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龙州县农作物病虫测报工作现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病虫测报是植保工作的基础,是实现"预防为主,综合防治"植保方针的前提,是实现"绿色植保、公共植保"的重要组成部分,健全有效的测报体系是完成病虫预测预报、信息发布、传递以及指导防治的关键。从病虫测报人员、测报体系建设情况、预报手段等方面,分析其中存在的问题,并就病虫测报工作今后的发展对策提出建议。  相似文献   

构建现代化病虫测报体系是转变病虫害防控方式、实现农药减量控害的必要条件,分析了病虫测报工作对农药使用量零增长的基础作用,提出了通过建设现代化病虫测报体系推动农药使用量零增长的思路和途径。  相似文献   

加强基层农作物病虫测报工作的对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农作物病虫测报工作是植保工作的基础,是实现“预防为主,综合防治”植保方针的前提。本文阐述了六合区农作物病虫测报工作的现状,分析了当前测报工作面l临着网络不建全、测报力量弱、投入经费不足和信息发布面窄等问题,提出了完善病虫测报体系、加强测报力量、加大经费投入、拓宽监测服务面等发展思路。  相似文献   

分析了病虫测报体系建设和测报技术发展面临的多种挑战,提出以新型测报工具研发与应用为重点,以病虫监测"自动化、智能化、信息化、网络化"为内在要求,构建立体式、交互式的四川"智慧测报"体系,即在省、市、县、乡、村建设采集层、数据层、模型层、决策层、发布层、响应层,实现病虫自动监测、模型预警、科学决策、快速响应功能,提高精准测报水平,强化植保公益性职能,服务现代农业发展。  相似文献   

正本刊讯为进一步加强病虫测报体系建设与管理工作,6月16—17日,全国农业技术推广服务中心在青海省西宁市召开了全国病虫测报体系建设与管理工作研讨会。来自全国各省(自治区、直辖市)植保站和中国农科院植保所、中国植保学会有关专家共40多人参加了会议。会议总结交流了全国病虫测报体系建设与管理工作的成绩,分析了存在的问题,并对下  相似文献   

海南完善农业有害生物监测预警体系建设的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,海南省农业有害生物监测预警体系建设不断发展,基础性工作条件得到了较大改善,基本能满足农作物病虫害调查监测工作的需要。但是,部分地区病虫测报经费未列入地方财政预算,病虫测报部门存在运行经费不足问题,难以满足日常测报工作的需要。  相似文献   

当前病虫测报若干基本问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
病虫测报是植保工作的基础.但当前在社会及农业生产领域中,对病虫测报也存在一些认识模糊、判断不准的问题.为此,特从病虫测报的基本认识和基本现状等方面入手,分析阐述测报工作的作用与体现形式、资料共享与信息安全、资料积累与技术总结、网络建设与实地调查、预测能力与实时监测、预报内容与预报评估、预报时效与发布方式,以及人员待遇与队伍稳定、运行经费与服务效能、测报手段与工作强度、技术研究与技术培训、体系建设与体系现状等方面的关系和现状,并提出了相关对策建议,以期引导广大农业科技工作者和全社会进一步正确认识病虫测报作用和意义,为促进植保科技进步,保障国家粮食安全做出更大地贡献.  相似文献   

植保工作的核心在于高效的测报预警,病虫害测报预警关乎最终的防控效果,因此如何提高测报准确率是提升植保整体工作效率的关键.植保技术标准化作为农业标准化的重要一环,是当下科技兴农的重要载体,对农业绿色转型及高质量发展具有重要的现实意义.从标准及标准化的角度出发,对我国农业病虫害测报预警体系标准及标准化现状进行了相应分析和讨论,在此基础上提出了提升农业病虫害测报预警标准化水平的对策和建议.  相似文献   

