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为了制备肺康明颗粒剂,试验在确定辅料配比的基础上采用正交试验设计方法,以颗粒的成型性、堆密度、休止角和吸湿性为综合指标,考察干膏粉与辅料配比、润湿剂乙醇体积分数和用量等工艺参数。结果表明:最佳成型工艺条件为膏粉与辅料(糊精∶可溶性淀粉=1∶1)配比1∶1.5,乙醇体积分数70%,乙醇用量1∶0.5。在优选的工艺条件下,制得的颗粒外观、粒度、溶化性及水分含量等均符合《中华人民共和国兽药典》(2010年版)颗粒剂项下的相关规定。说明该成型工艺合理、简便、稳定可行。  相似文献   

为了优化中兽药参黄颗粒的制备工艺,获得最佳制备工艺参数,采用正交试验设计优化水提,浓缩,并采用湿法制粒,通过单因素试验和正交试验优选药物与辅料的比例、乙醇浓度和烘干温度参数,以颗粒的成型性、堆密度、休止角、溶化性以及吸湿性来评价颗粒的最佳成型工艺。最佳水提工艺为加9倍水,回流提取3次,每次提取时间1 h;药物与辅料比例为3∶5(药物浸膏粉∶可溶性淀粉∶糊精∶蔗糖为(3∶2∶2∶1),乙醇浓度为80%,烘干温度为60 ℃,制备的颗粒剂综合评分最高。中兽药参黄颗粒的制备工艺优化研究为其临床试验的扩大生产提供了科学参考依据。  相似文献   

为了优化中药复方催情颗粒的制备参数,试验采用湿法制粒,通过单因素试验和正交试验优选药物与辅料及辅料间的比例、乙醇浓度和乙醇用量三个因素,通过颗粒的成型率、堆密度和休止角来评价颗粒的最佳成型工艺。结果显示药物与辅料比为1:1,乙醇浓度为80%,乙醇用量为(干料:乙醇)1:0.3,制备的颗粒剂综合评分最高。中药复方催情颗粒的制备工艺优化为其临床中试试验的扩大生产提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

为了优选肿节风三清颗粒的最佳成型工艺并考察中试生产的合理性,进行颗粒成型工艺和中试工艺放大研究,颗粒成型工艺试验以成型率、溶化率、吸湿率为考察指标,以浸膏粉与辅料的配比、蔗糖与糊精的配比、乙醇浓度为考察因素,采用正交试验优化成型工艺;中试生产以浸膏得率、成品率、有效成分含量为指标,考察中试工艺放大的可行性。结果显示,优选的肿节风三清颗粒最佳成型工艺为蔗糖∶糊精为3∶2、乙醇浓度为65%、浸膏粉∶辅料为1∶6;颗粒临界相对湿度为73.49%。三批肿节风三清浸膏(中间体)的浸膏得率分别为8.58%、8.58%和8.63%,三批肿节风三清颗粒(成品)的成品率分别为93.40%、92.13%和93.53%,中间体和成品中有效成分异嗪皮啶、迷迭香酸的含量均稳定可控。表明肿节风三清颗粒成型工艺合理,中试生产稳定可控,适合批量生产。  相似文献   

为了优选肿节风三清颗粒的最佳成型工艺并考察中试生产的合理性,进行颗粒成型工艺和中试工艺放大研究,颗粒成型工艺试验以成型率、溶化率、吸湿率为考察指标,以浸膏粉与辅料的配比、蔗糖与糊精的配比、乙醇浓度为考察因素,采用正交试验优化成型工艺;中试生产以浸膏得率、成品率、有效成分含量为指标,考察中试工艺放大的可行性。结果显示,优选的肿节风三清颗粒最佳成型工艺为蔗糖∶糊精为3∶2、乙醇浓度为65%、浸膏粉∶辅料为1∶6;颗粒临界相对湿度为73.49%。三批肿节风三清浸膏(中间体)的浸膏得率分别为8.58%、8.58%和8.63%,三批肿节风三清颗粒(成品)的成品率分别为93.40%、92.13%和93.53%,中间体和成品中有效成分异嗪皮啶、迷迭香酸的含量均稳定可控。表明肿节风三清颗粒成型工艺合理,中试生产稳定可控,适合批量生产。  相似文献   

