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抗感染免疫是动物机体抵抗病原体感染的能力。热休克蛋白70通过激活天然免疫细胞活化等方式参与机体天然免疫.通过调节抗原递呈细胞对抗原的加工与递呈,增强免疫应答和参与免疫球蛋白组装等方式发挥对适应性免疫的影响.进而参与感染与免疫。根据国内外近年来对热休克蛋白70的研究概况.对热休克蛋白70在机体抗感染免疫中的作用进行了综述...  相似文献   

家禽疫苗的免疫途径包括饮水免疫、喷雾免疫、滴眼滴鼻免疫、皮下注射免疫、肌肉注射免疫和刺翅注射免疫等。不同疫苗所采用的免疫途径不同。1饮水  相似文献   

4.1.1 免疫分子的调节作用 抗原的调节作用抗原是在机体中引起特异性免疫应答的物质,可以是可溶性的,如毒素、异体蛋白,或是颗粒性的,如细菌。抗原是诱导免疫应答的始动因素,因此,抗原存在是免疫应答发生的前提。抗原的质和量对免疫应答  相似文献   

鸭病毒性肝炎A66弱毒苗免疫产生期及免疫持续期试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用鸭肝炎A66弱毒疫苗,经不同途径免疫1日龄雏鸭。结果,皮下注射组在免疫后2天即对ATCC强毒攻击达100%的保护率,口服组和滴鼻组在免疫后5天才能全部保护;一次饮水兔疫组和二次饮水免疫组在6日龄时对强毒攻击的保护率分别为60%和90%,用该弱毒苗免疫1日龄雏鸭和成年鸭,免疫期分别至少达45天及6个月。  相似文献   

随着畜牧业的发展,由小群体向大规模、集约化、密集型饲养方式发展,尤其是鸡由数千羽向数万羽、数十万羽饲养群体发展,控制疫病进行必要的免疫注射,而一次则要注射数十万羽鸡,耗费大量的劳动力,并对鸡多次造成应激,因此进行多抗原联合免疫,研制联合疫苗尤为重要。本项研究拟把鸡新城疫、鸡法氏囊病、鸡传染性支气管炎、减蛋综合征、鸡脑脊髓炎五种抗原联合在一起,一次免疫形成五种抗原的免疫应答,为一次免疫达到预防五种疫病的目的。1材料与方法1.1毒株新城疫病毒(NDV):我所引进保存的I。。ta毒株,滴度在1:640~1:256o。…  相似文献   

鸡痘弱毒苗几种免疫途径的安全性及免疫效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
取鸡痘弱毒苗分别以饮水、滴鼻、点眼、肌肉注射、刺翼等5种途径各免疫7日龄非免疫鸡10只,剂量为10羽份/只,免疫后观察14d,检查不同免疫方式对鸡只的安全性;同时,用1个羽份的鸡痘弱毒苗采用上述5种途径各免疫32日龄非免疫鸡20只,接种后28天,连同对照鸡只,用鸡痘强毒攻击,观察21d,比较不同免疫途径鸡痘弱毒苗对鸡只的保护效果。试验结果表明,5种途径免疫的鸡只均安全;饮水、滴鼻、点眼、肌肉注射、刺等5种途径对强毒的攻击保护率分别为60%,60%,50%,60%和100%。  相似文献   

范理 《兽医导刊》2011,(Z1):219
放养土鸡由于长期在室外自由采食和饮水,体格强健,野性较强,舍内没有准备足够的饮水设施,采用注射免疫和饮水免疫难度较大,喷雾免疫能省时省力,不干扰鸡群正常活动,在放养土鸡免疫中广泛应用,但不是所有的疫苗均能采用喷雾免疫。进行喷雾免疫应把握以下技术要点:  相似文献   

依据HI抗体水平的检测和攻毒试验比较了鸵鸟ND三种免疫程序的效果。结果表明,A组效果优于B组和C组。A组的免疫程序为:10日龄用lasota疫苗点眼滴鼻、30日龄用lasota疫苗饮水、60日龄用油苗注射,用量均为10头份/只。  相似文献   

