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OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of various clinical tracks within the veterinary medical clinical curriculum at Texas A&M University on clinical diagnostic proficiency as determined by pre- and post-training assessment. We expected that the clinical track chosen by the student would impact their measured outcome with bias toward higher scores in their chosen field. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. STUDY POPULATION: 32 students from the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Texas A&M University. PROCEDURES: By use of standardized, written case scenarios, clinical reasoning was assessed twice: once prior to the clinical (fourth) year of the curriculum and again at completion of the clinical year. Students demonstrated their abilities to collect and organize appropriate clinical data (history, physical examination, and laboratory findings), determine clinical diagnoses, and formulate and implement acceptable treatment modalities. Data from clinical assessments were compared for a given cohort and correlated with other measures (eg, grades, standardized test scores, and species-specific curricular track). RESULTS: Differences were detected in clinical diagnostic proficiency among students in different clinical tracks and for different species groups in the case scenarios. Tracking by species group in the clinical veterinary curriculum appeared to affect development of clinical reasoning and resulted in differential proficiency among cases for differing species groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Differences in clinical experiences between small animal tracks and all other track opportunities (large animal, mixed animal, and alternative) influenced the development of clinical proficiency in fourth-year veterinary students during their clinical training period.  相似文献   

Effective teaching of veterinary radiology can be challenging in a traditional classroom environment. Audience response systems, colloquially known as “clickers,” provide a means of encouraging student interaction. The purpose of this study was to compare student performance and course evaluations before and after using the Classroom Performance System? in the third‐year (fifth semester) didactic radiology course at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. Overall student performance was assessed by comparing median numeric final course grades (%) between years without and with use of the Classroom Performance System?. Grades of students were determined for individual instructors’ sections. Student evaluations of the radiology course were compared for the years available (2007–2010). Student interactions were also evaluated subjectively by instructors who used the Classroom Performance System?. There was a significant difference (p = 0.009) between the median student grade before (2005 – 2008, median 82.2%; interquartile range 77.6–85.7%; range 61.9–95.5%) and after use of the classroom performance system (2009–2010, median 83.6%; interquartile range 79.9–87.9%; range 68.2–93.2%). There was no statistically significant difference in median student grades for individual instructors over the study period. The radiology course student evaluation scores were significantly higher in years where the Classroom Performance System? was used in comparison to previous years (P = 0.019). Subjectively, students appeared more involved when using clickers. Findings indicated that the Classroom Performance System? may be a useful tool for enhancing veterinary radiology education.  相似文献   

Since 1989, an undergraduate course addressing issues concerning biotechnology in agriculture has been taught annually. To determine the extent to which students were engaged in classroom instruction and assimilated knowledge from the course, students were asked to complete an "Attitudes About Biotechnology" questionnaire. Students were queried about their knowledge of biotechnology, perceptions of risks associated with biotechnology, and ethics and attitudes toward the use of biotechnology in agriculture. Responses to the survey questions were evaluated both pre-and postcourse. Data were collected from 13 classes over a 10-yr period. Inspection of the precourse grade point average and the course grades for these students revealed no trends up or down over the period of this study. Similarly, inspection of the data revealed no effect from problem-based learning, student-facilitated group work, or technology on student attainment of knowledge, perception of risk, or ethical views. For each of the five knowledge questions, the average score increased as a result of taking the course. On two of the knowledge questions, the average score increase for females from pre- to postcourse was greater than for males. Based on our measurements using the postcourse questionnaire, the correlation between perceived and actual knowledge was not significantly different from zero. In two of the four risk questions, there was no change in average score as a result of the course; however, student perception of risk associated with genetic engineering of plants increased. Although average scores for student perception of risk due to the perceived impact of genetically engineered products on people or the environment decreased from pre- to postcourse assessment, the average score was higher (P < 0.01) for females than for males. Males were more accepting of genetic manipulation of cells in a laboratory than were females both pre- and postcourse. Although student knowledge of biotechnology was increased and the perceived risk due to biotechnology was altered, there was no evidence that students altered their ethical position on biotechnology as a result of this course.  相似文献   

