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<正>皱胃变位是奶牛的1种常发病,按变位方向分为左方变位和右方变位。在生产中,皱胃左方变位的发病率远高于右方变位。对比而言,左方变位发病率约占80%左右,右方变位发病率约占20%左右。对于皱胃变位的治疗,手术整复固定是最彻底的治疗方案。生产中很多奶牛养殖户反映,尽管采取了  相似文献   

皱胃的正常解剖学位置改变,称为皱胃变位。皱胃变位是奶牛常见的一种皱胃疾病。按其变位的方向分为左方变位和右方变位两种类型。在兽医临床上,绝大多数病例是左方变位。皱胃变位发病高峰在分娩后6周内,也可散发于泌乳期或怀孕期,成年高产奶牛的发病率高于低产母牛。犊牛与公牛较少发病,断奶前常发生右方变位。  相似文献   

殷丽霞 《中国乳业》2020,(11):61-62
奶牛皱胃的正常解剖学位置改变,称为皱胃变位。皱胃变位分为左方变位和右方变位,右方变位又分为逆时针扭转和顺时针扭转两种类型。临床工作者多数习惯称右方变位为皱胃扭转,称左方变位为皱胃变位。从奶牛皱胃变位发病病因、临床症状、诊断要点、治疗和预防措施等方面进行阐述,供参考。  相似文献   

奶牛皱胃变位是指皱胃的正常解剖位置发生改变,按其变位的方向可分为左方变位和右方变位两种类型,多数为左方变位,研究也较多,而右方变位在临床上较少见。近年来,伴随着奶牛集约化饲养的扩大,饲养管理方式的改变,发病率较高。在总结临床经验的基础上探索出了一种有效的治疗方法,介绍如下,仅供参考。  相似文献   

奶牛真胃变位在兽医临床上可以分为左方变位和右方变位。左方变位是真胃通过瘤胃底部从腹腔右侧移至左侧,置于瘤胃和左侧腹壁之间;右方变位是指真胃在右侧腹腔发生不同程度的扭转,临床上习惯把右方变位称为真胃扭转。  相似文献   

近15年来,笔者手术治疗1 187例奶牛皱胃变位的临床病历,其中在131例右方变位的手术中,有26例是先期诊断为左方变位,还未经治疗又转为右方变位。笔者结合手术实践经验,对奶牛皱胃变位形成的原因、整复方法及整复标准予以探讨。  相似文献   

皱胃的正常解剖学位置改变,称为皱胃变位.皱胃变位是奶牛常见的一种皱胃疾病,按其变位的方向分为左方变位和右方变位两种类型.在兽医临床上,绝大多数病例是左方变位.皱胃变位发病高峰在分娩后6周内,也可散发于泌乳期或怀孕期,成年高产奶牛的发病率高于低产母牛.犊牛与公牛较少发病,断奶前常发生右方变位.奶牛皱胃变位病伴随着奶牛集约化饲养的扩大而逐年增加,每年有大量奶牛因该病死亡或产奶量下降,部分治愈的奶牛仍可复发或产奶量持续低下.  相似文献   

奶牛皱胃变位病因及预防措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皱胃变位是奶牛较常发的一种变位性疾病,分为左方变位和右方扭转,右方扭转又可分为顺时针扭转和逆时针扭转。皱胃变位的发病原因,多数认为与下列因素有关。现结合多年诊治皱  相似文献   

奶牛真胃左方变位的病因及发病机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
奶牛真胃变位是指真胃的正常解剖学位置发生改变,超出了正常的生理范围,而引起消化机能障碍,导致营养失调的急性内科疾病。在临床上可分为左方变位和右方变位。前者是真胃通过瘤胃底部从腹腔的右侧移至左侧,置于瘤胃与左侧腹壁之间,也称真胃移位;后者是真胃在右侧腹腔发生了不同程度的扭转,逆时针的称为前方变位,顺时针的称为后方变位,人们习惯于把右方变位称为真胃扭转。关于奶牛真胃左方变位的记载已有百年历史(Carougean和Prestat,1898),自1950年由Begg氏和Ford氏描述和确认以来,近50年内,该病在世界许多国家的发病率逐年增高,死亡率也较高,造成的经济损失严重,成为威胁奶牛健康发展的一种严重疾病。其中,奶牛真胃左方变位的发病率最高。要预防真胃变位的发生,就需要研究和探索真胃变位的病因和发病机制,以便采取相应的措施,有效预防、控制该疾病的发生。真胃变位的发病因素较多、较为复杂,迄今为止,人们对其病因及发病机制尚无一致性结论,但认为真胃左方变位和右方变位的病因相似。本文结合作者的研究和临床工作,对奶牛真胃左方变位的病因及发病机制的研究现状进行综述。  相似文献   

