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笔者对586只福建华溪蟹进行检查,发现该蟹体内有两种非殖吸虫囊蚴混合感染。三平正并殖吸虫囊蚴检出率为45.05%,主要分布在蟹的心脏,卫氏并殖吸虫囊蛐捡出率为82.59%,主要分布在蟹的肌肉。用7只犬作三平正井殖吸虫感染试验,并于感染后3、15、25、42、66日对犬作剖检观察。本文详细描述了三平正并殖吸虫形态特点,该虫在大体的检出情况,试验犬得病后病理变化及胸肺X线检查等项观察结果。  相似文献   

中国并殖吸虫成虫,囊蚴分种检索表   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
并殖吸虫为兽主、畜次、人再次的人畜共患互染的寄生虫病,迄今世界上报告的虫种超过40种,而以我国最多,近30种。作者为今后并殖吸虫的调查研究与分类识别提供根据,特以成虫的三种形态(椭圆形、长梭形、钝梭形)与体棘(单生、混生、群生)为基本根据重新编制了我国并殖吸虫成虫、囊蚴分种检索表。  相似文献   

我国五省斯氏并殖吸虫群体形态学的分类地位研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的在于从形态学角度研究我国五省(广东、福建、云南、河北、四川)斯氏并殖吸虫各群体之间的种内差异以及四川并殖吸虫独立性问题。并比较宫崎、泡囊并殖吸虫与斯氏并殖吸虫在形态学方面的种间差异。应用光镜方法分别观察五省斯氏并殖吸虫成虫染色标本的主要形态特征并对表型观察指标(成虫长宽比例、睾丸长度与休长比例、口腹吸盘比例)进行统计学分析。从形态学方面观察结果来看,五省斯氏并殖吸虫群体之间存在的差异较小,其中四川并殖吸虫与斯氏并殖吸虫之间存在的差异也不大。泡囊并残吸虫在形态学方面与斯氏并殖吸虫各地域株也较为相似。日本的宫崎并殖吸虫在形态学方面与斯氏并殖吸虫群体可能均属斯氏并殖吸虫同一虫种,由于受地理因素影响,种内可能存在着不同的载域株。四川并殖吸虫与斯氏并殖吸虫可能系同种异名。其二泡囊并殖吸虫与日本的宫崎并殖吸虫很可能也是斯氏并殖吸虫的同种异名。为进一步明确五省斯氏并殖吸虫群体及泡囊并殖吸虫与日本的宫崎并殖吸虫的分类地位尚需结合分子生物学的研究进行综合分析。  相似文献   

鸡前殖吸虫病是由于前殖属中的前殖吸虫寄生在鸡生殖系统、消化系统和腔上囊内,而引起的一种寄生虫疾病.吸虫是扁平动物门,吸虫纲.前殖吸虫是一种扁平的叶状蠕虫,因为大多生长在鸡输卵管内,所以被称为前殖吸虫.常见的前殖吸虫有以下几种:楔形前殖吸虫、透明前殖吸虫、卵圆前殖吸虫、家鸭前殖吸虫、鲁氏前殖吸虫.螺和蜻蜓为该病的两个重要中间宿主,螺是第一中间宿主,蜻蜓是第二中间宿主.鸡群感染吸虫后,发病率高但死亡率低,治疗会出现愈后不良,因生产性能下降严重和终生带虫,最终只能淘汰发病鸡只,给禽养殖场特别是散养鸡带来持续性的危害和巨大损失.  相似文献   

本文报告福建省鸡住白虫病的流行病学调查结果。病原有两种:沙氏住白虫和卡氏住白虫。沙氏住白虫在全省广泛分布,平均感洒率达34.0%,卡氏住白虫只在少数地区流行。后宽绳蚋是福建省鸡沙氏住白虫病的自然传播煤介。  相似文献   

1985年10月在象山县进行驱虫试验,发现家鸭体内三种前殖吸虫,其中两种为国内少见之虫种,而布朗氏前殖吸虫属国内新记录。现报导如下:1.布朗氏前殖吸虫(Prosthogonimusbrauni Skrjabin,1919):虫体呈梨形,体长6.72毫米,最宽部位在虫体后1/3处,其宽度为4.97毫米。口吸盘圆形,直径0.420  相似文献   

为研究新疆观赏鱼市场双须骨舌鱼感染单殖吸虫的种类情况,采用形态学比较具有鉴定依据的背腹中央大钩、联接片、交接器等结构,初步鉴定为寄生在双须骨舌鱼鳃部的单殖吸虫有两种,分别为角棒虫属(Gonocleithrum)的银龙角棒虫(Gonocleithrum aruanae)、相似角棒虫(Gonocleithrum coenoideum)。经资料检索,该属种在我国均未报到,故为属种新纪录,该新纪录属区别于其他属的主要特征是在身体中部有一"Y"形的性腺片和呈螺旋形卷曲的支持器。所有标本均保存于新疆农业大学鱼类寄生虫学实验室。  相似文献   

