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用布鲁氏菌虎红平板凝集试验对采自大埔县545犬血清进行布鲁氏菌抗体检测,然后用布鲁氏菌试管凝集方法对阳性样品或可疑阳性样品进行确诊,检测结果为抗体阳性数6份,抗体阳性率1.1%。其中散养犬只抗体阳性数2份,抗体阳性率0.4%;犬养殖场犬只抗体阳性数0份,抗体阳性率0%;农贸市场肉用犬抗体阳性数4份,抗体阳性率0.7%。结果表明我县的犬和外地输入大埔县的肉用犬都存在布鲁氏菌的感染。  相似文献   

江苏沛县郝寨镇“犬业大王”樊宪涛为了选育优良品种的种犬,对一些不理想的犬,特别是公犬需要淘汰时,对其进行阉割。实践证明,去势后的犬不仅性情变得温顺,便于饲养和调教,狩猎和看家护院的能力明显增强,而且生长迅速,肉质细嫩。近几年,樊宪涛饲养的肉用犬越来越多,广泛  相似文献   

<正>随着改革开放和市场经济的发展,我国养犬业也得到迅速发展。犬由看家护院发展到肉用犬、小型玩赏犬、宠物伴侣犬、军警犬、实验犬等有特殊贡献的养殖业。藏獒养殖以是我省养犬业的支柱产业。由于我国养犬技术水平甚低,饲养不科学,除犬的传染病、寄生虫病、内外科疾病外,营养代谢病较为普遍.目前哺乳母獒产后低钙血病在犬病门诊已成为常见病,临床症状也比较缓和。对来诊病獒采取急救补钙措施后,大多数病獒症状很快消失,恢复正常。  相似文献   

犬伪狂犬病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国养犬历史悠久,是个养犬大国。过去,犬主要是用来看家护院,随着我国改革开放和市场经济的发展,工作犬、玩赏犬、肉用犬的饲养也迅速发展起来。目前,据初步统计,我国养犬数量已达1亿多只。随着犬的数量的增长,犬病也日益增多。作者在临床中发现犬伪狂犬病有日益增多的趋势。犬伪狂犬病发病突然,没有有效的治疗方法,死亡率高,可达100%。该病的危害日显严重,给众多的养犬者带来了较大的经济损失及严重的心理创伤,为了引起大家的重视和对该病有一较全面的认识,现将该病介绍如下:  相似文献   

应用正向间接血凝试验对东莞市采集的977份犬血清和126份猫血清进行了衣原体抗体检测,检测结果为犬抗体阳性28份,抗体阳性率2.87%;其中散养犬只抗体阳性数24份,抗体阳性率2.96%,三鸟批发市场肉用犬抗体阳性数3份,抗体阳性率3.61%,犬养殖抗体阳性数1份,抗体阳性率1.2%。猫抗体阳性3份,抗体阳性率2.38%。结果表明我市的犬、猫和外地输入东莞市的肉用犬都存在衣原体的感染。  相似文献   

1 发病情况  2 0 0 0年 9月 2 3日发现一头幼训犬出现呕吐、便血 ,迅速脱水等症状 ,到 1 0月 1 6日相同症状犬蔓延到进口种犬群和繁殖队犬群 ,发病总数达 86只 ,发病年龄 45日龄至 4月龄。进口德国牧羊犬幼犬死亡率为 1 0 0 % ,昆明犬死亡率约为 2 5 %。 1 1月 2 7日 ,一窝进  相似文献   

1 发病情况  某养犬场在 1 998年 1 0月份共存栏 789只犬 ,其中 3~ 4月龄的幼犬 42 0只 ,青年犬和成年犬 36 9只。进入 1 1月份后 ,犬群陆续发病 ,尤以幼犬为重。病程 4~ 7天 ,病犬开始死亡 ,病初 7天每天死亡 3~ 5只 ,以后逐日增加 ,至 1 1月 2 0日发病数达 46 0只 ,发病率为 5 8.3% ,其中幼犬占发病率的47%左右 ,死亡 1 2 0只 ,病亡率为 1 5 .2 % ,其中幼犬占死亡率的 1 3%。2 临床症状  病犬精神萎靡 ,体温升高至40℃~ 41 .5℃ ,呈稽留热型。咳嗽 ,食欲不振或废绝。粘膜苍白 ,呼吸困难 ,多数呈腹式呼吸 ,达 85~ 1 2 0次 / min。…  相似文献   

犬肉味道鲜美,营养丰富,是非常受欢迎的美味佳肴。饲养肉用犬这一新的养殖业越来越受到人们的重视。为了发展肉用犬生产,现将肉用犬的饲养技术介绍如下,以供参考。1 品种选择 肉用犬一般选用本地品种,也可选用外地良种公犬与本地母犬杂交后再自交繁殖。2 饲养方式 肉用犬的饲养方式为圈养,要做到种公犬、种母犬、妊娠母犬、哺乳母犬、乳犬、仔犬和育肥犬分栏饲  相似文献   

