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鸡静注,肌注及内服氟哌酸的药物动力学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
选用42只健康AA鸡,分3组(每组14只)进行药物动力学研究:静注、肌注及内服的剂量均为10mg/kg。用二氯甲烷提取血浆中的药物,反相高效液相色谱法测定血浆氟哌酸的浓度,测定时以吡哌酸为内标。所得药物一时间数据用MCPKP计算机程序处理,静注给药拟合二室开放模型,主要动力学参数是:t1/2α0.14±0.08h,t1/2β3.65±1.03h,Ke0.88±0.40h-1,Vd3.81±0.98L/kg,AUC14.14±3.29μg/ml.h。内服和肌注给药均适合具有一级吸收二室开放模型,肌注的主要动力学参数是:t1/2ka0.22±0.10h,t1/2α1.03±0.65h,t1/2β6.87±2.86h,Ke0.28±0.10h-1,AUC9.86±2.88μg/ml.h,F69.78%。内服的主要动力学参数是:t1/2ka0.69±0.23h,t1/2α1.76±0.89h,t1/2β10.43±3.22h,Ke0.21±0.05h-1,AUC8.56±1.36μg/ml.h,F60.52%。鸡静注、肌注、内服氟哌酸的药动学特征是吸收较快,在体内分布广泛、半衰期较长。  相似文献   

喹乙醇在鸡体内的毒物动力学及其生化毒性和病理学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对13只健康AA鸡单次内服喹乙醇中毒剂量(120mg/kg)作了毒物动力学分析。用乙腈—乙酸乙酯混合溶剂提取血浆中的喹乙醇,反相高效液相色谱法(HPLC法)测定浓度。喹乙醇内服给药的药时数据适合一级吸收二室开放模型。毒物动力学主要参数为:t1/2Ka0.63±0.26h,t1/2α1.12±0.34h,t1/2β7.26±3.02h,Ke0.59±0.15h-1,Tmax1.19±0.31h,Cmax71.40±12.81μg/ml,AUC258.12±36.11mg/L.h。本试验表明,内服中毒剂量的喹乙醇在AA鸡体内的吸收、分布均很迅速,但消除缓慢;给药后24h,血药浓度均高于0.2μg/ml  相似文献   

采用低硒日粮(0.021μg/g)饲喂1日龄蛋用雏鸡至12~14日龄(血硒降至0.0232±0.0110μg/ml),按单剂量0.526mg/kgBW口服亚硒酸钠后不同时间点采集血样,用荧光分光光度法测定血硒浓度。应用MCPKP药动学程序自动拟合处理血硒浓度——时间数据并求出药动学参数。血硒浓度-时间曲线符合一室开放模型,最佳药时方程为:Ci=0.09590(e-0.00619t-e-0.09410t)。主要药动学参数:t12Ka为2.03h,t12K为112.02h,tp为11.98h,Cmax为0.08738μg/ml,AUC为15.211mg/l·h。根据单剂量药动学参数,计算出多剂量给药参数:τ为120h,C为0.12676μg/ml,D*为0.7081mg/kgBW,D0为0.3712mg/kgBW,R为1.9076。  相似文献   

氧氟沙星在健康和霉形体与大肠杆菌感染鸡的药动学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报道氧氟沙星在健康和霉形体与大肠杆菌合并感染鸡体内的药动学研究,健康鸡单剂量内服氧氟沙星(10mg/kg)其药-时数据符合一级吸收一室开放模型,主要动力学参数如下:t1/2α为0.47±0.23h,t1/2β为5.92±1.34h,tmax为1.89±0.52h,Cmax为5.79±1.09μg/mL,AUC为60.92±17.00mg/L,h,Tcp(ther)为59.06±14.28hF,  相似文献   

用反相高效液相色谱法测定了黄牛肌注锥-461mg/kg后10、20、30、45min;1、1.5、2、3、4、6、8.12、24h血浆中锥-46浓度。经PKBP-NI程序与3P87程序拟合,锥-46在黄牛体内的代谢符合二室开放模型。其主要动力学参数为:T1/2α100.9min,T1/2β1291.4min,T1/2Ka7.825min,AUC164.8μg·min/ml,Tp27.41min,Cmax0.339μg/ml。提示黄牛对该药物吸收迅速,消除缓慢,在血液中滞留时间较长,故对伊氏锥虫有较好的杀灭效果。  相似文献   