本试验比较了3日龄及7日龄旋毛虫成虫可溶性抗原的免疫原性,比较了不同佐剂对免疫效果的影响,观察了不同免疫途径对免疫效果的影响及疫苗的免疫持续期。结果表明,3日龄及7日龄成虫可溶性抗原免疫猪所诱导产生的免疫力接近,说明免疫原性基本一致。以白油—司班佐剂乳化抗原的免疫效果优于弗氏完全佐剂(FCA)乳化抗原,其减虫率分别为86.3乏%与70.22%2而且白油—司班佐剂苗的粘稠度适中,便于注射。免疫途径对免疫效果的影响,以成虫可溶性抗原经腹腔注射(IP)的免疫效果优于肌肉注射(IM)。疫苗保存于4℃6个月不影响其免疫效力。猪免疫接种成虫可溶性抗原疫苗后免疫持续期至少6个月。  相似文献   

早已证明免疫刺激复合物在注射免疫中可起着有效的强佐剂和载体输送系统。不同抗原结合形成的ISCOM也已证明在粘膜免疫中有效。Lovgren等首次用低剂量的流感病毒ISCOM单次鼻腔接种后可诱导粘膜免疫应答而产生保护作用。进一步研究结果表明,ISCOM与霍乱毒素(CT)、大肠杆菌热依赖性毒素(LT)一样,可打破免疫耐受,表现强粘膜佐剂活性,产生分泌性IgA和系统免疫应答,鼻腔接种ISCOM后最为显著的特点是能引起CTL反应。与CT相比,ISCOM先产生粘膜免疫随之产生系统免疫应答,此系统免疫应答依赖于IL-12,与IL-4无关。重组霍乱毒素与相同ISCOM粒子结合后起协同作用。鼻腔接种γCTB-ISCOM后,对γCTB的IgA应答在肺中增加100倍,在远距离的生殖道粘膜免疫中增加10倍多。在生殖道中也证实可加强对OVA抗原的IgA应答,接种RSV-衣壳蛋白-ISCOM后,产生高血清抗体,同样,注射免疫后,在局部呼吸粘膜和远处生殖道和肠道粘膜中均引起强烈的Ig A应答。Herpes simplex virus、流感病毒以及Mycoplasma mycoides等的衣壳蛋白与ISCOM结合后也出现相似结果。在应答过程中,利用了RSV衣壳蛋白可锚定粘膜的特性,鼻腔接种HIV-gp120RSV-ISCOM后在雌体生殖道中可观察到很强的分泌性IgA对gp120的免疫应答。总之,病毒衣壳蛋白、细胞膜蛋白等此类抗原与ISCOM结合后依然保持其生物学活性、形态结构、可锚定粘膜以及中和病毒等特性。ISCOM是一种多用途输送系统,被应用于粘膜免疫尤其适用于鼻腔免疫,它依赖于IL-12诱导粘膜免疫,而且ISCOM能诱导Th1/Th2的平衡性应答且无耐受。  相似文献   

