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试验选择9日龄健康肉仔鸡的肠道内容物,利用肠球菌琼脂培养基分离获得12株疑似肠球菌的细菌。通过对12株菌的生态特征、培养和生理生化特征的测定,筛选3株疑似粪肠球菌的菌株进行16S rDNA分子鉴定,最终获得3株粪肠球菌,命名为HEW-S05、HEW-S09和HEW-S12。为禽用微生态制剂的研制提供菌种来源。  相似文献   

应用MRS琼脂和乳酸杆菌琼脂培养基从SPF鸡肠道分离益生菌并计数,通过菌株形态学观察、生理生化试验和16 S rDNA基因序列分析与系统发育进化分析进行种属鉴定。结果发现,分离的6种益生菌中,4种乳酸菌分别为口乳杆菌、鼠李糖乳杆菌、唾液乳酸杆菌、戊糖片球菌,2种肠球菌分别为粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌;在鸡肠道中,乳酸菌与肠球菌盲肠密度最高,乳酸菌数量显著大于肠球菌数(P0.05)。  相似文献   

家蚕消化道来源蒙氏肠球菌的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了从家蚕消化道内分离出的4株肠球菌(C1、GC、FD、A20)的生理生化特征和16S rDNA序列,并与肠球菌种特异性探针序列进行了比较。生理生化特征测定结果表明,除A20外,C1、GC和FD与蒙氏肠球菌种的特征基本一致。由16S rDNA序列分析结果可知,分离菌株均与蒙氏肠球菌(Ent.mundtiiAJ301836)有高度同源性,在系统发育树内位于同一分支。分析肠球菌种特异性探针序列,分离菌株的16S rDNA含有与蒙氏肠球菌种特异性探针完全相同的序列。因此认为家蚕消化道内存在蒙氏肠球菌。  相似文献   

选用通过常规生理生化特性鉴定的疑似粪肠球菌菌株3株,采用16S rDNA的通用引物对其可变区基因进行克隆、测序和同源性比对,并用CLUSTAL和MEGA软件分析其遗传距离并构建系统进化树.结果表明,此3株菌株通过同源性比对,与GenBank数据库中粪肠球菌的同源性均大于99.8%,经遗传距离分析和系统进化树的构建均表明为粪肠球菌.肠球菌属细菌有40个种,各种之间的生化生理特性差别甚微,在无法通过生化生理特性准确鉴定到种的情况下,用粪肠球菌的16S rDNA全序列的测定及系统进化树的分析是鉴定该菌的一个科学可靠的方法.  相似文献   

为丰富益生菌剂的菌种来源,研究从鸡盲肠中分离获得7株疑似乳酸菌,并对其分别编号。通过对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和沙门菌的抑菌试验获得1株抑菌活性最高的菌株HEW-A131,通过传统方法和16S rDNA分子鉴定,确定HEW-A131为粪肠球菌。  相似文献   

一株致仔猪关节炎粪肠球菌的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1株分离自关节炎病仔猪的肠球菌进行鉴定。选用常规方法进行染色特性、培养特性观察以及药物敏感性和致病试验,然后利用Vitek-32全自动细菌鉴定系统进行生化特性鉴定,并用PCR方法扩增分离株的16 S rRNA基因,克隆并测序,与GenBank上登录的相关菌株及3个粪肠球菌标准菌株进行16 SrRNA序列比较、同源性分析并构建系统发育树。结果显示,该分离株形态及染色特性与肠球菌一致,对仔猪具有一定的致病性,并对临床常用的7种药物产生了耐受性;Vitek-32生化鉴定和16 S rRNA基因同源性分析及比对结果均显示其为粪肠球菌(E.faecalis)。试验证实了粪肠球菌可导致仔猪关节炎。  相似文献   

