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熊蜂和蜜蜂为日光温室甜椒授粉的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对日光温室甜椒应用熊蜂授粉、蜜蜂授粉和空白对照进行了比较研究,结果表明:熊蜂组和蜜蜂组比对照组单果重分别增加30.4%和13.7%,种子数分别增加79.9%和21.6%,心室数分别增加29.6%和11.1%,产量分别增加38.3%和22.6%;熊蜂组比蜜蜂组单果重增加14.6%,种子数增加47.9%,心室数增加16.7%,产量增加12.8%.在营养指标上,熊蜂组和蜜蜂组比对照组纤维素含量分别减少50.0%和40.6%,硝酸盐含量分别降低13.8%和13.1%,铁含量分别增加175.8%和23.7%.说明熊蜂和蜜蜂授粉能够增加单果重、心室数、果实大小和小区产量,降低纤维素和硝酸盐含量,增加铁含量,促进营养物质吸收和果实生长,改善果实品质,熊蜂授粉效果更好.熊蜂授粉明显增加果实种子数的特点对甜椒制种生产非常有利.  相似文献   

熊蜂为温室茄子授粉试验   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过对温室茄子应用熊蜂授粉、人工蘸花授粉和空白对照的比较研究,结果表明熊蜂组的座果数比人工组和对照组分别增加了17.84%和33.32%,产量比人工组和对照组分别提高了27.93%和41.98%,果实含糖量比人工组和对照组分别增加了18.33%和21.16%,而且,熊蜂组的果实大而充实,商品性较好.说明利用熊蜂为温室茄子授粉,不仅能够促进座果,提高产量,而且可以改善果实品质,提升产品的附加值.  相似文献   

熊蜂(Bombus terrestris)为温室黄瓜授粉的效果研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对温室黄瓜应用熊蜂授粉和空白对照的比较研究,结果表明,熊蜂组的坐果率增加了33.5%,产量提高了29.4%,果实把柄长度降低了20.2%;而果实大小和含糖量、Vc含量、硝酸盐含量和亚硝酸含量,2组之间差异不大.说明熊蜂授粉可以促进温室黄瓜坐果,提高产量,降低果实把柄长度,但对果实的营养品质影响不大.  相似文献   

地熊蜂授粉对重庆温室辣椒的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了有效利用熊蜂授粉,在重庆地区开展了熊蜂为温室辣椒授粉效果的研究。结果表明,和对照组相比,熊蜂授粉组的辣椒坐果率提高了6%,畸形果率下降了3.8%,单果质量增加了8.9%,株产量增加了17.8%,种子数增加了25%,Vc含量增加了14.5%,总糖含量增加了22.5%。说明应用地熊蜂为重庆地区温室辣椒授粉,不仅可以提高坐果率,提高产量,而且还可以改善果实品质。  相似文献   

熊蜂为温室冬瓜授粉的效果研究   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
通过对温室冬瓜应用熊蜂授粉、人工蘸花授粉和空白对照的比较研究 ,结果表明 ,熊蜂组的坐果率比人工组和对照组分别提高了 5 3 3%和 75 0 % ;单果重分别增加了 34 7%和 15 6 1% ;株产量分别增加了 2 6 9 7%和12 2 0 9% ;熊蜂组的果形大小、果肉厚度和种子数也有一定的提高 ;水分和粗纤维的含量相差不大 ;粗蛋白和Ca,Fe ,Zn的相对含量虽有所下降 ,但绝对含量均有不同程度的提高。说明熊蜂授粉可以促进温室冬瓜坐果和营养吸收 ,极大地提高产量。  相似文献   

为了检验熊蜂为温室草莓授粉的效果,在温室内进行了熊蜂(Bombus lucorum)授粉试验,对照组为人工授粉.结果表明:与对照组相比,熊蜂授粉的草莓果实单果重达31.67g,比对照组增加了97.94%;果实的畸形果率为11.33%,比对照组下降了33.35%;熊蜂组的Vc含量为66.40 mg/100g,比对照组提高了19.00%,但在其它营养品质方面,两者之间的差异不显著.  相似文献   

不同蜂授粉对设施番茄产量和品质的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
在番茄温室内,熊蜂和蜜蜂的授粉习性不同.熊蜂的出巢温度低,日工作时间长,趋光性差,主要采用振动方式授粉;蜜蜂的出巢温度高,日工作时间短,趋光性强,主要采用接触方式授粉.和常规生产中采用的喷施激素方法相比,利用蜜蜂为设施番茄授粉,可以改善果实品质,但在产量上和喷施激素方法没有区别;采用熊蜂为设施番茄授粉,效果比蜜蜂更为显著,熊蜂授粉不仅可以改善番茄果实的营养品质,而且还可以显著提高产量,降低畸形果的比率,果实大而充实,种子数量多,商品性好.总之,对于设施番茄,蜜蜂授粉效果优于喷施激素处理,熊蜂授粉效果优于蜜蜂授粉.  相似文献   

