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为了解中国农业科学院特产研究所分子生物学重点实验室前期分离的牛病毒性腹泻病毒BVDV-JL毒株完整的基因序列信息,本试验对BVDV-JL F6代毒株进行了完整基因序列测定。利用反转录—聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)方法分段扩增了BVDV-JL分离毒株的7段cDNA片段,分别克隆于pMD18-T载体并进行测序。BVDV-JL株基因组序列全长为12276 bp,编码3901个氨基酸。基因组两端为非编码区5'UTR和3'UTR。基因比对及进化树分析结果表明BVDV-JL与BVDV CP7同源性最高,核苷酸同源性为93.2%,归类于BVDV-1b2基因亚型。BVDV-JL是第1个在中国报道的BVDV-1b2亚型毒株。了解BVDV-JL完整基因序列有利于中国BVDV流行病学调查。  相似文献   

河南省牛病毒性腹泻病毒地方株的分离及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从河南省不同地区规模化肉牛场牛病毒性腹泻(BVD)疑似病例中采集病料,将处理好的6份病料接种MDBK细胞,并盲传4代,得到了两株可产生细胞病变的病毒,经测定该两株病毒的TCID50分别为10-6.59/0.1ml和10-6.51/0.1ml;琼脂扩散试验表明该两株病毒均能与牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)OregonC24标准阳性血清反应,出现沉淀线,且均能被BVDV标准阳性血清中和;电镜观察到圆形、有囊膜、直径为40~60nm、囊膜表面有突起的病毒粒子,与BVDV颗粒基本一致。动物回归试验表明,用两株分离毒攻毒的2头3月龄犊牛均出现了和BVD自然病例相似的临床症状,并检测其抗原和抗体,结果均为阳性,从而确定分离的两株病毒均为BVDV,分别将其命名为HN-1和HN-2株。  相似文献   

本试验使用3~6月龄健康易感牛9头(牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒(IBRV)和牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)抗原、抗体均阴性),共分3组,每组3头犊牛。第1组首免肌肉注射IBRV-LNM弱毒疫苗株种毒,接种1周后,每头牛接种BVDV-SM弱毒疫苗株;第2组只接种BVDV-SM弱毒疫苗株种毒,接种时间同第1组;第3组为对照组,接种MDBK细胞培养液。接种BVDV-SM疫苗毒后每周采血至疫苗毒接种后28 d,测定接种后BVDV抗体效价,并采用BVDV-JL检验用强毒进行攻毒试验。结果表明,第1组与第2组试验动物血清中牛病毒性腹泻病毒抗体水平无明显差异,能够抵抗BVDV-JL强毒攻击达到免疫保护的效果,说明牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒IBRV-LNM弱毒疫苗株接种后在牛体内对牛病毒性腹泻病毒BVDV-SM疫苗毒不产生免疫干扰作用。  相似文献   

本研究旨在获得牛细小病毒分离株,并对牛细小病毒(BPV)在不同细胞中的复制动力学进行探讨,为牛细小病毒疫苗的开发筛选出合适的病毒株及适宜病毒扩增的细胞株。将96批次牛血清样品分别接种于BT细胞中,盲传3代,逐日观察细胞病变(CPE),对出现典型细胞病变的样品采用直接免疫荧光法检测;分离得到1株牛细小病毒,并且对这株病毒的红细胞凝集特性进行分析。通过将牛细小病毒接种在Vero、BT和MDBK 3种细胞中,筛选出适合牛细小病毒培养用的细胞株。结果,通过对96批次牛血清样品接种于BT细胞进行病毒分离培养,获得4株病毒阳性株,使用直接免疫荧光法检测,获得1株牛细小病毒,进行红细胞凝集试验,这株牛细小病毒能凝集豚鼠、马、人的红细胞,但不能凝集家兔、山羊和鸡的红细胞。这株牛细小病毒在BT细胞中可稳定传代,在MDBK和Vero细胞中盲传3代仍未检测到牛细小病毒。结果表明,通过细胞体外培养法分离得到1株牛细小病毒,可以作为牛细小病毒疫苗制备的病毒株,对这株牛细小病毒在不同细胞中的复制动力学的研究结果表明,BT细胞是最适合培养这株牛细小病毒的细胞,候选细胞株MDBK和Vero细胞不适合这株牛细小病毒的扩大培养。本研究为牛细小病毒疫苗的开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

从新疆某奶牛场犊牛腹泻粪便和流产胎儿中各分离出1株能使犊牛肾细胞产生明显病变的牛病毒性腹泻-粘膜病病毒。病变细胞超薄切片,电镜下在内质网内可看到病毒颗粒。通过琼脂凝胶免疫扩散试验和中和试验证明这2株分离毒可被美国BVDOregonC24V标准毒抗血清所中和。与BVD毒具有共同的抗原性。这2株分离毒是同一种牛病毒性腹泻-粘膜病病毒。该毒能使犊牛和家兔出现类似的临床症状。  相似文献   

