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2月2日,湖南省委新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作领导小组办公室下发了关于保障"菜篮子"产品和农业生产资料正常生产流通的紧急通知。通知指出,当前新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控形势依然十分严峻,部分地区为了防止疫情的扩散蔓延,采取了不同程度的交通管制和禁止企业复产复工等措施,导致少数地区"菜篮子"产品运不出来,畜禽养殖所需兽药、饲料等投入品运不进去,畜禽屠宰和兽药、饲料等企业无法正开工生产。  相似文献   

张金辉 《猪业科学》2020,37(3):142-143
2020年新年伊始,一场突如其来的新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)肺炎疫情扰乱了大家的生活,举国上下同舟共济、众志成城,打响了一场没有硝烟的疫情阻击战。为了减少人员聚集、降低疫情传播的风险,全国采取了居家隔离、延长春节假期、临时交通管制等防控措施。随着这些措施的实施,饲料的运输供应中断、饲养人员不能按时返岗,生猪销售受阻等,一系列棘手的问题摆在了养猪人面前。疫情对养猪业造成了较大的冲击,应该如何应对?  相似文献   

牛传染性胸膜肺炎是由丝状支原体感染所导致的一种接触性传染病.患病牛主要临床症状为体温升高、呼吸急促困难、皮下水肿,严重的甚至窒息死亡,影响我国养牛业的发展,造成巨大的经济损失.由于我国养殖人员对该疫病缺乏足够的认识,导致无法及时对该病进行有效的诊断治疗,进而引起疫情持续发展.因此,本文归纳总结了牛传染性胸膜肺炎的病因、临床症状、流行特点、诊断治疗及防控措施,以期更好的预防牛传染性胸膜肺炎,减少我国养牛业经济损失.  相似文献   

正2019年底暴发的新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情给人民群众的生命安全和身体健康造成了重大威胁。各地区、各级各部门采取延期复工、居家隔离、区域交通管制、禁止野生动物交易等多种防控措施,有效阻击了疫情的蔓延态势,也在一定程度上影响了"菜篮子"产品等生活生产  相似文献   

印遇龙 《中国猪业》2020,15(1):19-20
<正>一、新型冠状病毒肺炎期间我国畜牧业受影晌严重自2020年1月湖北省武汉市爆发新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV)肺炎以来,2019-nCoV感染已经扩散至全国所有的省、自治区、直辖市、香港、澳门和台湾地区,确诊和疑似病例数还在持续攀升,疫情异常严峻,甚至可能远超2003年SARS危害。目前全国所有的省、自治区、直辖市均已启动重大突发公共卫生事件Ⅰ级响应。世界卫生组织亦宣布新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情为国际关注突发公共卫生事件。为了坚决打赢新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控狙击战,党中央、国务院高度重视,对防控工作作出了一系列重要部署。习总书记强调把人民群众生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,把疫情防控工作作为当前最重要的工作来抓,要确保肉蛋奶等"菜篮子"产品和农业生产资料等的民生需求,积极组织肉类等副食品生产,加强物质调配和市场供应。  相似文献   

从新型冠状病毒肺炎谈动物冠状病毒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
始于2019年底的新型冠状病毒肺炎(Coronavirus Disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情至今已逐步演变为全球大流行态势。我国防控工作付出了巨大代价,取得了显著成效,但此次疫情造成的恐慌及其对国民经济、公共卫生的影响仍在继续。有关这次疫情病源及易感宿主的猜论,也对我国畜牧、宠物行业带来了一定的冲击。本文从病原学分类、易感宿主、传播途径等角度对新型冠状病毒及几种重要动物冠状病毒进行阐述,旨在为广大人民群众及养殖从业人员在了解常见动物冠状病毒危害的同时,消除疑虑,进一步增强对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控的信心。  相似文献   

对湖南省牛羊养殖企业(户)通过互联网问卷调查,统计分析了新型冠状病毒疫情对湖南省牛羊养殖业的影响,并提出在疫情下做好牛羊疫病防控的建议。  相似文献   

正近日,德阳市组织召开市农业农村局应对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情工作领导小组会议,传达学习习近平总书记关于新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情的重要指示精神和市委、市政府疫情防控工作要求,安排部署疫情防控工作。德阳市委农办主任、市农业农村局局长张国际对做好新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情防控工作提出四点要求。  相似文献   