油桃是一种蔷薇科果树,是桃的一个变异品种。油桃主要通过昆虫授粉或人工授粉来完成其传粉受精。大量实践证明:温室大棚栽培油桃可以大幅度提高油桃经济效益,因此是当前栽培重要发展方向。本试验分别利用蜜蜂、熊蜂及人工喷洒芸苔素内酯的三种方式对大棚油桃进行授粉,并测定了三种授粉方式对大棚油桃初期座果率、单株油桃个数、平均单果重和单株产量等影响。结果表明:三组的初期座果率差异不显著(P0.05);人工授粉组单株油桃个数最多,显著高于蜜蜂授粉组和熊蜂授粉组(P0.05);熊蜂授粉组平均单果重最重,显著高于人工授粉组(P0.05);人工授粉组单株产量最高,显著高于蜜蜂授粉组(P0.05)。虽然人工授粉(人工辅助授粉激素技术)的大棚油桃产量高于蜜蜂授粉和熊蜂授粉,但由于人为地破坏了油桃的自然生长规律,出现大量畸形果,另外油桃果实中可能存在激素残留风险,因此建议在新疆大棚油桃授粉中大力推广熊蜂授粉技术。  相似文献   

三种授粉方式对温室凯特杏的影响研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为了比较不同授粉方式对温室凯特杏授粉的效果,在温室内进行了熊蜂(Bombusterrestris)、蜜蜂(Apismellifera)和人工蘸花这3种授粉方式的试验,其结果表明:熊蜂组的杏果实发育期最短,比蜜蜂组缩短了4天,比人工组缩短了5天;在株产量上,熊蜂组产量最高,比蜜蜂组提高了11.96%,比人工组提高了25.77%;在维生素C、可溶性糖和总酸等营养指标上,3组之间差异不大,但熊蜂组的风味更佳。可见,采用熊蜂为温室杏授粉的效果优于蜜蜂和人工。  相似文献   

通过在大棚番茄做熊蜂授粉和激素蘸花试验对比,试验结果表明,熊蜂授粉比激素蘸花番茄坐果率高4.8%,增产效果明显。采用熊蜂授粉可减少化学激素的使用,亩均降低成本735元,有效降低农药使用和减少环境污染。  相似文献   

提高青年牦母牛繁殖性能的试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
33头3.5岁进入初情期的青年牦母牛采用生殖激素处理后,发情率达到69.70%,繁殖率达到57.58%;166头对照青年牦母牛的发情率为63.86%,繁殖率为22.89%;试验组比对照组发情率提高5.84百分点,繁殖率提高34.69个百分点(P<0.05)。采用PG-CL FSH和PG-CL LHRH-A3两种不同激素处理方案,PG-CL FSH处理组的发情率高于PG-CL LHRH-A3处理,两种处理的繁殖率基本相同。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究饲粮蛋氨酸水平对湖羊公羔营养物质消化、胃肠道pH及血清指标的影响。选取12对7日龄断奶的湖羊双胞胎公羔,采用配对试验设计,分为对照(CON)组和低蛋氨酸(LM)组,1对双胞胎羔羊分别分到2个组中。试验分2个阶段进行,第1阶段(8~56日龄),CON组羔羊饲喂基础代乳粉和基础开食料;LM组羔羊饲喂的代乳粉和开食料在CON组基础上分别全部扣除(0.70%和0.40%)额外添加的蛋氨酸,其余营养水平保持一致。第2阶段(57~84日龄),2组羔羊停止饲喂代乳粉且饲粮均为基础开食料。分别在第1阶段结束前(46~55日龄)和第2阶段结束前(74~83日龄)随机选取4对双胞胎羔羊进行消化代谢试验。结果表明:1)56日龄,LM组羔羊对饲粮粗蛋白质、粗脂肪、中性洗涤纤维的表观消化率均显著低于CON组(P0.05);84日龄,2组羔羊在营养物质表观消化率上均差异不显著(P0.05)。2)56日龄,LM组羔羊胃肠道中除十二指肠pH显著低于CON组(P0.05)外,其他胃肠道pH均差异不显著(P0.05);84日龄,2组羔羊在胃肠道pH上均差异不显著(P0.05)。3)除了56日龄LM组羔羊的生长激素和胰岛素浓度显著低于CON组(P0.05)外,2组羔羊其他血清指标56和84日龄均无显著性差异(P0.05)。由此可见,8~56日龄,饲粮低蛋氨酸水平可降低湖羊公羔营养物质表观消化率,以及抑制十二指肠pH和血清中生长激素、胰岛素浓度的增加;57~84日龄,提高饲粮蛋氨酸水平后,湖羊公羔的营养物质表观消化率、胃肠道pH及血清激素指标随之得到补偿。  相似文献   

Corticosteroids were measured in blood samples collected from 10 hens in two series with a time interval of nine days. In the first series blood was collected by venipuncture (wing vein), in the second by cardiac puncture. In each series, sampling took place immediately before (control), and 5 min as well as 18 h after intentional rough handling. Only samples obtained by cardiac puncture 5 min after rough handling showed markedly elevated hormone levels.Corticosteroids were also measured in blood collected from two other groups of hens, each including 10 birds. Samples were taken at 0 (control), 1, 5 and 40 min, one group being sampled by venipuncture, the other by cardiac puncture, None of the groups were subjected to rough handling. The hormone levels in samples obtained were significantly higher (P < 0.005) than the levels in the corresponding samples obtained by venipuncture.  相似文献   

