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长沙市动物卫生监督所自2015年底承担长沙市畜禽屠宰监管执法工作以来,以创建国家食品安全城市及职责调整为契机,依法履职,重拳出击,持续深入开展"蓝盾行动"、"扫雷行动"等打击生猪私屠滥宰专项整治,严查大案要案,全市生猪私屠滥宰现象得以遏制,屠宰行业市场秩序逐步规范,有效保障了市民"菜篮子"肉品质量安全。  相似文献   

<正>长春市二道区农业水利林业局高度重视食品安全问题,针对流动商贩私屠滥宰现象,提出了广泛化宣传、社会化引导、属地化治理、网格化管理、立体化执法的"五化"工作机制,收效明显。1月10日上午,二道区农业水利林业局在区食品安全委员会办公室的协调配合下,组织各街道和英俊镇开展了宣传活动。此次宣传以严禁私屠滥宰、确保食品  相似文献   

国务院:将整治私屠滥宰和"注水肉"等违法行为日前,国务院办公厅印发2013年食品安全重点工作安排的通知。《工作安排》要求,开展私屠滥宰和"注水肉"等违法违规行为专项整治,严惩收购加工病死畜禽、向畜禽注水或注入其他物质等违法违规行为。  相似文献   

<正>《生猪屠宰管理条例》第二条明确规定"国家实行生猪定点屠宰、集中检疫制度"。但是,在一些乡镇生猪私屠滥宰现象仍然存在,他们置国家法律于不顾,逃避执法部门的监管,屠宰场地不仅卫生条件差,肉品质量更是得不到保障,严重危害人民群众身体健康。2017年7月,铅山县农业局就查处了一起私屠滥宰生猪案件,违法经营者受到了应有的处罚。1案件来源  相似文献   

<正>为保障老百姓"舌尖"上的安全,江西省农业、食药监、综治、公安等部门即日起联合开展"百日严打"行动,对生猪收购、屠宰和销售全产业链进行检查,打击私屠滥宰、病害猪收购"黑窝点",严防注水猪肉、病死猪等流入市场。此次行动的重点区域,是大中城市、旅游景区、人口密集的重点城镇、私屠滥宰易发区域和多发地区,以  相似文献   

1月13日,商务部、公安部、农业部、工商总局、质检总局、食品药品监管局联合召开电视电话会议,部署打击私屠滥宰强化肉品卫生安全专项治理行动及春节期间肉品安全保障工作。商务部副部长姜增伟、公安部副部长黄明、农业部国家首席兽医师于康震、工商总局副局长付双建以及质检总局、食品药品监管局等有关人员到会并分别讲话。姜增伟指出,私屠滥宰现象的存  相似文献   

为规范和完善家畜定点屠宰市场,加强动物卫生检疫监督,让人民群众吃上“放心肉”。今年以来,内蒙古自治区和林县动物卫生监督所认真贯彻落实《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》,联合县商务局定点屠宰办,对和林县城关镇境内的私屠滥宰现象进行全面清理整治,有效地遏止了私屠滥宰行为,规范了家畜定点屠宰市场,保证了检疫监督工作的有效实施。  相似文献   

为规范和完善家畜定点屠宰市场,加强动物卫生检疫监督,让人民群众吃上“放心肉”。今年以来,内蒙古自治区和林县动物卫生监督所认真贯彻落实《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》,联合县商务局定点屠宰办,对和林县城关镇境内的私屠滥宰现象进行全面清理整治,有效地遏止了私屠滥宰行为,规范了家畜定点屠宰市场,保证了检疫监督工作的有效实施。  相似文献   

正为巩固"不忘初心、牢记使命"主题教育活动中开展整治食品安全问题联合行动专项整治成果,保障元旦、春节期间肉品质量安全,日前,农业农村部启动开展为期三个月的打击生猪私屠滥宰违法行为专项行动。专项行动要求,各地农业农村部门要在官方网站显著位置公布私屠滥宰问题举报电话,  相似文献   