正近期,德国、英国等欧美国家肉类加工企业相继出现了新冠肺炎聚集性疫情,屠宰、分割、存储、包装等工作场所多为人员密集的低温封闭环境,存在较大的病毒传播风险。为科学指导肉类加工企业做好新型冠状病毒感染肺炎(以下简称"新冠肺炎")疫情防控工作,有针对性地提高肉类加工企业的防控意识和防控能力,国务院应对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情联防联控机制综合组印发了  相似文献   

正2020年1月29日,为进一步做好新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控工作,采取与I级响应相对应的处置措施,内江市农业农村局召开局疫情防控工作领导小组成员会议,对各项应急处置工作进行再次安排部署。会议要求,一是提高政治站位,切实增强新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控工作的责任感和紧迫感,做到思路清晰、措施明确,一切行动听指挥。二  相似文献   

Epizootics of BT outside Africa have occurred in the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, Spain and Portugal, and the United States of America. The disease has only been eradicated from a major region once, this being Spain and Portugal in 1956-60 when it was achieved by quarantine, compulsory vaccination and slaughter of some infected animals. Because of the serious economic effect that BT would have on the Australian sheep industry the policy in this country is to attempt eradication, if at all feasible. The prospects of eradication will be greatly enhanced if the disease can be diagnosed quickly, when the outbreak is still localised. The laboratory diagnosis of BT involves inoculation of blood samples, collected from febrile animals on the suspect property, into groups of susceptible sheep in insect-proof quarters. The diagnosis would be confirmed at the reference laboratory in South Africa by serological and other identity tests. The diagnosis of an outbreak that originated in the northern cattle areas might be very difficult, because of the probable mild clinical nature of the disease in cattle. It is suggested that sentinel sheep flocks be maintained in these areas in strategic places near likely points of entry. Control measures, based on current knowledge of the epizootiology and pathogenesis of bluetongue; are discussed. The disease is transmitted by Culicoides that ingest infected blood from viraemic ruminants. Control is based on reducing the number of viraemic ruminants in the infected area, reducing the population density of Culicoides, and reducing the availability of susceptible ruminants. It is vital to prevent the movement of potentially infected ruminants to new localities. Contingent plans for the eradication of an epizootic of BT in Australia have been prepared. These call for the creation of two control zones. In the inner infected area, which extends for about five miles around known infected farms, there would be an intensive disinsection programme with aerial and ground spraying. Ruminants in the infected area would probably be slaughtered. The quarantine zone would extend for another 50 miles and in this area there would be prohibition of the movement of ruminants from farms. Regular clinical inspections and serological surveys would be carried out to detect secondary outbreaks. If control measures failed, it might be necessary to mount urgently a massive vaccination campaign to prevent disastrous losses to the Australian sheep industry. The difficulties in obtaining sufficient quantities of monovalent vaccine from overseas at short notice are discussed. Plans have been made to produce BT vaccine in Australia, in a specially designed high security laboratory, should the need arise.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis is an ongoing problem in Ireland, and herd incidence has remained at approximately 5% for some years. Spillover of infection from cattle to people remains an ever-present possibility, given the ongoing pool of infection in the Irish cattle population. This paper describes an outbreak of tuberculosis affecting cattle and people on a dairy farm in southeastern Ireland following the consumption of milk from a seven-year-old cow with tuberculous mastitis. Twenty-five of 28 calves born during autumn 2004 and spring 2005 were subsequently identified as TB reactors, and five of six family members were positive on the Mantoux test. During 2005, milk from this cow had mainly been used to feed calves, and was added only occasionally to the bulk tank. Therefore, the calves each received infected milk on an almost continuous basis between birth and weaning. The family collected milk from the bulk milk tank, and consumed it without pasteurisation. This case highlights the risks associated with the consumption of raw milk. In this family, TB has had a very significant impact on the health of two young children. These risks are well recognised, and relevant information for farmers is available. It is of concern, therefore, that raw milk consumption remains prevalent on Irish farms. New strategies are needed, in partnership with industry, to address this important issue. Keywords: bovine tuberculosis, Ireland, mastitis, milk, Mycobacterium bovis, pasteurisation, TB, zoonosis.  相似文献   

The Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands in 2007-2010 prompted government interventions to reduce the human incidence by reduction of Q fever shedding at dairy goat farms. Mandatory hygiene measures were taken, including the control of animal reservoirs. It has been postulated that brown rats, through their commensal nature, form an important factor in the persistent dissemination of endemic circulating Coxiella burnetii in nature to domestic animals, livestock and humans. Here, the occurrence of C. burnetii in rats captured at different types of location during the Q fever outbreak in the Netherlands, viz. urban areas, nature areas and various types of farm has been determined. This is a first step towards the elucidation of the reservoir status of rats in veterinary and human Q fever epidemiology. C. burnetii DNA was detected in the spleen of 4.9% of the brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) and 3.0% of the black rats (Rattus rattus). Evidence for C. burnetii infection was also found in liver, kidney, lung and intestinal tissue but not in heart, brain and pancreas. C. burnetii IgGs were detected in 15.8% of the brown rats. Positive rats were collected at goat, pig, cattle and poultry farms, and urban locations; including locations outside the designated 5km "increased-risk" zones around bulk milk positive goat farms. The percentage of rat-positive locations was the highest for goat farms (50%) and cattle farms (14.3%). The presence of actively infected rats outside the lambing season and at multiple environmental settings including urban locations might suggest that rats are not merely a spill-over host due to infection by a contaminated environment but might represent true reservoirs, capable of independent maintenance of C. burnetii infection cycles and thereby contributing to spread and transmission of the pathogen. If frequent (re)introduction of C. burnetii to small ruminant farms can be caused by rats as maintenance reservoirs, mandatory wildlife control and lifelong vaccination of herds will be necessary.  相似文献   

Ionophores are feed additives that alter rumen microbial populations through ion transfer across cell membranes. Although ionophores have been used widely in the beef industry for improved feed efficiency and control of coccidiosis, there has been limited use by the dairy industry. In Canada, the label warning prohibiting the use of monensin premix in lactating dairy cattle was removed in June 1996. Following this, in December 1997, a controlled release capsule containing monensin was approved for use in dairy cattle as an aid to prevent subclinical ketosis. Monensin may have several advantages for dairy cattle, including improved energy metabolism, increased milk production, and altered milk components. This literature review was primarily conducted in 1996 by using the Agricola and CAB search databases. Other relevant articles published since the search (up to 1998) have been added. This review will provide practitioners with relevant references in the published literature regarding ionophore use in dairy cattle. It should also give some guidance as to what effects might be anticipated with the use of ionophores in lactating dairy animals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe animal production on small farms in the Kaski district of Nepal, with the goal of identifying areas where animal health and productivity could be improved. Eighty-five randomly selected farms from four different Village Development Committees were visited. Farmers were interviewed and premises and animals visually inspected on all farms. Feed samples were collected from a subset of farms. The most commonly kept species were water buffalo (used for milk and meat), cattle (used for milk and labor), and goats (used for meat). Average milk production levels were 4.7?kg/day for water buffalo and 1.9?kg/day for cattle. All animals were milked manually, no calves were weaned, and only one farm practiced artificial insemination. A majority of cattle and goats had access to pasture, and a majority of farms fed their working or producing animals concentrates; however, nutritional input was insufficient in terms of energy, protein, and micronutrient content to increase levels of production. Goat-raising was the most profitable endeavor, followed by water buffalo and cattle. We conclude that animals have the potential to contribute significantly to improved livelihoods of farmers in terms of both income generation and non-tangible benefits. However, we found that significant constraints on animal production exist, including insufficient nutritional levels and a lack of preventative care resulting in animal disease. Furthermore, cultural considerations reflecting attitudes toward cattle shape farming in ways that may limit production. Nevertheless, targeted interventions that improve animal health and productivity are possible without being cost prohibitive.  相似文献   