Foodborne disease caused by Salmonella is of public health and economic significance. In order to assess the practical effectiveness of a new intervention strategy, experimental chlorate preparations (ECP) were administered via the drinking water to weaned and finished pigs that had been orally challenged the previous day with 10(9)-10(10) colony-forming units of Salmonella serovar Typhimurium. After 24 or 36 h ad libitum access to 0X, 1X or 2X ECP treatment (where X is the concentration estimated to deliver a minimal daily effective dose), the pigs were euthanized and gut contents and lymph tissue collected at necropsy were cultured for the challenge Salmonella. Drinking water administration of ECP effectively reduced (p < 0.05) caecal Salmonella concentrations and, with the weaned pigs, tended (p < or = 0.10) to reduce rectal Salmonella concentrations. No negative effects of ECP treatment on water intake and animal wellbeing were observed and only marginal effects on gut fermentation characteristics occurred. The bactericidal effect of administering ECP in drinking water was relatively rapid, with reductions in caecal Salmonella concentrations occurring within 24 h. These results suggest that ECP administered to pigs just days before slaughter may reduce gut concentrations of Salmonella; however, the impacts of such reductions on slaughter hygiene have yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG motifs (CpG-ODNs) have been reported to be effective mucosal adjuvants in mice when given orally. Studies on their effectiveness in chickens are currently very limited. This study investigated whether CpG-ODNs could adjuvant the immune response to BSA when given orally to a commercial line of SCWL chickens. In two experiments, performed over time, chickens were given selected concentrations of CpG-ODNs with BSA followed by 6 consecutive days of ad libitum access to drinking water containing 1.4 mg/ml BSA. Serum responses, and in some cases intestinal specific antibodies, were measured out to 33 days post-immunization. Birds receiving a single dose of CpG-ODN had consistently higher IgG, IgM, and IgA titers in the serum, dependent upon dose, and in specific areas of the intestine when compared to the non-immunized and BSA only groups. These findings suggest that a single oral CpG-ODN administration can accelerate the kinetics of antigen specific antibodies of all three isotypes in commercial-strain chickens immunized via the drinking water using common protein antigen.  相似文献   

If drug treatment is necessary in large herd sizes, the administration with feed or drinking water is preferred. The use of the drinking water as a vehicle for drugs may be accompanied by several problems. An important condition for a successful medication is a good water solubility of the administered compound. The solubility is influenced by the quality of the used drinking water. The stability of the dissolved drug and incompatibilities with other water ingredients are additional limiting factors. The success of the treatment is influenced also by the taste of the medicated water which may cause a reduced water consumption. The use of tap water instead of spring water may be helpful to improve the efficacy of drug treatment via drinking water.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of an orally administered avirulent live vaccine to protect pigs against challenge exposure with virulent Lawsonia intracellularis. ANIMALS: 108 weaned 3-week-old pigs (35 in experiment 1 and 73 in experiment 2). PROCEDURE: 2 experiments were conducted. On day 0, vaccinates were orally administered vaccine via drench or in drinking water, whereas challenge-control pigs were administered cultured medium. On day 21, pigs were challenge exposed with a virulent heterologous isolate of L. intracellularis. Clinical observations, weights, seroconversion, and fecal excretion of L. intracellularis were measured until day 42. At study termination, pigs were euthanatized and examined for L. intracellularis-specific lesion development of the ileum and colon. RESULTS: Pigs receiving a single dose of vaccine were protected when challenge exposed with virulent L. intracellularis (at least 10(77) TCID50/dose). In experiment 1, vaccinates had significantly less fecal excretion (47% and 40% for days 35 and 42, respectively), compared with challenge-control pigs. In experiment 2, vaccinates had significantly less fecal excretion (50% and 58% for days 35 and 42, respectively), compared with challenge-control pigs. Significant reductions in lesion development were evident in the ileum of vaccinated pigs (70% and 56% at day 42 for experiments 1 and 2, respectively), compared with challenge-control pigs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Oral administration by drench or via drinking water of an avirulent live vaccine against L. intracellularis resulted in substantial protection against proliferative enteropathy among vaccinates and offers a better way to reduce stress of pigs during vaccine administration.  相似文献   

为探讨板蓝根颗粒对鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD)的防制效果,以传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)强毒株BC-6/85人工感染26日龄SPF鸡,于攻毒前后在饮水中加入不同剂量的板蓝根颗粒,观察试验鸡的临床症状、病理变化,统计病变得分、免疫器官指数等。结果显示,中、高剂量组的板蓝根颗粒经饮水给药,能改善患IBD鸡的精神状态,减轻该病对鸡免疫器官的破坏,增加血液白细胞吞噬率,增加饮食量和体增重。结果表明,3 g/L的板蓝根颗粒经饮水给药,连续服用5 d,能有效治疗IBD。  相似文献   

Cadmium was administered via the drinking water to rats at doses of 20 and 200 ppm for 5 weeks in order to elucidate cadmium's primary effect on the erythrocytic parameters. From the results, it appeared that the microcytic hypochromic anemia resulted from a direct effect on erythrocytic hemoglobin due to cadmium administration. It was proposed that the adverse effects on hemoglobin absorption and metabolism play a role in the development of the anemia observed.  相似文献   

