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计划免疫制度是指国家对严重危害养殖业生产和人体健康的动物疫病,采取制定的免疫规划、计划,确定免疫用生物制品,规定免疫规程、标准,以及对免疫效果进行监测等一系列预防、控制、扑灭动物疫病为目的的制度.  相似文献   

中国和美国都把免疫作为重要的动物疫病防控措施。美国联邦法典未对免疫措施实施强制规定,而是对具体其生产和使用的技术标准进行了规定。我国的动物防疫法规定对重大动物疫病实施强制免疫,免疫+扑杀是防控重大动物疫病的基本策略。由于两国经济背景和家畜饲养方式不同,因而免疫政策、措施和方法有所不同。  相似文献   

本文对中草药免疫的主要单味中药及其方剂、免疫成分、免疫药理、免疫功能及其对免疫器官的影响作了论述;同时对中药免疫添加剂的发展趋势作了介绍.  相似文献   

雏鸡新城疫滴鼻免疫后各黏膜免疫应答点的免疫效果监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黏膜免疫已经成为新的研究热点,这是因为首先机体95%以上的感染发生在黏膜或由黏膜入侵机体。当前对人类和动物生命与健康危害极大的、和难以防治的重要传染病,如艾滋病、非典型肺炎、流感、肝炎、腹泻等都属于由黏膜入侵或与黏膜相关的疾病;其次,注意到黏膜既存在局部免疫,  相似文献   

第一条为加强和规范动物强制免疫工作,有效控制重大动物疫病,依据《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》,制定本办法。第二条动物免疫标识包括免疫耳标、免疫档案。第三条凡在我国境内对动物重大疫病实行强制免疫,均须建立免疫档案管理制度,对猪、牛、羊佩带免疫耳标。第四条在我国境内从事免疫标识生产、供应、使用,以及从事动物饲养、经营、屠宰、加工等与动物防疫活动有关的单位和个人,必须遵守本办法。第五条各级人民政府畜牧兽医行政管理部门负责本行政区域内的免疫标识管理工作,各级人民政府所属的动物防疫监督机构组织实施本行政区域…  相似文献   

中草药的免疫调节作用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
现代医学研究表明,中草药含有多糖类、皂甙类、生物碱、挥发性物质和有机酸等多种免疫活性物质,是一类机体免疫增强剂。其作用主要是通过激活网状内皮系统,使白介素含量显著提高,提高抗体和补体水平,激活巨噬细胞和T、B淋巴细胞,增强细胞免疫与体液免疫,从而增强机体免疫力,提高动物抗病能力。文章从中草药对机体免疫器官发育、特异性免疫及对机体非特异性免疫的影响等几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

通过对母猪配种前一星期和仔猪哺乳前进行超前免疫的试验,证明生猪超前免疫省工、省时、省疫苗,不须二免,能达到预防猪瘟的效果,保护率100%,免疫期长达1年。  相似文献   

动物接种疫苗后的免疫效果不仅与疫苗质量和操作技术等因素有关,还受日粮中营养元素的影响。营养物质不仅是动物维持生长发育的必需品,而且也是维持免疫系统功能并使免疫活性得到充分表达的影响因素。本文对各种营养元素如蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪、糖类、以及维生素和微量元素等在动物免疫中的作用进行了综述。  相似文献   

动物免疫标识是指按国家规定,对动物(猪、牛、羊)疫病实行强制免疫后所佩带的耳标及记录的免疫档案(包括养殖户保存的动物免疫证和防疫机构保存的免疫记录)。实施动物免疫标识制度,对加强和规范动物强制免疫工作,有效控制动物疫病的发生和流行具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

1、对生物制品是否合格进行检验:这本是生产厂家应做的事,但由于有时也存在误差,特别是试制品,如果大批量购进,就可以采取抽样、无菌检验、纯粹检验、活菌计数、安全检验,效力检验、物理性状检验等方法,当确定其为安全合格无死苗、无超强毒力后才能大面积应用.  相似文献   