Bovine neosporosis is a parasitic disease produced by Neospora caninum that induces abortion in cows, and consequently has a negative impact on the herd's reproductive efficiency. The main objective of this research was to determine the serological evidence of N. caninum in cattle herds from Venezuela using an indirect antibody capture ELISA test. Four hundred and fifty-nine (459) serum samples from crossbred adult cows were collected to be tested for Neospora antibodies. The sampled cows came from 15 large farms located in eight important cattle states that have predominant dual-purpose production systems (cattle from these farms are used for both milk and meat production). Fifty-two cows (11.3%) were seropositive to N. Caninum. Thirteen (86.7%) of 15 studied herds had cows seropositive to N. caninum. The average within-herd seroprevalence was 11.5% (range 3.8-36.7%). Cows that aborted in some of these farms had 2.71 (P: 0.009) greater odds to be seropositive when compared to cows that did not abort. Each one of the eight states represented in our study had seropositive animals. These results are the first evidence of exposure to N. caninum in Venezuelan cattle herds, indicating the possible circulation of this pathogen in the country. Further epidemiological studies should be granted to determine the spread of the disease in the Venezuelan cattle industry and its associated risk factors.  相似文献   

赵玉  屈勇刚 《中国猪业》2021,16(2):69-73
近年来,猪的口蹄疫疫情时有发生,面对具有高度传染性的疫病,尤其在国内规模化、集约化的养殖场中,一旦发生疫情不利于控制,极易造成疫情大范围暴发,因此采取必要的预防和控制措施仍然是关键所在。本文以口蹄疫为例,简述口蹄疫的特点,并通过选址与布局、生产管理、可移动风险和疫病防控等4个方面,阐明构建猪场生物安全体系是防控疫病的重点和核心,以期为规模化猪场应对重大疫病、建设绿色健康可持续发展的规模化猪场提供有效帮助,促进养殖业健康发展。  相似文献   

现代规模化牛场发展迅速,为市民提供大量优良奶源和畜肉,但同时牛场产生粪便、污水等废弃物排泄量增加,大部分牛场不能规范化处理,粪污堆积在生产区域,不光对周围土壤、空气和水体造成污染,还影响牛场的正常养殖生产秩序,对生态环境危害严重,影响养牛业绿色可持续发展,因此牛粪的处理和资源化利用问题急需解决。为了稳定、无害的处理粪污,将规模化牛场粪污作资源化处理利用,不仅可以解决牛场粪污污染问题,还能实现粪污资源最大化利用,具有重要意义。本文分析了牛粪的营养成分以及规模化牛场粪污造成的环境污染问题,简述了粪污资源化利用的目的、原则和预期效果,介绍了牛粪资源化利用的现有途径和方式,其中主要包括能源化、基质化、饲料化、燃料化、肥料化、氧化塘发酵后再利用等方法,以期通过分析多种资源化处理技术,将其根据具体情况应用,或者多种技术搭配实施,避免单一技术存在的局限性,为不同养殖环境情况下的粪污处理提供参考,为现代化养牛业低碳可持续发展提供借鉴。在未来应继续加大规模化牛场粪污资源化利用力度,科学合理制定各地区养殖场的粪污处理规划和资源化利用模式,监测周围环境质量并作出有效控制,促进畜牧业健康发展,为畜牧业循环经济和综合利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

Two lungworm outbreaks in dairy herds were investigated in order to estimate the resulting economic costs. On the two farms, with 110 and 95 cows, total costs were estimated at ?59 and ?67 per cow, respectively. Overall, milk production reduced by 15 to 20 per cent during the outbreaks. Five cows died on one farm, while on the other farm seven cows died as a result of the lungworm outbreak. On one farm, 51.7 per cent of the total costs was due to reduced milk production and 33.1 per cent was due to disposal of dead animals. On the other farm, it was 36.3 and 50.9 per cent, respectively. The remaining 13 to 15 per cent of the total costs were due to extra inseminations, laboratory diagnosis and treatments. The history and development of the outbreaks are described. One lesson from these outbreaks is that recognising that potentially lungworm-na?ve animals are to be introduced into the adult herd allows for timely measures (for example, vaccination) to prevent a lungworm outbreak.  相似文献   

The paper describes the epidemiological investigation carried out on two dairy farms with cattle infected with Taenia saginata cysts. On the first affected farm it was estimated using Bayesian techniques that approximately 65% of 1400 mixed-age cattle were infected with Taenia saginata cysts. The investigation aimed to determine potential exposure pathways of cattle to Taenia saginata with a view to finding the human source of infection and to describe the epidemiology of the outbreak on the affected farms. In order to determine potential exposure pathways, investigation was centred on how feed or water could have been contaminated with eggs. The plausibility of pathways was determined by examining the spatial and temporal association between factors related to the pathway and the prevalence of infection in cattle strata. We describe the investigation carried out on affected farms.  相似文献   

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