奶牛真胃移位可分为左方变位,右方变位和后方变位三种。其中左方变位是最为常见的。左方变位就是真胃通过瘤胃下方移行到左侧腹腔,嵌留在瘤胃与左侧腹壁之间。此病多由精粗饲料比例不合理引起真胃驰缓或体位骤然变化所致。笔者曾治疗真胃移位奶牛52例,其中用保守疗法治疗5例,治愈2例,治愈率40%;用手术整复疗法治疗47例,治愈47例,治愈率100%。最近,在本公司的河北大曹庄服务点,笔者为当地奶农一头真胃移位的奶牛成功施行了手术,术后结合抗感染治疗和精心护理,拆线后奶牛精神食欲正常,产奶量逐渐增加,受到当地奶农的称赞。下面结合工作中的体会,介绍真胃移位手术整复疗法的具体操作方法,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

To reduce the potential drawbacks associated with laparotomy techniques for correction and fixation of left displaced abomasums (LDA), minimally invasive techniques have been developed. This chapter reviews the toggle pin suture (TPS) and the laparoscopic abomasopexy procedures used in the field for correction and fixation of the abomasum for correction of left-displacement of the abomasum in dairy cows. The importance of case selection cannot be overestimated. By combining laparoscopy with the principle of the TPS procedure, the lack of visual control associated with the TPS procedure is eliminated, while the advantage of the speed of completion and minimal invasiveness provided by both procedures are maintained. Successful LDA treatment includes not only early detection and treatment of the LDA, but also the prevention of secondary ketosis and aggressive treatment of concurrent disease.  相似文献   

Right paramedian abomasopexy and right paralumbar fossa omentopexy appear to be the most widely used means of correcting left displacement of the abomasum in dairy cattle. We compared these two procedures in a prospective study of 101 cows with uncomplicated left displaced abomasum. The surgical treatment (right paramedian abomasopexy, n = 48; or right paralumbar fossa omentopexy, n = 53) was assigned randomly. Follow-up information was obtained, at regular intervals, from one week through six months following discharge from the hospital. Milk production, reproductive performance, surgical complications, and length of time retained in the herd after surgery were obtained for each animal. There was a trend in favor of the abomasopexy group in the one-month milk yield. There were no differences between procedures either in incisional complications, other problems noted at follow-up, or in the proportion dead/culled. Based on the milk yield at one month after surgery, we concluded that there may be a slight advantage to right paramedian abomasopexy in cows with uncomplicated left displaced abomasum.  相似文献   

In recent years the importance of oxyradicals in clinical veterinary medicine is incessantly grown. An important example in cattle breeding is the displaced abomasum in dairy cows. The antioxidative status of the animals is representable by means of the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the blood. Post operationem the activity of SOD decreased very fast. In cows with left abomasal displacement this activity increased within 24 hours to the starting level, but in cows with right abomasal displacement the SOD-activity in this period increased only insignificantly. Because of the low level of SOD-activity in blood serum the measuring should take place in erythrocyte lysate. Today there are many possibilities of therapeutical intervention of reperfusion injury, but their clinical efficiency has to be ascertained. The treatment of cows with displaced abomasum with ascorbate, tocopherole or prednisolone before the replacement of the abomasum shows first success in terms of the antioxidative and metabolic status.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to study the effects of surgical stress on thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP) in dairy cows. Ten Holstein-Friesian dairy cows, mean age 5.26 years, admitted for treatment of left abomasal displacement (omentopexy), were used in our study. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein prior to surgery, immediately and then 15, 30, 60, 90 min, and 2, 5, 10, and 24 h after reposition of abomasum. Surgical stress resulted in a significant increase in plasma cortisol concentrations (P < 0.001) with the highest mean levels 15 min after surgery (32.4 +/- 18.1 microg/l) as well as in serum levels of glucose (P < 0.001) and non-esterified fatty acids (P < 0.001). Similarly, surgery transiently enhanced the plasma levels of TBARS (P < 0.001). The highest TBARS plasma levels (0.91 +/- 0.18 micromol/l) were recognized 60 min after reposition of abomasums. There were no significant differences in FRAP in dairy cows before and after reposition of abomasum. In conclusion, these data indicate that stress reaction caused by surgical correction of left displacement of abomasum can be associated with higher production of TBARS.  相似文献   