为了调查某规模化奶牛场犊牛腹泻的发病原因,试验采用血清抗体检测、细菌分离培养、寄生虫卵镜检和病毒核酸检测方法对腹泻犊牛的血样和粪便进行了检查。结果表明,该奶牛场牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病病毒抗体阳性率为65.00%,牛轮状病毒抗体阳性率25.00%,牛冠状病毒抗体阳性率15.00%;分离到1 株结肠弯曲杆菌和1 株空肠弯曲杆菌;所检腹泻犊牛粪便和血液样品中,4 份粪便样品和1 份血液样品检出牛冠状病毒,2 份粪便样品检出轮状病毒,1 份粪便样品和1 份血液样品检出牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病病毒,同一份粪便样品中同时检出牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病病毒和牛冠状病毒;通过镜检,球虫卵囊检出率77.78%,在1 份粪样中发现蛔虫卵,2 份粪样中发现其他线虫卵。该牛场流行性腹泻的原因可能为夏季高温潮湿引起犊牛免疫力下降导致的多病原体感染。  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻——粘膜病病毒的分离鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从新疆某奶牛场犊牛腹泻粪便和流产胎儿中各分离出1株能使犊牛肾细胞产生明显病变的牛病毒性腹泻-粘膜病病毒。病变细胞超薄切片,电镜下在内质网内可看到病毒颗粒。通过琼脂凝胶免疫扩散试验和中和试验证明这2株分离毒可被美国BVD Oregon C24V标准毒抗血清所中和,与BVD毒具有共同的抗原性。这2株分离毒是同一种牛病毒性腹泻-粘膜病病毒。该毒能使犊牛和家兔出现类似的临床症状。  相似文献   

本研究从疑似牛病毒性腹泻病毒(bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV)感染牛的分泌物与排泄物中分离鉴定1株牛病毒性腹泻病毒,并进行E2基因序列分析。结果表明,分离株病毒命名为JN株;Reed-Muench法测定分离株病毒TCID50为10-7.5/0.1 mL;病毒中和试验结果表明,BVDV JN分离株可被BVDV阳性血清特异性中和,而不能被BVDV阴性血清中和;分离株病毒E2基因序列测序结果表明,该分离毒株属于BVDVⅠa亚型。  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻—粘膜病病毒株(长春184)的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对1980年从怀疑为牛病毒性腹泻—粘膜病病牛的流产胎儿脾脏分离出的一株病毒(长春184V株),进行了形态学观察、组织细胞培养、理化学试验、与标准毒株的交互中和试验和牛的人工感染试验等,证明与国外报道的牛病毒性腹泻——粘膜病病毒的基本特性相符,而且能与抗猪瘟血清发生中和反应,从而确认该毒株是具有特征性细胞病变效应的牛病毒性腹泻—粘膜病病毒,对牛肾细胞培养的感染滴度可达10~6TCID_50/ml。  相似文献   

传染性牛鼻气管炎病毒(infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus,IBRV)是牛的重要传染病病原,除能引起呼吸道疾病外,还可引起结膜炎、流产、脑炎和全身性感染。本试验从广东某牛场疑似IBRV感染牛中采取鼻拭子样品,用PCR和荧光PCR方法,初步诊断病牛感染IBRV。用MDBK细胞对初诊阳性病料进行病毒分离和鉴定,分离出1株传染性牛鼻气管炎病毒,命名为GD0109。细胞感染试验表明,该株病毒可以使MDBK细胞产生典型的圆缩、呈葡萄样聚集以及空洞等细胞病变。将GD0109与强毒的ATCCVR-2112TM株感染细胞裂解液分别接种MDBK细胞并盲传5代,对5代、10代、15代的病毒分别进行TCID50测定及中和试验,结果表明分离株和参考株VR-2112TM相似,提示该分离株为强毒株,并且具有良好的传代稳定性,为进一步疫苗生产打下良好的基础。  相似文献   


A calf persistently infected and immunotolerant to Bovine Virus Diarrhoea virus (BVD virus) was, on purpose, introduced to a herd of heifer calves over 4 months of age that had been reared as recipients for embryo transplantation.

All calves were brought in contact with the persistently infected animal. In total, 240 calves were involved in this experiment, 22 of which were serologically negative when introduced. These serologically negative animals developed antibodies against BVD virus within 5 months after introduction. At short distances from the persistently infected BVD virus shedder, negative calves seroconverted within 2 months, but at greater distances the moment of seroconversion was unpredictable.

