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正1流浪犬猫的产生流浪犬猫主要是指散布在城市公园、社区以及城乡结合部的人口较少且无主人的猫和犬。它们的来源主要有两种:一是由被弃养的伴侣犬猫组成,这主要包括畜主的主动抛弃和被迫遗弃;二是由先前存在的流浪犬猫自由交配、繁殖产生的后代。流浪犬猫群体几乎是与城市化的建设共同发展的,可以说,有城市的地方就有流浪犬猫。流浪犬猫问题的产生并不是偶然现象,这一方面与畜主个人素质以及薄弱的公共意识有关,另一方面与我  相似文献   

正不负责任的饲养行为和犬猫无序繁殖导致的遗弃,使得近年来流浪犬猫不断增多。由此引发的疾病传播、犬猫被虐待捕杀、社区环境卫生等方面的问题正严重地危害着人与动物和谐共处。根据最新统计,北京市昌平区回龙观地区共有52个小区、7个村,目前家养犬只数量6562只左右,其中有养犬证的4162只,未注册犬2400只。流浪犬猫580只左右,其中包括流浪猫420只,流浪犬160只,这个数据还是不完全统计,  相似文献   

城市流浪犬猫的成因、危害与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据城市流浪犬猫的成因与危害,提出慎养、绝育、收容收养、捕捉一绝育一放归等控制流浪犬猫数量的方法。解决流浪犬猫问题的关键在于从源头上减少流浪犬猫的数量,为此,科学地传播爱护动物与尊重生命的意义是极为重要的。  相似文献   

正随着人民生活水平的提高,越来越多的家庭开始饲养宠物,然而人口流动、搬迁、不负责任的饲养行为和犬猫无序繁殖导致的遗弃,使得近年来城市流浪犬猫不断增多,不仅影响到市容市貌也影响到人们的正常生活。绝育是控制流浪犬猫进一步增多的有效方法,也是动物福利的一种体现,目前临床广泛应用的是腹中线的传统正切法,还有一种是较新的腹侧壁侧切法,在一线城市的正规宠物医院中也有操作。  相似文献   

<正>1我国宠物犬猫饲养过程中环境卫生与人宠共患病的现状1.1犬猫饲养与环境卫生随着我国人民生活水平的不断提高,人们饲养宠物犬猫的数量也逐年增加,越来越多的宠物(犬猫)进人家庭,成为人类的朋友。城市中犬猫数量越来越多,一类是有主人的宠物犬猫;另一类是无主人的流浪犬猫。它们在饲养场所或者一些公共场所排粪、排尿和排泄分泌物等,导致绿地、土壤、植被和水源污染;未作处理的宠物尸体也对周围环境造成污染。此外,犬猫的抓挠、撕咬以及呜叫等,严重危及人类健康。犬猫对公共环境卫生造成严重影响,市民对此意见很大,反应强烈。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着宠物犬、猫饲养数量的增加,以及对宠物犬、猫健康和动物福利的关注,人们对与宠物犬、猫动物福利和健康直接相关的的营养管理问题日益重视,研究也不断深入。本文系根据国外新近发表的有关资料编译,主要介绍了与宠物犬、猫营养管理有关的研究进展,可供我国宠物犬、猫饲养者及相关人员参考。  相似文献   

正近年来,越来越多的家庭饲养宠物犬,宠物犬已经成为一些家庭不可或缺的精神寄托。但是由于新疆哈密市犬类管理制度不够健全,部分养犬人不负责任的饲养行为,以及宠物犬类大量繁殖导致的遗弃等原因,使得流浪犬的数量急剧增加,数以百计的流浪犬出  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展以及人类生活的快速变化,猫的饲养数量急速增加,目前在中国城镇家庭中,宠物猫数量已达5 806万只,约占宠物市场的59.5%。猫作为伴侣动物却仍保留了一定的野生习性甚至是攻击性,然而,国内对猫的心理学和行为学重视不足,以致猫的健康和行为问题日益显著。正确识别猫的情绪,帮助猫更好地融入人类家庭,一方面可以尽量避免主人和兽医被猫攻击,另一方面可以提升动物福利。本文从猫的情绪识别、社会化训练、环境管理、外出就诊和药物管理5个方面对猫的情绪管理进行了归纳总结,以期为建立更好的人-猫关系以及实现猫的科学饲养和科学诊疗提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

