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广西东亚飞蝗监测调查方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
广西属东亚飞蝗偶发区,常年零星发生,但遇条件适宜,仍可暴发成灾。蝗情调查是治蝗工作的关键技术。广西飞蝗监测调查方法强调了监测对于指导防治的实用性功能,将监测的重点放在蝗蝻的调查上。本文还列举了东亚飞蝗蝗卵胚胎发育形态特征、蝗蝻龄期特征、广西常见蝗虫成虫的识别、飞蝗与车蝗若虫的区别、东亚飞蝗在广西的年生活史以及蝗灾与气象因素的关系等蝗情监测相关资料。  相似文献   

利用主成分分析和聚类分析,介绍了东亚飞蝗发生程度及对不同发生程度进行分类的方法。主成分分析选出秋残蝗最高密度、夏蝗达标面积、秋残蝗面积、夏蝗发生面积等4个主因子。这4个因子能在84.56%的程度上反映东亚飞蝗的发生程度。聚类分析将东亚飞蝗20年的资料,在卡方距离近1.68处聚成3大类,分析结果与实际情况非常吻合。依据聚类分析结果可对东亚飞蝗进行分类综合防治。  相似文献   

西藏飞蝗是川西北草原主要的生物灾害之一,近年来平均危害面积在7.5万hm2左右,且呈现出逐年加重趋势。为加大对西藏飞蝗的防治力度,试验应用瑞·苏生防剂、2%阿维·苏云菌可湿性粉剂、1%苦参碱可溶液剂3种生物农药分别对西藏飞蝗进行小区和大面积防治试验,比较3种生物药剂的防治效果。结果表明,3种生物农药对西藏飞蝗的小区试验防治效果在89.99%~92.12%之间,大面积防治效果在86.50%~92.41%之间,均具有较高的防效,可作为防治川西草原西藏飞蝗的选用药剂。  相似文献   

为解析西藏飞蝗对青藏高原干燥低氧环境的呼吸适应机制,本研究比较不连续气体交换循环(discontinuous gas exchange,DGC)呼吸模式下西藏飞蝗Locusta migratoria tibetensis与东亚飞蝗L.m.manilensis的呼吸特征参数。结果表明:西藏飞蝗和东亚飞蝗4、5龄蝗蝻及雄成虫均采用DGC呼吸模式,且雄成虫呼吸速率的峰值和周期比其4、5龄蝗蝻更稳定;西藏飞蝗4龄蝗蝻DGC历时为13.75 min,显著高于东亚飞蝗的6.46 min,而其5龄蝗蝻和雄成虫DGC历时分别为7.46 min和8.53 min,显著低于东亚飞蝗的15.70 min和14.44 min;西藏飞蝗4、5龄蝗蝻的暴发间期历时所占比例分别为7.40%和26.70%,显著低于东亚飞蝗4、5龄蝗蝻(分别为22.20%和67.20%),其雄成虫暴发间期历时所占比例为79.20%,显著高于东亚飞蝗雄成虫的53.60%;西藏飞蝗4、5龄蝗蝻和雄成虫代谢率分别为3.92、3.81和2.90 W/kg,与东亚飞蝗4、5龄蝗蝻和雄成虫差异不显著(分别为4.27、3.45和3.07 W/kg)。西藏飞蝗分布于低氧高海拔青藏高原,其DGC历时和暴发间期历时所占比例异于东亚飞蝗,表明DGC呼吸模式与其对高原环境的适应有关。  相似文献   

飞蝗是我国重要的生物灾害之一,其迁飞性、暴发性强,发生为害重。总结了2006年以来我国东亚飞蝗、西藏飞蝗和亚洲飞蝗的发生特点。近10年来我国飞蝗发生总体平稳,蝗蝻密度较低,但局部地区发生高密度蝗蝻点片。在分析蝗虫监测和防控工作中存在的问题的基础上,提出了具体的监测和治理建议。  相似文献   

温度对四川省甘孜州西藏飞蝗分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
温度是西藏飞蝗分布的主要限制性因子,作者通过试验测定了四川省甘孜州西藏飞蝗各种虫态的过冷却点、发育起点温度及有效积温。该虫初产卵的过冷却点为-24.4℃,孵化前为-20.7℃,是耐寒性最强的虫态,1~5龄蝻、雌、雄成虫过冷却点分别为-9.28、-8.51、-7.18、-6.64、-8.07、-7.86、-7.96℃。卵、1~5龄蝻、全世代的发育起点温度分别为14.17、15.84、16.64、16.80、16.35、15.00、14.61℃,有效积温分别为179.14、67.53、61.07、62.09、71.16、91.20、787.78日度,卵到蝗蝻的有效积温为540.2日度。统计气象资料表明,夏季高温不是西藏飞蝗限制因素,甘孜州石渠、色达、理塘的冬季低温影响西藏飞蝗的安全越冬,在甘孜州其他县可以越冬,并可发生1代。作者在乡城县观测圃饲养西藏飞蝗能成功越冬,年发生1代,其发育进度与有效积温分析一致。  相似文献   