为确定某养殖场患病死亡狐狸的病原菌,本试验对病死狐狸进行剖检和细菌分离培养、生化鉴定以及16S rDNA鉴定、动物致病性试验和药敏试验。结果显示,分离菌株为革兰阳性球菌,经过生化鉴定和16S rDNA序列分析,确定分离菌株为小肠肠球菌,并命名为E.hirae QHD-1;动物回归试验结果显示,分离菌株E.hirae QHD-1对小鼠具有较强的致病性,LD_(50)为1.26×10~4 CFU;药敏试验结果显示,分离菌株E.hirae QHD-1对氨苄西林和恩诺沙星等药物敏感,对替米考星、阿米卡星等耐药;毒力因子检测结果显示,该分离株具有较强的致病力。毛皮动物小肠肠球菌的感染病例尚未见有报道,本试验丰富了狐狸病原菌相关的研究,并为防控该菌引起的疾病提供了重要参考资料。  相似文献   

从新鲜仔猪粪便中分离益生菌,筛选出适合养猪生产的益生菌株,为进一步开发猪用微生态制剂奠定基础。采集长春市双阳地区某猪场健康仔猪新鲜粪便,分离纯化粪肠球菌,通过形态学观察、体外耐酸耐胆盐性能和抑菌能力试验,筛选出益生特性的候选菌株,16S rDNA序列分析方法鉴定其种属,并对候选菌株生长情况及其对抗菌药物敏感性进行评价。成功筛选出2株(S-50、和S-4)耐酸、耐胆盐和抑菌能力较强的粪肠球菌,且具有较好的生长性能,为研发微生态制剂提了供理论依据。  相似文献   

为分离及种属鉴定引起牛乳腺炎相关的链球菌和肠球菌,本研究于兰州及周边地区采集疑似奶牛乳腺炎乳样382份,通过THB(Todd-Hewitt Broth)固体选择培养基初步分离到67株疑似链球菌或疑似肠球菌。参照已发表文献合成链球菌属16S r RNA和16S~23S r RNA间隔区基因引物序列,扩增分离菌株16S~23S r RNA间隔区序列,产物分别利用AluⅠ和RsaⅠ单酶切消化,并以参考菌株的16S~23S r RNA酶切图谱为参考,对分离株进行限制性片段多态性(RFLP)分类分析;再选取各RFLP类群的任一菌株,扩增其16S r RNA基因并测序,并经NCBI核酸数据库进行比对,结果显示67株疑似链球菌中有53株为粪肠球菌(79.1%)、3株为屎肠球菌(4.5%)、3株为肠道肠球菌(4.5%)、8株为无乳链球菌(11.9%)。结果表明肠球菌属细菌(粪肠球菌、肠道肠球菌、屎肠球菌)与兰州市及周边地区奶牛乳腺炎的发病紧密相关,肠球菌属细菌与链球菌属细菌16S r RNA基因同源性很高,但可以通过分子生物学方法准确区分。  相似文献   

猪源粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌多重PCR快速鉴定方法的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌是引起猪感染发病的优势肠球菌种,以肠球菌的16 S rRNA基因设计属特异性引物,利用SodA基因多态性设计种特异性引物,同时优化反应条件,建立了能同时测定猪源粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌多重PCR方法。通过对来源于猪的临床菌株、粪便菌株和鲜猪肉菌株进行测定,均能成功扩增出属特异性片段和种特异性片段。经过与快速生化鉴定试剂盒(Vitek-32)和16 S rRNA测序方法比较,多重PCR与16 S rRNA测序方法对猪的临床菌株、粪便菌株和鲜猪肉菌株的鉴定符合率100%;与Vitek-32鉴定符合率为62.3%,其中,与分离于感染猪的临床菌株符合率仅有46.7%,特别是感染猪的屎肠球菌,符合率仅为22.3%。  相似文献   

