分化程度(0.09~0.22);此次分析共得到了...  相似文献   

试验旨在探讨生态因子对中国地方乌骨鸡的体量性状及繁殖性状的影响,分析性状间的相关关系,揭示其内在联系。对中国17个地方乌骨鸡品种的9个体量性状和5个繁殖性状分别与其产区的4个生态因子进行了典型相关分析(CCA)。结果表明,生态因子和体量性状间的第1个典型相关系数为0.992(P<0.01),贡献率为83.368%,第2个典型相关系数为0.953(P<0.01),贡献率12.566%,说明这两组性状间的相关性主要是由年日照时数、无霜期和胸宽之间密切相关引起的,年日照时数越长,无霜期就越长,乌骨鸡的胸宽就越大;生态因子和繁殖性状间的第1个典型相关系数为0.867(P<0.01),贡献率60.797%,第2个典型相关系数为0.754(P<0.01),贡献率为26.496%,说明这两组性状间的相关性主要是由年日照时数和平均开产日龄之间密切相关引起的,两者是正向趋势,即年日照时数越长,乌骨鸡的平均开产日龄也就越晚。本研究结果为乌骨鸡的遗传育种与繁殖提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

1. Inter-breed morphological comparisons were made among 11 breeds of Japanese native chickens (Gifujidori, Hinaidori, Shokoku, Totenko, Tomaru, Satsumadori, Shamo, Koshamo, Koeyoshi, Chabo and Nagoya), White Leghorn, broiler chickens (Chunky) and red junglefowl collected in the Philippines, based on results of direct measurements and analysis by computer vision techniques of the skull. 2. Analysis of direct measurements identified two groups of chicken: a small type that included the Chabo, Koshamo, red junglefowl, Gifujidori and Shokoku and a large type that included the remaining breeds studied. These groupings were made based on size determined both in the first (PC1) and second principal component (PC2). The greatest length of the cranium and condylobasal length greatly contributed to the morphological differences between these two groups. 3. Analysis by computer vision techniques, however, identified three groups: the Bantam group (which includes red junglefowl), Shokoku group and Shamo group. White Leghorn clustered within the Shokoku group while the broiler chicken belonged to the Shamo group. The region around the junction of the neural cranium and the visceral cranium contributed greatly to the morphological differences among breeds, both in the PC1 and PC2.  相似文献   

利用主成分分析的方法对我国107个地方品种鸡的蛋品质性状进行了分析。结果表明,6个变量通过矩阵变换综合成了3个复合变量,3个特征根的累积贡献率达到66.82%,说明数据统计有效,基本上反映了原始数据所涵盖的信息。  相似文献   

藏鸡、茶花鸡染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用改进的鸡外周血淋巴细胞培养-空气干燥法,分析了藏鸡、茶花鸡染色体核型.研究结果表明:藏鸡和茶花鸡的染色体形态十分相近,染色体2n众数均为78,但No.4、No.6染色体的形态存在一定的差别,即藏鸡分别为sm和m型,而茶花鸡分别为st和sm型.同时收集丝羽乌骨鸡、鹿苑鸡、狼山鸡、萧山鸡、北京油鸡的核型资料进行分析,发现鸟类核型进化可能是由不对称向对称发展的,着丝粒以及着丝粒周边区域的染色体重排可能是地方鸡种分化和形成的重要内在因素.  相似文献   

1. To explore the genetic diversity of Chinese indigenous chicken breeds, a 585 bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) region was sequenced in 102 birds from the Xichuan black-bone chicken, Yunyang black-bone chicken and Lushi chicken. In addition, 30 mtDNA D-loop sequences of Silkie fowls were downloaded from NCBI. The mtDNA D-loop sequence polymorphism and maternal origin of 4 chicken breeds were analysed in this study.

2. The results showed that a total of 33 mutation sites and 28 haplotypes were detected in the 4 chicken breeds. The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity of these 4 native breeds were 0.916 ± 0.014 and 0.012 ± 0.002, respectively. Three clusters were formed in 4 Chinese native chickens and 12 reference breeds. Both the Xichuan black-bone chicken and Yunyang black-bone chicken were grouped into one cluster. Four haplogroups (A, B, C and E) emerged in the median-joining network in these breeds.