为了促进湖北省农作物病虫测报系统日趋完善,对湖北省基层农作物病虫测报体系人员基本情况进行了调查和分析,并提出今后工作的发展对策。  相似文献   

1植保植检工作现状1.1病虫监测预警工作突飞猛进山西省已初步形成了较为完善的病虫监测预警体系。全省现有14个国家级重大病虫区域测报站,30个省级中心测报站,60个县级测报站,450个乡(镇)测报站。经过多年的实践,省植保站制定出专业测报与群众测报相结合,测报与科研相结合,测报与防治相结合的多种病虫测报方法。测报技术由传统的实查推算向系统资料积累、数据统计分析发展。测报对象由一虫一病的单项测报向以作物为对象的综合测报发展。测报因子由简单的病虫调查发展到病虫发生消长与天敌、气象、耕作栽培等综合因子的调查分析。在预报发布…  相似文献   

Data on the occurrence and spread of pests has been supplied by the Hungarian Plant Protection Organization for over 40 years. Since the 1970s, this service has been operated by the central station and the 20 county stations of the Plant Protection Organization. Data recorded on pest occurrence and developmental stage of pests and plants has been used to run a forecasting system at local and national levels. However, because of significant staff reductions in the Plant Protection Organization and the disappearance of independent forecasting groups, the reliability of the system, which was based on very specific data, has decreased. It has become necessary to develop a more reliable and flexible computer‐aided system (Plant Protection Information System, PPIS), better adjusted to the political and economic changes that have occurred. A major element of the new system, introduced in 1997, is that excessively detailed recording was replaced by a more practical general approach with fewer subjective errors. Specialists from the county stations of the Plant Protection Organization monitor infestation levels of 73 pests in 20 crops using five qualification categories. The results obtained are input into the PPIS program, which processes them into user‐friendly charts and maps showing the plant health situation in each county and in the country as a whole, as a basis for taking decisions on plant protection measures.  相似文献   

北京市农作物重大病虫害远程预警信息系统的构建及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从北京市植保站病虫害监测预警体系内各区(县)的数据采集人员、市里的数据分析人员和数据发布人员的业务流和信息流出发,用Asp+Oracle研制开发了北京市农作物重大病虫害预警信息系统。系统以预警预测为目标,数据采集为基础,根据建立的预测模型及用户提交的病虫害情况和气象预报信息,实时监测预报北京市重大病虫害发生为害情况,预报结果以5级预警色地图和文字信息提供给用户。最终实现测报资料采集规范化、信息传递网络化和预报结果可视化。  相似文献   

最优子集回归在武威市降水预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选用Micaps下发的ECMWF 0~120 h格点场资料,使用差分法、天气诊断、因子组合等方法构造出能反映本地天气动力学特征的预报因子库.根据大气环流产生降水的物理机制不同,将天气形势分为西北气流型、西南气流型和不规则型3种,分别对预报因子和预报量进行线性0,1标准化处理,采用Press准则初选冈子,最优子集回归建立武威市6个站点不同天气类型的0~120 h降水预报方程,用多因子概率权重回归预测其降水概率.预报方程的降水和晴雨拟合率达0.742,0.783;投入业务试用后,0~120 h降水和晴雨预报准确率Ts 达0.653,0.813.说明该预报模型对降水天气预报能力强.其预报能力超过或接近日常业务预报,为地市级客观预报提供了有效的指导产品.业务系统与MICAPS对接,实现全自动化,输出的预报产品客观、定量.  相似文献   

中国农作物有害生物监控信息系统的建立与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国农作物有害生物监控信息系统将计算机网络技术和植物保护专业技术相结合,构建了我国农作物病虫害监测预警和控制体系基础平台,实现了全国主要病虫害监控信息的网络传输、分析处理和资源共享,推进了我国农作物病虫害监测预警信息化进程。  相似文献   

植物病害监测预警新技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物病害监测预警对病害防治和管理具有重要的意义,本文综述了"3S"技术、孢子捕捉技术、轨迹分析技术、分子生物学技术等在植物病害监测预警研究中的应用,同时探讨了本研究领域的发展方向。  相似文献   