Streptococcus difficile is a non-hemolytic Gram-positive bacterial coccus that causes septicemia and meningoencephalitis in farmed tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Recent studies have demonstrated S. difficile to be a group B, type Ib streptococcus with a whole cell protein electrophoretic profile indistinguishable from S. agalactiae and a biochemical profile similar to that observed for other group B, type Ib streptococci isolated from fish and frogs. The aim of this study was to expand on these findings by comparative nucleic acid sequence analysis of the 16S-23S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) intergenic spacers of S. difficile and S. agalactiae. The 97.7% sequence homology identified in these studies supports the taxonomic relationship of these two organisms. The sequence data generated were also used to construct a pair of species-specific PCR primers for use in molecular detection and identification schemes.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis is an important pathogen of swine, causing meningitis, arthritis, polyserositis, septicemia, and sudden death in weaning piglets as well as fattening pigs. Recently, 3 molecular tests have been developed in our laboratory: a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (m-PCR) assay for the detection of S. suis species and serotypes 2 and 1/2, and 2 molecular typing methods, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and an approach based on PCR amplification of a fragment of rRNA genes, including a part of the 16S and 23S genes and the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic spacer region (ISR), followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis (ISR-RFLP). In the present study, we used these tests to analyze tonsil samples from clinically healthy pigs and to identify individual isolates of S. suis during epidemiologic investigations of 8 related herds with a history of septicemia caused by S. suis serotype 2. Capsular typing showed that 58% of the strains were nontypable. Of the 17 serotypes present, serotype 22 was the most prevalent. In the 7 farms without clinical signs on the day of sampling, we detected S. suis serotype 2 or 1/2, or both, in less than 5% of the pigs by m-PCR or by bacteriologic culture. In the 8th farm, on which 2 pigs had clinical signs of septicemia on the day of sampling, we detected S. suis serotype 2 or 1/2, or both, by m-PCR in the tonsils of 40% of fattening pigs (21 wk old) that lacked symptoms. Molecular typing of the serotype 2 strains showed a common origin of contamination in these herds, given that 1 pattern (C1) was detected in the isolates from 6 of the 8 herds. However, up to 4 patterns were associated with septicemia and sudden death. Several patterns of S. suis serotype 2 can be responsible for disease in the same herd. These molecular tools may be useful for confident studies of the transmission of S. suis, thereby contributing to the control of S. suis infection.  相似文献   

广州桑树植原体分子检测及多样性初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
采用植原体16S-23S rDNA区段的通用引物对P1/P7和巢式引物对Rm16F2/Rm16R1,建立了快速准确的桑树植原体巢式PCR检测技术。对广州的两个桑树品种资源圃中的部分桑树品种进行了植原体分子检测,结果在两个资源圃中均发现有植原体存在。对巢式PCR的扩增产物(16S rDNA片段)进行了限制性片断长度多态性(RFLP)分析,显示出3种RFLP带型,暗示桑树植原体存在多样性。对所得植原体16S rDNA片段进行序列测定,并与其它植物植原体作亲缘关系分析,结果表明该植原体的16S rDNA序列与其它植物病原植原体之间的同源性为83.3%~99.9%,并初步判断所检测到的桑树植原体属于16S rI组。  相似文献   

In order to study the causes of different cases,and analyze 16S rDNA homology of bacteria isolated from different cases,this study took the material of 10 different cases to isolate and culture bacteria,identify the isolates by microbiology.A pair of primers was designed to amplify the bacteria 16S rDNA gene.PCR products were sequenced and 16S rDNA homology analysis was conducted.The results showed that 10 strains bacterial were Escherichia coli through microbiology identification,6 strains of Escherichia coli from mammals cases,16S rDNA homologies among canine skin fester sores,canine pyometra,canine pneumonia,canine mastitis,dairy cow mastitis and calf diarrhea were 100.0% in 10 strains of Escherichia coli,4 strains of Escherichia coli from poultry animal cases,16S rDNA homologies among pigeon diarrhea,broiler diarrhea,pheasant diarrhea and white peacock diarrhea were also 100.0% in 10 strains of Escherichia coli;16S rDNA homologies in Escherichia coli of 10 different cases animal sources were 97.5% to 100.0%.This test proved that 10 different animals cases were caused by Escherichia coli infection,and had a high 16S rDNA homology among 10 strains of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

