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将口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)衣壳蛋白前体P1-2A基因和蛋白酶3C基因与启动绿色荧光蛋白双向串连痘苗病毒启动子相连,以KpnⅠ为插入位点,将整体基因片段插入山羊痘病毒转移载体骨架pUC119-TK之中,构建共表达重组山羊痘病毒转移载体pTK-P7.5-GFP-P12A3C。与疫苗弱毒株山羊痘病毒共转染BHK21细胞,经绿色荧光筛选,RT-PCR检测,成功获得能正确表达目的蛋白的重组山羊痘病毒株vTK-3CP1-GFP。  相似文献   

 将口蹄疫病毒(FMDV)衣壳蛋白前体P1-2A基因和蛋白酶3C基因与启动绿色荧光蛋白双向串连痘苗病毒启动子相连,以KpnⅠ为插入位点,将整体基因片段插入山羊痘病毒转移载体骨架pUC119-TK之中,构建共表达重组山羊痘病毒转移载体pTK-P7.5-GFP-P12A3C。与疫苗弱毒株山羊痘病毒共转染BHK21细胞,经绿色荧光筛选,RT-PCR检测,成功获得能正确表达目的蛋白的重组山羊痘病毒株vTK-3CP1-GFP。  相似文献   

为构建和筛选表达O型口蹄疫病毒P1-2A-3C基因的山羊痘病毒弱毒株,用已构建的口蹄疫病毒O/Chi-na99毒株的EGFP-P7.5-P1-2A-3C基因整体通过平末端连接到KpnⅠ酶切后的线性载体pUC119-TK中,得到重组载体pUC119-TK-EGFP-P7.5-P1-2A-3C。重组载体通过缺失的TK基因与羊痘病毒弱毒株在BHK-21细胞中同源重组,用EGFP作为标记筛选出重组毒株,并进行PCR鉴定、抗原捕获ELISA试验检测及Western blot分析。结果显示该重组弱毒株能在1~10代BHK-21细胞中稳定传代,扩增出约3000bp片段,并经测序确证为基因P1-2A-3C;抗原捕获ELISA试验检测均为阳性;Western blot分析表明转移载体pUC119-TK-EGFP-P7.5-P1-2A-3C在感染的GTPV AV41BHK-21细胞中表达的蛋白可被O型FMDV高免血清特异性识别,并具有反应原性。这些结果表明获得了表达O型口蹄疫病毒P1-2A-3C基因的重组山羊痘弱毒株。  相似文献   

为了构建山羊痘病毒表达载体,试验利用融合PCR的方法连接4种组合的3个不同来源的基因片段,插入含有TK基因的载体中,快速构建羊痘病毒表达载体,并转染至BHK-21细胞中进行验证。结果表明:利用融合PCR技术成功融合了P11-7.5-ZSG、P11-7.5-GFP、I1L-7.5-ZSG、I1L-7.5-GFP 4个组合中的3个基因片段,产物长度均在1.2 kb左右,并插入PGEM-TK载体中,构建了4个表达载体,测序结果与理论上100%同源,转染BHK-21细胞可见绿色荧光。说明试验成功构建了4个山羊痘病毒的表达载体。  相似文献   

将新城疫病毒(NDV)F48E9株融合蛋白(F)基因1700bp克隆到真核表达载体pcDNA3中,构建成表达F基因的载体pc3F。然后将包含F基因及其上游的细胞巨化病毒启动子和增强子的3800bp DNA片段再克隆入包含火鸡疱疹病毒(HVT)非必须片段载体pTK2B中,构建成功含有F基因表达盒的HVT转移质粒体pTK3F。经限制性内切酶酶切分析,F基因表达盒的插入方向与pTK2B中TK基因转录方向一致。该研究为进一步在细胞中转染并获得表达F基因的HVT重组病毒奠定了基础。  相似文献   