奶牛皱胃变位的诊疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代化奶牛饲养中,皱胃变位的发病呈增高趋势,是危害集约化养牛尤其是高产奶牛的多发疾病之一。本文分析了两例奶牛皱胃变位的发病原因及发病特点,结合临床症状,实施相应的治疗措施,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate serum mineral and electrolyte concentrations at the time of on-farm diagnosis of left displaced abomasum, right displaced abomasum, or abomasal volvulus in dairy cows. Data were collected from 104 affected cows and 96 control cows matched with cases, based on herd, parity, and stage of lactation. Cows with abomasal displacement or volvulus had significantly lower calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, and chloride concentrations and increased anion gap at the time of diagnosis compared with control cows from the same herds. The percentages of cases and controls with total serum calcium concentrations below the lower limit of the laboratory reference range (2.08 mmol/L [8.3 mg/dL]) were 70% and 23%, respectively. Based on the large percentage of cases with hypocalcemia, administering calcium salts at the time of treatment of field cases of abomasal displacement or volvulus may be beneficial.  相似文献   

奶牛皱胃变位是指皱胃的正常解剖位置发生改变,导致消化机能障碍的内科疾病。此病多发于高产奶牛,造成了巨大的经济损失。论文通过对遗传、品种、胎次及生产水平、发病时期、营养和新陈代谢及环境等来综述奶牛皱胃变位的病因,从皱胃弛缓学说和机械因素学说两方面综述其发病机制研究进展,为该病的有效预防和控制提供理论基础。  相似文献   

In a Danish dairy herd affected with a number of cases of left displaced abomasum the milk production during the lactation periods of affected cows was retrospectively compared to that in two groups of non-affected cows. Group A contained all cows calving at the same time as the cases, and group B had one cow for each of the cases of similar age and with similar preceding production level. The average 305-days milk production was 610 kg lower among the cases than among cows in group B, as a best estimate of the amount of milk lost for each case of left displaced abomasum. The difference between mean production in groups B and A was 183 kg, indicating a higher than average production potential among cases, since matching on preceding production level had been carried out between the cases and the cows in group B, but not in group A. It may therefore be concluded that high yielding cows are at excess risk of left displaced abomasum, which in turn leads to a considerable loss of milk among affected cows.  相似文献   

Background: There has been increased interest in measuring the serum concentration of acute phase reactants such as serum amyloid A [SAA] and haptoglobin [haptoglobin] in periparturient cattle in order to provide a method for detecting the presence of inflammation or bacterial infection.
Objectives: To determine whether [SAA] and [haptoglobin] are increased in cows with displaced abomasum as compared with healthy dairy cows.
Animals: Fifty-four adult dairy cows in early lactation that had left displaced abomasum (LDA, n = 34), right displaced abomasum or abomasal volvulus (RDA/AV, n = 11), or were healthy on physical examination (control, n = 9).
Materials and Methods: Inflammatory diseases or bacterial infections such as mastitis, metritis, or pneumonia were not clinically apparent in any animal. Jugular venous blood was obtained from all cows and analyzed. Liver samples were obtained by biopsy in cattle with abomasal displacement.
Results: [SAA] and [haptoglobin] concentrations were increased in cows with LDA or RDA/AV as compared with healthy controls. Cows with displaced abomasum had mild to moderate hepatic lipidosis, based on liver fat percentages of 9.3 ± 5.3% (mean ± SD, LDA) and 10.8 ± 7.7% (RDA/AV). [SAA] and [haptoglobin] were most strongly associated with liver fat percentage, r s=+0.55 ( P < .0001) and r s=+0.42 ( P = .0041), respectively.
Conclusions and Clinical Importance: An increase in [SAA] or [haptoglobin] in postparturient dairy cows with LDA or RDA/AV is not specific for inflammation or bacterial infection. An increase in [SAA] or [haptoglobin] may indicate the presence of hepatic lipidosis in cattle with abomasal displacement.  相似文献   

The present report identifies a statistically significant (P < 0.001) higher postoperative culling rate in cows with left displaced abomasum (LDA) exhibiting diarrhoea, compared with cows with LDA and normal faeces from a large Holstein dairy herd (odds ratio = 34). Paratuberculosis was histopathologically confirmed in 77.0% of cows with LDA exhibiting diarrhoea.  相似文献   

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