恩诺沙星及其活性代谢物在鸡体内的药物动力学   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:25  
为全面了解恩诺沙星在鸡体内的动力学过程与药效的关系进行了本研究。用反向高效液相色谱法测定鸡血浆中的药物质量浓度,所得恩诺沙星ci-ti数据用MCPKP计算机程序处理,代谢物环丙沙星的ci-ti数据用代谢物动力学方法处理。静注恩诺沙星后的ci-ti数据符合二室开放模型,主要动力学参数:t1/2α(0.25±0.04)h,t1/2β(5.26±0.81)h,Vd(4.53±1.07)L/kg,CLB(0.61±0.11)L/(kg·h),AUC(17.39±3.92)mg/(L·h)。内服恩诺沙星的ci-ti数据,符合有吸收因素二室模型,主要动力学参数t1/2ka(0.44±0.11)h,t1/2α(1.15±0.38)h,t1/2β(9.14±1.45)h,AUC(12.48±2.36)mg/(L·h),tmax(1.77±0.21)h,Cmax(1.44±0.31)mg/L,F72.18%。试验结果表明,鸡静注与内服恩诺沙星后,代谢物环丙沙星的生成及消除缓慢、分布广泛,是影响恩诺沙星疗效的重要因素。  相似文献   

恩诺沙星在猪体内的生物利用度及药物动力学研究   总被引:37,自引:5,他引:32  
选用21头健康杂种猪,随机分为3组,对静注、肌注及内服恩诺沙星(2.5mg/kg)的生物利用度和药物动力学进行了研究。用乙腈提取血浆中的药物,反相高效液相色谱法测定血浆中恩诺沙星及其主要代谢产物环丙沙星的浓度。所得血药浓药-时间数据用MCPKP计算机程序处理。静注给药的药时数据适合二室开放模型,主要药物动力学参数:t1/2a0.48±0.24h;t1/2a3.45±0.85h;t1/2K102.0  相似文献   

广东华达集团有限公司 粉碎机系列9FQ-50 880kg/ h,15KW, Φ0.8~Φ0.3mm 72009SB-450 1000kg/h,11KW,Φ3,Φ4,,Φ5mm  968093FWC-45 500kg/h,2275KW,30~120目(水产用) 55000SFSP60×45 1-2t/ h,45KW,70%通过70目(水产用) 65000SFSP56x30 3~5t/h,22~30KW,Φ1.2~Φ5mm 11500SFSP56×40 3~5t/h,30~37KW,Φ1.2~Φ5mm 13800…  相似文献   

锥-46的耕牛血药浓度反相HPLC测定方法探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用惠普HP1050四元泵、HP1040M二极管阵列检测器和色谱柱EconosphereC(18)(250×4.6mm,5μ)探索了锥-46的耕牛血药浓度测定条件。检测波长252±2nm,参比波长550±2nm。流动相为甲醇:乙腈:重蒸水=20:25:55(V/V),每300ml加入二乙胺1000μl,用磷酸调节至pH3.5,流速0.6ml/分。血浆中的锥-46用磷酸酸化至pH2.4的甲醇溶液提取,平均提取效率达99.33±2.28%。提取物在60℃下减压浓缩。平均回收率为99.46±6.07%。本法最低检测浓度为0.1μg/ml。在锥-46浓度为0.1~10μg/ml范围内线性良好(相关系数r=0.9999,峰面积=0.6928+1.581×锥-46ng数)。锥-46基本上能与血浆中的杂质成分完全分离。已应用于耕牛体锥-46的药物代谢动力学的研究。  相似文献   

对耳部感染兔痒螨的家兔采取400μg/kg剂量的双氢除虫菌素皮下注射,其临床分级显著降低。对由TrixacaurusCuvlae引起螨病的豚鼠以500μg/kg双氢除虫菌素皮下注射,得到临床治愈。家兔皮下注射400μg/kg双氢除虫菌素,组织和体液中产生高而持久的浓度至少达13天。其在组织中衰减速率与在绵羊和大鼠中观察到的情况相似。在用药37.2±5.0小时血浆中的平均(±平均标准误)峰值浓度为42.0±9.ng/ml。药时曲线下面积(AUC)为3543±580μg/ml·h,给豚鼠口服、皮下注射或局部用500μg/kg剂量的双氢除虫菌素,只有皮下注射能测出血浆中药物浓度。在用药后72小时,四只豚鼠的平均浓度为0.7±0.3ng/ml。  相似文献   

