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乙醚处理骚动蜂群效果好近年来,我站蜜蜂的检疫量相当大,每年检疫转地饲养的蜜蜂大约15万多群。尤其在炎热的夏季,由于气温较高,再加上长途运输颠簸震动,卸车后的蜜蜂一直处于骚动、惊恐不安状态。在这种情况下开箱检疫,蜜蜂不但成群追逐蜇人,而且也易发生盗蜂现...  相似文献   

近几年,我国周边地区及国内部分省区相继发生高致病性禽流感等动物疫病,给养殖业和人民身体健康带来极大威胁和损失。特别是2005年5月在青海湖地区发生候鸟高致病性禽流感,疫情发生后由于采取措施得力,加强了各地公路动物检疫、消毒工作,使疫情在局部范围内就被扑灭。与此同时,毗邻我县的甘肃省兰州市2个区也有疫情发生。  相似文献   

松江镇的市场兽医卫生检疫工作起步于1987年,全镇现有农贸市场6个,这项工作从开始到现在大致经历了3个阶段:①分散检疫。刚开始时,由于受到人力、物力等客观条件的限制,采取了由检疫人员带好刀具,印章等必备工具,分头到市场上进行检疫、检验的方式,处于摸索阶段。②集中检验。随着外来肉品不断进入,为了适应肉品市场发展的需要,我们采取了指定地点、时间,进行集中检验的方式,对入境批发的外来肉品进行检验后,再转批给肉品经营商贩。③多点集中检验。城镇人口的增加,农贸市场逐渐增多,且分布较散,外来肉品在市场上的占有率几…  相似文献   

近几年我省各地十分重视畜牧业结构调整,山羊的发展十分迅速,菜牛的养殖也在一些县形成了一定的规模。由于本省种羊、种牛数量有限,从外省引种已成为当务之急。但有的地方由于忽视了动物检疫工作,因引种而发生疫病的情况时有发生。1996年以来不少县从外省调进种山羊、种牛不断报告发生死亡率很高的疫病,今年某山区县又因调进山羊引发疫情,导致扑杀猪牛羊等动物数百头。《动物防疫法》第三十六条明确规定:国内异地引进种用动物及其精液、胚胎、种蛋的,应当到当地动物防疫监督机构办理检疫审批手续并须检疫合格。1997年2月1…  相似文献   

日前,怀化市中级人民法院对向久生妨碍动物检疫工作、殴打检疫人员案件依法作出了终审判决。1998年8月12日早晨,在江侗族自治县畜牧水产局兽医卫生监督所动物检疫员李光富,一早来到县三里坪生猪定点屠宰场,进行屠宰检疫,并对合格的肉品逐个盖章。当其盖完验讫印章后,定点屠宰场承包人向久生便将猪肉装车出场。由于向自己搬运不小心,被来干好的蓝印色弄脏了衣服,向对此极为不满,大骂李光富,并拒绝李在场内检疫盖章。向久生继而故意挑起事端,双方发生了口角。向随即冲上前,朝李光富猛击一拳,并打李一个耳光。李光富在被打时,用…  相似文献   

(接上期)3统一实施防疫监督程序及操作方法目前我县统一推行的动物防疫监督程序是以“先申报、后检疫、缴清费、再出证”为核心内容的防疫监督程序。具体操作方法如下。3.1检疫申报检疫申报是指生产(饲养)、加工(屠、宰)、经营动物、动物产品的单位和个人,在其动物、动物产品发生移动前,依照有关规定向所在地动物防疫监督管理机关提出检疫要求的过程。其步骤是:3.1.1检疫申报依据:检疫申报是依据《四川省<中华人民共和国动物防疫法>实施办法》第24条:“对动物、动物产品的检疫实行报检制度。依法应当检疫的动物、动…  相似文献   