One large study in medical education has reported that the choice of question format (or question content) could introduce a gender bias, with men outperforming women on questions with a true-false component or that required knowledge of anatomy or physiology. The purpose of our study was to ascertain whether this finding is also true in veterinary medical education. Two veterinary student cohorts were analyzed across four different modules over a three-year period (804 questions in total). The results of the study show that the women's and men's performance did not differ in any of the question types analyzed across any module or year. When students' (both women and men) overall average performance on different question types was compared with their performance on standard multiple-choice questions (MCQs), performance levels increased when students were asked to answer MCQs that contained an image-based prop (IMCQ) such as a photograph, X-ray image, or diagram. In contrast, students' performance was consistently lower when answering assertion-reason questions (ARQs), and this performance could not be explained by the demographic makeup of the two cohorts analyzed. When comparing standard MCQs with MCQs that contained a true-false question stem, no specific trend in the data could be determined. In conclusion, this study suggests that the short-answer question style does not bias against one gender in veterinary medical education, but that overall students do perform differently according to question type and, in particular, less well when ARQs are used in examinations.  相似文献   

高等农业院校的《动物学》课程由理论课和实验课2部分组成。理论课的平时成绩占总成绩的30%,由平时表现、网络测试平台成绩和期中考试3部分组成;实验课的平时成绩占总成绩的50%,由平时表现、设计性实验的参与和完成情况、参观合肥野生动物园、大蜀山捕捉节肢动物及昆虫标本制作等环节表现组成。该套平时成绩的计量和考核体系,能公平、公正地评判每一位学生的表现,起到了激励学生奋发向上、努力学习和热爱科研的作用。  相似文献   

In recent years, veterinary education has received an increased amount of attention directed at the value and application of collaborative case-based learning. The benefit of instilling deep learning practices in undergraduate veterinary students has also emerged as a powerful tool in encouraging continued professional education. However, research into the design and application of instructional strategies to encourage deep, collaborative case-based learning in veterinary undergraduates has been limited. This study focused on delivering an instructional intervention (via a 20-minute presentation and student handout) to foster productive, collaborative case-based learning in veterinary education. The aim was to instigate and encourage deep learning practices in a collaborative case-based assignment and to assess the impact of the intervention on students' group learning. Two cohorts of veterinary students were involved in the study. One cohort was exposed to an instructional intervention, and the other provided the control for the study. The instructional strategy was grounded in the collaborative learning literature and prior empirical studies with veterinary students. Results showed that the intervention cohort spent proportionally more time on understanding case content material than did the control cohort and rated their face-to-face discussions as more useful in achieving their learning outcomes than did their control counterparts. In addition, the perceived difficulty of the assignment evolved differently for the control and intervention students from start to end of the assignment. This study provides encouraging evidence that veterinary students can change and enhance the way they interact in a group setting to effectively engage in collaborative learning practices.  相似文献   

近年来多种感染人或家畜的冠状病毒病轮番出现,给人类社会的经济和公共卫生安全带来很大危害。特别是在2019年底出现并在全球迅速蔓延的SARS-CoV-2,由此引发的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)在2019年12月至2020年3月之间在全球范围内造成超过7万人死亡。冠状病毒感染宿主的第一步是识别宿主细胞膜受体分子并与之结合,随后启动入侵使病毒基因组进入宿主细胞内部。因此冠状病毒细胞受体的阐明对于了解病毒的宿主与组织嗜性具有重要意义,同时也有助于了解病毒的致病与传播机制以及新型抗病毒药物研发。本文介绍了近年来主要的冠状病毒受体的最新研究进展,包括血管紧张素2(the angiotensin converting enzyme 2,ACE2)、氨基肽酶N(aminopeptidase N,APN)、二肽酰肽酶4(dipeptyl peptidase 4,DPP4)、唾液酸(sialic acid,SA)和癌胚抗原相关细胞黏附分子1(carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1,CEACAM1)等。  相似文献   