试验用小鹅瘟免疫原按8种免疫程序接种120日龄产蛋鸡,分别在接种后不同时间琼脂扩散试验试验检测卵黄抗体效价,筛选出最佳免疫接种程序。基础免疫,产蛋鸡每只肌肉注射小鹅瘟活疫苗1.0 m L(5羽份);在基础免疫后14 d进行第2次接种,加强免疫,产蛋鸡每只肌肉多点注射小鹅瘟灭活疫苗2.0 m L;在加强免疫后14 d进行第3次接种,强化免疫,产蛋鸡每只肌肉多点注射小鹅瘟灭活疫苗3.0 m L。  相似文献   

寄生虫在入侵机体时必须具备逃避机体免疫,破坏宿主免疫屏障才能感染,这种入侵过程必然和宿主机体的免疫系统发生联系,不但使宿主的先天免疫细胞功能缺失,而且获得性免疫也受到抑制。寄生虫感染均不同程度地伴随免疫损伤,宿主在感染寄生虫后产生的免疫应答中,细胞因子作为免疫过程中的介质起到关键作用,主要是调节机体细胞免疫抗虫,保护机体不被感染,其中巨噬细胞是主要功能的承担者。本文将阐述细胞因子在寄生虫感染过程中所发挥的免疫作用,为解决寄生虫感染的防控问题奠定基础,同时为寄生虫的研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

H5及H9型禽流感是目前养禽业主要防疫的两种流感病毒亚型,为调查陕西省神木县两种亚型流感病毒的防疫情况,本研究在2011年∽2012年间从神木多家种鸡场、商品鸡场及散养户采集血样,测HI效价,评价禽流感的免疫效果.结果表明:2011年在普遍采用单价疫苗免疫的情况下,H5抗体合格率较低,最好免疫效果合格率为82.40%,最差免疫效果合格率只有67.7%,而H9抗体合格率100%;2012年推广H5和H9二联疫苗免疫,H5抗体合格率达100%,而H9抗体合格率有所下降,为H5和H9禽流感免疫提供了临床参考依据,同时也为二联疫苗的使用提供参考.  相似文献   

壳聚糖对艾维茵肉仔鸡免疫机能的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
杨桂芹  刘海英 《中国家禽》2004,26(21):10-12
试验研究了在饲料中添加不同水平的壳聚糖对肉仔鸡免疫机能的影响。结果表明,2%和3%水平的壳聚糖能够增加肉仔鸡免疫器官指数(P<0.01);添加4%壳聚糖能够提高肉仔鸡全血T淋巴细胞百分率(P<0.05);壳聚糖能够增加肉仔鸡血清球蛋白含量(P<0.01),且以2%添加水平最好。表明壳聚糖能够增强肉仔鸡的免疫功能。  相似文献   

本研究选择梧州市2个乡镇的21~35日龄未免疫、健康的仔猪各30头,设计两套重大猪病联合免疫程序。结果表明,疫苗之间没有明显干扰作用,猪瘟、口蹄疫、高致病性猪蓝耳病免疫抗体合格率均达到73.3%以上。两套免疫程序根据特点分别适用于不同类型的猪场。  相似文献   

综述了当前基因免疫的研究进展,其内容包括基因载体、基因免疫应答、基因免疫佐剂、病毒、细菌、寄生虫、肿瘤病的基因免疫保护,基因免疫的安全性分析及应用前景  相似文献   

FIV/HIV infections are associated with an early robust humoral and cellular anti-viral immune response followed by a progressive immune suppression that eventually results in AIDS. Several mechanisms responsible for this immune dysfunction have been proposed including cytokine dysregulation, immunologic anergy and apoptosis, and inappropriate activation of immune regulatory cells. Studies on FIV infection provide evidence for all three. Cytokine alterations include decreases in IL2 and IL12 production and increases in IFNγ and IL10 in FIV+ cats compared to normal cats. The elevated IL10:IL12 ratio is associated with the inability of FIV+ cats to mount a successful immune response to secondary pathogens. Additionally, chronic antigenic (FIV) stimulation results in an increase in the percent of activated T cells expressing B7 and CTLA4 co-stimulatory molecules in infected cats. The expression of these molecules is associated with T cells that are undergoing apoptosis in the lymph nodes. As ligation of CTLA4 by B7 transduces a signal for induction of anergy, one can speculate that the activated T cells are capable of T cell–T cell interactions resulting in anergy and apoptosis. The inability of CD4+ cells from FIV+ cats to produce IL2 in response to recall antigens and the gradual loss of CD4+ cell numbers could be due to B7–CTLA4 interactions. The chronic antigenemia may also lead to activation of CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells. Treg cells from FIV+ cats are chronically activated and inhibit the mitogen-induced proliferative response of CD4+CD25 by down-regulating IL2 production. Although Treg cell activation can be antigen-specific, the suppressor function is not, and thus activated Treg cells would suppress responses to secondary pathogens as well as to FIV. Concomitant with the well-known virus-induced immune suppression is a progressive immune hyper-activation. Evidence for immune hyper-activation includes polyclonal B cell responses, gradual replacement of naïve CD4+ and CD8+ T cell phenotypes with activation phenotypes (CD62L, B7+, CTLA4+), and the chronic activation of CD4+CD25+ Treg cells. Thus lentivirus infections lead to severe immune dysregulation manifested as both chronic immune suppression and chronic immune activation. FIV infection of cats provides a number of advantages over other lentivirus infections as a model to study this immune dysregulation. It is a natural infection that has existed in balance with the cat's immune system for thousands of years. As such, the natural history and pathogenesis provides an excellent model to study the long-term relationships between AIDS lentivirus and host immune system function/dysregulation.  相似文献   