近几年来,宠物犬、猫的肥胖(超重)问题日趋严重,特别是在美国、英国等许多发达国家,已经成为危害这些宠物健康与动物福利的一个非常突出的问题,日益受到广泛的关注。宠物犬、猫肥胖不仅可以影响其外观和动物福利,而且额外的重量和多余的脂肪还会导致许多健康风险,甚至缩短宠物的寿命。本文系根据国外新近发表的有关资料编译,主要介绍了宠物犬、猫肥胖问题的态势、与肥胖问题相关的健康风险以及宠物犬、猫肥胖问题管理(减肥)的新理念,可供我国宠物犬、猫饲养者及相关人员参考。  相似文献   

为了解上海市人间和畜间狂犬病流行状况以及犬免疫情况,探查感染来源和防控漏洞,采用摸底调查和数据分析方法开展调查,并分析流行原因。调查显示,自2009年以来,上海市几乎每年都有人间狂犬病病例出现;2019年5—6月发生的3起犬咬伤事件中,有2起确定感染来源为流浪犬;2011—2018年上海市免疫犬的狂犬病免疫合格率一直保持在75%以上,但2019年1—5月流浪犬猫的抗体阳性率仅为11.32%,远低70%的国际要求。结果表明,上海市流浪犬中存在狂犬病流行,并导致了人的发病死亡,它是上海市狂犬病流行的主要风险源。因此,要加强流浪犬的管理、监测和免疫,降低流浪犬的数量,提高流浪犬的免疫密度和免疫质量;加强防控技术培训和防治知识宣传,提高公众防范意识;完善相关法规,进一步明确相关部门的工作职责。本调查探明了上海市狂犬病流行的主要原因,并提出了可行性建议,为上海市控制和消灭狂犬病提供了参考。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate West Nile virus (WNV) infection rates, assess environmental variables that correlated with seropositivity in dogs and cats, and assess whether pets should be considered as possible sentinels for WNV and therefore of potential human exposure. DESIGN: Cross-sectional serosurvey. ANIMALS: 442 dogs and 138 cats. PROCEDURE: Serum samples were screened for seropositivity against WNV by use of the plaque reduction neutralization test. RESULTS: 116 (26%) dogs and 13 (9%) cats yielded positive results. The odds of seropositivity against WNV for outdoor-only family dogs were almost 19 times as great as those for indoor-only family dogs and almost twice as great for stray dogs as for family dogs. Family dogs not receiving heartworm medication were 2.5 times as likely to yield positive results for antibodies against WNV as family dogs receiving heartworm medication. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Seropositivity was greater for outdoor family dogs than for indoor family dogs. Further investigation of the potential use of stray dogs as sentinel indicators for WNV infection and the potential risk of human exposure is warranted.  相似文献   

Several cases of visceral larva migrans syndrome in children led to an investigation of the ova of Toxocara spp. and other species in stool specimens from stray dogs and cats in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Fecal samples from 474 stray dogs and 299 stray cats were examined. Ova of Toxocara canis or cati were present in stools from 26.6% of the dogs and 25.1% of the cats. In dogs the prevalence of Toxocara canis was noticeably greater in puppies (56.1%) than in mature animals (11.9%).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate disease prevalence among dogs and cats in the United States and Australia and proportions of dogs and cats that receive therapeutic diets or dietary supplements. DESIGN: Telephone survey. Sample Population-Dog and cat owners located in 5 geographic areas. PROCEDURES: A telephone survey was administered to dog and cat owners. RESULTS: Of 18,194 telephone calls that were made, 1,104 (6%) were to individuals who owned at least 1 dog or cat and agreed to participate. Information was collected for 635 dogs and 469 cats. Only 14 (1%) respondents indicated that their pet was unhealthy, but 176 (16%) indicated that their pets had 1 or more diseases. The most common diseases were musculo-skeletal, dental, and gastrointestinal tract or hepatic disease. Many owners (n = 356) reported their pets were overweight or obese, but only 3 reported obesity as a health problem in their pets. Owners of 28 (2.5%) animals reported that they were feeding a therapeutic diet, with the most common being diets for animals with renal disease (n = 5), reduced-calorie diets (5), and reduced-fat diets (4). Owners of 107 of 1,076 (9.9%) animals reported administering dietary supplements to their pets. Multivitamins (n = 53 animals), chondroprotective agents (22), and fatty acids (13) were the most common dietary supplements used. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that most dogs and cats reported by their owners to have a health problem were not being fed a therapeutic diet. In addition, the rate of dietary supplement use was lower than that reported for people.  相似文献   