为适应屠宰监管体制的变化,更好地落实畜禽屠宰监督执法,对山东省烟台市畜禽屠宰监督管理工作进行了调研。通过分析当前烟台市畜禽屠宰企业布局、监督机构和执法队伍建设、肉品品质检验和检疫人员建设中存在的问题,以及私屠滥宰现象,提出了优化畜禽屠宰企业布局、加强屠宰监督管理执法机构建设、增加肉品品质检验员和动物检疫员数量、持续打击私屠滥宰等违法行为的措施,旨在为烟台市畜禽屠宰监督管理工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Most endocrinological studies are normally performed on several animal groups: one group for the determination of hormonal levels in tissues and plasma under basal conditions, a second group for the same determinations after "in vivo" treatment of the animals (stimulation or inhibition of the endocrine activities) and two additional groups for morphological investigations. Surgical approaches belong not rarely to the "in vivo" treatment of the animals. Moreover, the results from the different animal groups have to be extrapolated. In order to overcome these drawbacks, we have developed two "in vitro" models by means of which we can study on the tissues from the same animal: 1. function and structure of the hypothalamus and 2. function and structure of isolated pituitary cells. By using these models we can considerably reduce the number of animals needed for the studies, replace the "in vivo" by the "in vitro" experiments and refine the methods avoiding, among others, the extrapolation of results.  相似文献   

杂种优势的表达机制是杂种优势利用的理论基础。以家蚕品种"芙蓉"和"菁松"为中系亲本,以"湘晖"和"872"为日系亲本,分别进行杂交并连续同蛾区交配和定向选择,获得了优良中系"芙菁"(D)和茧丝量性状有显著差异的2个日系家系"湘8A"(A)和"湘8C"(C)。F4代"A"、"C"与"D"的遗传距离差异较小;F6代"A"与"D"的遗传距离比"C"与"D"的遗传距离大。F4代用"D"分别与"A"和"C"组配杂交种的各项性状差异不明显;F8代则各项性状有明显的差异,且(D×A)F1表现出更好的生产性能优势;F4代、F8代以及(D×C)F1的杂种优势均大于(D×A)F1的杂种优势,但(D×A)F1的实际生产性能比(D×C)F1好。研究结果表明,采用DNA多态性遗传距离为依据组配的杂交组合,能够获得丰产性能更好的优良一代杂交组合。  相似文献   

犬蠕形螨病是由蠕形螨寄生于犬皮脂腺或毛囊而引起的一种顽固性寄生虫性皮炎。本病的发生多是真菌细菌和蠕形螨的混合感染,一般治疗顺序是先杀细菌和真菌,然后再除螨,通过症状与实验诊断的方法诊出的病犬31只,用伊维菌素和辅助“二合一”,“抗真菌Ⅰ号”外洗综合治疗方法,痊愈28只,治疗效率很好。  相似文献   

"Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis" has been reported from a variety of rodent and Ixodes tick species in Europe and Asia. Recently, an ehrlichial organism closely related to "Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis" was cultured from a raccoon (Procyon lotor) from Georgia, USA. To determine prevalence and distribution, we conducted a molecular survey of free-ranging raccoons (n=197) from 10 populations in 3 states and found that infections were common in tick-infested populations (50-94%). In an effort to determine the host range of this organism, 10 species of rodents (n=137) trapped in 3 areas where positive raccoons had been detected were tested; all were negative. In addition, captive bred raccoons and several common laboratory animals (mice, rats, and rabbits) were inoculated with the raccoon ehrlichial isolate (strain RAC413). Raccoons became infected with the culture isolate but all other hosts were refractory to infection. The 16S rRNA gene sequence (1379bp) of the RAC413 isolate was most similar (98.4-98.8%) to members of the "Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis" group and phylogenetic analysis confirmed this organism was related to, but distinct from, "Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis". Based on the molecular and natural history uniqueness of this organism from raccoons, we propose that this represents a novel species in the "Candidatus Neoehrlichia" group of ehrlichial organisms.  相似文献   

运用柞蚕抗病、稳产性状的遗传相关性及基因重组原理,进行纯种选育和杂交组合评选,育成了强健性柞蚕新品种抗大并组配抗大×8821.8822杂交组合。新品种抗大对柞蚕核型多角体病毒的感染抵抗能力分别是选大1号的5.62倍和大三元的5.58倍,对柞蚕链球菌的感染抵抗能力分别是选大1号的6.76倍和大三元的4.37倍。杂交组合抗大×8821.8822在秋季的千粒种茧产量为226.9 kg,较对照品种大三元增产10.9%,并且具有发育整齐、营茧集中、耐粗饲料、稳产性好的特点,已在二化性柞蚕区大面积放养。  相似文献   