为探索生猪重大疫病的科学免疫方法,确定最佳免疫程序,笔者设计并开展了口蹄疫(FMD)合成肽苗(或灭活苗)、猪瘟(HC)脾淋苗、高致病性蓝耳病弱毒疫苗(或灭活苗)的不同组合注射、单独注射、不同疫苗类型注射的试验研究.结果表明:3种疫苗不同组合注射或单独注射,以及使用不同类型疫苗注射,其免疫副反应均无明显差异;平均免疫抗体效价及群体合格率各组间存有差异;采用猪口蹄疫、猪瘟、猪蓝耳病3种疫苗同时分点注射,以及仔猪首免口蹄疫、猪蓝耳苗,再免疫口蹄疫、猪瘟苗的免疫效果最佳.  相似文献   

本试验通过研究免疫状况良好的母猪群所产仔猪获得母源抗体的方式,仔猪体内母源抗体的持续时间,仔猪不同免疫程序的免疫效果等,从而制定出仔猪猪瘟的最佳免疫程序。  相似文献   

Canine leishmaniosis (CanL) caused by the parasite Leishmania infantum is a systemic disease with variable clinical signs. The disease is endemic in the Mediterranean countries and dogs are the main domestic reservoir of the parasite. The quite complicated immune response against the parasite is crucial for the evolution of CanL infection with the skin playing a major role in its immunopathogenesis.After the inoculation of Leishmania promastigotes into the dermis by sand fly bites, complement factors, Langerhan's cells, neutrophils, fibroblasts and keratinocytes are involved in the activation of the innate arm of the skin immune system, with the macrophages and dendritic cells to play a major key role.The effective activation of cellular immunity is the cornerstone of dog's resistance against the parasite. Promastigotes reaching the dermis are engulfed, processed and transferred by APCs to draining lymph nodes to stimulate naïve T-cells for proliferation and differentiation into armed effector T-cells. Th1 cells activate the infected macrophages to kill Leishmania, whereas Th2 cells divert the immune response to humoral immunity and down regulation of cellular immunity with Th1 cell anergy. Inhibition of co-stimulatory molecules expression by infected macrophages contributes to T-cell anergy. In canine subclinical infections cutaneous lymphocytic infiltrate and parasites are absent, as opposed to dogs with clinical leishmaniosis. CD8+ cells constitute a significant population of cellular immunity in CanL since they outnumber CD4+ cells in the dermis, producing IFN-γ in sub clinically infected dogs and high levels of IL-4 in dogs with clinical leishmaniosis.Numerous B-lymphocytes have been shown to heavily infiltrate the dermis at least in exfoliative dermatitis in CanL. A mixed Th1/Th2 cytokine profile has been found in the dermis of naturally infected with L. infantum dogs. In the skin of dogs with clinical leishmaniosis, where plasma cells outnumber T lymphocytes in the dermal infiltrate, there is an overproduction of IL-4, IL-13 and TNF-α leading to Th2-biased humoral immune response. The issue of humoral immunity polarization in CanL remains controversial. Much still needs to be learned about other mechanisms underlying the complex interaction between the skin immune system and the parasite.  相似文献   

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