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苷肽注射液对犬外周血CD 4、CD 8比值的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以20只健康犬为研究对象,随机分为四组,每组5只,分别注射苷肽注射液、苷肽注射液和犬五联疫苗、犬五联疫苗、生理盐水,各组犬于注射的第0、2、7、15天采血,检测不同组之间的CD 4+和CD 8+比值变化规律。结果表明:苷肽注射液单独应用和与疫苗同时应用,在注射的第2天就可以显著提高CD4+、CD8+比值,到第7天时达到最高值。并且发现,注射苷肽注射液同时注射犬五联疫苗组和单独注射苷肽注射液组CD4+、CD8+比值显著高于单独注射犬五联疫苗组(P〈0.05),这说明苷肽注射液具有增强免疫的作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨新型免疫增强剂——苷肽注射液对犬免疫功能的影响,以20只健康犬为研究对象,随机分为四组,每组5只,分别注射苷肽注射液、苷肽注射液和犬五联疫苗、犬五联疫苗、生理盐水,各组犬于注射后0、2、7、15、21 d采血,检测不同组间的IL-2分泌情况。结果表明:苷肽注射液单独应用及其与疫苗联合应用,在注射后2 d就可以显著提高IL-2水平,并且可以维持15 d;注射苷肽注射液联合犬五联疫苗组和单独注射苷肽注射液组IL-2水平显著高于单独注射犬五联疫苗组(P<0.05),说明苷肽注射液可以提高犬IL-2的水平,具有提高细胞免疫的作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨新型免疫增强剂———苷肽注射液对犬免疫功能的影响,以20只健康犬为研究对象,随机分为四组,每组5只,分别注射苷肽注射液、苷肽注射液和犬五联疫苗(狂犬病、犬瘟热、副流感、传染性肝炎与细小病毒性肠炎)、犬五联疫苗、生理盐水,各组犬于注射后0、2、7、15、21 d采血,检测不同组间IFN-γ含量的变化。结果表明:苷肽注射液单独应用及其与疫苗联合应用,在注射后2 d就可以显著提高IFN-γ水平,并且可以维持15 d;注射苷肽注射液联合犬五联疫苗组和单独注射苷肽注射液组IFN-γ含量显著高于单独注射犬五联疫苗组(P<0.05),说明苷肽注射液可以诱导γ-干扰素的产生,从而发挥其免疫增强的作用。  相似文献   

为研究黄芪多糖在鸡新城疫Lasota疫苗免疫过程中对T淋巴细胞的影响,选择90只1日龄非免疫健康AA蛋鸡随机分为3组:黄芪多糖试验I组、黄芪多糖试验II组、生理盐水对照组,每组30只。4日龄开始,试验I组注射0.3ml/只黄芪多糖注射液,试验II组注射0.6ml/只黄芪多糖注射液,生理盐水对照组注射0.45ml/只灭菌生理盐水,1次/d,连续3d。7日龄用新城疫Lasota疫苗滴鼻、点眼免疫。免疫前1d和免疫后1、2、3、4、5、6周采血测定T淋巴细胞的百分率。结果表明:黄芪多糖试验I组、试验II组T淋巴细胞的百分率高于对照组,差异显著;黄芪多糖试验I组和试验II组之间差异不显著,但试验II组的各项指标略高于试验I组,表明黄芪多糖在鸡新城疫Lasota疫苗免疫过程中能提高T淋巴细胞百分率。  相似文献   

2006年9月16日,收治1只70日龄藏獒,症见剧烈呕吐,此犬9月1~3日注射过犬用六联高免血清各5mL,9月22日治愈。9月26日该养殖户的2只11月龄洛特犬相继发病,病症与藏獒相同,2只犬均免疫注射了犬五联疫苗且在疫病保护期内,治疗第3天一犬死亡,另一犬第6天治愈。  相似文献   

本试验应用目前国内研制的含犬副流感弱毒疫苗的五联苗,采用微量血凝与血凝抑制试验,通过对96条军犬和民犬进行定期采血检测,研究了本疫苗预防犬副流感的免疫程序,以犬副流感抗体效价达到1:64为标准,该苗的免疫程序为第一次注苗后14天再注射1次,以后每隔6个月注射1次。在将血凝与血凝抑制试验用于犬的血清副流感抗体检测中,采用了绵羊红细胞,结果清晰准确,方法有所创新。  相似文献   