O. WAGN 《EPPO Bulletin》1980,10(2):35-38
In Denmark, the principle is maintained of forecasting and warning against pests and diseases which are not easily recognized by the farmer himself. The forecasting and warning system is based upon close cooperation between the farmers' unions, a well-organized network of plant husbandry advisers and the State Plant Pathology Institute in Lyngby. Most field data are collected by the advisers and forwarded to Lyngby from where announcements on current attacks are distributed as appropriate. Realizing the considerable local variations in the occurrence and course of the attacks, plant pathologists mainly notify the advisers, who can then intervene, if necessary, with a local warning for their own districts. Potato blight, however, is an exception, country-wide forecasting being broadcast every year. This may also be the case with warnings againts aphids. Potato blight forecasting has been in operation since 1935 and warnings against aphids in beets (causing virus yellows) since 1957. Each year about 10 different pests and diseases are warned against. Au Danemark, le principe prévaut d'assurer les prévisions et les avertissements pour les déprédateurs qui ne sont pas facilement dépistés par I'exploitant. Le système se base sur une coopération étroite entre les syndicats dexploitants, un réseau bien organisé de conseillers agricoles, et 1'Institut national de phytopathologie à Lyngby. Les observations de plein champ sont realisees par les conseillers qui transmettent les resultats a Lyngby. L'Institut assure alors la dissemination des informations sur les attaques en cours. Compte tenu de la forte variation regionale de L'incidence et de I'evolution des attaques, les phytopathologues avertissent les conseillers qui decident s'il y a lieu d'emettre des avertissements dans leur district. Le mildiou de la pomme de terre, cependant, est considere au niveau national et, suivant les cas, egalement les pucerons. Les previsions contre le mildiou sont en place depuis 1935, et contre les pucerons de la betterave (vecteur du yellows virus) depuis 1957. Chaque années, une dizaine de ravageurs et maladies font L'objet d'avertissements.  相似文献   

Difficulties in the practical use of disease forecasting models based on meteorological data result not only from differences between macro and microclimate. Most important is the fact that the network of meteorological stations in most cases is only a wide-meshed one, not sufficient for taking into account all local characteristics. Examples are given to show the consequences for disease forecasts if meteorological data of insufficient representativeness are used as input for the models. Possibilities for overcoming such difficulties are discussed.  相似文献   

王新俊 《植物保护》2009,35(6):130-134
通过多年调查研究,明确了当地小麦条锈病菌主要越夏寄主、越夏方式和越夏菌源量的影响因子,精准界定了越夏菌源分布区域;通过对历史资料系统分析,研究筛选出了主要相关因子,采用多元逐步回归方法组建了当地小麦条锈病越夏菌量预测模型,回测准确率为73.91%,对开展其综合治理有积极的指导作用。  相似文献   

T. Rosa 《EPPO Bulletin》2000,30(1):83-86
The forecasting and warning system in Portugal started in 1964 with a control programme applied against Plasmopara viticola, the most important pathogen of grapevine. Since then, studies and new techniques have been developed and applied to other important pests of vineyards and orchards, on the basis of epidemiological and climatic data that supports technical evaluation of the risk. In the last few years, mathematical models have been evaluated as an important part of the control strategy, integrated with biological data from field monitoring. At the moment, forecasting models are available for Plasmopara viticola, Venturia pirina, Venturia inaequalis and Cydia pomonella. The integration of forecasting models with field observations is used to formulate warnings that are sent out to farmers about the need to spray or not.  相似文献   

Since 1989, the subproject on leaf spot diseases of cereals of the German forecasting project ‘Pflanzenschutz-Warndienst/Wetterdienst’, financed by the German Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, has included the development of a control/forecasting system against Rhynchosporiurn secalis (scald). Several models were elaborated, of which one was already presented at the 1990 WMO/EPPO/NAPPO Symposium in Firenze (IT). During the 1990/1991 growing season, two control systems (RHYNCHO-OPT I and 11) were tested under field conditions at two winter rye locations in Rheinland (Hennef and Köln-Wahn). In addition to these, the control system of Volk was tested. The aim of all three models was to optimize fungicide application to a necessary minimum. A prophylactic variant with leaf (EC 30/32) and ear treatment (EC 49/51), and a variant without fungicide application, were included in the forecasting systems for verification. No significant differences in yield or profit were found between the three tested forecasting systems, but all three were superior to the prophylactic and untreated variants.  相似文献   

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