The calves that had undergone a natural infection with BVD virus received embryos after transportation to an allied farm. In total, 14 calves were born after embryo transplantation, all of which were free of BVD virus, in spite of the presence of BVD‐virus on the latter farm.  相似文献   

A calf persistently infected and immunotolerant to Bovine Virus Diarrhoea virus (BVD virus) was, on purpose, introduced to a herd of heifer calves over 4 months of age that had been reared as recipients for embryo transplantation. All calves were brought in contact with the persistently infected animal. In total, 240 calves were involved in this experiment, 22 of which were serologically negative when introduced. These serologically negative animals developed antibodies against BVD virus within 5 months after introduction. At short distances from the persistently infected BVD virus shedder, negative calves seroconverted within 2 months, but at greater distances the moment of seroconversion was unpredictable. The calves that had undergone a natural infection with BVD virus received embryos after transportation to an allied farm. In total, 14 calves were born after embryo transplantation, all of which were free of BVD virus, in spite of the presence of BVD-virus on the latter farm.  相似文献   

This study involved 13 calves, one to 50 days of age, born to first calf heifers that had been pastured on one of seven alpine communal pastures in the canton of St. Gallen during the summer of 1995. Of a total of 993 cattle pastured, 61 were pregnant heifers that were negative for bovine virus diarrhoea (BVD) antigen and for BVD antibodies at the start of pasturing. Seroconversion occurred in 26 of these pregnant heifers during the pasture period. Blood samples and skin biopsy specimens of calves born to 13 of these were examined for BVD antigen by antigen-ELISA and by an immunohistochemical technique, respectively. Blood samples were positive for BVD antigen in four calves, questionable in one calf, negative in seven and missing in one prematurely born calf. The four calves that were positive for BVD antigen in the blood were also positive in skin biopsies. Of the seven calves with a negative or missing blood test, six had positive and two had negative skin samples. Based on the combined results of blood and skin testing, 11 of 13 calves were positive for BVD antigen. Of the 11 infected calves, six were normal at birth, four were smaller than normal and one was premature and weak and was euthanized on humane grounds. Of the four small calves, two developed diarrhoea and died within the first month of life. The two calves that were negative for BVD antigen were clinically normal. The results of this study not only demonstrate the occurrence of in-utero infection with BVD virus, but also stress the importance of alpine communal pasturing in the spread of BVD virus. Because the prevention of infection with BVD virus on communal pastures does not seem feasible, it is recommended that all calves born to cows from such pastures be tested for BVD antigen.  相似文献   

Isolates of non-cytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus from 18 persistently infected calves from one herd were compared by using monoclonal antibodies directed against the major viral glycoprotein gp53. All the isolates displayed an almost identical reaction pattern. Based on this antigenic analysis three cytopathogenic BVD and three non-cytopathogenic BVD viruses closely related to the non-cytopathogenic BVD herd isolate were selected. Six of the persistently infected calves were inoculated with a pool of the three closely related cytopathogenic BVD viruses and two with a pool of the three non-cytopathogenic BVD viruses. In addition three animals were infected with one closely related cytopathogenic BVD strain (Indiana) and two animals with the antigenetically different cytopathogenic BVD viral strain A1138/69. Regardless of the inoculation route all the animals superinfected with closely related cytopathogenic BVD viruses developed the characteristic lesions of mucosal disease within 14 days of infection. Animals which were inoculated with non-cytopathogenic BVD viruses which closely resembled the herd isolate, or with cytopathogenic BVD viruses which did not resemble the herd isolate did not develop any signs of disease. However, the latter group produced antibodies to the superinfecting virus.  相似文献   

The pneumopathogenicity in calves of 2 strains of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus, isolate 2724 (a noncytopathogenic virus) and isolate 72 (a cytopathogenic virus), was compared. All calves were inoculated endobronchially, using fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Two calves were given Pasteurella haemolytica, 2 calves were given the noncytopathogenic BVD virus, and 2 calves were given cytopathogenic BVD virus. Five calves were inoculated sequentially with BVD virus and, 5 days later, with P haemolytica. Two of these calves were inoculated with the noncytopathogenic BVD virus and the other 3 with the cytopathogenic strain. Both BVD virus strains caused marked respiratory tract disease in the calves sequentially inoculated with P haemolytica and also impaired pulmonary clearance of P haemolytica. However, the effect of the cytopathogenic strain was more severe than the noncytopathogenic strain, indicating that strains of BVD virus may vary in their pneumopathogenicity for calves.  相似文献   