近年来我县养犬户不断增加,小到宠物犬,大到看家护院犬及肉用犬,数量越来越多,犬的传染病也由此呈上升趋势。如易州镇良村张某,原来养猪,因今年上半年养猪市场不景气,于是把猪全部卖掉后开始养犬。6月11日一次购进青年犬6条、幼犬15条。饲养半个月后,其中3条幼犬和2条成犬开始发病。犬主给病犬喂了2d抗菌药不见好转,并导致1条幼犬死亡。于是来我站问诊,现将诊治情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

近 10年来 ,饲养肉用犬逐步形成一项新兴养殖业 ,不少单位和个人对群养本地犬具有较高的热情。从 1992年开始 ,我地先后有 10余家单位和个人在毕节城郊及乡村办起了不同规模的肉用犬小型养殖场 ,饲养量少的 4 0~ 70只 ,多的 10 0~ 130只 ,犬源多来自毕节乡村和邻近县的本地家养犬。这些养殖场起步不久均陆续以饲养失败而告终。在上述养殖场内犬发病期间 ,我们先后到各场就医 ,对其饲养失败的原因及防治对策 ,有一定的体会 ,总结于后 ,与同行及犬养殖户共同探讨。1 群养犬失败原因1 1 对引进犬产地的疫情情况、饲养管理状况不明 ,也没有…  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) contamination of canned foods for human use has been studied, but there are no reports concerning BPA contamination of canned pet foods. The purpose of this study was to identify the levels of BPA in canned pet foods. A total of 26 samples (15 samples of cat food and 11 samples of dog food) were prepared for analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography. BPA in the samples was extracted with acetonitrile and fat in the sample extract was removed with hexane. Solid-phase extraction was used for sample clean-up prior to final analysis. The concentration of BPA ranged from 13 to 136 ng/g in canned cat food and from 11 to 206 ng/g in dog food. Also, to confirm that the BPA had originated from the can coating, distilled water was added to each washed empty can and the cans were autoclaved at 121 degrees C for 30 min. The concentration of BPA leached from empty cans was between 7 and 31 ng/ml.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine pet‐related management factors that may be associated with the presence of Salmonella spp. in feces of pet dogs from volunteer households. From October 2005 until May 2006, 138 dogs from 84 households in Ontario were recruited to participate in a cross‐sectional study. Five consecutive daily fecal samples were collected from each dog and enrichment culture for Salmonella spp. was performed. A higher than expected number of the dogs (23.2%; 32/138) had at least one fecal sample positive for Salmonella, and 25% (21/84) of the households had at least one dog shedding Salmonella. Twelve serotypes of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica were identified, with the predominant serotypes being Typhimurium (33.3%; 13/39), Kentucky (15.4%; 6/39), Brandenburg (15.4%; 6/39) and Heidelberg (12.8%; 5/39). Univariable logistic regression models were created with a random effect for household to account for clustering. Statistically significant risk factors for a dog testing positive included having contact with livestock, receiving a probiotic in the previous 30 days, feeding a commercial or homemade raw food diet, feeding raw meat and eggs, feeding a homemade cooked diet, and having more than one dog in the household. In two‐variable models that controlled for feeding raw food, the non‐dietary variables were no longer statistically significant. These results highlight the potential public health risk of including raw animal products in canine diets.  相似文献   

The prevalence of canine toxocariasis in pet dogs in two urban towns in eastern Nigeria and the associated environmental contamination were studied through examination of 262 faecal and 400 soil samples. Infection rates in dogs varied from 6.67% to 42.35%, the prevalence rate being inversely related to the age of dogs. Sex and breed of dogs had no significant influence (P greater than 0.05) on the prevalence of infection. There was no evidence of widespread contamination of public places, as Toxocara ova were recovered only from some private premises, namely, those of a dog owner and the kennel of a veterinary hospital.  相似文献   

中国宠物犬饲养存在的问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国宠物犬饲养存在着交易市场不规范,宠物医院、美容保健院良莠不齐,缺乏检疫、免疫接种,容易传播疾病和污染环境等问题。建议政府管理部门加强监管,倡导市民文明、规范养犬,以便于宠物犬行业在我国的健康发展。  相似文献   