目的 比较两种主要对人体致病的肺吸虫在实验动物肺内与肺外(胸、腹腔)的分布,为临床诊断及药物治疗提供参考。方法 粪检肺吸虫卵阴性的猫犬分别经口感染卫氏并殖吸虫(P.W)与斯氏并殖吸虫(P.S)囊蚴,饲养3个月后粪检肺吸虫卵阳性时对犬、猫进行解剖,观察与统计内肺外虫数。结果 猫犬解剖所获得P.W与P.S成虫均以左、右肺下叶寄生成虫数最多,猫、犬感染P.W后检获肺外期与左、右肺的童虫数均无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。猫感染P.S后所检获肺外期童虫数与左、右肺的童虫数有显著性差异(P〈0.05),而犬感染P.S所检获肺外期童虫数与左、右肺的童虫数有高度显著性差异(P〈0.01)。猫感染P.W与P.S囊蚴后虫体平均回收率为41.84%,39.85%;犬感染P.w与P.S囊蚴后虫体平均回收率分别为47.44%,24.57%。经统计学处理猫感染两种虫体回收率显著高于犬(P〈0.05)。结论 两种肺吸虫在实验动物犬、猫肺部的分布均以左、右肺下叶寄生成虫数最多,猫犬感染P.S所检获的肺外期童虫数与检获左、右肺内的童虫数分别为有显著性差异(P〈0.05)与高度显著性差异(P〈0.01),猫感染虫体的回收率明显高于犬。  相似文献   

前殖吸虫为黑龙江省家禽体内少见的虫种,以前曾在鸡体内发现透明前殖吸虫(Prosthogonimuspellucidus),1995年对嫩江县1只鸡体内采集到的前殖吸虫进行鉴定,为黑龙江省首见的楔形前殖吸虫(P.cuneatus),特报告如下。一、材料和方法标本采自嫩江县送检的1只当地品种成年鸡,为农户自家散养。虫体标本在常水中自然死亡后用70%酒精固定,鉴定时虫体用盐酸卡红染色法染色,装片后镜检,观察其形态学特征,测量虫体及其各器官大小,鉴定到种,绘出形态图。二、鉴定结果虫体寄生于鸡直肠和泄殖腔,共8条,经鉴定确认为楔形前殖吸虫──Pr…  相似文献   

研究论著和试验报告及简报·血虫净缓释剂的研制及预防鸡卡氏住白细胞虫病效果的评价黄占欣 (1- 1)………………………………………闽清并殖对终末宿主的感染性试验及并殖吸虫对人体致病性分型的讨论李友松等 (1- 4 )………………………毛形线虫各隔离种保姆细胞形成时间的研究  相似文献   

During the period from September 1985 to March 1988, the freshwater snails, Semisulcospira libertina, were collected from 4 mountain rivers in Ayama County of Mie Prefecture, which is known as a heavily infected locality with Paragonimus westermani (Kerbert, 1878) Braun, 1899, and were examined for cercariae and rediae of this lung fluke. Of 3,000 snails studied, 80 (2.67%) harbored Paragonimus larvae. The infected snails were found at 3 sites in the Nishitani (A), Nenobi(B), and Higashitani (C) rivers. The infection rate of Paragonimus cercariae at these sites varied from 0.13 to 6.08%. The highest incidence (6.08%) of cercarial infection occurred at site A (Nishitani river), where the prevalence and intensity of infection with P. westermani metacercariae were considerably greater in the 2nd intermediate host crabs. No Paragonimus was observed in 776 snails collected at site D (Taki river), where the incidence and degree of metacercarial infection in crabs were quite small. There was a positive correlation between the infection incidence of P. westermani and the size of S. libertina; the percentage of infected snails increased in larger size classes, reaching 24.14% at a shell length of over 40 mm. In the 80 positive snails there were 51 mixed infections with P. westermani and 1 or 2 other species of trematode larvae. Of these, 43 were double infections and 8 triple. The morphological features of P. westermani cercaria and redia are described.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were assayed in an attempt to discriminate among five species of Paragonimus. Genomic DNAs of two strains of Paragonimus heterotremus from two provinces in Thailand, Saraburi and Phitsanulok, as well as of P. siamensis, P. harinasutai, P. westermani and P. bangkokensis were extracted and amplified by an arbitrary primer, namely P2 (5-GTTTCGCTCC-3). RAPD patterns showed that those five species were genetically distinct, although they shared genomic DNA to some extent. This primer could also distinguish between two strains of P. heterotremus. The polymorphism observed allowed to construct a relationship dendrogram. The phylogenetic dendrogram showed that the P. heterotremus strains were closest to P. harinasutai, followed by P. siamensis, P. bangkokensis and P. westermani.  相似文献   