Ushio  Fukushima  DVM  Shu  Sasaki  DVM  Shozo  Okano  DVM  PhD  Toshifumi  Oyamada  DVM  PhD  Takashi  Yoshikawa  DVM  PhD  Mitsuyoshi  Hagio  DVM  PhD  Katsuaki  Takase  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2000,41(2):172-177
We have attempted to identify whether it is possible to utilize transcranial Doppler ultrasonography to evaluate the brain damage that occurs after resuscitation from 3 min (control group) and 12 min (damage group) of cardiac arrest in dogs. In this study we used transcranial Doppler ultrasonography to follow the basilar arterial flow and middle cerebral arterial flow for 180 min following the induction of cardiac arrests. Two abnormal waveform patterns (the "to-and-fro" and "diastolic no-flow" patterns) were found in all dogs in the damage group whereas abnormal waveforms were not detected in the control group. Pathological diagnosis revealed that, compared with the control group, the damage group recognized ischemic alteration at the level of the hippocampus and caudate nucleus. In conclusion, this study shows that the basilar arterial flow of observed with transcranial Doppler ultrasonography may be use for the prediction of outcome and the diagnosis of brain damage in the dog.  相似文献   

海滨雀稗具有耐盐、对灌溉水质要求不高的特性。用它建植的草坪可以降低淡水资源的消耗和浪费,但目前我国还没有自己育成的海滨雀稗品种,只能通过国外引进。本实验以海滨雀稗4个品种Sea Isle 2000、Platinum、Supreme、Salam为材料,利用~(60)Co-γ射线以0.12Gy/min的强度在0,40,45,50,55Gy 5个剂量下分别照射种茎,从辐照群体中寻找突变材料,对突变材料从叶宽、叶长、株高、匍匐茎节间长度和直径以及密度等坪用性状进行观测分析,研究其植株形态变异的诱变效应,并从中选育性状优良的突变材料。结果表明,材料经辐射后,不同海滨雀稗品种对~(60)Co-γ辐射的敏感性不同。经过3个阶段的扩繁、筛选,Sea Isle 2000选出3个突变体,Platinum选出3个突变体,Supreme选出1个突变体,Salam选出2个突变体,初步共选育出9个突变材料。所有突变材料的植株叶宽、叶长、株高、匍匐茎节间长度和直径以及密度等指标均不同程度地优于各自对照。综合来看,突变材料"SI-50-1"、"PL-40-2"、"SLM-45-1"叶片短细、节间缩短、株高矮化、成坪密度高,辐射诱变效果最明显,为新品种选育提供了优异的育种新材料。  相似文献   

Although the somatic cloning technique has been used for numerous applications and basic research of reprogramming in various species, extremely low success rates have plagued this technique for a decade. Further in mice, the "clonable" strains have been limited to mainly hybrid F1 strains such as B6D2F1. Recently, we established a new efficient cloning technique using trichostatin A (TSA) which leads to a 2-5 fold increase in success rates for mouse cloning of B6D2F1 cumulus cells. To further test the validity of this TSA cloning technique, we tried to clone the adult ICR mouse, an outbred strain, which has never been directly cloned before. Only when TSA was used did we obtain both male and female cloned mice from cumulus and fibroblast cells of adult ICR mice with 4-5% success rates, which is comparable to 5-7% of B6D2F1. Thus, the TSA treatment is the first cloning technique to allow us to successfully clone outbred mice, demonstrating that this technique not only improves the success rates of cloning from hybrid strains, but also enables mouse cloning from normally "unclonable" strains.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are antigen presenting cells that potently modulate immune responses with varying outcomes depending on the DC sub-population involved. To understand how DC sub-types arise, it is necessary to determine which factors influence their differentiation. At least three major sub-populations of DCs have been described in mice: CD4+/CD8- "myeloid" DCs, CD4-/CD8+ "lymphoid" DCs and Langerhans cell-derived DCs. Whilst somewhat comparable populations have been described in man, in most other species very little is known. The identification of cytokines which stimulate proliferation of DC precursors, and the observation that the cytokine environment influences the phenotype and the function of the DCs that subsequently develop, has provided a useful tool for evaluating these rare cells. We describe the influence of cytokines on the phenotype of DCs generated in the rat. Using bone marrow cells as the source of precursors we generated "myeloid-type" DCs from the adherent population using granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), IL-4 and Flt-3L or "lymphoid-type" DCs from the non-adherent population using cytokines which included IL-7, IL-3, SCF and TNFalpha. In order to facilitate similar approaches to the study of equine DCs we have identified the nucleotide sequence encoding GM-CSF from the m-RNA of equine PBMC stimulated with Concanavalin A, amplified the cDNA by PCR and cloned it in eukaryotic and prokaryotic expression vectors. We report on the structure and function of this molecule.  相似文献   

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