采用免疫增强剂对正常犬淋巴细胞 转化试验和疫苗配合进行免疫试验,用以证 明该免疫增强剂对犬的免疫增强作用。将免 疫增强剂TMFN单独应用或与疫苗同时应 用,可显著提高疫苗对犬淋巴细胞转化水平, 并可延长疫苗维持较高免疫功能的时间。表 明该免疫增强剂可用于正常动物以提高免疫 功能,也可与疫苗合用,提高疫苗的免疫作 用。  相似文献   

为研究左旋咪唑对鸡新城疫LaSota疫苗免疫效果的影响,试验采用1日龄健康AA+肉仔鸡200只,随机分为4组,每组50只,第4天开始,Ⅰ组、Ⅱ组和Ⅲ组分别以左旋咪唑5、10和20mg/kg·W,一天1次,连饮3d,Ⅳ组为对照组。7日龄时I组、Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组和Ⅳ组分别按说明书注射新城疫LaSota疫苗。分别于14、21、35、42日龄采用反向间接血凝抑制试验、ANAE+法测定新城疫抗体水平和免疫器官中T淋巴细胞数,同时测定免疫器官指数。结果表明,左旋咪唑中、低剂量组能明显提高新城疫LaSota疫苗特异性免疫应答抗体水平,免疫器官指数、血液中ANAE+T淋巴细胞百分率显著提高。说明中、低剂量左旋咪唑对鸡新城疫LaSota疫苗有免疫增强作用,且适合剂量为10mg/kg·W。  相似文献   

为研究车前草多糖对雏鸡新城疫疫苗免疫效果的影响,将350只雏鸡随机分为7组,于8日龄、22日龄进行新城疫疫苗首免和二免,同时给予车前草多糖,并以黄芪多糖和铝胶盐佐剂作为对照,分别在首免后第7、14天,二免后第7、14、21天进行血清抗体效价和淋巴细胞增殖率的测定,于二免后第21天用新城疫病毒进行攻毒,连续观察10d内鸡的发病及死亡情况。结果显示,车前草多糖能显著提高雏鸡新城疫疫苗的免疫抗体效价、增强雏鸡的淋巴细胞增值率,与黄芪多糖的作用无显著性差异(P0.05),但车前草多糖提高抗体效价作用较黄芪多糖、铝胶盐佐剂的维持时间长;在新城疫病毒攻毒后10 d,未免疫组雏鸡全部死亡,车前草多糖高、中剂量组的攻毒保护率为100%,车前草多糖低剂量和黄芪多糖的保护率为90%,而铝胶佐剂和ND疫苗免疫组的保护率仅为70%。试验结果表明,车前草多糖能提高新城疫疫苗的抗体效价水平和增强T淋巴细胞的增殖率。  相似文献   

为探索鸭α干扰素(IFN-α)真核表达质粒(pcDNA-SDIFN-α)对鸭瘟弱毒疫苗免疫鸭的细胞免疫调节作用,本研究将pcDNA-SDIFN-α以1、3和6μg/只3个剂量用基因枪轰击法分别免疫28日龄鸭,以PBS和空载体质粒pcDNA3.1( )为对照,所有鸭15 d后接种鸭瘟(DP)弱毒疫苗。接种后第3、7、14、21、28、35、49、63、84天采血用淋巴细胞增殖试验(MTT法)测定鸭外周血中T淋巴细胞转化效果;第7、14、21、28、35、49天采血用流式细胞仪(FACS)测定CD3 T淋巴细胞数量的动态变化。结果发现:①T淋巴细胞对ConA的反应能力(OD值),不同剂量pcDNA-SDIFN-α免疫组鸭外周血T淋巴细胞转化功能于第3-84天均高于PBS和空载体pcDNA对照组,其中第3-84天1μg/只组极显著(P≤0.01)高于PBS和pcDNA对照组,3μg/只组极显著(P≤0.01)或显著(P≤0.05)高于PBS和pcDNA对照组,6μg/只组于第7-49天极显著(P≤0.01)或显著(P≤0.05)高于PBS和pcDNA对照组;1μg/只组第3-35天显著(P≤0.05)高于3、6μg/只组;3μg/只组于第14-35天高于6μg/只组,但差异不显著(P≥0.05);pcDNA对照组略高于PBS对照组,但差异不显著(P≥0.05);②CD3 T淋巴细胞数量变化,不同剂量pcDNA-SDIFN-α免疫组鸭于第7-49天均高于PBS和pcDNA对照组,其中1μg/只组于第14-49天极显著(P≤0.01)高于PBS和pcDNA对照组,3μg/只组于第21-49天极显著(P≤0.01)高于PBS对照组和显著(P≤0.05)高于pcDNA对照组,6μg/只组于第7-49天显著(P≤0.05)或极显著(P≤0.01)高于PBS和pcDNA对照组;1、3和6μg/只组之间差异不显著(P≥0.05);pcDNA组于第14-49天高于PBS组,但差异不显著(P≥0.05)。研究表明,pcDNA-SDIFN-α提前15 d免疫能显著增强DP弱毒疫苗诱导的鸭细胞免疫力,以基因枪免疫1μg/只的效果最佳,它是一种良好的增强DP弱毒疫苗细胞免疫的分子佐剂。  相似文献   