Human and equine athletes are reported to have a high prevalence of gastric disease, and anecdotal evidence suggests a similar phenomenon applies to racing sled dogs. To investigate the prevalence of gastric disease in racing sled dogs, we conducted 2 gastroscopy studies on dogs competing in the annual Iditarod Sled Dog Race. A pilot study of dogs that were either dropped from the 2000 Iditarod Sled Dog Race because of illness or that finished the race indicated that, approximately 5 days after competing, 10 of 28 dogs (35%) had endoscopic evidence of gastric ulceration, erosion, or hemorrhage. The next year, an endoscopic study of 73 dogs participating in the 2001 Iditarod race was performed in order to evaluate a larger population of dogs. Data from 70 of these dogs could be used; 34 (48.5%) had ulceration, erosion, gastric hemorrhage, or some combination of these findings. When this group of 70 dogs was compared retrospectively to a control group of 87 dogs presented to the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, the Iditarod sled dogs had a significantly higher prevalence (P = .049) of gastric lesions. These findings suggest that, similar to athletes of other species, elite canine athletes have an increased prevalence of gastric disease compared to the canine population at large.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of different tumor types within a large cohort of cats with intracranial neoplasia and to attempt to correlate signalment, tumor size and location, and survival time for each tumor. Medical records of 160 cats with confirmed intracranial neoplasia evaluated between 1985 and 2001 were reviewed. Parameters evaluated included age, sex, breed, FeLV/FIV status, clinical signs, duration of signs, number of tumors, tumor location(s), imaging results, treatment, survival times, and histopathologic diagnosis. Most of the cats were older (11.3 +/- 3.8 years). Primary tumors accounted for 70.6% of cases. Metastasis and direct extension of secondary tumors accounted for only 5.6 and 3.8% of cases, respectively. Twelve cats (7.5%) had 2 or more discrete tumors of the same type, whereas 16 cats (10.0%) had 2 different types of intracranial tumors. The most common tumor types were meningioma (n = 93, 58.1%), lymphoma (n = 23, 14.4%), pituitary tumors (n = 14, 8.8%), and gliomas (n = 12, 7.5%). The most common neurological signs were altered consciousness (n = 42, 26.2%), circling (n = 36, 22.5%), and seizures (n = 36, 22.5%). Cats without specific neurological signs were common (n = 34, 21.2%). The tumor was considered an incidental finding in 30 (18.8%) cats. In addition to expected relationships (eg, meninges and meningioma, pituitary and pituitary tumors), we found that lesion location was predictive of tumor type with diffuse cerebral or brainstem involvement predictive of lymphoma and third ventricle involvement predictive of meningioma.  相似文献   

正We are pleased to publish the second special issue on avian brood parasitism and to be responsible guest editors for the two special issues of Chinese Birds (Vol. 3, No. 4, 2012 and Vol. 4, No. 1, 2013), entitled "Avian Brood Parasitism - A Growing Research Area in Behavioral Ecology". The first issue was published in December 2012. The goal of the two special issues is to publish accumulated knowledge and some of the recent developments in  相似文献   

A study was conducted to identify the species of ticks found on camels (Camelus dromedarius) and their seasonal population dynamics in Eastern Ethiopia. Collection and identification of the ticks were undertaken at 2-month intervals from December 1997 to August 1999. On each occasion, all the visible adult ticks were collected from one side of the body of each of the same 17 camels. The most abundant species of ticks on the camels were Rhipiephalus pulchellus (85.2%), Hyalomma dromedarii (5.9%), Amblyomma gemma (4.0%) and Amblyomma variegatum (1.8%). The average tick load per camel was higher during rainy months than during dry months. The smallest number of ticks per camel was observed during the driest month (December), whereas the highest was recorded in the wettest month (August). Any strategy intended to mitigate problems of tick infestation of camels in this area should take into account the identified tick species and their season of abundance.  相似文献   

Sixteen lambs exhibiting hepatogenous photosensitization (alveld) after grazing pasture containing Narthecium ossifragum and seven nonphotosensitized lambs grazing the same pastures were studied. All the alveld-affected lambs revealed liver damage dominated by single cell necrosis, portal fibroplasia and bile duct proliferation. Crystalloid clefts were demonstrated in the bile ducts of two and in the hepatocytes and Kupffer cells of nine photosensitized lambs. Plasma bilirubin concentration was severely increased in ten of the cases of alveld whereas the activity of aspartate aminotransferase was moderately to severely increased in seven cases. The activity of glutamate dehydrogenase was moderately elevated in one of the photosensitized lambs. The main histopathological findings in the kidneys from the alveld-affected lambs were dilated tubules, often with eosinophilic material in the tubular lumina. Regenerative changes were seen in a large proportion of the renal sections. Elevated plasma concentrations of urea and creatinine, and the renal histopathological changes, suggested that the photosensitized lambs had been through a phase of renal injury. Analysis of the free and conjugated sapogenin content in liver tissue and bile was performed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. There were significantly higher concentrations of conjugated episapogenins in both the liver and bile in the alveld-affected lambs than in the nonphotosensitized lambs.  相似文献   