东亚飞蝗生物防治技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效控制东亚飞蝗的发生危害,维护白洋淀及其周边生态环境,我们选择了苦参碱0.5%水剂;苦皮藤素1%乳油;天然除虫菊素5%乳油等几种植物源杀虫剂,进行了田间药效对比试验。试验结果表明以上植物源杀虫剂对东亚飞蝗均具有较好的防治效果,且对天敌无明显影响,由以苦皮藤素1%乳油600mL/hm2处理最好,药后1d防效为85.4%,7d后达最高值93.3%。  相似文献   

无棣县东亚飞蝗蝗区演变研究及其持续控制对策探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据新中国成立以来的有关历史资料和7次蝗区勘察结果,阐述了无棣县东亚飞蝗(Locustamigratoriamanilensis)蝗区的演变过程和结果,东亚飞蝗的发生规律和影响因素,提出了可持续控制对策。  相似文献   

广西东亚飞蝗蝗区类型及根除蝗害之刍见   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
东亚飞蝗是我国载入史册的历史性大害虫,远在公元前707年即距今2696年就开始有飞蝗成灾的记载,两千余年来在我国东亚飞蝗先后曾大发生过八百余次,给中国人民造成了不可估量的重大损失和灾难。因此,历代朝廷每逢谈起蝗灾均不寒而栗。 我国自解放以来,党和人民政府就极端重视蝗害问题,在周恩来同志的亲切关怀下,中央农业部多次委托中国科学院昆虫研  相似文献   

广西东亚飞蝗的系统监测工作始于1989年,由广西农作物病虫测报站、柳州地区植保站以及来宾、武宣、宾阳、贵港、邕宁、象州等6个县(市)植保(测报)站共同组成东亚飞蝗监测网,制定了适用于广西蝗区的“东亚飞蝗监测一般调查方法”。经过三年的实施,基本摸清了东亚飞蝗在广西发生的一般规律,年发生3个世代,主要以卵和少量的成虫及蝗蝻越冬,第2、3代在8月中旬至10月中旬重叠发生,是当年发生为害的盛期。飞蝗种群在年内的数量变化接近于正态分布。  相似文献   

In 1986, mass-mycelial isolates of Botrytis cinerea from 67 tomato crops in England and Wales were examined for benomyl and iprodione resistance. Of the 706 isolates obtained, 62.7% were resistant to benomyl at 2μg/ml and 43.2% were resistant to iprodione at 2 μg/ml. Iprodione resistance persisted in the absence of a dicarboximide spray programme. The incidence of benomyl resistance has not decreased since the last survey in 1984 in spite of a considerable reduction in the use of benzimidazole fungicides. There were no clear indications that the use of dichlofluanid influenced the incidence of benomyl or iprodione resistance. Disease control was poorer in crops with a higher incidence of iprodione resistance.  相似文献   

The relative pathogenicity of isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina was comparable both on sunflower tissue cultures and on mature plants and seedlings. The relative susceptibility of the different sunflower lines in vitro showed a similar pattern for cotyledon callus cultures, but not for immature embryo cultures. Although these protocols appear to be unsuitable for the selection of novel disease resistance, they do offer the potential for a rapid, non-destructive screen for resistant material.  相似文献   

In continuation of the annual national surveys of winter wheat, which began in 1970, samples from between 250 and 350 randomly selected wheat crops in England and Wales between 1999 to 2019 were visually assessed for disease symptoms during the milky ripe development stages (GS 73–75). Septoria tritici blotch was the most prevalent and severe foliar disease each year, although annual levels fluctuated considerably and there was no overall significant change over the two decades. Incidence of brown rust, yellow rust, take-all, and barley yellow dwarf virus also showed no significant overall change during the survey period, whereas glume blotch, powdery mildew, eyespot, and sharp eyespot all showed significant decline. Fusarium ear blight has significantly increased in both incidence and severity, causing a serious epidemic in 2012, when 96% of crops were affected. Tan spot has been the third most prevalent foliar disease since 2009 although severity is still very low. Regional disease levels were consistent over the two decades, providing reliable baselines to measure changes in seasonal disease severity. There were significant changes in agronomic practice with a rise to predominance of minimum tillage over the use of ploughing, decreases in overall disease susceptibility of cultivars grown, a major increase in the use of oilseed rape in the rotation and a long-term trend towards earlier sowing. Fungicide use increased considerably, with over 98% crops sprayed and an average of 3.5 applications made per crop each year since 2014. Implications of changes over the last 21 years are discussed.  相似文献   

