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醴陵市地处湖南省东部中段,有26个乡镇、4个街道办事处,103.2万人口,交通十分便利。2008年全市发展生猪192.41万头,出栏生猪109.17万头,存栏生猪83.24万头,其中能繁母猪存栏83750头,有种猪生产(扩繁)场9个,人工授(供)精站29个。全市生猪存栏在300头以上规模养殖场(小区、户)514个,规模养殖场年出栏生猪36.8万头,占全市年出栏生猪数的33.7%,  相似文献   

近日,华西希望江安德康30万头生猪项目在宜宾市江安县举行开工仪式。华西希望.江安德康30万头生猪项目预计总投资8亿元,主要包括年出栏5万头生猪标准化养殖场6个,年产30万吨饲料加工厂1个,年宰杀50~100万头的生猪屠宰加工厂1个,以及与之配置的生猪产业化技术研发中心。  相似文献   

为推进生猪养殖生产方式转变,提高生猪生态产能力、满足市场供应,从9月起到年底。成都市将在312个扶贫村和生猪发展区新建1000个存栏在500头以上规模的生猪养殖场和养殖小区。届时,成都市全年生猪出栏量将增加150万头-200万头。[第一段]  相似文献   

1 生猪生产情况 据2009年1月270个生猪定点监测村监测数据显示,1月养猪户数为47875户,比去年12月49012户减少2.36%.养猪户数量两个月来连续下降,且下降幅度较大;1月份存栏生猪627288头。比12月637558头减少1.61%:出栏生猪144310头,比12月133000头增长8.5%:能繁母猪数量持续下跌.1月猪存栏71238头.比12月减少928头。这是近一年来我省首度出现养猪户、生猪存栏、能繁母猪数量一齐下降的现象。  相似文献   

洛南县全力打造陕西省第一个“双百万”生猪产业县,目前生猪产业呈现出蓬勃发展的态势,存栏能繁母猪2.86万头,发展百头以上标准化养猪场382个,建设万头养殖场3个.生猪饲养量达到56.8万头。到2010年,将分别实现年出栏商品猪和外调仔猪100万头。  相似文献   

正阳县是我省生猪养殖第一大县.我省生猪调出大县之一,常年生猪存栏在150万头以上,出栏190万头以上。存栏1000头以上的规模养殖场698个.其中存栏5000头以上的大型养殖企业25个。为整合行业资源,维护行业利益,规范行业行为,开展行业活动,交流行业信息,  相似文献   

为了解猪场生猪体内外脓包形成的原因,文章从3个规模猪场采取了不同部位脓包的脓汁样品,并进行细菌分离与16Sr RNA基因的测序分析。结果,从4个保育猪颈部皮下脓包、1个生猪肿大的耳朵、1头保育猪肝脏和脾脏发脓灶分离到大量纯的化脓隐秘杆菌,从1个保育猪颈部脓包分离到化脓隐秘杆菌的同时还分离到了葡萄球菌。通过猪场情况调查结合细菌分离结果,发现生猪体内外脓包的形成,主要是由于化脓隐秘杆菌感染引起,但饲养管理不佳,猪场内环境卫生差可能是生猪体内外脓包形成的重要促进因素。  相似文献   

1当前生猪生产情况 据2009年4月270个生猪定点监测村监测数据显示,4月养猪户数为47677户,比3月47928户减少251户,减少0.52%;4月份存栏生猪656957头,比3月646754头增长1.58%,;出栏生猪137959头,比3月137137头增加0.6%;能繁母猪存栏74692头,比3月增加3154头,增加幅度4.41%。  相似文献   

据悉.黑龙江省新建改(扩)建2000头以上生猪规模场1114个,新增生猪出栏422万头,完成年度任务的103%:全省新建改(扩)建150头以上奶牛规模场403个.新增奶牛存栏15.5万头,完成年度任务的104%。据了解.2009年,黑龙江省认真落实《黑龙江省千万吨奶战略规划》和《黑龙江省五千万头生猪规模化养殖战略规划》,细化各项工作措施.并不断加大财政贴息扶持.推进了全省奶牛业和生猪业规模化、标准化、产业化的进程,全面完成了“两个千万”年度任务目标。  相似文献   