Personalized identification (ID) tags that contain contact information for the dog or cat owner can help assure lost animals are quickly reunited with their owners. The authors have previously reported that while the majority of pet owners stated that ID tags were very important, only a third responded that their pet wears an ID tag. The objective of this study was to evaluate if providing and putting on the pet a free collar and ID tag during an owner's visit to a veterinary hospital or spay/neuter facility increased the likelihood that the pet owners would actually keep the identification on their pet at least 6-8 weeks after they were placed on the pet. A second population of dogs and cats that were adopted from animal control and humane society shelters were also studied to assess retention of a collar and personalized ID tag. Telephone follow-up occurred a mean of 8 weeks after the tag was applied. Retaining and using the tag significantly increased for the veterinary group with 13.8% reporting their pets were currently wearing an ID tag pre-intervention, and 84.3% reporting their pets were currently wearing and ID tag post-intervention. Of the dogs and cats that were adopted, at follow-up 94% of owners reported their pets were currently wearing an ID tag. Approximately 5% of those who participated in the post-intervention survey lost a pet and recovered that pet because of the ID tag. This suggests that ID tagging is an effective method to potentially decrease stray intake into shelters and return pets home. The data also support placing tags and collars directly on pets as a method to retain those ID tags and collars on the animals, thus increasing the likelihood they will be returned home if lost or during a disaster.  相似文献   

Bartonellosis.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The role of Bartonella species as pathogens in dogs and cats is being defined. Diagnosis and treatment of Bartonella infections of dogs and cats remain challenging. As new information regarding Bartonella infections of companion animals becomes available, the understanding of the pathogenesis of these infections will improve. Most Bartonella species infecting dogs and cats are zoonotic, with B henselae the most important zoonotic species. B henselae bacteremia is common in domestic cats, and cats transmit B henselae to people. Transmission of Bartonella infections among cats and dogs is believed to occur primarily by way of arthropod vectors. Control of arthropod vectors and avoiding interactions with pets that result in scratches or bites are the most effective means to prevent transmission between animals and people.  相似文献   

Hospitalized animals and stray dogs were serologically tested for antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii. In addition, the data were examined for the possibility of toxoplasmosis infection being associated with the clinical diagnosis and with the discharge status (alive vs. dead). Among 1056 hospitalized animals, 17 (20%) of 86 cats, 112 (14%) of 804 dogs, 34 (26%) of 133 horses and 6 (18%) of 33 cattle had serological evidence of infection with T. gondii. Only 22 (6%) of 342 young (median age = one year) stray dogs were seropositive. The difference in antibody prevalence between hospitalized and stray dogs was thought to be due to age and dietary factors. Of 249 dogs grouped by clinical diagnosis, there was significantly (p less than 0.01) higher prevalence of seropositives among dogs with diseases of the kidney or with adrenocortical hyperfunction than among dogs hospitalized for other diseases. Of 19 dogs with diseases of the kidney and 12 with adrenocortical hyperfunction 37% and 42%, respectively, were seropositive.. There was higher risk of being discharged from the hospital dead among seropositive dogs, cattle and horses than among seronegative animals of the same species. The exception was cats, where of 69 seronegative cats 29% were dead at discharge and where of 17 seropositive cats 18% were dead at discharge. The possible effects of stress due to hospitalization need further research.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Campylobacter enteritis was the most frequently notified infectious disease in Australia in 1996 and Campylobacter species have been associated with extra-intestinal infections such as purulent arthritis and Guillian-Barré syndrome. Dogs and cats are known to carry campylobacteria and contact with household pets have been implicated as possible sources of human infection. OBJECTIVE: To provide information on the species of campylobacter carried by cats and dogs in South Australia. METHODS: Faecal samples were collected from stray and owned cats and dogs and feral cats. Campylobacter-like organisms were isolated using selective media and filtration methods. They were then characterised by biochemical tests, antibiotic resistance and growth patterns under various conditions. Husbandry factors that could have influenced the carriage rates were examined both as single variables and in a multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: Campylobacter upsaliensis and C jejuni were found in 11% and 4% of cats, respectively, whereas 34% dogs carried C upsaliensis, 7% C jejuni and 2% C coli. Intensive housing and open drains were found to be significant risk factors and increased the carriage rate by 2 and 2.6 times, respectively. CONCLUSION: Dogs and cats are a potential reservoir for human enteric infections with campylobacters.  相似文献   