根据文献设计2对引物,PCR扩增FPV复制非必需区中外源基因插入位点两侧翼的片段,分别克隆到pUC19和pSK质粒中,并命名为pFP1和pFP2。根据文献设计引物,PCR扩增鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒(ILTV)的GB基因的编码区。将GB基因克隆到质粒pFP1中获得重组质粒pFP1-GB;用酶切质粒pEGFP,得到GFP片段并克隆到质粒pFP2中,得到重组质粒pFP2-GFP。双酶切pFP1-GB得到FP1-GB片段,并克隆到质粒pFP2-GFP中,得到重组质粒pFP1GB-FP2GPF。酶切质粒pE/L-7.5,获得背向连接的2个鸡痘病毒启动子片段——PE/L-7.5,并将该片段克隆到重组质粒pFP1GB-FP2GPF获得重组质粒pGB-GFP,该质粒即为鸡痘病毒的转移质粒。在质粒pGB-GFP中,2个背向连接的启动子被克隆到的GB和GFP基因之间,分别启动GB和GFP基因的表达。经酶切和测序鉴定pGB-GFP,启动子PE/L和P7.5已分别正确地插入到GB和GFP基因之间,分别启动外源表达基因GB和筛选标记基因GFP的表达,从而证明已获得表达鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒GB基因重组鸡痘病毒转移载体pGB-GFP。该载体为下一步获得表达鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒GB基因的重组鸡痘病毒奠定基础。  相似文献   

为了研究山羊痘病毒TK基因功能缺失对其增殖的影响,同源重组构建TK基因缺失型重组山羊痘病毒,检测其增殖特性。试验在通用转移质粒pTKfpgigp内插入不同长度的X1~X4片段,构建了4个重组转移质粒;重组质粒转染已感染山羊痘病毒的羔羊睾丸细胞,经同源重组产生4株TK基因缺失型重组山羊痘病毒rGPV/tk,其TK基因内分别插入了长度约为2 800、4 000、5 200、7 700 bp的外源DNA片段;筛选纯化重组毒株,测定rGPV/tk病毒滴度。结果显示,TK基因失活后,rGPV/tk病毒滴度明显降低;随着插入DNA片段的延长,重组毒株的病毒滴度下降程度更加明显。研究表明,TK基因功能的缺失对山羊痘病毒的增殖具有一定的抑制作用,并与外源DNA的长度具有相关性。  相似文献   

伪狂犬病病毒鄂A株 TK/LacZ突变株的构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本研究以地高辛标记的含TK基因的BamHI/KpnI片段为探针,通过Southern杂交确定伪狂犬病病毒鄂A株基因组中一大小约5.9kb的KpnI片段中含有TK基因,回收该片段并克隆于pUC18的KpnI位点。然后进一步克隆其中含TK基因的PstI/KpnI片段,并将LacZ表达盒插入到该片段中的BamHI位点,构建转移质粒pUEKPZ。将该质粒与伪狂犬病病毒鄂A株基因组共转染PK-15细胞,待完全病变后在X-gal存在下筛选蓝斑,蓝斑纯化3次后,经PCR扩增、Southern杂交证实获得的病毒为伪狂犬病病毒鄂A株TK  相似文献   

为研究锚定蛋白基因(Ankyrin,ANK)对山羊痘病毒的影响,试验采用融合PCR和Overlap PCR技术扩增山羊痘病毒SS株5个ANK基因(ANK010、ANK138、ANK140、ANK141.2和ANK145)两端侧翼序列和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因,并将其产物连接Trans1-T 1载体构建ANK缺失的转移载体,经过菌液PCR以及质粒双酶切鉴定,阳性重组质粒用Lip 2000转染至已经感染羊痘病毒SS株的羊睾丸原代细胞,依报告基因GFP的表达情况在荧光显微镜下筛选目的基因缺失的重组病毒,同时设立不感染病毒的对照。结果表明:通过融合PCR方法成功扩增山羊痘病毒SS株ANK基因010和138的两端侧翼序列及GFP基因片段,大小约1200 bp;通过Overlap PCR方法成功得到ANK基因140、141.2和145基因的侧翼及GFP基因片段,大小约900 bp,与理论相符。研究成功构建了基因缺失转移载体,将其转染感染SS病毒的细胞中,5个ANK基因缺失的表达载体均可见绿色荧光斑点,说明得到各自基因缺失的重组羊痘病毒。  相似文献   

