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The teleostean immune system is variable between and within taxa in terms of morphology. Accordingly, in the current study, the histology of some immune organs (thymus, kidney and spleen) of Lake Van fish (Alburnus tarichi) was investigated. For this purpose, the tissues from eight mature fish were fixed and embedded in paraffin wax, and then the sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, Mallory’s triple, periodic acid-Schiff and Alcian blue (pH of 2.5) for histologic examinations. In the thymus, no clear discrimination of the cortex and medulla was observed. Lymphoid cells within a reticulo-epithelial network were the predominant cell type in the thymus. The other components in the thymus were macrophages and myoid, mast-like, plasma-like, cystic cells, Hassall’s corpuscles, and single or multiple epithelial cystic structures. In the kidney, the head kidney, a major haematopoietic site, consisted of lymphoid and non-lymphoid zones within a reticular network. Cells exhibiting mitotic figures were also detected in the haematopoietic tissue of the head kidney. Haematopoietic tissue was also found in the trunk kidney dispersed amongst the excretory components. The spleen was composed of red and white pulp. The red pulp comprised abundant erythrocytes, whilst the white pulp contained leucocytes with a reticular network. Ellipsoids were also determined in the white pulp. Melanomacrophage centres were found in all of the examined lymphoid tissues of the fish. These findings, which were reported, herein, for the first time will provide reference knowledge for future studies of this anadromous fish.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):253-259
Fifteen adult nembwe Serranochromis robustus (Günther, 1864) were tagged with radio transmitters in the Zambezi River, Namibia, from 4–15 November 2000 to record behaviour and outline the implications for fisheries management. The fish were tracked on average every 3.7 days until 18 May 2001. They stayed within relatively small home ranges, with a 95% probability of localization within an average area of 184 563m2. The fish utilized a mean river stretch of 1330 m (range = 24– 3787). Nembwe were recorded in a variety of habitats, and the individual variation in movements and habitat use was substantial. All the fish were recorded in the mainstream of the river, but 62% of the fish were recorded in one or more additional main habitat types. During rising and high water, 67% and 71% of the fish, respectively, were recorded in adjacent temporary flooded areas during some or all tracking surveys, but did not undertake long-distance migrations onto the floodplains. It is concluded that although staying within relatively small home ranges, nembwe appears as a species with a variable and flexible habitat utilization.  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anemia virus (ISAV) infection is a constant major threat to farmed and wild Atlantic salmon worldwide. Many epidemics have recently been reported in the most important salmon farming regions of the world, including Chile (2007–2009), where ISAV generated the most important disease and economic crisis in history of the salmon industry of the country. The spread of ISAV within a region is most likely by local or neighborhood spread from an infected farm; however, there is evidence that anthropogenic activities, such as movement of live or harvested fish or their byproduct, may have played a more important role than environmental or passive transmission in the 2007–2009 outbreak. Atlantic salmon farms (n = 421) were retrospectively followed from stocking to harvesting in southern Chile at the time of the ISAV epidemic (2007–2009). The effect of husbandry and spatial risk factors, in addition to contact-network risk factors, which were obtained from the social network analyses, on time to first ISAV infection was estimated using a multivariable Cox proportional hazards model. Five variables were retained in the final fitted model: co-existing multiple generations on a farm (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.585), mean smolt weight at stocking greater than 120 g (HR = 1.165), farm area (per km2) (HR = 1.005), and increased number of shipments entering a farm, i.e. the farm input degree (HR = 1.876) were associated with reduced time to infection; whereas time-to-infection was longer for farms located farther from an ongoing ISAV outbreak (HR = 0.943). It was demonstrated that movements of latently infected fish resulted in approximately 7 outbreaks, and potentially explain about 6% of the total number of cases during the epidemic. Results from this study provide new information about the mechanisms of spread of ISAV in one the largest documented ISAV epidemics in the world. Findings may be used to support the design and implementation of risk-based surveillance and control programs that may help to prevent, detect and control future ISAV outbreaks.  相似文献   