选择健康育成或经产奶牛36头,随机分成两组(试验组和对照组),应用低剂量FSH激素处理技术对奶牛超数排卵效果进行了研究,结果表明,低剂量激素处理组在同期发情率及获得可用胚数上均高于无处理对照组,且在获胚胎数上高于对照组,差异显著(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare oestrus synchronisation using two treatments of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and one of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PG) with a double prostaglandin synchronisation protocol under southern Australian conditions. DESIGN: A clinical trial. PROCEDURE: Eight hundred and forty, seasonally calving, lactating dairy cows within nine herds in the Tallangatta district of northeast Victoria were randomly allocated to treatment and control groups. The treatment (GnRH) group received gonadotropin-releasing hormone followed by prostaglandin F2 alpha and then a second treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone. These cows were inseminated at a fixed time after the second gonadotropin-releasing hormone treatment. Cows in the control (PG) group received two injections of prostaglandin F2 alpha, 14 days apart, and were inseminated according to detected oestrus. RESULTS: The effect of GnRH treatment on first service conception rate (CRS1) and 30 day pregnancy rate (PR30) varied between herd (P < 0.001 and P < 0.02, respectively). A significant difference in CRS1 between treatment (GnRH) and control (PG) groups existed in pooled data from eight of the nine herds (38.1% vs 65.9%, P < 0.001). A significant difference also existed in PR30 between treatment (GnRH) and control (PG) groups in pooled data from eight of the nine herds (64.1% vs 72.4%, P = 0.03). Pregnancy rates after 56 days of mating for both groups were not significantly different (79.8% vs 84.1%, P = 0.13 for treatment (GnRH) and control (PG) groups, respectively). Submission rates (proportion of cows submitted for insemination) for the treatment (GnRH) groups were 100%. There was significant variation in submission rates in the control (PG) groups. CONCLUSION: The GnRH protocol may be of benefit in herds where a poor response to the double prostaglandin program is anticipated. However, in the majority of herds in this trial, the double prostaglandin program achieved better results with fewer inseminations.  相似文献   

Acacia etbaica Schweinf. and Dichrostachys cinerea (L.) Wight et Arn. are among the common woody browse plants that naturally grow in many arid and semi-arid rangelands in sub Saharan Africa. An experiment was conducted to compare the voluntary dry matter intake, body weight gain, nitrogen balance, carcass composition and sensory attributes of goats supplemented with different levels of A. etbaica and D. cinerea fruits. Average initial body weight of the goats was 20.4 kg (± 0.8SE) and received one of the following fruit supplementation regimes for 120 days (on body weight basis, n = 4 goats per group): (1) Control, no supplement; (2) 0.5% of A. etbaica; (3) 0.5% of D. cinerea; (4) 1.0% of A. etbaica; (5) 1.0% of D. cinerea; (6) 1.5% of A. etbaica; (7) 1.5% of D. cinerea. All groups were allowed to graze/browse during the day. Compared to A. etbaica, D. cinerea fruits contained higher amounts of crude protein (182 vs 135 g/kg DM), metabolizable energy (11 vs 8.4 MJ/kg DM), and in vitro dry matter digestibility coefficient (0.7 vs 0.6). The concentrations of acid detergent fiber (ADF), sulphuric acid solubulized lignin, and tannin (soluble and condensed) were lower (P < 0.05) in D. cinerea than in A. etbaica fruits. A. etbaica fruits, however, contained higher amounts of Na, K, Fe, and Zn concentrations than D. cinerea fruits. Dry matter intake was markedly higher in supplemented groups than in the control group without supplement. Similarly, body weight gain in the control group was negative and lower (P < 0.05) than any of the supplemented groups. During the course of the experimental period (120 days) the group placed in the 1.5% D. cinerea fruit diet gained 2.6 kg whereas the control group lost 2.0 kg. Thus, the difference between these two groups was 4.6 kg, which suggests about 22.5% increment of the goats' initial body weight. N retention was negative for the control group and varied little among the remaining treatment groups. Dressing percent increased with increased level of either type of fruit supplement, the highest (51.8%) being achieved at the 1.5% D. cinerea level. There was no difference in bone tissue across treatment groups. D. cinerea fruit intake also resulted in juicy/watery flavor and tender carcass. D. cinerea fruits appeared to have no adverse effects when included at the highest level (1.5%) and could be collected and stored as dry season supplement to smallholder goats. This study shows that poor farmers can increase goat performance substantially through supplement feeding with wild fruits. Areas in Ethiopia originally set aside for provision of ecological services and biodiversity protection can also be used for wild fruit production and feeding of small stock. The effect of increasing D. cinerea fruits above the 1.5% body weight level should be a focus of future investigation. Further work on deactivation mechanism of tannins is required for A. etbaica fruits included at levels higher than 1.0%.  相似文献   

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