Despite the availability of rabies vaccination through private veterinarians and government-sponsored rabies control programs, rabies was reported in an average of 338 cats and dogs per year from 1980 through 1987 in the United States. Information was collected on 90% of the 183 cats and 97% of the 119 dogs that were reported to have rabies in the continental United States in 1988. The median age of rabid cats and dogs was 1 year, and 81% were from rural areas. Compared with rabid cats, rabid dogs were more likely to have been male (66 vs 42%, odds ratio = 2.6), to have been kept as pets (84 vs 43%, odds ratio = 6.8), and to have had reported contact with wildlife before onset of illness (38 vs 14%, odds ratio = 3.8). Rabid cats accounted for a greater proportion of human rabies postexposure prophylaxis, bites to people, and exposures to other animals than did rabid dogs. Although the clinical signs of rabies varied, rabid cats were more likely than dogs to have had aggressive behavior (55 vs 31%, odds ratio = 2.8). In contrast, rabid dogs were more likely than cats to have had an illness consistent with a paralytic process. The median period between onset of illness and death was 3 days (range, less than 1 to 10) in rabid cats and dogs that were allowed to die of rabies. Vaccine failures were documented in 3 (1%) rabid animals (2 cats and 1 dog). All animals had received only a single dose of vaccine in their lifetime and were vaccinated when they were between 3 and 6 months old.  相似文献   

It is not known how many cats and dogs are admitted to welfare organisations annually. This study produced the first estimates of the size of this population. A questionnaire was mailed out to welfare organisations during 2010, followed by a postal/email reminder and requests to non-responders for a telephone interview. The questionnaire covered areas including, the current number of cats and dogs being housed, how much of the year organisations were operating at full capacity as well as the number of cats and dogs admitted, rehomed and euthanased between January and December 2009. Responses were obtained from 54.8 per cent of organisations. Sixty-six per cent of cat welfare organisations and 48 per cent of dog welfare organisations reported that they operated at full capacity for 12 months of the year. The number of cats and dogs entering UK welfare organisations during 2009 was estimated as 131,070 and 129,743, respectively. This highlights the scale of the work performed by welfare organisations in caring for and rehoming unwanted cats and dogs annually and emphasises the urgent need to address concerns over the considerable number of these animals. This study has also produced useful baseline data, which will be essential for monitoring population changes over time.  相似文献   

Cats and dogs are the most popular pet animals worldwide. Cats are the natural reservoir of Toxoplasma gondii and excrete the resistant oocyst to environments. On the other hands, dogs play a role in the mechanical transmission of the parasite. Stray cats and dogs in the Bangkok metropolitan area are becoming a public concern because there is a considerable increase in their number annually. These facts indicate the risk of mechanically spreading zoonoses including toxoplasmosis to humans since human acquire the infection from infected mammals, either directly or indirectly. In the present study, the presence of T. gondii antibodies was examined in 592 cats and 427 dogs from October 2001 to September 2002 by using a latex agglutination test. T. gondii antibodies were detected in 65 (11.0%) of the 592 cats and 40 (9.4%) of the 427 dogs. The antibody titers in the positive animals ranged from 1:64 to 1:2048. Seroprevalence was significantly higher in female cats than in male cats. The present study suggested that T. gondii was widespread in the stray animals in the Bangkok metropolitan area; therefore, it is essential to control the number of stray cats and dogs in order to reduce the transmission of toxoplasmosis to animals and humans.  相似文献   

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