“加味白头翁”颗粒剂的制备及稳定性考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章旨在通过颗粒剂制备流程中各辅料种类及其用量的选择、成型工艺和稳定性的考察,确定"加味白头翁"最佳的颗粒剂制备工艺。以软材品质为考察指标,考察药液与总辅料的用量比;采用正交试验,以外观、澄明度、含水量与颗粒质量损失率为综合考察指标对可溶性淀粉用量、α-乳糖用量、糊精用量与羧甲基纤维素钠(HPMC)浓度4因素进行优化研究,确定颗粒的最佳制备工艺。试验结果表明,当辅料与药液比为5∶1时,软材品质良好;当可溶性淀粉∶α-乳糖∶糊精为3∶1∶1时,以0.3% HPMC作黏合剂,颗粒剂各方面指标最优。通过试验证明,中药复方"加味白头翁"的颗粒剂制备在实验室条件下具有可行性,制备工艺简单明了,所制备颗粒成型好、稳定性高,各方面性质符合药典规定。  相似文献   

采用正交试验法优选健胃平口服液中槟榔和山楂的最佳提取工艺,采用乙醇作为提取溶剂,乙醇浓度、乙醇用量、回流提取次数及回流时间作为影响因素,设计正交试验,以有机酸含量、总生物碱含量以及浸膏得率为考察指标,优选出最佳提取条件。结果显示,最佳提取条件是80%乙醇、5倍药材量的溶剂、回流提取2次、每次2 h。表明采用5倍量80%乙醇回流提取2次,每次2 h,优选得到的工艺稳定可行。  相似文献   

为优选大黄醇提取工艺,我们采用正交试验法考察乙醇浓度、乙醇用量、提取次数、提取时间对大黄提取率的影响。以出膏率、大黄素含量为指标,发现乙醇浓度、乙醇用量、提取次数、提取时间4个因素对大黄素的提取有显著影响。结果表明,用20倍量70%乙醇提取2次,每次2h为最佳提取条件,所选提取工艺稳定可行。  相似文献   

目的:利用正交试验设计优选冷浸法提取盐穗木有效成分的工艺条件。方法:以盐酸小檗碱的含量为指标,通过L9(33)正交试验设计,对提取工艺的溶媒浓度、溶媒用量和浸提时间3个因素进行优选,以筛选出盐穗木的最佳提取工艺条件。结果:影响提取的主次因素为:溶媒用量溶媒浓度浸提时间。优选得到的最佳提取工艺条件:75%乙醇提取,物料比为1∶10,浸提3d。结论:该工艺条件不仅提高了醇浸膏得率和总生物碱含量,而且可节省溶剂用量,降低成本。  相似文献   

为了更好地挖掘莲子心功效,为后续研究提供理论基础,以干浸膏得率、总生物碱含量、总黄酮含量作为判定指标,采用正交试验设计法,以乙醇浓度、乙醇用量、回流时间、回流次数作为考察因素,综合评价各因素对莲子心提取效果的影响,优选出最佳提取工艺。结果表明,莲子心的最佳提取工艺为30倍量的80%乙醇,回流提取2次,每次30 min。该优选工艺客观可行、合理稳定,为深入研究莲子心的药理作用及其工业化大生产提供理论基础。  相似文献   

将阿斯巴甜、三氯蔗糖分别和安赛蜜进行复配,确定较优配比,制作红糖酸乳.以红糖添加量、甜味剂复配组合以及淀粉添加量为因素进行均匀试验,以感官评定和黏度为指标进行最优组合优化.结果表明:当用红糖全部替代白砂糖时,酸乳微苦,用甜味剂部分代红糖可以改善风味.最优组合为红糖质量分数4%,淀粉质量分数6%,甜味剂组合Ⅱ即为三氯蔗糖和安赛蜜质量分数分别为0.003 5%和0.007 0%.在此工艺条件下制备的红糖酸乳甜度适中,组织状态均匀细腻,口感清爽.  相似文献   