《生物统计学》是农科类和涉农类高校动物科学、动物医学等本科专业的一门重要专业基础课,为大学生的专业课学习、毕业论文的试验设计与数据分析、参与科学研究、从事生产实践等奠定基础。针对课程特点通过优化课程内容,提高教师的业务水平,改善教学方法,改进教学手段,培养学生的学习兴趣,开展上机操作教学,改革课程考核方式,以提高地方应用型高校《生物统计学》课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

Histology is often taught in higher education settings using online virtual microscopes (VM). This study aimed to develop and evaluate the use of VM in teaching on a BSc degree at the University of Nottingham by surveying students and staff. A key development was the use of an e-workbook so that students were actively engaged in creating their own bespoke revision material. Subsequently, this approach was used in a second study evaluating the use of VM in teaching the histology and pathology of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract via group work with students from two BSc courses at the University of Nottingham; one based at Derby (RDHC) and the other in Malaysia (UNMC). Students worked together in groups to complete an e-workbook, develop a presentation, and decide how to collaborate and communicate. An evaluation of these activities revealed advantages in developing transferrable skills, and good engagement with both the histology topic and group work. Analysis of assessment of the module at UNMC showed that student performance improved in the histology-based module after the intervention (p < 0.01) and that this improvement was not evident in other modules taken by the cohort. Furthermore, when interrogating the questions from the examination paper that asked students to identify features from histological images, fewer questions were seen as ‘difficult’ (p < 0.001) and more were seen as ‘average’ (p < 0.01). This study demonstrates that the use of VM in histology combined with active learning in creating a revision resource enhances engagement and depth of learning. When further combined with collaborative active group work, students developed a range of histology knowledge and transferrable skills, with notable improvement in examination performance relative to other contemporaneous modules.  相似文献   

Following the recent introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) into several European university programs, a new interest has developed in determining students' workload. ECTS credits are numerical values describing the student workload required to complete course units; ECTS has the potential to facilitate comparison and create transparency between institutional curricula. ECTS credits are frequently listed alongside institutional credits in course outlines and module summaries. Measuring student workload has been difficult; to a large extent, estimates are based only upon anecdotal and casual information. To gather more systematic information, we asked students at the Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana, to estimate the actual total workload they committed to fulfill their coursework obligations for specific subjects in the veterinary degree program by reporting their attendance at defined contact hours and their estimated time for outside study, including the time required for examinations and other activities. Students also reported the final grades they received for these subjects. The results show that certain courses require much more work than others, independent of credit unit assignment. Generally, the courses with more contact hours tend also to demand more independent work; the best predictor of both actual student workload and student success is the amount of contact time in which they participate. The data failed to show any strong connection between students' total workload and grades they received; rather, they showed some evidence that regular presence at contact hours was the most positive influence on grades. Less frequent presence at lectures tended to indicate less time spent on independent study. It was also found that pre-clinical and clinical courses tended to require more work from students than other, more general subjects. While the present study does not provide conclusive evidence, it does indicate the need for further inquiry into the nature of the relationship between teaching and learning in higher education and for evaluation of the benefits (or otherwise) of more "self-directed" study.  相似文献   

由于一系列生猪产业扶持政策效果的显现。2020年生猪产能持续恢复,全国生猪存栏和能繁母猪存栏不断增长。消费方面,年初的“新冠肺炎疫情”对消费有抑制作用,之后消费恢复。价格方面,2020年初价格达到第一波高峰,8月份价格再次上涨,12月份价格上涨趋势明显。预估2021年,生猪产能继续恢复,猪肉供销将趋于稳定。  相似文献   