自2009年12月份以来,我县陆续发生猪流行性感冒病死案例,各乡镇都有报告,笔者对发病的12个养猪重点户、32个生猪散养户进行了病例调查和现场诊断。12个养猪重点户、32个生猪散养户共存栏835头、发病543头、发病率65%,死亡92头(其中能繁母猪63头)、死亡率17%。  相似文献   

We tested hemolytic E. coli from 86 pigs with edema disease or colidiarrhea. They were tested serologically and with nonradioactive digoxigenin-dUTP labelled probes for the presence of enterotoxin or Shiga-like-toxin genes. By slide-agglutination we detected 38 cases with E. coli O149:K88, 28 with E. coli O139:82B and 20 with E. coli O141. E. coli of serogroup O149:K88 isolated from diarrheic pigs, reacted with the probes for LT and STb genes. Edema disease E. coli O139:82B reacted with the SLTII probe. E. coli O141, isolated from colidiarrhea or edema disease showed a diversity of toxin gene patterns. All the E. coli O141 from diarrheic pigs reacted with the probes for LT and STap in addition to SLTII. No strains isolated from pigs with edema disease possessed any of these enterotoxin genes. Gene probe technique confirmed the serological method as useful tool for diagnosing E. coli O149:K88 and O139:82B as ETEC or VTEC, respectively. On the other hand only the demonstration of toxin genes with probes could explain the pathological findings in the pigs shedding E. coli of serogroup O141.  相似文献   

The study comprises fifty 4 to 12 weeks old pigs that died from oedema disease or severe diarrhoea. Smears were prepared from the mucosa of duodenum, jejunum and ileum, and by immunofluorescence F107 fimbrial antigens were detected. E. coli. strains were isolated from the intestines and were characterised by slide agglutination (serogroup and F107 fimbriae production), by their cytotoxicity for Vero cells, and by gene amplification (genes coding for the major F107 subunit FedA, the toxin causing oedema disease SLT-IIv, and enterotoxins LTI, STIa and STII). F107 fimbriae were demonstrated in association with E. coli of serogroups O139:K12 and O141:K85a,b but not of serogroup O149:K91:F4a,c. Expression in culture of F107 fimbriae by some isolates gave additional evidence for production of these fimbriae by ETEC strains. The genetic determinant of SLT-IIv was found in association with F107, and could not be detected in serogroup O149:K91:F4a,c. Gene fedA was demonstrated in two isolates which were devoid of SLT-IIv. Most isolates from cases of oedema disease belonged to serogroup O139:K12 and did not contain enterotoxin genes. Isolates from pigs that suffered from diarrhoea were serotyped O141:K85a,b or O149:K91:F4a,c, and carried at least two enterotoxin genes in their genomes. In a small proportion of the cases F107 antigens were demonstrated in intestinal smears although gene fedA was not detected in the corresponding isolates. The results confirm the importance of F107 fimbriae as virulence factor in oedema disease E coli strains, but also demonstrate that F107 fimbriae can be found in association with postweaning diarrhoea isolates. In these latter strauns enterotoxins were always demonstrated, irrespective of the presence of toxin SLT-IIv.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida causes various respiratory disease symptoms in pigs, including atrophic rhinitis and pneumonia. In the present study, 69 strains of P. multocida were isolated from 443 pigs with respiratory clinical symptoms at 182 farms located throughout South Korea from 2009 to 2010. A multiplex capsular PCR typing assay revealed that 69 strains of P. multocida isolated in this study had the biosynthetic locus of the capsules of either serogroup A (47 strains, 68.1%) or serogroup D (22 strains, 31.9%). The 22 strains positive for serogroup D-specific primers were divided into four clusters and the 47 strains positive for serogroup A-specific primers were divided into 12 clusters according to the results of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. P. multocida strains in the present study were susceptible to most of the antimicrobial agents used. An analysis of antimicrobial resistance and virulence gene pattern combined with RAPD indicated that a certain P. multocida strain appeared to be genetically identical, implying the persistence of the strain within a single farm.  相似文献   