3. It was concluded that these 4 Chinese chicken breeds had high genetic diversity. The phylogenetic tree and median network profiles showed that Chinese native chickens and its neighbouring countries had at least two maternal origins, one from Yunnan, China and another from Southeast Asia or its surrounding area.  相似文献   

对中国107个地方品种鸡的4个繁殖性状和4个气候因子间的关系进行了典型相关分析,探讨气候因子对107个地方品种鸡的繁殖性状的影响。典型相关分析结果表明,两组性状间的第1个典型相关系数为0.56584(P〈0.01),贡献率82.19%。研究结果为家禽遗传育种与繁殖提供科学参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation of ecological traits on body size traits and economic traits (body size traits and slaughter traits) in Chinese native chicken breeds and reveal the essential connection of three group traits.In this study,simple correlation analysis and canonical correlation analysis (CCA) were applied to estimate the relationship between local 6 ecological traits and 8 body size traits,6 ecological traits and 8 slaughter traits,8 body size traits and 8 slaughter traits of Chinese native chicken breeds.The result of ecological traits and slaughter traits suggested that the first canonical correlation coefficient was 0.536 (P < 0.01),the value of pct was 55.046% for the total correlation information.It showed that the correlation between two sets of traits mainly by mean annual temperature and dressed weight closely related to the cause,the lower mean annual temperature,the heavier dressed weight.The result of ecological traits and body size traits suggested that the first canonical correlation coefficient was 0.679 (P < 0.01),the value of pct was 54.118%,for the total correlation information.It showed that the correlation between two sets of traits mainly by latitude and shank girth closely related to the cause,the higher latitude,the smaller shank girth.The second canonical correlation coefficient was 0.556 (P < 0.05),the value of pct was 28.251% for the total correlation information.It showed that the correlation between two sets of traits mainly by forst free period and chest bone length closely related to the cause,the longer forst free period,the longer chest bone length.The result of body size traits and slaughter traits suggested that the first canonical correlation coefficient was 0.901 (P < 0.01),the value of pct was 81.063% for the total correlation information.It showed that the correlation between two sets of traits mainly by chest bone length and dressed weight closely related to the cause,the longer chest bone length,the greater dressed weight.  相似文献   

Chinese native chicken breeds provide useful resources for the study of genetic diversity. In this study, the alleles of CD8 alpha and CD3d cDNA from Chinese native and introduced western breeds of chicken were analyzed at the sequence level. Six alleles were found, due to 13 amino acid replacements in the extracellular domain of the CD8 alpha sequence. There were four alleles detected in the Chinese strains, and alleles 5 and 6 were identified for the first time. Allele 6 was shared by Langshan, Beijing Fatty and Recessive White Feather chickens. Allele 2, found in the Bigbone strain, was the same as that found in the Leghorn strain H.B15.H7, and allele 3 in the Xianju breed was also the same as in the Leghorn strain H.B15.H12. Two Leghorn lines (RPL line 7 and AY519197) and the Camellia possessed an allele (alleles 1, 4 and 5), respectively, that was not found in the other lines. Nine out of 13 amino acid replacements were situated in the putative major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I binding CDR1 (positions 30, 33 and 34), CDR2 (positions 58, 62, 63 and 65) and CDR3 (positions 90 and 106). Except for the Xianju breed, the CD8 alpha cDNA of Chinese native chicken breeds shared high homology. Two alleles were found in CD3d. Three additional nucleotides were found at positions 64, 65 and 66 in the newly discovered allele 2. This led to a difference of four amino acids (at residues 22, 23, 24 and 25) in the extracellular domain of CD3d cDNA from the Gushi, Recessive White Feather and ISA chickens compared with these of the White Leghorn and T11.15 (NM_205512). Five hybridoma clones (1C9, 1H5, 4B11, 6G5 and 13C5) against chicken CD8 alpha were generated by DNA immunization. Two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), 6G5 and 4B11, showed reactivity to the splenocytes from five Chinese native chicken breeds, the Recessive White Feather chicken and the Leghorn (AY519197), while mAbs 1C9, 1H5 and 13C5 showed no reaction with these breeds.  相似文献   

试验旨在研究中国地方鸡品种生长所在地的生态因子和鸡的经济性状(体尺性状和屠宰性状)的相关性,探讨生态因子、体尺性状和屠宰性状3组性状之间的相关关系,揭示其内在联系。对中国107个地方鸡品种生长所在地的6个生态因子及其8个体尺性状、8个屠宰性状进行了简单相关分析和典型相关分析(CCA)。结果表明,生态因子和屠宰性状两组性状间的第1个典型相关系数为0.536(P < 0.01),贡献率55.046%,说明这两组性状间的相关性主要是由年平均气温和屠体重之间密切相关引起的,年平均气温越低,鸡的屠体重越高。生态因子和体尺性状两组性状间的第1个典型相关系数为0.679(P < 0.01),贡献率54.118%,纬度和胫围相关性最大,纬度越高,胫围越小;第2个典型相关系数为0.556(P < 0.05),贡献率28.251%,无霜期和龙骨长相关性最大,无霜期越长,龙骨长越长。体尺性状和屠宰性状两组性状间的第1个典型相关系数为0.901(P < 0.01),贡献率81.063%,说明这两组性状间的相关性主要是由龙骨长和屠体重之间密切相关引起的,龙骨长越长,鸡的屠体重越大。  相似文献   

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