At the University of Minnesota, fourth-year veterinary students assessed their clinical competence after completion of a small-animal, internal-medicine clinical rotation using the same rotation assessment form used by supervising faculty. Grades were compared between the two groups. Students identified by faculty as low-performing were more likely to overestimate their competence in the areas of knowledge, clinical skill, and professionalism than were students identified by faculty as higher performing. This finding mirrors research results in human health professional training. Self-assessment should not be used as the primary or sole measure of clinical competence in veterinary medical training without the introduction of measures to ensure the accuracy of student self-assessment, measures that include active faculty mentoring of student self-assessment, student goal-setting and reflection, and availability of subsequent opportunities to practice additional self-assessment.  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has now affected over 72.5 million people worldwide, with nearly 1.6 million deaths reported globally as of December 17, 2020. SARS-CoV-2 has been implicated to have originated from bats and pangolins, and its intermediate animal hosts are being investigated. Crossing of the species barrier and exhibition of zoonosis have been reported in SARS-CoV-2 in farm (minks), domesticated (cats and dogs), and wild animals (tigers, puma, and lions). Recently, the rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection was reported in mink farms, which led to the death of a myriad minks. The clinical and pathological findings of SARS-CoV-2 infection and the rapid animal-to-animal transmission in minks are almost similar to the findings observed in patients with COVID-19. Additionally, the rapid virus transmission among minks and the associated mutations resulted in a new mink-associated variant that was identified in both minks and humans, thereby providing evidence of mink-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2. The new mink-associated SARS-CoV-2 variant with a possible reduced sensitivity to neutralizing antibodies poses serious risks and is expected to have a direct effect on the diagnostic techniques, therapeutics, and vaccines that are currently under development. This article highlights the current evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in farmed minks, and provides an understanding of the pathogenesis of COVID-19 in minks and the associated zoonotic concerns of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from minks to humans with an emphasis on appropriate mitigation measures and on the necessity of adopting the One Health approach during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

考试是教学过程的重要环节,是评价学生学习效果的重要手段。动物生理学是高等农林院校开设的重要专业基础课之一,以《动物生理学》课程为例,通过对考试的内容和形式进行改革,将课程考试贯穿于整个教学环节。考试改革结果表明,科学合理的考试能够督促学生充分有效地利用时间进行学习,进而降低了学生的考试不及格率,对提高教学质量有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Computerized testing has made significant inroads into veterinary education. Traditional paper-and-pencil examination formats are being replaced by computer-based testing (CBT). Computer-administered, fixed-form tests, because they mimic most closely the familiar fixed-response paper-and-pencil test formats, might intuitively seem to be inherently equivalent to their paper-and-pencil counterparts. However, research examining test-mode effects on student performance presents a very mixed picture. Additionally, students often report that they feel their performance is adversely affected by CBT and that their grades on the computer-based exams are lower than they would have been on the more familiar paper-and-pencil format. In order to address student perceptions of negative impact and the mixed nature of the published research results on the topic, a study was conducted to assess whether the transition from paper-and-pencil to equivalent linear CBT exams did, in fact, affect students' examination scores. This study found no evidence for significant test-mode effects on student scores as a result of the introduction of computer-based testing into the veterinary curriculum.  相似文献   

A bovine leukemia virus (BLV) control program was instituted at a high-prevalence, purebred Holstein dairy. The specific control program required single use of needles and obstetrical sleeves, disinfection of tattoo equipment before use, dehorning by use of electrical burning devices, replacement of whole milk feeding with high-quality milk replacer, and heat treatment of colostrum before feeding. The effect of the program was estimated by comparing the pre- (1987) and postintervention (1989) prevalences of BLV-agar gel immunodiffusion titers within particular heifer age cohorts (0 to 90, 91 to 180, 181 to 360 days, and 361 days to parturition). Random serologic testing was conducted quarterly within each cohort, but was analyzed on a combined yearly basis. Seroprevalence of BLV decreased in all age cohorts greater than 180 days old, with significant decreases in the 361 days to parturition (P = 0.003) and the combined 181 days to parturition cohorts (P = 0.0004). Prevalence within the latter cohort decreased from 0.44 in 1987 to 0.17 in 1989. These results were obtained without either culling or segregation of BLV-agar gel immunodiffusion-positive cattle.  相似文献   