Caliciviruses are known to cause different diseases in many animal species. The bovine enteric caliciviruses (BEC) are associated with diarrhoea in cattle. These viruses have been classified in the genus Norovirus and are closely related to human noroviruses, the leading cause of gastroenteritis in humans. This has raised questions about zoonotic transmission and an animal reservoir for the human viruses. Two samples from 41 stool samples collected for diagnostic purposes from diarrheic cattle in Aulendorf, Germany tested positive for BEC. The samples were amplified with new degenerate BEC specific primers, which amplify a 263 bp portion of the RNA polymerase region. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences showed that these viruses are most closely related to the Norovirus genogroup III/2 (Bo/NLV/Newbury-2/76/UK) viruses.  相似文献   

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is produced by granulosa cells of early-antral follicles found on the ovary. After production, it enters circulation and can be detected from a blood sample with an ELISA. Multiple works have found that circulating AMH is a reliable marker of the antral follicle population (AFP) of an animal as well as directly correlated to an animal's response to a superovulation protocol. Research has also found high repeatability within an animal's oestrous cycle. Further use of AMH may be valuable as a reproductive management tool, based on previous research linking productive life with circulating AMH in heifers and success to various breeding protocols by AMH concentration. The aim of this review was to summarize previous works describing basic function of AMH as well as explore recent research examining AMH as a reproductive tool and measurement of fertility in dairy animals.  相似文献   

《African Zoology》2013,48(2):244-253
In South Africa, relatively small, but healthy populations of Opsaridium peringueyi remain in the middle reaches of the Luvuvhu, Blyde, Sabie and Pongolo Rivers. The species may be extinct in some rivers like the Shingwedzi and lower-Olifants and its status is uncertain in the Crocodile and lower Komati/Mlumati Rivers. In many cases the rivers are transformed by the combined impact of alien species, dams and weirs, water abstraction, water regulation, pollution from industrial, agricultural, mining, forestry and urban areas as well as by sedimentation. These factors have caused the species distribution to become fragmented and have made it vulnerable to possible extinction. Because of the transformed nature of river systems in South Africa, the use of older historical data for biodiversity planning and conservation assessments might increase the risk of underrating conservation status and risks.  相似文献   

In spring 2009 several cases of infestation with Ornithonyssus bacoti (?tropical rat mite?) in pet rodents have been diagnosed at the Institute of Parasitology, University of Zurich. Although adequate animal hosts were present, owners also became victims of mite infestation. The owners presented cutaneous lesions such as pruritic red papules partly with a central vesicle, predominantly disposed in groups. Particularly children with close body contact to their pet rodents were strongly affected. Because the definite diagnosis was usually yielded at a late time-point, the medical treatment remained unsatisfactory in some cases. The mite-infestation of the pets was mostly detected after the owners also became affected. The owners noticed merely non-specific signs such as increased restlessness, itching and shaggy coat on their animals. Efficient healing was achieved only if the parasites were completely eliminated, i.e. also the pets were treated, the cages cleaned and the apartments professionally disinfested. A definite diagnosis of ?Infestation with Ornithonyssus bacoti? is only possible by means of morphological identification on an isolated mite, which is most likely to be found in the environment of the animals. Pet owners should be informed about the zoonotic potential of O. bacoti.  相似文献   

Recent collections of the Asian fish tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi in the Rio Grande have raised concern about the potential impacts on Rio Grande endemic and imperiled fishes. The objectives of this study were to determine distribution and definitive hosts of the Asian fish tapeworm within the Rio Grande drainage and to quantify occurrences and abundances. In total, 1,992 fish spanning 11 families were collected and examined for Asian fish tapeworms in the Rio Grande and the Pecos and Devils rivers. The parasite was collected from red shiners Cyprinella lutrensis, Tamaulipas shiners Notropis braytoni, sand shiners N. stramineus, river carpsuckers Carpiodes carpio, plains killifish Fundulus zebrinus, western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis, blue suckers Cycleptus elongatus, blacktail shiners Cyprinella venusta, proserpine shiners Cyprinella proserpina, and Manantial roundnose minnow Dionda argentosa, with the latter four species being new host records. Monthly collections of red shiners from Big Bend National Park exhibited prevalence levels above 15% in January-March and December and below 10% during April-June and October. With over 50% of the Rio Grande icthyofauna in Texas considered imperiled, the occurrence and pathological effects of the Asian fish tapeworm in combination with reduced water quantity and quality and increased habitat fragmentation are of concern for these taxa.  相似文献   

Background: Parapoxviruses are zoonotic viruses that infect cattle, goats and sheep; there have also been reports of infections in camels, domestic cats and seals.