随着生活水平的不断提高,超市、肉品专卖店越来越多,小包装动物产品由于方便、快捷很受消费者的青睐。但小包装动物产品是否经过检疫、安全卫生却难以鉴别。因为小包装上没有国家统一规定的动物检疫合格标志。 《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》第三十八条规定:“经检疫合格的动物、动物产品,由动物防疫监督机构出具检疫证明,动物产品同时加盖或者加封动物防疫监督机构使用的验讫标志。”但在实际动物检疫工作中,对经检疫合格的白条肉都能加盖全国统一的验讫印章,而对经检疫合格的袋装、盒装、箱装等动物分割产品,既不能加盖验讫印章,又没有统一的检疫标志可加封,只能出具动物检疫证明。 由于没有统一检疫标志,对经检疫合格的动物分割产品,只能凭动物检疫证明运输和销售。分割产品在销售时只能一车、一批产品带一份动物检疫证明,不可能每箱、每盒产品都带动物检疫证明,就很难确定所销售的产品是否检疫合格。有的甚至出现在运输、销售时发生“调包”现象,即将不合格产品冒充经检疫合格产品。一旦监督检查被发现,货主还振振有辞:我这批货是有检疫证明的。从而给不法经营者钻了空子。 有些地方动物防疫监督机构自行设计制造了检疫标志,贴在动物分割产品的外包装上,以证明经检疫合格,确实起到了很好的作用。但因不是全国统一,其规格样式、字体大小、颜色等不统一,加上一些地方应用,大多数地方不应用,有的就以不是统一检疫标志为由而不予认可,出现重检疫、重收费,甚至处罚等扯皮现象。 所以,应尽快依法统一动物检疫标志,统一样式、大小、字体、颜色等,采用热敏、光敏等防伪技术统一印制。一旦加封再撕下后,无法进行第二次使用。可分为小包装产品检疫标志、箱装产品检疫封条等不同规格。并制定统一的发放、管理、使用办法,同其他动物检疫证明一样,逐级领取使用。对经检疫合格的动物产品,由动物检疫员或在其监督下在产品小包装和包装箱上加封。对没有加封检疫标志的动物产品,不得运输、上市销售,一旦查出,按未经检疫的动物产品论处,依照《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》等法律法规进行处理。  相似文献   

近十多年来,我国的畜禽屠宰检疫发生了很大变化,与国际发达国家的差距越来越小。但由于国情、习俗、饲养模式等方面的区别,我国在畜禽屠宰检疫方面还有一些问题需要探索。  相似文献   

为加快产业调整步伐,尽快把畜牧业发展成为主导产业,本着“垂直领导、强化管理”的原则,黑龙江省建三江分局畜牧曾医总站在2003年1月1日正式启动检疫垂直管理。通过实践,目前成效显著。由于狠抓了内外防检疫工作,目前无大的疫病发生和流行,确保了畜牧业的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

上高县试行“六统”管理取得显著成绩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1现状 自农业部提出 动物检疫“四到位” 和动物防疫目标任 务后,各地纷纷由 市场检疫转向场 (厂)、户,大力开展 产地检疫。根据产 地检疫规范GB- 16549规定,首先是 查验有无产地免疫 证明,且在免疫期 内。在实际工作中, 目前需要亟待解决 的是,有的养殖户认为打一针收几毛钱硬说是“乱收费”;有的自己用了不合格疫苗,防而无效。种种原因给基层兽医站免疫带来很大困难,形成某些疫病年年免疫,年年发生的不良循环。我市辛寨镇兽医站对役(肉)用牛的防疫做了成功的尝试。2做法2.1“三愿意”:政府愿意发动,兽医站愿…  相似文献   

The measures used to control the epidemics of foot-and-mouth disease in Canada in 1951/52 (29 outbreaks) were compared with those used in the epidemic in Hampshire in 1967 (29 outbreaks). In both epidemics the disease spread more from premises where the disease was reported late and the imposition of quarantine or restrictions on infected premises was delayed. In Hampshire, area restrictions were imposed, susceptible livestock on infected premises and on premises in direct contact were slaughtered, and contacts were traced. In Canada, the initial diagnosis was vesicular stomatitis, no area restrictions were imposed, no tracing was carried out and the animals on infected premises were allowed to recover. However, apart from the disease's spread through infected meat and by unknown or airborne routes, it did not spread from infected premises once quarantine was imposed, partly owing to the low population density of livestock in the area. The effects of the slaughter of infected premises and direct contacts in the Fareham area of Hampshire in 1967 and in the Chathill area of Northumberland in 1966 were compared with what might have happened if, in addition, culling on contiguous premises or culling on premises within 3 km or emergency vaccination had been put into effect. The slaughter of cattle, sheep, goats and pigs on premises within 3 km two days after confirmation of the first outbreak would have resulted in fewer outbreaks and a shorter period to complete slaughter, but more animals would have been slaughtered. In the Chathill area, the slaughter of sheep, goats and pigs only on premises within 3 km two days after confirmation of the first outbreak would not have resulted in fewer outbreaks and more animals would have been slaughtered. Fewer premises and animals would have been slaughtered by a contiguous cull than by a 3 km cull but more than by the slaughter of infected premises and direct contacts. Emergency vaccination within 3 km, providing protection at four days (but not to animals already infected before the development of immunity), would have resulted in the fewest animals being slaughtered and could have reduced the number of outbreaks in the Fareham area by one and in the Chathill area by two or three. All the procedures would have had a greater effect the sooner they were introduced. However, with many foci of infection, priorities for action would have had to have been established. Earlier tracing of the last outbreak in the Fareham area could have shortened the Hampshire epidemic. Surveillance of a farm identified as at risk through animal movements and by the use of an airborne-prediction model could have eliminated the source of further outbreaks in the Chathill area.  相似文献   