E. coli strains isolated from pigs with postweaning diarrhea or edema disease were tested by phenotypic and genotypic methods for the presence of virulence antigens and genes, respectively. The slide agglutination and ELISA analyses were used for determination of F4, F5, F6, F17, and F41 fimbriae whereas the prevalence of fimbrial fedA and toxin eltI, estI, estII, stx1, stx2 and stx2e genes were recorded by the means of PCR. Only F4 antigen (ac variant) was found in strains of the serogroup O149:K91 isolated from pigs with diarrhea. PCR analyses showed that the fedA gene encoding F18 fimbriae was present in 61.9% of strains isolated from pigs with diarrhea and in 84.2% of strains isolated from pigs with edema disease. The eltI genes encoding heat-labile toxin I (LTI) were present only in 9 out of 21 strains recovered from pigs with diarrhea. Shiga toxin 2 variant (stx2e) genes were found in six isolates from edema disease and also in one strain from diarrhea. The PCR test used in the study was a sensitive and valuable method for determination of virulence factors of E. coli strains.  相似文献   

The subject of this study was thirty nine strains of Yersinia enterocolitica, isolated from faeces of humans who showed symptoms typical of intestinal yersiniosis, and seventy strains of Y enterocolitica, four strains of Y. pseudotuberculosis, and one strain of Y. kristensenii from healthy pigs. In the population tested the following serogroups appeared: O3, O9, O2, O5. A PCR was used to detect the presence of pathogenic chromosomal markers, such as myfA and inv genes of the tested Yersinia species. Among Y. enterocolitica strains isolated from humans and belonging to serogroup O3 (thirty four strains) and serogroup O9 (five strains) thirty three Y. enterocolitica O3 strains and four Y. enterocolifica O9 strains, gave a positive reaction to the nmyfA gene, yielding a fragment of 280 base pairs (bp). Among seventy Y. enterocolitica strains isolated from pigs forty strains belonging to serogroup O3 and fifteen strains belonging to serogroup O9 gave a positive reaction to the myfA gene. The presence of 390 bp amplified products, corresponding to the inv gene fragment, was detected in PCR products of three Y pseudotlluberculosis strains from pigs and only in one Y. enterocolitica O3 strain from humans, which had no myfA gene. The results obtained show that the myfA gene is only present in the strains that belong to pathogenic serotypes of Y. enterocolitica. The myfA gene prevailed in the Y. enterocolitica O3 and O9 strains from humans but was less common in the Y. enterocolitica O3 and O9 strains from pigs.  相似文献   

Isolation of Rhodococcus equi from the submaxillary lymph nodes of pigs, with or without caseous lymphadenitis, and typing of the isolates by two serological methods were carried out. The rate of isolation of the organisms from the lymph nodes of pigs was 5 times higher in the lymph nodes with caseous lymphadenitis than in those without the lesion. Of 219 isolates, 146 (66.7%) were typable by the method of Prescott, while all the 219 isolates (100%) were typable by the method of Nakazawa et al. The most frequently isolated were serotype 2 of Prescott (identical to serogroup 16 of Nakazawa et al.), and serogroup 3 of Nakazawa et al., which did not correspond with any serotypes of Prescott. Serotypes/serogroups of R. equi from pigs were thus first clarified in Japan.  相似文献   

Twenty-one pigs were divided into three groups. Pigs in one group were inoculated with the intestinal contents which included bacteria from a pig with edema disease. Pigs in another group were inoculated with a culture of Escherichia coli serogroup O 139:K12(B):H1 isolated from the aforementioned contents, and pigs in a third group served as uninoculated controls. The infection was similar following both inocula. Enterotoxemia developed in 11 of the 14 pigs allowed to survive for more than two days. The onset varied from two to seven days after inoculation. There were maximal viable counts of E. coli in the intestine from the second day post-inoculation and thereafter. In frozen and paraffin sections, as well as by scanning electron microscopy, the organisms were seen on the surface of the small intestinal epithelium where they formed either isolated colonies or continuous layers. They colonized the lower small intestine more intensely than the upper section. The intestinal epithelium and the villi of infected pigs were indistinguishable morphologically from the tissues of three uninoculated control pigs. The diarrhea which was observed in controls and inoculated pigs before inoculation and the villus atrophy in controls and inoculated pigs indicated a preexisting infection with at least one other agent.  相似文献   