Objective: The objective of this report was to describe a case of vesicular disease caused by pseudocowpox virus (PCPV) in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Brazil.

Animals: Sixty buffalo less than 6 months old exhibited ulcers and widespread peeling of the tongue epithelium. There were no cases of vesicular disease in pigs or horses on the same property.

Methods: Samples were analysed by PCR and sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis in MEGA 7.01 was reconstructed using major envelope protein (B2L) by the Tamura three-parameter nucleotide substitution model and the maximum likelihood and neighbor joining models, both with 1000 bootstrap replicates. The genetic distance between the groups was analysed in MEGA using the maximum composite likelihood model. The rate variation among sites was modeled using gamma distribution.

Results: The presence of PCPV in the buffalo herd could be demonstrated in epithelium and serum. The minimum genetic distance between the isolated PCPV strain (262-2016) and orf virus and bovine papular stomatitis virus was 6.7% and 18.4%, respectively. The maximum genetic distance calculated was 4.6% when compared with a PCPV detected in a camel.

Conclusions/Clinical Importance: The peculiar position of the isolated strain in the phylogenetic trees does not necessarily indicate a different kind of PCPV that infects buffalo. More samples from cattle and buffalo in Brazil must be sequenced and compared to verify if PCPV from buffalo are genetically different from samples derived from cattle.  相似文献   

During the past decade, Fascioloides magna, the large American liver fluke, has spread within free-living deer in wetlands of the Danube in Lower Austria. The aim of this study was to determine the current infection rates with F. magna and other digenean parasites in the intermediate host snail Galba truncatula from risk areas in Lower Austria. A total of 3444 G. truncatula were collected and examined microscopically for the presence of digenean trematodes. A set of randomly selected snails and isolated trematode stages were also investigated molecular biologically by PCR and sequencing. Digenean parasites were detected with a prevalence of 2.41% (1.83% Paramphistomoidea; 0.46% Echinostomatoidea; 0.09% Strigeida; 0.06% Plagiorchiida). F. magna was found with an overall prevalence of 0.23%, which may indicate a recovery of the parasite population in spite of an ongoing triclabendazole treatment programme. Moreover, high risk areas and a seasonality of infections were observed.  相似文献   

Adults of Gurltia paralysans were obtained from veins of the spinal cord subarachnoid space from three domestic cats presenting with chronic paraparesis/paraplegia from rural areas of southern Chile. Four adult nematodes were collected (2 males and 2 females) were recovered from cat 1, 14 adult nematodes (12 females and 2 males) from cat 2, and 12 nematodes (10 females and 2 males) were collected from cat 3. Parasite induced lesions that compromised subarachnoid vein microvasculature at the thoracic, lumbar, sacral spinal cord segments extending to conus medularis. Female nematodes measured 25 mm long (range=25-30 mm) and 0.1mm wide. Male measured a mean of 16 mm length (range=13-18 mm) with a body diameter of 0.1mm (range=0.08-0.15 mm). The present study described structural features of G. paralysans, a rare parasite first reported in the 1930s, and provides additional reports on associated clinical and pathological findings in naturally infected domestic cats.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether N(ε)-hexanoyl lysine (N(ε)-HEL) and acrolein reflect the severity of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity. Immunoexpression of N(ε)-HEL and acrolein in kidneys and their urinary concentration were examined up to day 4 post-cisplatin injection in rats. Cisplatin-induced tubular injury was observed histopathologically on days 2-4 after injection and became more severe time-dependently. On days 2-4, N(ε)-HEL and acrolein were immunostained in the cytoplasm of damaged tubular cells. Their immunostaining intensity and urinary levels increased as tubular injury became more severe. These results suggest that expressions of N(ε)-HEL and acrolein were associated with the pathogenesis of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