目的随着加入世界贸易组织,我国海关检疫压力增大,为了维护国家主权和国际声誉,加强出入境检验检疫势在必行。衣原体病是一种重要的人畜共患病,也给养禽业带来巨大的经济损失,必须给予足够的重视,鹦鹉热衣原体对多种动物宿主有广泛的寄生性引起不同动物的多症候群疾病,是世界动物卫生组织动物名录疾病。方法对入境的一批肉种鸡进行抽样检验,按照中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫行业标准用间接血凝检测鹦鹉热衣原体病,做出试验报告。结果经检测出现阳性,肉鸡携带有衣原体病毒。结论根据中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法第二章进境检疫第十六条检出二类传染病、寄生虫病的动物,退回或者扑杀,同群其他动物在隔离场或者其他指定地点隔离观察。  相似文献   

采用虎红平板凝集试验(RBPT)和试管凝集试验(SAT)对塔城市10个乡镇场社区27个村队巷1207份未免疫布病疫苗的牛血清进行监测,检出阳性65头,阳性率为5.4%。阳性牛分布在8个乡镇场社区的27个村队巷。出现布病疫情主要原因是,传染源没有彻底清除,市场交易频繁,大量外引牲畜未得到有效检疫,饲养者缺乏对布病知识的了解致使阳性畜不断增加,导致疫情扩散。采取检疫、净化与扑杀无害化处理相结合的方式,淘汰病畜,加强牲畜流通环节监管,加大宣传,以控制疫情蔓延。  相似文献   

牛传染性鼻气管炎(IBR)又称牛传染性脓包性外阴阴道炎、坏死性鼻炎、红鼻病等,主要引起呼吸道发炎为主的急热、热性、高度传染性传染病。本文结合实际工作经验,对IBR的流行病学、临床症状以及诊断方法、疫苗研究进行分析,采取综合措施,首先对出入境动物进行严格检疫,严禁从疫区引进牛;其次加强饲养管理和改善卫生条件,定期进行检疫;最后制定合理的免疫程序,一旦发现可疑病例,立即采取隔离、封锁、消毒、紧急接种疫苗等措施。另外,对于IBR的治疗,目前没有特效药,一般使用抗生素对症治疗,或结合服用中药等,以提高牛只的免疫力。  相似文献   

Between January 1972 and December 1990, bulk-tank (n = 721) and cow (n = 9,163) milk samples from dairy herds in New York State were examined by bacteriologic procedures for Mycoplasma. The organism was found in 165 herds in 42 counties, and in 2.3 and 11.7% of the tank and cow samples, respectively. Mycoplasma bovis was isolated in 164 herds, M. californicum was isolated in 1. Highest incidence of mycoplasmal clinical mastitis occurred during the winter. The disease resulted in culling of 30-70% of the cows in several herds. Eighty-six of the positive herds were located in the western part of the state. This area had more large herds (greater than 200 cows) compared to the rest of the state; however, herd size was not a risk factor. Purchased animals added to herds without quarantine, poor hygiene during mastitis treatment, and personnel in contact with mastitic cows or infected milk were involved in outbreaks and disease transmission.  相似文献   

The epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in Saskatchewan in 1951 and 1952 was studied in order to determine origins of outbreaks and methods of spread. The epidemic was initially considered to be vesicular stomatitis and foot-and-mouth disease was not recognized until February 1952, three months after the initial infection. The reports prepared at that time were reviewed in order to obtain details of the numbers of animals infected and the source and date of infection for the outbreaks. Methods of spread were rated according to their likelihood. The introduction of infection by an immigrant through his clothes as well as by sausage was possible. The sequence of events from the first outbreak to the spread from a feedlot/packing plant and from a dairy farm, which failed to report the disease, were clarified. Methods of spread included movement of animals, animal products and people and the airborne route. Milk delivery and artificial insemination did not result in spread of infection. The quarantine of affected farms reduced spread by animals and deterred visits by people. The original diagnosis of vesicular stomatitis was due to misinterpretation of a lesion in an inoculated horse. Laboratory tests established the presence of foot-and-mouth disease. The limited extent of the epidemic, despite the delay in diagnosis, is attributed to (i) the low density of cattle, (ii) few infected pigs and hence less airborne virus and (iii) absence of waste food feeding and milk collection in addition to the limited quarantine imposed.  相似文献   