试验选用96头平均体重14.82 kg左右的杜×长×大断奶仔猪,随机分成4组,每组3栏,每栏8头(公母各半)。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验1、2、3组分别添加1%80目白术、0.2%白术多糖和1%微米白术。试验期30 d。结果表明:在生长性能方面,与对照组相比,1%微米白术添加组可显著提高日增重(P0.05)、降低饲料增重比和腹泻率,而且效果优于1%80目白术组和0.2%白术多糖组,在肠道形态和肠道微生态区系方面,与对照组相比,日粮添加1%80目白术、0.2%白术多糖、1%微米白术均可不同程度的提高十二指肠和空肠的绒毛高度,加深十二指肠和空肠的隐窝深度,并且增加肠道微生态区系的多样性,其中以1%微米白术添加组的效果最佳。  相似文献   

A survey of gastrointestinal parasite infections of young (<6 months old), immature (6–12 months old) and adult (>12 months old) dairy cattle on 16 farms in Kiambu District, Kenya was conducted during a dry season (September 1991 to January 1992) and during a wet season (March to July 1992). The survey was based on monthly coproparasitological examination of cohorts and worm counts in tracer calves. The effects of age, sex, farm and season on the prevalence and intensity of helminth and coccidial infections were determined. Faecal egg and oocyst counts revealed that the overall prevalences were: strongyles (including trichostrongyles) (85.5%), liver flukes (Fasciola gigantica) (34.0%), coccidia (30.9%) and tapeworms (9.6%). Eight species of the protozoan Eimeria were identified, the most prevalent species being E. bovis and E. zuernii. The most prevalent nematode genera were Haemonchus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Trichostrongylus. Season, farm and age of the animals had a significant (p<0.05) influence on the intensity of infection with strongyles, liver flukes and coccidia, whereas the sex of the animals had no significant (p>0.05) effect on the prevalence or intensity of infections. A higher intensity of infection with strongyles and coccidia was found in the wet season than in the dry season (p<0.05). The age-specific intensity was in the following order: for strongyles, immature animals of 6–12 months of age had the highest egg counts, followed by young calves and adults. Calves had significantly (p<0.05) higher oocyst counts than immatures or adults. Liver fluke egg counts did not differ significant (p>0.05) between immatures and adult cattle.  相似文献   

Sissay, M.M., Uggla, A. and Waller, P.J., XXXX. Prevalence and seasonal incidence of nematode parasites and fluke infections of sheep and goats in eastern Ethiopia. Tropical Animal Health and Production, XXXX. A 2-year abattoir survey was carried out to determine the prevalence, abundance and seasonal incidence of gastro-intestinal (GI) nematodes and trematodes (flukes) of sheep and goats in the semi-arid zone of eastern Ethiopia. During May 2003 to April 2005, viscera including liver, lungs and GI tracts were collected from 655 sheep and 632 goats slaughtered at 4 abattoirs located in the towns of Haramaya, Harar, Dire Dawa and Jijiga in eastern Ethiopia. All animals were raised in the farming areas located within the community boundaries for each town. Collected materials were transported within 24 h to the parasitology laboratory of Haramaya University for immediate processing. Thirteen species belonging to 9 genera of GI nematodes (Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, T. vitrinus, Nematodirus filicollis, N. spathiger, Oesophagostomum columbianum, O. venulosum, Strongyloides papillosus, Bunostomum trigonocephalum, Trichuris ovis, Cooperia curticei and Chabertia ovina), and 4 species belonging to 3 genera of trematodes (Fasciola hepatica, F. gigantica, Paramphistomum {Calicohoron} microbothrium and Dicrocoelium dendriticum) were recorded in both sheep and goats. All animals in this investigation were infected with multiple species to varying degrees. The mean burdens of adult nematodes were generally moderate in both sheep and goats and showed patterns of seasonal abundance that corresponded with the bi-modal annual rainfall pattern, with highest burdens around the middle of the rainy season. In both sheep and goats there were significant differences in the mean worm burdens and abundance of the different nematode species between the four geographic locations, with worm burdens in the Haramaya and Harar areas greater than those observed in the Dire Dawa and Jijiga locations. Similar seasonal variations were also observed in the prevalence of flukes. But there were no significant differences in the prevalence of each fluke species between the four locations. Overall, the results showed that Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Nematodirus, Oesophagostomum, Fasciola and Paramphistomum species were the most abundant helminth parasites of sheep and goats in eastern Ethiopia.  相似文献   

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