Localization and activity levels of the following digestive enzymes in the intestine of free-living large-scaled gurnard were determined: non-specific esterase, alkaline and acid phosphatase as well as aminopeptidase. Enzymatic activity of the four enzymes was confirmed in all intestine parts but with different distribution through the enterocytes and varying in diverse intensity according to intestine part. This research is part of a broader research project on the biology of economically important fish from the Adriatic Sea. Our study reveals that in the large-scaled gurnard, the middle and posterior intestinal segments play the major role in digestion and absorption of proteins, whereas all parts of the intestine participate in lipid absorption and intracellular digestion. The high protein and lipid content in the diet of the large-scaled gurnard is most likely responsible for high activities of esterase, alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase, as they are involved in digestion and absorption of proteins and lipids.  相似文献   

Interferon-γ-inducible-lysosomal thiol reductase (GILT) plays a key role in the processing and presentation of MHC class II-restricted antigen (Ag) by catalyzing disulfide bond reduction. In this study, a sheep cDNA, sGILT, encoding GILT protein was isolated from the spleen cDNA library of Ovis aries. It codes for a deduced protein of 244 amino acids with a putative molecular weight of 27.6 kDa, which has all the typical structural features of GILT protein including an active-site CXXC motif, a GILT signature sequence CQHGX(2)ECX(2)NX(4)C, and 5 conserved cysteines. Sequence comparison indicated the amino acid sequence of sGILT showed high identity to cow GILT (93.03%). Phylogenetic analysis showed that sGILT and cow GILT shared the greatest homology. The result of real-time PCR suggested that sGILT mRNA was expressed in a tissue-specific manner and obviously up-regulated in splenocytes and PBMCs after induction with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Recombinant sGILT fused with His(6) tag was efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) and purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. Its expression was confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting analysis. Thiol reductase activity was assessed using antibody as the substrate. These results suggest that sGILT has the activity of disulfide bond reduction and indicate that sheep also express a protein that has been found to maintain first line of innate immune defense at basal level.  相似文献   



To evaluate dexmedetomidine, midazolam and dexmedetomidine–midazolam for sedation and antinociception in tegus.

Study design

Prospective, crossover, randomized, blinded study.


Six healthy tegus (Salvator merianae) weighing 1.6 ± 0.3 kg.


Tegus were administered intramuscularly saline (0.5 mL; CON), dexmedetomidine (0.2 mg kg?1; DX), midazolam (1 mg kg?1; MZ) and dexmedetomidine–midazolam (same doses; DM). Heart rate (HR) and respiratory frequency (fR) were recorded before treatment (baseline) and 15, 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 hours after the treatments. Sedation scores were recorded according to resistance to manual restraint, posture and response to noxious stimulus, at baseline and 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 hours after the treatments. Antinociception was evaluated by measurement of latency of limb withdrawal reflex (LWR) to thermal stimulus, recorded at baseline and 15 minutes, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours after the treatments.


Lower HR (DX and DM) and fR (MZ, DX and DM) than CON were measured 15 minutes after the treatment and for up to 6 hours. Sedation was mild to moderate in MZ, deep in DM and absent in DX, although animals showed behavioral changes in DX, with increase in aggressiveness. Median (interquartile range) duration of sedation were 170 (50; 235) minutes in MZ and 230 (115; 235) minutes in DM. Recovery period was prolonged in both treatments, surpassing the duration of the experiment. Higher LWR than CON was detected from 15 minutes until 12 hours in DX and DM.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Midazolam provided sedation without antinociception, and dexmedetomidine provided antinociception without sedation. Drug combination increased the duration of sedation but not antinociception. Due to increased duration of sedation, reversal of effects with flumazenil and atipamezole should be considered after conclusion of clinical procedures.  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniosis caused by Leishmania infantum is a zoonotic disease in the Mediterranean basin. We report an epidemiological survey carried out in dogs from the municipality of Alijó in the endemic region of Alto Douro (north Portugal). Performance of the direct agglutination test (DAT) was assessed in 205 matching samples of blood collected on filter paper and serum. A high degree of agreement (97.6%; k = 0.83) was found between the results obtained from both types of samples. DAT was then used to test more blood on filter paper (B-FP) samples from other dogs of the same municipality. The detected sero-prevalence was 18.7% (288/1540), with values ranging from 0.0 to 81.1% in each of the 19 parishes of Alijó. Three distinct geographical zones of mean sero-prevalence could be defined: northwestern (2.5%), intermediate (11.4%) and southern (49.9%). No statistically significant difference was observed between male (19.1%) and female (17.8%) sero-prevalences (P = 0.560). Dogs of 9-11 years of age showed the highest sero-prevalence (28.4%), but all the other age-intervals (0-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 12-17 years) presented values (15.0-22.3%) not significantly different from the mean of the whole study population. Risk factors for canine Leishmania infection were age and geographical zone. Only 5.9% of the sero-positive animals had clinical signs of canine leishmaniosis and the overall prevalence of disease was 1.1%. This study validates the use of B-FP samples and confirms DAT as a simple and sensitive serological test to evaluate the level of canine Leishmania infection in areas of high sero-prevalence.  相似文献   