伪狂犬病病毒TKˉ/gIˉ株基因组经AscⅠ酶切获得含PK基因的8.7kb片段,将此片段克隆入pPolyⅡ载体的AscⅠ位点,获得中间载体P8-AA,将LacZ表达盒插入其SphⅠ/NdeⅠ位点,构建重组转移载体P8AA-lacZ,将其与伪狂犬病病毒TKˉ/gIˉ株基因组共转染PK-15细胞,细胞出现病变后通过覆盖含有X-gal的营养琼脂进行蓝白斑筛选,通过蚀斑克隆方法分离到重组体PRV(rPRV),且经过连续传代的rPRV仍能稳定的表达β-半乳糖苷酶活性。通过对重组病毒PRV-LacZ和亲本株TKˉ/gIˉ株TCID50的试验表明,PK基因的缺失对病毒增殖无影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of different tumor types within a large cohort of cats with intracranial neoplasia and to attempt to correlate signalment, tumor size and location, and survival time for each tumor. Medical records of 160 cats with confirmed intracranial neoplasia evaluated between 1985 and 2001 were reviewed. Parameters evaluated included age, sex, breed, FeLV/FIV status, clinical signs, duration of signs, number of tumors, tumor location(s), imaging results, treatment, survival times, and histopathologic diagnosis. Most of the cats were older (11.3 +/- 3.8 years). Primary tumors accounted for 70.6% of cases. Metastasis and direct extension of secondary tumors accounted for only 5.6 and 3.8% of cases, respectively. Twelve cats (7.5%) had 2 or more discrete tumors of the same type, whereas 16 cats (10.0%) had 2 different types of intracranial tumors. The most common tumor types were meningioma (n = 93, 58.1%), lymphoma (n = 23, 14.4%), pituitary tumors (n = 14, 8.8%), and gliomas (n = 12, 7.5%). The most common neurological signs were altered consciousness (n = 42, 26.2%), circling (n = 36, 22.5%), and seizures (n = 36, 22.5%). Cats without specific neurological signs were common (n = 34, 21.2%). The tumor was considered an incidental finding in 30 (18.8%) cats. In addition to expected relationships (eg, meninges and meningioma, pituitary and pituitary tumors), we found that lesion location was predictive of tumor type with diffuse cerebral or brainstem involvement predictive of lymphoma and third ventricle involvement predictive of meningioma.  相似文献   

A survey of gastrointestinal parasite infections of young (<6 months old), immature (6–12 months old) and adult (>12 months old) dairy cattle on 16 farms in Kiambu District, Kenya was conducted during a dry season (September 1991 to January 1992) and during a wet season (March to July 1992). The survey was based on monthly coproparasitological examination of cohorts and worm counts in tracer calves. The effects of age, sex, farm and season on the prevalence and intensity of helminth and coccidial infections were determined. Faecal egg and oocyst counts revealed that the overall prevalences were: strongyles (including trichostrongyles) (85.5%), liver flukes (Fasciola gigantica) (34.0%), coccidia (30.9%) and tapeworms (9.6%). Eight species of the protozoan Eimeria were identified, the most prevalent species being E. bovis and E. zuernii. The most prevalent nematode genera were Haemonchus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Trichostrongylus. Season, farm and age of the animals had a significant (p<0.05) influence on the intensity of infection with strongyles, liver flukes and coccidia, whereas the sex of the animals had no significant (p>0.05) effect on the prevalence or intensity of infections. A higher intensity of infection with strongyles and coccidia was found in the wet season than in the dry season (p<0.05). The age-specific intensity was in the following order: for strongyles, immature animals of 6–12 months of age had the highest egg counts, followed by young calves and adults. Calves had significantly (p<0.05) higher oocyst counts than immatures or adults. Liver fluke egg counts did not differ significant (p>0.05) between immatures and adult cattle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to clarify the relationship between hypothalamic dopamine (DA) and salsolinol (SAL) for the secretion of prolactin (PRL) in goats. SAL or thyrotropin‐releasing hormone (TRH) was intravenously injected into female goats treated with or without the D2 DA receptor antagonist haloperidol (Hal), which crosses the blood‐brain barrier, and the PRL‐releasing response to SAL was compared with that to TRH. PRL‐releasing responses to SAL, Hal, and Hal plus SAL were also examined after a pretreatment to augment central DA using carbidopa (Carbi) and L‐dopa. The PRL‐releasing response to Hal alone was greater than that to SAL or TRH alone. The PRL‐releasing response to Hal plus SAL was similar to that of Hal alone. In contrast, the PRL‐releasing response to Hal plus TRH was greater than that to TRH or Hal alone. The treatment with Carbi plus L‐dopa inhibited SAL‐ and Hal‐induced PRL secretion. The inhibition of the PRL‐releasing response to SAL disappeared when SAL was injected with Hal. These results indicate that the mechanisms underlying the SAL‐induced PRL response differ from those of TRH, and suggest that hypothalamic DA and its synthesis is associated in part with SAL‐induced PRL secretion in goats.  相似文献   