苷肽注射液对猪免疫器官及血液指标的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
通过对猪注射不同剂量的苷肽注射液,研究了苷肽注射液对猪的免疫器官和血液指标的影响。结果表明,苷肽注射液在一定程度上可促进猪体重增长,对猪免疫器官的影响不显著,对血液指标未见不良影响。合适剂量的苷肽注射液能够促进仔猪外周血淋巴细胞PHA的增殖。  相似文献   

中草药饲料添加剂对奶牛免疫机能影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨中草药饲料添加剂对奶牛免疫水平的影响,选择健康奶牛20头作为试验对象,分试验组和对照组,各10头,连续给药7d,测定奶牛的Ea花环形成率、EAC花环形成率、淋巴细胞转化率、红细胞C3b受体花环形成率和IC花环形成率。试验结果显示,试验组奶牛和对照组相比,其免疫机能水平明显提高。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of an adulticide on flea populations of dogs and to evaluate efficacy of combined use of the adulticide and an insect growth regulator (IGR) in dogs with experimentally induced flea infestations. ANIMALS: 40 adult Beagles. PROCEDURE: Each group of 5 dogs was housed in a separate room. Each dog was infested 3 times with 50 fleas, and fleas were counted beginning on day -21. Groups of dogs and treatments (initiated on day 0) were as follows: 1, adulticide once; 2, adulticide on days 0 and 7; 3, adulticide on days 0, 3, and 7; 4, sham treatment; 5, IGR monthly; 6, IGR monthly plus adulticide once weekly for 6 weeks; 7, IGR monthly plus adulticide twice weekly for 6 weeks; 8, sham treatment. Flea counts were compared between treated and control dogs. RESULTS: By 24 hours after initial treatment, all adult fleas but 1 were dead in treated dogs. In groups 1 and 3, populations increased to 15 to 20 fleas/dog 2 months after treatment, compared with 48 fleas/dog in group 4. After treatment, mean flea counts were significantly lower for groups 1, 2, and 3, relative to group 4. Efficacy of treatment for group 5, relative to group 8, was > 94% after day 84. Efficacy of treatment for groups 6 and 7 was 99% after day 28. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Treatment with adulticide alone or in combination with an IGR had better efficacy, compared with sham treatment or IGR alone. Administration of adulticide twice weekly was not more efficacious than treatment once weekly.  相似文献   

A comparative study was undertaken on the immunogen power of autoclaved Leishmania major promastigotes (ALM) vaccines given simultaneously with either BCG or saponin against canine leishmaniasis. The humoral immune response was assessed by ELISA and western blotting. The cellular immune response was evaluated by the lymphocyte transformation test. Dogs vaccinated simultaneously with ALM and saponin showed high antibody titres to crude L. infantum antigens after the first vaccine booster and reacted with several antigens, with molecular weights from 26 to 108 kDa by western blotting. However, the lymphocyte proliferation of these dogs to the crude L. infantum antigen was not significantly different from the control group. In contrast, in dogs vaccinated simultaneously with ALM and BCG, the antibody titres to crude antigen were low. Their sera reacted with the same proteins recognised by sera from dogs vaccinated simultaneously with ALM and saponin by western blotting. However, the 85-kDa protein was only identified by sera taken from dogs vaccinated simultaneously with ALM and BCG. These latter exhibited specific lymphocyte proliferation to the L. infantum antigen. This cell proliferation was observed for approximately 9 months after the first dose of the vaccine. This study indicates that a combination of ALM as the vaccine and BCG as the adjuvant, in the dog model, was successful in inducing a cell immune response, which is implicated in protection of dogs against a Leishmania infection.  相似文献   