Snapper had been cultured in Malaysia since 1980 due to the fry availability and the high demand. However, details on the caligids infestation were not properly documented. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence, mean intensity and site preference of Caligus rotundigenitalis (Caligidae, Siphonostomatoida) a parasitic copepod on cage cultured crimson snapper, Lutjanus erythropterus from Bukit Tambun, Penang, Malaysia. A total of 70 specimens of cultured snapper were examined based on different infestation sites such as head, body as well as operculum. The specimens were separated into three groups according to the size of the fish. C. rotundigenitalis was found to be the only species infesting L. erythropterus with the prevalence and the mean intensity of 81.4% and 5.6±4.4, respectively. There was a significant difference between the prevalence of site infestation of the body and inner operculum sites. The prevalence of C. rotundigenitalis was highest on inner operculum of the fish followed by the body and head. However, there was no significant difference in the distribution of C. rotundigenitalis over the different infestation sites derived from the three groups. The information obtained from this study can be used for more effective control measures of ectoparasitic copepod infestation in floating cages.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the epidemiology of leptospirosis in rural areas of Ciénaga de Oro, Córdoba, Colombia, a convenience sampling was carried out on 13 farms. The sample size was 325 reproductive age cows, 11 canine samples, and 20 humans. The samples were subjected to MAT analysis with 11 serogroups of Leptospira interrogans sensu lato. Once the MAT results were received, urine samples were collected from 78 cows, along with 39 water samples, for bacteriological cultures and PCR for the 16S rRNA gene in L. interrogans sensu lato. Positive PCR samples were sequenced to determine the possible genome species. The leptospirosis seroprevalence was 74.5% in the cattle, 70.0% in the dogs, and 45.5% in the humans. Although isolation was not achieved, L. interrogans sensu lato was detected by PCR in three urine samples and in a sample of wastewater. The sequencing confirmed the circulation of pathogenic species. The high prevalence of antibodies for L. interrogans sensu lato and the molecular evidence led to the inference that the rural areas of Ciénaga de Oro are endemic and that cattle can act as renal carriers and contaminate water sources, which increases the risk of contracting leptospirosis.  相似文献   

A survey for oestrosis was carried out in the slaughterhouse at Messine (Sicily) from May 1996 to April 1998. The heads of sheep from local flocks were collected each month. A total of 841 heads were examined according to a validated procedure. 469 (55.8%) were infested by OEstrus ovis larvae. 4423 larvae were harvested: 1829 first instar larvae or L1 (41.4%), 1286 second instar larvae or L2 (29.1%) and 1308 third instar larvae or L3 (29.6%). The mean larval burden for infected sheep was 9.4 larvae with an average of 3.9 L1, 2.7 L2 and 2.8 L3. No period of hypobiosis was recorded. The proportions of larvae in each of the different larval stages was similar from January to September, however, from October to December the percentage of L1 was higher, indicating a period of slowed development. In order to lower the overall prevalence of this disease, it would be necessary to use a parasiticide effective against O. ovis, for all routine parasite control treatments.  相似文献   

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