为了解山东省家禽养殖场的生物安全水平,以问卷调查方式,对养殖场基本信息、场内区域划分、免疫接种、引种购进、消毒、饲养管理等问题展开调查。经预调查后,2021年6—7月在全省范围内开展本次调查。在全省16个地级市,采用随机抽样方式,每地级市抽检1~2个县(市、区);应用配额采样方式,在县市域内选取蛋鸡养殖场、肉鸡养殖场以及种禽场各1家。共收到有效问卷141份,分别来自12个地级市36个县(市、区),其中来自蛋鸡养殖场、肉鸡养殖场和种禽场占比分别为63.83%、26.95%和9.22%。所调查养殖场中,按照管理区、生产区、生活区进行区域划分的133家,一半以上的养殖场能做到每周至少消毒1次;137家养殖场有免疫计划,而无免疫计划的只有4家,包括蛋鸡场1家、肉鸡场3家。肉鸡场没有隔离场所的占比最高,达44.7%。106家养殖场对患病动物进行无害化处理。结果表明,所调查家禽养殖场在区域划分、区域管理、消毒管理、环境控制等生物安全方面都进行了相关的设计和应用,在一定程度上,能够起到预防致病因子侵入、阻挡病原微生物扩散的作用,但不同类型养殖场的生物安全水平并不均衡,因此养殖场需继续提高生物安全意识,逐步建立适用于本场的生物安全体系。  相似文献   

A cross sectional study was undertaken from October 2010 to March 2011 to determine the seroprevalence of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) and its related risk factors in export quarantine centers. A total of 3,111 cattle sera were collected from different export quarantine farms located in and around Adama, namely, Bekero, Jogo, Kedir, and Dera farms, and tested for the presence of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colonies antibody using competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay. Of the total 3,111 cattle sera examined, 124 (4 %) were found positive for CBPP. Among the potential predisposing factors assessed, origin, transportation condition, confinement level, and stay time of the animals in quarantine center were not found significantly (P?>?0.05) associated with the occurrence of the disease. Whereas age was found significantly (P?<?0.05) associated with the occurrence of the disease in which a high seroprevalence was recorded in aged (9.5 %) animals than young (3 %). Generally, this study showed that CBPP is a threat for Ethiopian livestock export market and a well established disease in Borana and Bale areas, where the animals originated.  相似文献   

Intraerythrocytic forms of B. bovis were exposed to 350 Grays (Gy) γ irradiation and were then injected intravenously into intact two and three year old Hereford steers. One of 15 steers died on initial infection and subsequently six steers were given a virulent heterologous challenge three weeks after recovery; all six animals were highly immune. The remaining eight animals were kept under quarantine conditions for 10 months and were then challenged with a different virulent heterologous strain of B. bovis. Seven of eight were highly immune, but one animal died. Subsequently a further 12 steers were injected intravenously with 1 × 108 irradiated organisms. All showed only mild transient clinical signs. After 12 months quarantine in a tick-free area these animals were then challenged with a virulent heterologous strain and all 12 were shown to be highly immune. Irradiation reduced the infective dose from 1 × 108 to 2.5 × 103 parasites. These parasites multiplied at the same rate, and achieved the same maximum parasitaemia as the parent non-irradiated strain, but the disease produced by them was not severe. A dose of 2.5 × 103 non-irradiated paasites was lethal to all of the four animals which received it. It was concluded that irradiation had produced a predominantly avirulent parasite population.  相似文献   

为了加快四川省结核病和布鲁氏菌病的净化工作,作者在四川选定了5个奶牛场,开展了奶牛两病净化示范工作。应用γ-干扰素体外释放试验检测结核病,应用ELISA技术诊断布鲁氏菌病,提高了两病的检测准确性。另外,实行全面监测、引种监管、强制隔离、强制消毒、强制扑杀、强化饲草监管等一系列措施,形成了一整套净化方案,从目前的净化效果来看,取得了比较明显的净化效果。  相似文献   

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