Virtual microscopy (VM) uses a computer to view digitized slides and is comparable to using a microscope to view glass slides. This technology has been assessed in human medical education for teaching histology and histopathology, but, to the authors' knowledge, no one has evaluated its use in teaching cytopathology in veterinary medical education. We hypothesize that students will respond positively to the use of VM for viewing cytopathology preparations and that the technology can be successfully used for student assessment. To test this hypothesis, we surveyed students regarding their level of satisfaction with features of the VM system, their preference for use of VM in the curriculum, and the potential influence virtual slides may have on student study habits; student performance on a traditional cytopathology practical examination and a similar exam using VM was evaluated. Our results show that student perception of the VM system is generally very positive, with some concerns about resolution and the need for continued exposure to traditional microscopy. Within the curriculum, students indicated a preference for the option of using virtual slides for studying and take-home exercises. Overwhelmingly, students wanted either hybrid laboratory sessions or sessions using glass slides with virtual slides available for study and review. Students identified many VM test-taking features as advantageous compared with traditional glass-slide practical exams as traditionally administered. However, students indicated a strong preference for continued use of traditional microscopy for graded practical exams. Students may be more likely to study slides in preparation for practical examinations if virtual slides are available. Results also indicate that VM can be used successfully for assessment purposes, but students should receive training in using virtual slides if the technology will be used for assessment.  相似文献   

Ideas about centers of emphasis and veterinary medical teaching consortia have resurfaced to attract students into food-supply veterinary medicine (FSVM). From 1988 to 2000 a multiple veterinary school consortium approach to food-animal production medicine (FAPM) teaching was conducted to handle regional differences in case load, faculty strengths, and student interests. Six universities developed a memorandum of understanding to provide a wide variety of in-depth, species-specific clinical experiences in FAPM to balance their individual strengths and weakness in addressing food-animal agriculture, to provide for student exchange and faculty development, and to conduct research in food safety. Changes in leadership, redirection of funds, failure to publicize the program to faculty and students, and a focus on research as opposed to teaching led to dissolution of the consortium. However, this approach could work to improve recruitment and retention of students in FSVM if it focused on student exchange, fostered a more integrated curriculum across schools, encouraged faculty involvement, garnered institutional support, and used modern technology in teaching. Private veterinary practices as well as public/corporate practices could be integrated into a broader food-animal curriculum directed at building competency among FSVM students by providing the in-depth training they require. Requirements for the success of this type of program will include funding, marketing, leadership, communication, coordination, integration, and dedicated people with the time to make it work.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This paper outlines the design and implementation of an innovative communication skills training program at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). Based upon the body of research in human medical education reporting effective results through the use of standardized patients (SPs) for this type of training, an experiential learning laboratory using simulated clients (SCs) and patients was introduced to first-year veterinary students. METHOD: One hundred and four first-year students were assigned to 12 groups of eight or nine students plus a facilitator. Each student interacted with a simulated client and a patient while being observed by peers and a facilitator. The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide (CCOG) was used to guide students and facilitators with performance standards and feedback. Assessment strategies were utilized. RESULTS: Implementation of this program required extensive resources, including funding, expertise, facilitator training, time allotment in an already overburdened curriculum, and administrative and faculty support. Preliminary assessment revealed high student and facilitator satisfaction. The potential of this program for student education and assessment was recognized, and it will be expanded in years 2 and 3 of the DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) curriculum. CONCLUSIONS: Medical educators have created resources, including skills checklists and experiential learning modalities, that are highly applicable to veterinary medical education. Ongoing evaluation of the program is essential to determine whether we are meeting expectations for communication competency in veterinary medicine.  相似文献   

本科生课堂专注力低是高校传统课堂上的突出问题,也是影响大学教学质量的重要原因。除授课效果等外在原因外,还存在学生多方面的自身原因,教师应提高授课质量和改变授课风格,采取激励学生学习兴趣、重视课堂专注力考查、加强课堂管理等课堂内措施,以及加强班风建设、保证学生睡眠时间和防止学生沉迷网络等课堂外措施,以提高高校本科生课堂专注力。  相似文献   

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