The authors describe the procedure of laboratory diagnosis for bovine respiratory diseases: direct diagnosis by isolation and for identification of bacteria or viruses and indirect diagnosis by serological methods. They specify the restraints and limits of this diagnosis and the significance results which are obtained and connected with knowledge of anamnestic information.  相似文献   

Trials with fenbendazole (Panacur, Hoechst India Ltd) were carried out on two commercial farms in subtropical western India to study the response and economics of nematode treatment in adult dairy cows. Milk yield, lactation length, time to first oestrus and worm egg output were monitored in treated and control groups. Treatment reduced the egg count considerably. Treated cows produced 142 litres more milk over 100 days (p<0.05), with extension of lactation length and advancement of time to first oestrus. The economic gain in terms of milk yield far outweighed the cost of anthelmintic used.  相似文献   

The suitability of five species of Ficus, F. mucoso, F. thonningii, F. polita, F. religiosa and F. benjamina, for feeding ruminant livestock was studied. The nutritive and antinutritive components were determined and the acceptability of the forages to livestock was assessed using a cafeteria method in 8 adult small ruminants. Also, the degradation potential of the dry matter of the five Ficus species was investigated using 3 fistulated sheep. The crude protein (CP) content of the Ficus species varied significantly (p < 0.05), ranging from 130 to 180 g/kg DM. The content of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) also varied significantly (p < 0.05), ranging from 650 to 710 g/kg DM. The organic matter (OM) contents did not differ significantly (p > 0.05), having a mean value of 916 g/kg DM. The concentrations of tannin, saponin, phytic acid and oxalic acid were low. The acceptability of the forage was similar for four of the species but poor for F. polita. The extent of DM degradation varied significant among the Ficus species, the ranking order being F. benjamina > F. thonningii > F. mucoso > F. religiosa > F. polita.  相似文献   

Many Chinese herbs and herbal mixtures are fed to domestic animals for their reputed medicinal properties. These herbs could contribute to the intake of essential nutrients and toxic metals, but their composition is mostly unknown. The purpose of this study was to measure major nutrient (crude protein, crude fat, carbohydrate, fibre) and mineral (Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mo, S, Al, Cd, Ni, Pb) concentrations in samples of fourteen combination formulas labelled for veterinary use and commonly administered to horses and dogs. Three single herbs, Bupleurum chinense, Curcuma zedoaria and Astragalus membranaceus, each obtained from several sources, and Yunnan Baiyao, a proprietary hemostatic mixture, were also analysed. Proximate analyses and some mineral concentrations differed (p < 0.05) among single herbs, and high concentrations of several minerals were detected in some herbal combinations. Those containing the highest concentrations [g/kg dry matter (DM)] of calcium (92.4), iron (2.6) and manganese (0.28) could provide >38%, 142% and 96%, respectively, of recommended allowances in adult dogs, and >13%, 122% and 2%, respectively, of maintenance requirements in horses, at the maximum labelled dose assuming complete availability. Concentrations of cadmium, nickel and lead were below published oral tolerance levels. Aluminium concentrations (median 380, maximum 920 mg/kg DM) were higher than has been previously reported in Chinese herbs. These nutrient analyses suggest that herbal combinations marketed to veterinarians, when fed at the maximal labelled dose, are unlikely to produce clinically relevant changes in the dietary intake of essential nutrients. However, small amounts of non‐essential contaminant minerals are present in some formulas, and further research is necessary to understand the significance of this finding.  相似文献   

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