Helminth parasites were collected from 9 raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus) and 2 Japanese weasels (Mustela itatsi sho) on Yakushima Island, Japan. The former carnivore was introduced to this World Natural Heritage Area presumably within the last two decades, expanding its population thence, although detailed process(es) of the introduction is unknown. The collected trematodes from raccoon dogs included the triploid form of Paragonimus westermani, Brachylaima tokudai, Maritrema eroliae, and Pseudocryptotropa sp. Simultaneously, Paragonimus ohirai was found in one weasel killed by a traffic accident. Although the triploid form of P. westermani and P. ohirai are known to be distributed in some river-mouth areas of Yakushima Island based on previous surveys on crab hosts, natural infection was detected for the first time in wild final hosts. Particularly, the raccoon dog infected with P. westermani was caught in a mountainous area, distant from human residence or river-mouth areas. Although it is possible that the infected raccoon dog moved from a river-mouth area endemic with P. westermani after infection, the alternative scenario remains to be pursued; the endemic area of this zoonosis is expanding along with the recent expansion of raccoon dogs or feral cats (Felis catus), that became prevalent recently on this island including the mountainous areas. Maritrema eroliae taking a variety of shorebirds as its natural final hosts, and a minute trematode, Pseudocryptotropa sp., taking unknown natural final host(s) were recorded for the first time in raccoon dogs.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old male mixed-bred boar-hunting dog with a Plott hound background weighing 23 kg was brought to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Miyazaki, in October 2002. The dog was diagnosed with active infection with the lung fluke Paragonimus westermani by serological testing and also by detection of parasite eggs in his feces. Subsequent examination of four other dogs working with this dog as a boar-hunting team revealed that all five dogs were infected with P. westermani.  相似文献   

Immunity of schistosomes using heterologous trematode antigens--a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review summarizes the field of cross-protection in schistosomiasis due to other parasitic infections and with subcellular fractions of the parasite trematodes. Regarding parasitic infections, the clearest evidence of cross-protection to Schistosoma mansoni was found with the trematodes, particularly with Fasciola hepatica. Evidence was also presented which demonstrated that the protective F. hepatica worm antigens were those which bound to antibodies to S. mansoni, and that as antigen purification proceeded, smaller amounts were required to obtain significantly high levels of protection. These 2 factors, cross-reactivity and improved protection with increasing antigen purity (and possibly improved immunogenicity), are both supportive of an immunological basis for protection against S. mansoni. A Fasciola/Schistosoma-defined immunity cross-reactive antigen from F. hepatica worms was isolated and designated as FhSmIII(M). An antiserum to this antigen was developed and used as a probe to detect the presence of this antigen (or its determinants) in different extracts of parasitic trematodes. In this manner, it was possible to demonstrate that FhSmIII(M) (or at least some of its determinants) were found on (or in) S. mansoni, S. bovis and Paragonimus westermani. Since mice immunized with P. westermani worm extracts acquire resistance to challenge with S. mansoni cercariae, a common link of cross-protection to the parasitic trematodes is suggested; i.e., FhSmIII(M). Although immunity to schistosomes is undoubtedly multifactorial, the demonstration of a common protective antigen (or determinant) will provide a handle for the evaluation of additional candidate protective antigens.  相似文献   

探讨闽清并殖对人体的致病性。将闽清并殖新鲜囊蚴多次分别感染猫科、犬科和啮齿科的家猫、家狗及大鼠、小鼠、豚鼠。结果 ,只在猫、狗粪便中检及虫卵并在肺脏检及成虫 ,而鼠类未获感染。结合对已知并殖吸虫宿主的选择性的分析 ,发现对猫狗感染而对鼠类不适宜的虫种通常对人体致病 ,相反 ,对鼠类适宜而猫狗不适宜的虫种对人体大多不致病或致病力较弱 ,表明闽清并殖可能类似斯氏并殖对人体引起游走性皮下结节的病变  相似文献   

本研究扩增肝片吸虫(Fasciola hepatica,Fh)谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)基因,并进行同源性分析。根据GenBank发表的部分Fh GST基因序列设计并合成一对特异性引物,利用RT-PCR方法扩增出Fh GST基因完整的开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF),测定序列,使用分子生物学软件进行同源性分析。获得Fh GST基因全长682 bp,编码218个氨基酸,与澳大利亚分离的肝片吸虫GST同源性较高,与大片吸虫和卫氏并殖吸虫的GST也有较高的同源性。不同虫株GST基因具有较高的同源性,因此Fh GST蛋白不适合用作诊断抗原,但由于其存在交叉反应,GST基因作为分子疫苗的候选基因具有重要意义。肝片吸虫GST基因的克隆,为进一步研究GST蛋白的功能和作用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

There have been few reports on the diversity and prevalence of parasitic fauna of the endangered Siberian tiger, which inhabits the territory of the Russian Far East. The present review attempts to summarize the information about the parasitic fauna of wild Siberian tigers, which includes 15 helminths and 3 protozoan species. The most prevalent parasitic species was found to be Toxocara cati, followed by Toxascaris leonina. Another commonly recorded Platyhelminth species is Paragonimus westermani, which causes a lethal infection of the lung parenchyma in Siberian tigers. However, the information about infections by this fluke in the Siberian tigers is scarce, although P. westermani infections pose a serious health hazard to tiger populations. The nematodes Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Thominx aerophilus are found in Siberian tigers with an occurrence rate of 2.3% and 19%, respectively. The information on the parasitic infestations of captive populations of Siberian tigers is also presented along with the sources of infection and hazards for the wild tiger populations in their natural environment.  相似文献   

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