Comprehensive serological and virological monitoring for bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus was applied in a dairy herd. Out of 83 calves 26 persistently infected animals were identified. Four viremic calves showed clinical signs of disease, the others displayed no symptoms. Viral isolates from persistently infected animals were homogenous with respect to their antigenicity. The results of virological and serological investigations allowed an almost complete reconstruction of events following the introduction of BVD virus into the herd. This case illustrates the potentially dangerous and damaging effects of unidentified virus carriers in cattle herds. Strategies for the identification of virus-shedding animals and the limitation of economical losses are discussed.  相似文献   

Five 6-month-old calves were inoculated with bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus (n = 3) or Pasteurella haemolytica (n = 2) endobronchially with a fiberoptic bronchoscope. Five additional calves were inoculated sequentially with BVD virus followed by P haemolytica at a 5-day interval. Blood samples were collected daily from the calves for bacterial isolation. Clinical signs of respiratory tract disease in calves were recorded daily. If the calves survived, they were killed for necropsy 3 or 4 days after inoculation with P haemolytica (or 8 days after inoculation with BVD virus). The extent and nature of pulmonary lesions in the calves were determined, and the lower portion of the respiratory tract (lungs and trachea) was examined for both these organisms. The 3 calves, inoculated with BVD virus only, developed mild clinical signs mainly manifested as fever, nasal discharge, and occasional cough. Approximately 2% to 7% of the total lung capacity of these calves was pneumonic. Mild clinical signs and localized lesions involving about 15% of the lung volume developed in the 2 calves exposed to P haemolytica only. However, severe fibrinopurulent bronchopneumonia and pleuritis involving 40% to 75% of lung volume developed in the 5 calves inoculated sequentially with BVD virus and P haemolytica. The possible role BVD virus may have in bovine respiratory tract disease is discussed.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhea- and Border disease viruses of sheep belong to the highly diverse genus pestivirus of the Flaviviridae. Ruminant pestiviruses may infect a wide range of domestic and wild cloven-hooved mammals (artiodactyla). Due to its economic importance, programs to eradicate bovine viral diarrhea are a high priority in the cattle industry. By contrast, Border disease is not a target of eradication, although the Border disease virus is known to be capable of also infecting cattle. In this work, we compared single dose experimental inoculation of calves with Border disease virus with co-mingling of calves with sheep persistently infected with this virus. As indicated by seroconversion, infection was achieved only in one out of seven calves with a dose of Border disease virus that was previously shown to be successful in calves inoculated with BVD virus. By contrast, all calves kept together with persistently infected sheep readily became infected with Border disease virus. The ease of viral transmission from sheep to cattle and the antigenic similarity of bovine and ovine pestiviruses may become a problem for demonstrating freedom of BVD by serology in the cattle population.  相似文献   

In calves inoculated with bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) viruses and soluble antigen, the complement-fixing (CF) antibodies appeared before serum-neutralizing (SN) antibodies and remained at high levels throughout the test period. A rapid rise in SN antibodies occurred after challenge with homologous virus with no apparent effect on CF antibody levels.

The CF antibody responses in calves infected with cytopathogenic NADL-MD and noncytopathogenic CG-1220 viruses were similar whereas SN antibody responses indicated strain specificity by reciprocal cross-neutralization tests.

The CF antibody levels in 5 hog cholera (HC) antisera were assayed using the soluble antigen of NADL-MD BVD virus. No demonstrable SN antibodies were present in four HC antisera tested against NADL-MD virus, but a significant titer was present in the commercially prepared antiserum.

Virus was reisolated from animals infected with BVD viruses by buffy coat culture technique during 3 weeks postinoculation, even when significant levels of CF and SN antibodies were present.


The objectives of this study were to compare the age distribution of animals persistently infected (PI) with bovine virus diarrhea virus (BVDV) in 12 herds with clinical BVD compared to ten herds without clinical BVD and to examine the incidence of PI calves born after the oldest PI animal. Blood samples from all animals were tested for bovine virus diarrhea virus and antibodies. In five herds, blood samples were obtained from calves born after the whole herd had been tested. All calves born by PI dams were also blood tested. In herds with clinical BVD the median age of PI animals was 248 days and in herds without clinical BVD the median age was 144 days. There was no significant difference between the age of PI animals in herds with clinical BVD compared to herds without clinical BVD (p = 0.48) suggesting similar epidemiology of the occurrences of PI animals in the two herd categories. Thereafter, all herds were used to study the incidence of PI animals. A total of 129 PI animals were found. In ten herds with 72 PI animals the age range of PI animals was more than six months. In these herds 26.3% of the PI animals were born within the first two months after birth of the oldest PI animal, no PI animals were born 2- less than 6 months, 52.7% were born 6- less than 14 months, 6.9% were born 14- less than 22 months and 13.9% (all born by PI dams) were born later than 22 months after the oldest PI animal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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