Canine malignant melanoma (CMM) is a common and aggressive form of cancer in dogs. Established therapeutic approaches such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy (RT) have not proven curative. As a coadjuvant of RT and to enhance the antimelanoma immune response, we characterized dendritic cells (DCs) from the bone marrow (BM) of dogs with CMM, ex vivo, for use in therapeutic vaccines. BM mononuclear cells from 3 dogs with melanoma and from 1 healthy dog were cultured for 12 days in media supplemented with recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, stem cell factor, tumor necrosis factor, and Flt-3 ligand. On day 11, DCs were transduced with an adenovirus vector encoding a xenoantigen, human melanoma antigen gp100. Each dog received 3 subcutaneous vaccinations over a 4-month period. Phenotypic analysis of the expanded DC population demonstrated expression of CD11c/CD18 and major histocompatibility complex class II surface markers, and ultrastructural features characteristic of DCs were observed on electron microscopy. On functional analysis, these DCs were able to stimulate allo-reactivity and capture and express gp100. One dog demonstrated antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity in peripheral blood lymphocytes. This dog has displayed no clinical signs, either locally or systemically, of recurrent melanoma 48 months after initial DC injection. However, another dog, which was CTL negative, relapsed 22 months after vaccination. Ex vivo DC expansion is feasible for immunotherapy of spontaneous cancers in outbred dogs.  相似文献   

蓝芩注射液对动物细胞免疫功能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测定猪淋巴细胞转化和小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬活性的变化,研究蓝芩注射液对动物细胞免疫功能的影响。应用蓝芩注射液后,试验组猪淋巴细胞的转化显著高于对照组;用药组小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞活性与生理盐水对照组小鼠相比差异显著。试验结果表明,蓝芩注射液具有良好的促进ConA诱导的猪外周血T淋巴细胞转化作用,不同剂量的蓝芩注射液对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬中性红具有双向调节作用。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the ability of a single injection of a sustained-release formulation of moxidectin (moxidectin SR) to protect dogs against heartworm infection for 180 days after inoculation with infective third-stage larvae (L3) of Dirofilaria immitis. ANIMALS: 32 adult mixed-breed dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs were allocated to 4 groups on the basis of weight and sex. Dogs were injected SC with saline (0.9% NaCl) solution or moxidectin SR at the rate of 0.06, 0.17, or 0.5 mg/kg of body weight (day 0). Each dog was inoculated SC with 50 D immitis L3 180 days later. On days 330 and 331, dogs were euthanatized. The heart, lungs, and thoracic cavity were examined, and number and sex of heartworms were determined. RESULTS: A mean of 35.9 heartworms was recovered from untreated control dogs. Fourteen worms were recovered from 1 of 8 dogs given moxidectin SR at the lowest dosage, and none of the dogs in the 2 highest moxidectin treatment groups were infected. Small barely palpable granulomas were detected at injection sites of moxidectin-treated dogs. Frequency and size of granulomas were positively correlated with dose of moxidectin administered. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A single dose of moxidectin SR at a dosage as low as 0.17 mg/kg can safely and reliably confer complete protection against infection after challenge-exposure with D. immitis L3, and protection lasts for at least 180 days. This mode of prophylactic treatment against infection with heartworms effectively eliminates failure of prophylaxis that results from erratic administration of medications designed for monthly administration.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of antimicrobial peptide on growth performance and immune function of 817 broiler hybrids. Nine hundred one-day-old 817 broiler hybrids were chosen and randomly divided into 5 groups with 6 replicates per group and 30 broilers per replicate.The broilers in control group were fed with basal diet, broilers in the antibiotic group were fed with basal diet supplemented 150 mg/kg aureomycin,and that in groups Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ were fed with basal diet supplemented 100,200 and 300 mg/kg antimicrobial peptide,respectively. The experiment period was 42 days. The results showed that average daily gain of 817 broiler hybrids in groups Ⅱ and Ⅲ was significantly increased (P<0.05),meanwhile the F/G was significantly decreased at 1-21 days old (P<0.05).The immune organ indexes of thymus,bursa of Fabricius and spleen were significantly increased at 21 and 42 days old (P<0.05),and the antibody level against ND and T lymphocyte transformation rate of 42 days old 817 broiler hybrids were improved (P<0.05). It indicated that antimicrobial peptide could increased growth performance and immune function of 817 broiler hybrids as same with aureomycin,and appropriate dosage of antimicrobial peptide was 200 mg/kg in this experiment.  相似文献   

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