The disposition and elimination of sulfadimethoxine (SDMX) in the skin of broiler-chickens were investigated. The administration of SDMX, in drinking water, at a concentration of 1,000 ppm for 5 days demonstrated that the SDMX was eliminated much more slowly from the skin than from the other tissues or plasma. These results were duplicated and confirmed in another experiment, in which a single dose of 200 mg/kg BW of SDMX was administered via a stomach tube. No significant difference in the SDMX residue level was observed between the broiler-chickens that had their skin surface sealed versus the non-sealed animals and that had ingested SDMX in their drinking water. This illustrated the higher SDMX residue in the skin was not attributable to external SDMX contamination from the drinking water, feces or urine. In addition, there was no significant difference among the SDMX residue concentrations in the thoracic, dorsal and leg skin samples, following an intravenous injection of SDMX (30 mg/kg BW). This indicated that the SDMX was distributed evenly throughout the entire skin area of the broiler-chickens.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to document the effect of social ranking on the internal exposure of pigs to an antibiotic (fosfomycin) administered either in food or in drinking water. Signs of aggression were recorded at the feeder and drinker. The interindividual variability explained by the social rank was even greater when the test antibiotic was given in food despite the fact that the water consumption was less variable than the food intake. The range of plasma concentrations after administration of fosfomycin either in food or drinking water leads to a number of pigs in the treated group being exposed to rather low and highly variable concentrations of fosfomycin and not able to maintain adequate plasma concentrations above the typical minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Social rank clearly influences the level of exposure of pigs to fosfomycin both in food and drinking. However, its administration in drinking water is likely to be the best option to optimize antibiotic efficacy.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight barrows were used to investigate the effects of exogenous porcine growth hormone (pGH) administration (0 and 100 micrograms.kg-1.d-1) between 30 and 60 kg on the subsequent and overall performance and carcass composition of pigs grown to 90 kg. The pGH was administered by daily i.m. injection and all pigs were fed one diet. Control animals were pair-fed to the intake noted for pGH-treated pigs between 30 and 60 kg and all pigs were fed ad libitum from 60 to 90 kg. Pigs administered pGH had an improved rate (36%) and efficiency (28%) of gain and an improved protein accretion rate (46%) compared to excipient-treated pigs. Pigs previously treated with pGH continued to exhibit superior (P less than .01) rate and efficiency of gain, and the gain was associated with enhanced protein accretion during the quiescent (postinjection) period compared with excipient counterparts. Administration of pGH between 30 and 60 kg reduced carcass fat and increased carcass protein and water at 90 kg, although fat accretion rate was comparable to that of control pigs. Results indicate that, to varying degrees, the stimulatory effects of pGH on growth performance are sustained following cessation of hormone treatment.  相似文献   

Oral vaccination of large animals using PLGA MS (poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)microspheres) appeared to be more challenging than immunization of mice. The purpose of this study was to deliver to GALT an immunogenic model protein (IgY), free or encapsulated by spray-drying in PLGA MS, and to evaluate systemic immune response in SPF Large White pigs. Pigs were surgically processed for local administration of IgY in three sets of experiments. In two sets of experiments, administration was locally performed in temporary ligatured intestinal segments, in jejunal Peyer's patches and in mesenteric lymph nodes. In the third experiment, pigs received IgY via an intestinal cannula. Total IgY-specific antibodies were detected in the sera of pigs after a single local immunization, but not in the sera of cannulated pigs. The study of IgG1 and IgG2 isotypes indicated that PLGA MS are able to elicit a combined serum IgG2/G1 response with a predominance of IgG1 response when locally administered. PLGA MS can be a potential oral delivery system for antigen but our results underlined the difficulty to immunize large animals like pigs. Transposition of data between small and large animals appears to be complex and suggests that physiological features need to be considered to increase intestinal availability of oral encapsulated vaccines.  相似文献   

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