考察了不同"球灭"颗粒剂的制粒处方,筛选出干浸膏粉和可溶性淀粉的最佳组成为1∶1.5,黏合剂为75%酒精。所制颗粒的吸湿率小、成型率高、溶化率高。该结果可为"球灭"颗粒剂处方组成的确定及生产环境的控制提供实验依据。  相似文献   

研究长保质期酸乳的均质及后杀菌过程对变性淀粉颗粒形态的影响.结果表明:随均质温度的升高,均质压力的增大,淀粉破碎逐渐增多,最佳均质温度60~63℃,均质压力15~20 MPa;超高温(ultra high temperature,UHT)管道压力能促进淀粉的进一步膨胀,随着管道压力的增大和回流次数的增加,淀粉颗粒逐渐增大甚至破裂,最大管道压力为7 bar;随着UHT杀菌温度的逐渐提高,淀粉破碎逐渐增多,最高杀菌温度为80℃.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effect that various isoenergetic diets, containing different quantities of soluble carbohydrate and fiber and different types of starch, have on nitrogen (N) balances. Six lactating dairy cows in early to midlactation consuming grass silage diets with not less than 600 g/kg total DMI as forage were used in the experiment. Four concentrates were prepared that had higher amounts of either fiber, soluble sugars, corn (low degradable starch source), or barley (high degradable starch source). Overall N utilization by the cows was poor, rarely exceeding 0.30 g milk N/g of dietary N intake. Fecal N outputs accounted for more than half of total N excreted in all treatments except for diets supplemented with high degradable starch, in which urinary N excretion was significantly higher compared with the other treatments. Milk yield was unaffected by concentrate type, averaging 19.9 kg/d, but milk protein content decreased from 32.9 for starch-based diets to 30.9 and 30.0 g/kg for the soluble sugar- and fiber-based diets, respectively. The efficiency of N utilization improved in the low degradable starch treatment, which had lower N excretion (65%) and higher protein concentration in milk. Furthermore, feeding cows corn-based concentrates reduced urinary N excretion by almost 30% compared with barley-based concentrates; therefore, feeding corn-based diets is recommended for the reduction of nitrogen pollution in lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

为了测定金樱子中的总黄酮含量,并对其纤维素酶辅助提取工艺进行优化,本研究以芦丁为对照品,采用双波长分光光度法,确定测定波长500 nm,参比波长580 nm,对金樱子中的总黄酮含量进行测定;以总黄酮得率为评价指标,考察提取温度、乙醇浓度、纤维素酶用量、液料比等4个因素对总黄酮得率的影响,正交优化纤维素酶辅助提取金樱子总黄酮的工艺。结果表明,在19.90~398.00 μg范围内,芦丁的质量与吸光度差值ΔA呈良好的线性关系(r=0.9981),标准曲线方程为y=0.0008x-0.0047,该方法下测得其得率为87.94 mg/g,平均加样回收率98.23%,相对标准偏差为8.77%;正交试验优化的纤维素酶法辅助提取金樱子总黄酮的最佳工艺条件为:提取温度80℃、乙醇浓度40%、纤维素酶用量0.5%、液料比40:1、提取时间90 min、pH为6.0、提取次数2次,且各因素对金樱子总黄酮提取得率的影响顺序为:提取温度 > 纤维素酶用量 > 液料比 > 乙醇浓度;在该提取条件下,金樱子总黄酮得率为(93.35±3.15)mg/g。因此,纤维素酶法辅助提取金樱子总黄酮可行,得率较高,条件温和。  相似文献   