Between May 2005 and June 2008, strategically selected isolates of Escherichia coli obtained from clinical submissions to Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) regional laboratories in England and Wales were serogrouped and examined by PCR for verocytotoxin (VT) production and attaching and effacing (eae) genes, both of which are zoonotic determinants. VT-encoding genes were detected in 54 (5.3 per cent) of the 1022 isolates examined. Only one isolate (0.1 per cent) was identified as verocytotoxigenic E coli (VTEC) O157. Non-O157 VTECs were present in 4.7 per cent of isolates from cattle, compared with 7.9 per cent in pigs, 2.3 per cent in sheep and 6.7 per cent in goats. The predominant serogroup identified in cattle was O26 and the predominant serogroup in pigs was O2. Attaching and effacing activity was attributed to 69 (6.8 per cent) of all isolates.  相似文献   

Intestinal colonization of 3-week-old weaned pigs by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) strains that were originally isolated from weaned pigs with fatal diarrhea and that lacked K88, K99, F41, and 987P adhesins (4P- ETEC) was studied by histologic, immunofluorescent, and electron microscopic techniques. In the first experiment, 16 principal pigs were inoculated orogastrically with ETEC strain 2134 (serogroup O157: H19) or 2171 (serogroup 0141:H4), and eight control pigs were not inoculated. In the second experiment, 24 principals were inoculated with ETEC strain 2134, and 12 controls were inoculated with a nonenterotoxigenic strain of E. coli. Principal and control pigs were necropsied at intervals from 24 to 72 hours after inoculation of principals to provide the tissues used for this report. Results from the two experiments and with both ETEC strains were similar and therefore were combined. Adhesion by 4P- ETEC was demonstrated in ileum but not in cecum or colon in 22/40 principal pigs sampled at 24 to 72 hours after orogastric inoculation. Adherent bacteria were most apparent on the intestinal villi covering Peyer's patches. Only occasional adherent bacteria were detected in ileal sections from a few (4/20) of the control pigs. Adherence by 4P- ETEC was characterized by "patches" of bacteria closely associated with the lateral surfaces and less frequently with the tips and the bases of intact villi. In most cases, the adherent bacteria were separated from epithelial cell microvilli and other bacterial cells by a 50-400-nm space. Filamentous bacterial appendages bridged this space and formed a network among adjacent bacteria.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of 223 Escherichia coli isolates from pigs with colibacillosis included determination of O serogroups, detection of heat-labile enterotoxin, heat-stable enterotoxin (STa and STb), and identification of K88, K99, 987-P, F-41, and type 1 fimbriae. The incidence of the various E coli types among isolates of pigs of different ages was also determined. Escherichia coli bearing K88 fimbriae accounted for 48% of all isolates studied, were most often of serogroup O157, O149, or O8, and usually produced labile toxin alone or in combination with STa or STb. These E coli were commonly isolated from pigs in each age group studied (0 to 5 days, 6 to 10 days, 11 to 24 days, and greater than 24 days). Escherichia coli bearing 987-P accounted for 30% of the isolates, were most often of serogroup O141 or O20, and usually produced STa. Escherichia coli bearing K99 accounted for 13% of the isolates, usually were of serogroup O101 or O8, and almost always produced STa. Escherichia coli bearing 987-P or K99 were most often isolated from pigs less than 6 days of age. Fimbriae F-41, when identified, were usually on E coli of serotype O101:K99. Although infrequently found, type 1 fimbriae were on E coli of most of the serogroups identified in this study.  相似文献   

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