A molecular technique based on the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the 16S ribosomal genes amplified by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR), referred to as amplified 16S ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA), was designed to identify 19 Avibacterium paragallinarum strains isolated from infraorbital sinus and nasal turbinate bone samples of broiler chickens, breeders, and laying hens from different regions of Peru. The 16S rDNA was amplified by PCR using a pair of bacterial universal primers and restriction analysis of 16S rDNA sequences was done to select endonucleases with the highest number of cutting points inside the 16S rDNA. The DNA patterns with DdeI and RsaI endonucleases were identical for the 19 A. paragallinarum strains, but differed from those obtained for Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale, a bacterium with a high genetic and phenotypic resemblance to A. paragallinarum, as well as from Escherichia coli, a bacterium associated with infectious coryza. The ARDRA method could prove to be valuable for molecular identification of A. paragallinarum, a microorganism implicated in respiratory diseases in commercial birds.  相似文献   

一株益生芽孢杆菌Pab02的16S rDNA测序鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用16S rDNA分析对Pab02芽孢杆菌型益生菌进行系统进化鉴定.首先提取菌株Pab02的基因组DNA,根据不同种属细茵的16S rDNA序列两端的保守性设计通用引物,对茵株Pab02的16S rDNA的进行PCR扩增,并对扩增到的目标片段进行测序.将测序结果与NCBI上已知茵种的16S rDNA序列进行BLAST对比,初步构建系统进化树进行分析,再结合传统的形态观察及生理生化特性综合鉴定.最终确定为枯草芽孢杆菌.  相似文献   

通过培养特征、形态观察、生理生化鉴定、16SrDNA序列分析和种特异性片段扩增等方法,从健康猪直肠内容物中分离到3株粪肠球菌,其中菌株NA14对常见病原微生物具有较强的拮抗能力;进一步研究表明该菌株具有较强的耐受人工胃液和耐胆汁的能力,能够耐受60℃、30min;动物试验表明饲料中添加该粪肠球菌能够降低仔猪腹泻,改善仔猪生产性能,增强猪瘟疫苗的免疫效果;因此该菌株作为动物益生菌具有好的应用前景。  相似文献   

本试验为建立能检测兽医临床重要病原菌的基因芯片方法,采用通用引物扩增菌株16S rDNA V1-V3区,制备16SrDNA PCR产物基因芯片,对5种兽医临床微生物进行检测.结果显示,制备的基因芯片能特异性地检测金黄色葡萄球菌、链球菌和鸡毒支原体,以及这3种菌株混合样品,但对大肠杆菌及沙门菌检测结果不理想.基因芯片检测灵敏度为3μg/L.  相似文献   

本试验根据GenBank已登录的致病性嗜水气单胞菌保守序列16S rDNA和Aero,设计2对引物,以嗜水气单胞菌纯培养物为起始材料,建立PCR检测方法。从12株分离物中均扩增到16S rDNA片段,从3株分离物中均扩增到Aero片段,经序列测定和分析,所扩增的片段均为嗜水气单胞菌的核苷酸序列。结果表明,建立的PCR方法可用于检测致病性嗜水气单胞菌。  相似文献   

In cattle, sheep, and other ruminants, clostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene) is mostly caused by Clostridium chauvoei, C septicum, C novyi and C sordellii. A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system using common primers designed from multiple alignment of the 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA genes of Clostridium species was developed to identify pathogenic clostridia. The PCR was performed with total DNA from 26 strains which included seven different Clostridia species. These bacteria were differentiated at species level by the different PCR product patterns. To characterise the 16S-23S rDNA spacer regions of these clostridia further, most PCR products of these bacteria were sequenced. The smallest PCR products of each bacterium represented the fundamental 16S-23S rDNA spacer region; larger PCR products of each bacterium were caused by insertion sequences, i.e. tRNA gene sequences. The authors' observations indicate that the PCR patterns of the 16S-23S rDNA spacer regions have the potential to be used as an identification marker of pathogenic clostridia in gas gangrene.  相似文献   

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