To determine the content of total flavonoids from Rosa laevigata Michx. fruits, and optimize the process of cellulase-assisted extraction, the content of total flavonoids from Rosa laevigata Michx. fruits were determined with a double-wavelength spectrophotometry with detection wavelength were 500 nm and 580 nm as the reference, using rutin as a standard material, and the process of cellulase-assisted extraction designed by orthogonal test was optimized with the yield of flavonoids as the evaluation index, and the effects of extraction temperature, concentration of ethanol, cellulase dosage, ratio of liquid to material and other 4 factors on the content of total flavonoids were investigated. It showed a good linearity (r=0.9981) between absorbance difference(ΔA) and the rutin mass ranging of 19.90 to 398.00 μg, the standard curve equation was y=0.0008x-0.0047, and the yield of total flavonoids was 87.94 mg/g, the average recovery and RSD were 98.23% and 8.77%, respectively. And the optimumcellulase-assisted extraction conditions of total flavonoids from Rosa laevigata Michx. fruits by orthogonal array design were extraction temperature of 80℃, concentration of ethanol of 40%, cellulase dosage of 0.5%, ratio of liquid to material of 40:1, extraction time of 90 min, pH of 6.0, and extraction numbers of 2. Various factors affecting extracting yield were in a order of extraction temperature > cellulase dosage > ratio of liquid to material > concentration of ethanol. In this condition of extraction, yield of total flavonoids from Rosa laevigata Michx. fruits was (93.35±3.15) mg/g. Therefore, it was suggested that extraction of total flavonoids from Rosa laevigata Michx. fruits by cellulase-assisted extraction was feasible, and the yield of total flavonoids was higher and its conditions was mild.  相似文献   

替米考星淀粉微球的制备及缓释性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李仲谨  杨威  刘艳  赵燕  熊勇 《中国畜牧兽医》2010,37(11):230-234
以可溶性淀粉为原料,N,N′-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺为交联剂,采用包埋法制备了替米考星淀粉微球,通过L9(34)正交试验设计,以载药量和包封率的综合得分为指标,优化了替米考星淀粉微球的制备工艺;分别用激光粒度分布仪、扫描电镜和综合热分析仪对载药微球进行了表征。结果表明最佳工艺条件为:淀粉4 g、替米考星0.02 g、交联剂0.95 g、乳化剂0.75 g、反应时间1 h;影响因素的大小依次为:交联剂的质量>替米考星和淀粉的投料质量比>反应时间>乳化剂的质量;按优化工艺参数制得的载药微球的总载药量2.24%,包封率为89.6%;替米考星载药微球具有一定缓释效果,其制备方法合理可行。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of α‐cyclodextrin‐allyl isothiocyanate (CD‐AI) on ruminal microbial methane production and rumen fermentation of corn starch, soluble potato starch or hay plus concentrate (1.5:1) by mixed rumen microorganisms. Diluted rumen fluid (30 mL) was incubated anaerobically at 38°C for 6 and 24 h with or without CD‐AI (0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6 and 3.2 g/L). The pH of the medium was unchanged by CD‐AI in all substrates. The molar proportion of acetate was decreased and propionate was increased with a corresponding decrease in acetate : propionate ratio (P < 0.05). Total volatile fatty acids and butyrate were increased (P < 0.05). Ammonia‐N was decreased (P < 0.05). Except with soluble potato starch, numbers of protozoa were unchanged after 6 h. As concentration of CD‐AI increased from 0 to 3.2 g/L, fermentation of corn starch, soluble potato starch and hay plus concentrate resulted in decreased (P < 0.05) methane production of 49–100% (6 h) and 14–100% (24 h); 39–100% (6 h) and 16–100% (24 h); and 45–100% (6 h) and 17–100% (24 h), respectively. When hay plus concentrate was used as substrate, methanogenic bacteria were decreased (P < 0.05) with 0.8 g/L of CD‐AI after 6 h. Excluding the lower dose level (0.4 g/L) of CD‐AI, digestibility of neutral detergent fiber of hay plus concentrate was decreased (P < 0.05) after 24 h. A suitable level of CD‐AI could therefore be used as a supplement to inhibit methane production and improve rumen fermentation without detrimental effects on fiber digestion.  相似文献   

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