Small exotic mammals have been companions to people for almost as long as dogs and cats have been. The challenge for veterinary medicine today is to decipher the tea leaves and determine whether small mammals are fad or transient pets or whether they will still be popular in 20 years. This article focuses on pet small-mammal medicine, as the concerns of the laboratory animal are better known and may differ profoundly from those of a pet. Dozens of species of small exotic mammals are kept as pets. These pet small-mammal species have historically served human purposes other than companionship: for hunting, for their pelts, or for meat. Now, they are common pets. At present, most veterinary schools lack courses in the medical care of these animals. Veterinary students need at least one required class to introduce them to these pets. Currently, there are no small-mammal-only residency programs. This does not correspond with current needs. The only way to judge current needs is by assessing what employers are looking for. In a recent JAVMA classified section, almost 30% of small-animal practices in suburban/urban areas were hiring veterinarians with knowledge of exotic pets. All veterinarians must recognize that pet exotic small mammals have changed the landscape of small-animal medicine. It is a reality that, today, many small-animal practices see pet exotic small mammals on a daily basis.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to characterize the commercially available raw meat pet food diets in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area by (i) determining the number and types of available diets; (ii) assessing pet food stores and brand labels for the provision of precautionary statements regarding the risk of foodborne illness from raw meat; (ii) assessing the labels for Food and Drug Administration (FDA)/American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) required content and nutrient-related information; and (iv) culturing purchased diets for the presence of Salmonella. Sixty raw meat diets were purchased, representing 11 different brands from eight different stores. Diets were readily available in the form of raw-frozen, dehydrated or freeze-dried varieties from different protein sources, such as lamb, beef, chicken or duck. All stores promoted raw meat diets; however, none provided foodborne illness warnings. Brands varied greatly in their precautionary statements; none of the diets underwent feeding trials; and nutritional adequacy substantiation was through formulation only. The first five ingredients tended to consist of meat, organ meat (by-products), vegetables, grains and ground bones. Currently, it is required that pet foods have an AAFCO nutritional adequacy statement and provide a guaranteed analysis table. Three brands did not meet these FDA requirements. Thirty-one (51.7%) of the 60 raw meat diets underwent some degree of processing including dehydration, freeze-drying or high-pressure pasteurization. Four of the 60 raw diets (7%) tested positive for Salmonella. Analysis of raw meat pet food labels indicated a lack of foodborne illness warnings. Based on these findings, we recommend that warning statements similar to those required by the United States Department of Agriculture and placed on labels of raw meat intended for human consumption be provided on the labels of raw meat pet food diets.  相似文献   

为了解湖南省常德地区宠物犬皮肤病流行病学规律,采用回顾性查阅常德地区动物医院的病历、临床诊断及跟踪调查、显微镜检查、数据统计等方法,对该地区宠物犬皮肤病总发病率、皮肤病种类以及皮肤病的发生与宠物犬的种类、性别、年龄、季节的关系进行整理分析。结果表明:常德地区犬皮肤病的发病率为15.9%,其中发病率最高的是贵宾犬,占总皮肤病患犬病例的41.1%;发病年龄以1~3岁的幼犬发病率最高;耳部为易发部位;以混合感染为主;夏季为多发季节。  相似文献   

Ureterocolonic anastomosis and cystectomy were performed in a dog for treatment of transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. The dog remained an acceptable house pet for 10 months after surgery. However, the tumor recurred 10 months after surgery, and the dog was euthanatized. Our results indicated that the combination of ureterocolonic anastomosis and cystectomy can be an acceptable form of palliative treatment for transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder in the dog.  相似文献   

In Canada, there have been reported outbreaks of human salmonellosis related to exposure to animal-derived pet treats, involving pig ear treats, beef steak patty dog treats and pet treats of seafood origin. As a follow-up to recommendations made to the pig ear treat industry in 1999, a total of 245 pig ear treats were purchased in two Canadian cities to provide evidence of adoption of the recommendations and to determine the current levels of Salmonella contamination of pig ear treats available at pet stores. An overall prevalence of 4% was observed, with isolates exhibiting resistance to up to seven anti-microbials. Serotypes recovered included S. Bovismorbificans, S. Give, S. Derby and S. Typhimurium var. Copenhagen. Although the prevalence observed during this study is lower than the prevalence observed in 1999, pig ear treats should still be considered as a possible source of Salmonella and anti-microbial resistant bacteria to humans and dogs in Canada.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate bacterial and protozoal contamination of commercially available raw meat diets for dogs. DESIGN: Prospective longitudinal study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 240 samples from 20 raw meat diets for dogs (containing beef, lamb, chicken, or turkey), 24 samples from 2 dry dog foods, and 24 samples from 2 canned dog foods. PROCEDURE: Each product was purchased commercially on 4 dates approximately 2 months apart. Three samples from each product at each sampling period were evaluated via bacterial culture for non-type-specific Escherichia coli (NTSEC), Salmonella enterica, and Campylobacter spp. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed on selected isolates. Polymerase chain reaction assays were used to detect DNA from Cryptosporidium spp, Neospora spp, and Toxoplasma spp in samples obtained in the third and fourth sampling periods. RESULTS: One hundred fifty-three of 288 (53%) samples were contaminated with NTSEC. Both raw and prepared foods contained NTSEC during at least 1 culture period. Salmonella enterica was recovered from 17 (5.9%) samples, all of which were raw meat products. Campylobacter spp was not isolated from any samples. In 91 of 288 (31.6%) samples, there was no gram-negative bacterial growth before enrichment and in 48 of 288 (16.7%) samples, there was no aerobic bacterial growth before enrichment. Susceptibility phenotypes were variable. Cryptosporidium spp DNA was detected in 3 samples. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bacterial contamination is common in commercially available raw meat diets, suggesting that there is a risk of foodborne illness in dogs fed these diets as well possible risk for humans associated with the dogs or their environments.  相似文献   

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