采用高效液相色谱和气相色谱法,分别研究了吡虫啉和百菌清在薄膜大棚设施内外葫芦叶和黄瓜中消解动态及其在葫芦和黄瓜中的残留量,并结合气象因子对产生残留差异的原因进行了分析。样品中的吡虫啉经乙腈和盐酸溶液提取,中性氧化铝和弗罗里硅土层析柱净化后,用高效液相色谱检测;百菌清经乙腈提取,中性氧化铝层析柱净化后,用气相色谱检测。结果表明:吡虫啉在设施内外葫芦叶和黄瓜中均消解迅速,施药7 d后,其在设施内外葫芦叶上的消解率分别为90.4%和98.7%,在黄瓜中的消解率分别为67.8%和85.9%;而百菌清在葫芦叶上的消解速率均比在黄瓜中的稍慢,施药7 d后其在设施内外葫芦叶上的消解率分别为15.4%和38.1%,在黄瓜中的消解率分别为87.8%和91.5%。表明2种农药在设施外2种蔬菜上的消解速率均快于设施内的。两种农药均是在设施外葫芦及黄瓜中的残留量低于设施内的,而降雨和光照强度可能是引起农药在设施内外蔬菜上残留差异的主要因子。  相似文献   

西部降水氢氧稳定同位素温度及地理效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文基于IAEA和WMO建立的GNIP网降水资料,得出中国西部地区大气降水线方程(LMWL)为δ2H=7.56δ18O+5.05‰(VSMOW)。分析了降水中氢氧稳定同位素温度效应、地理效应,确定了降水中δ18O和δ2H与月平均气温、降水量、海拔高度、纬度的相关关系。根据张掖站降水δ18O与温度之间的相关关系和民勤地下水14C年龄和δ18O特征,初步重建了晚更新世以来民勤盆地地下水补给温度,并与惰性气体补给温度(NGT)进行了比较,其相关系数为0.65,晚更新世地下水的补给温度(据δ-T关系)较大,可能是没有考虑降水量效应的缘故。  相似文献   

Selection of crop genotypes that are more competitive with weeds for light interception may improve crop yield stability in the presence of weeds. The effects of interference on ecophysiological characteristics of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. and three morphologically diverse grain sorghum hybrids was evaluated to determine the relative tolerance and suppressive ability of the three hybrids and specific traits that may contribute to those differences. A tall hybrid was more tolerant to A. theophrasti interference than two medium stature hybrids. Early leaf area growth of two medium-stature sorghum hybrids was reduced by A. theophrasti interference, whereas early growth of a tall hybrid was unaffected. The height of A. theophrasti was greater than two moderate-stature hybrids but lower than the tall hybrid. Greatest leaf area density (LD) of the tall sorghum hybrid was above that of A. theophrasti , whereas greatest LD of medium-stature hybrids was below that of the weed. In monoculture, the partitioning of new biomass to various plant organs was similar among sorghum hybrids, whereas the tall sorghum hybrid partitioned less biomass to leaves and more to stems than medium hybrids in mixture. The results indicate that the three hybrids differ in their susceptibility to A. theophrasti competition. Crop traits that may contribute to greater crop competitiveness include greater maximum height and its growth rate and greater height of maximum leaf area distribution.  相似文献   

The build-up and decline of quintozene and hexachlorobenzene residues in protected lettuce, resulting from one to five treatments of the soil (each of 35 g m-2) with a quintozene formulation, have been studied. Residue levels were monitored in each experimental crop during growth until harvest. Residues in the soil at harvest were also determined. Quintozene residues in the harvested lettuce were in the range < 0.02–0.80 mg kg?1 and those of hexachlorobenzene were in the range < 0.02–0.05 mg kg?1 (expressed on a fresh weight basis). Residue levels in the soil were 5.4–231 mg kg?1 for quintozene, and 0.20–5.4 mg kg?1 for hexachlorobenzene (expressed on a dry weight basis). Under the experimental conditions of the trial there was no significant build-up of quintozene or hexachlorobenzene in harvested lettuce, even after five treatments to the same site.  相似文献   

<正>稻瘟病(Pyricularia oryzae Cav)长期以来一直是为害融水县水稻生产的主要病害[1],为全县双季稻及早、中稻混栽区内常发性病害,历年发生面积333.3~533.3 hm2,尤其是一些历史老病区受此病为害,常造成水稻产量较大损失。2009年该病又相继在早、中  相似文献   

西安夏、秋季降水与太阳黑子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于西安市1960-2007年的降水数据和太阳黑子相对数,采用一元线性回归、Mann Kendall检验等方法,对西安降雨量进行分析,然后采用小波分析方法研究了西安夏、秋两季降水量与太阳黑子之间的关系。结果表明:夏、秋两季降水量约占西安全年降水量的80%;西安夏季降水量呈上升趋势,秋季降水量则呈下降趋势;降水量的变化与太阳黑子数多少密切相关,在太阳黑子出现极值年及2 a左右,降水量也出现极值;西安夏季降水量有10 a左右的周期,秋季降水量有9 a左右周期;太阳黑子在9 a时间尺度上与降水量有很强的相关性,且夏季降水量与太阳黑子相差1~2 a的正相关,秋季降水量则与太阳黑子提前2 a左右的负相关关系。  相似文献   

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