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绒叶泡桐花中除草活性成分的分离与除草活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用活性追踪和柱层析技术,以对杂草反枝苋、生菜、黄瓜种子胚根生长的抑制作用为指标,对泡桐花中除草活性成分进行了提取、分离和鉴定。绒叶泡桐Paulownia tomentosa花乙醇提取物依次用石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇和水萃取后进行活性测定,结果表明,石油醚萃取物在浓度为 0.5 mg/mL 时,对反枝苋、生菜和黄瓜种子胚根生长的抑制率分别为76.30%、56.17%和23.36%; 乙酸乙酯萃取物在浓度为0.5 mg/mL时,对反枝苋、生菜和黄瓜种子胚根生长的抑制率分别为99.89%、63.53%和32.74%。通过对乙酸乙酯萃取物进行硅胶柱层析分离,得到一种活性较高的化合物,经鉴定其为对乙氧基苯甲醛,其抑制反枝苋种子胚根生长的EC50值为55.20 μg/mL。对乙氧基苯甲醛是首次从绒叶泡桐中分离鉴定的化合物,也是首次将其用于除草活性研究。  相似文献   

三氟啶磺隆除草活性及对棉花的安全性评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
三氟啶磺隆是一种新型、高效、低毒的棉田除草剂,为明确其在我国棉田的应用前景,以嘧草硫醚为对照药剂,采用温室盆栽法对三氟啶磺隆的杀草谱、除草活性及对棉花的安全性进行了评价。结果表明:在有效成分11.25 g/hm2剂量下,三氟啶磺隆对香附子、狗尾草、鳢肠、小藜、画眉草、小飞蓬、千金子、鬼针草、苍耳、鹅肠菜和反枝苋的鲜重防效均在90%以上,且对棉田杂草香附子、苘麻、狗尾草、反枝苋和马齿苋的除草活性均高于嘧草硫醚,以ED50值计,其毒力分别是嘧草硫醚的171、13.6、12.6、10.5和3.82倍;三氟啶磺隆在华棉5号棉花与香附子、狗尾草、苘麻间的选择性指数分别为13.0、2.80和1.13,高于嘧草硫醚的2.29、1.78和0.86,但其在华棉5号与反枝苋和马齿苋间的选择性指数分别为2.80和1.74,低于嘧草硫醚的4.75和3.38;两种药剂在山农棉8号棉花与杂草间的选择性指数与华棉5号的相似。  相似文献   

山东省泰安市甘薯田杂草调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
山东省泰安市甘薯田杂草隶属12科35种,以禾本科杂草与阔叶杂草混生为主,常见一年生禾本科杂草以牛筋草、马唐、狗尾草为主,阔叶杂草以反枝苋、马齿苋、铁苋菜、饭包草为主,莎草科杂草以碎米莎草、异型莎草及香附子为主。甘薯扦插后生长前期主要以阔叶杂草反枝苋、藜、马齿苋、苘麻、碎米莎草占优势,甘薯生长后期(6~7月),以一年生禾本科杂草牛筋草、马唐、稗草及狗尾草为主。甘薯田杂草的防除重点是扦插后至封垄前,此阶段及时有效的除草对甘薯的优质高产至关重要。  相似文献   

龙葵果实汁液的除草活性初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以龙葵(Solanum nigrum L.)、反枝苋(Amaranthus retroflexus L.)为试材,用种子萌发法检测了龙葵果实汁液对其萌发的抑制作用.试验结果证明,龙葵果实汁液中含有除草活性物质,而且活性较高,热稳定性较好,在150 ℃下加热0.5 h依然保持除草活性.龙葵果实汁液对龙葵种子萌发的抑制作用高于对反枝苋的抑制作用.水培14 d,龙葵果实汁液含量为1%时,只能推迟龙葵种子的萌发时间,对最终的发芽率没有影响;含量为5%时,龙葵种子的发芽率仅为的21.5%;含量为10%时能够完全抑制龙葵种子的萌发.含量低于5%时,对反枝苋种子萌没有影响;含量为10%、15%、20%时,反枝苋的发芽率分别为60.00%、43.75%、22.50%.  相似文献   

异噁唑草酮和噻酮·异噁唑是新型?广谱?高活性的土壤处理除草剂?明确异噁唑草酮和噻酮·异噁唑对玉米田杂草的除草活性及对玉米的安全性是该药剂在玉米田应用的重要内容?本文采用温室整株生物测定法研究了两种药剂对玉米田常见杂草的除草活性及对玉米的安全性?结果表明:20%异噁唑草酮悬浮剂和26%噻酮·异噁唑悬浮剂土壤处理对玉米田杂草有较高的除草活性, 两种药剂对各种杂草的GR90均低于田间推荐剂量?20%异噁唑草酮悬浮剂土壤处理对阔叶杂草藜?苘麻?反枝苋和苍耳均有较高的除草活性, GR90均小于54 g/hm 2, 对禾本科杂草狗尾草?马唐?稗和野黍也有较高的除草活性, GR90均小于63 g/hm 2?26%噻酮·异噁唑悬浮剂对阔叶杂草藜?反枝苋?苘麻和苍耳也有较高的除草活性, GR90均小于62 g/hm 2, 对禾本科杂草狗尾草?马唐?稗和野黍也有较高的除草活性, GR90均小于59 g/hm 2?20%异噁唑草酮悬浮剂和26%噻酮·异噁唑悬浮剂土壤处理对玉米的安全性很高, 对玉米和杂草的选择性指数均高于17?异噁唑草酮及其混剂噻酮·异噁唑用药量低?除草活性强?对玉米安全, 是玉米田土壤处理除草剂较为理想的替代产品?  相似文献   

吡唑酰胺基脲类化合物的合成及除草活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据活性结构拼接原理,以1-甲基-3-乙基-5-吡唑甲酰肼为起始原料,设计合成了19个新吡唑酰胺基脲类衍生物,其结构均经过核磁共振氢谱、红外光谱、质谱和元素分析确证。生物活性测试结果表明:大部分化合物对双子叶杂草苘麻Abutilon theophrasti、反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus以及凹头苋A.ascedense显示出较好的除草活性及选择性,如在2 250 g/hm2的剂量下,3i在苗后和苗前处理时,对苘麻和反枝苋的抑制率都达到了100%。复筛的结果表明,在375 g/hm2下,3i对双子叶杂草表现出中等除草活性。  相似文献   

八重樱不同器官除草活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确八重樱不同器官的除草活性,为进一步开展活性化合物的研究提供依据,以生菜、黄瓜、反枝苋、苘麻、小麦和稗草为受体植物,采用琼脂混粉法进行了室内活性测定。结果表明,八重樱的不同器官粉末在10 g/L的添加浓度下对各受体植物幼苗的生长均具有不同程度的抑制作用,且普遍对胚根(或种子根)生长的抑制效果高于对胚轴(或胚芽鞘)生长的抑制。其中,以根、叶和花器官表现出的抑制活性最强,而茎的抑制效果则相对较弱。6种受体植物幼苗的胚根对八重樱各器官所表现出的敏感性以生菜、反枝苋最高,黄瓜和苘麻次之,小麦及稗草相对较低。而它们的胚轴所表现出的敏感性以生菜和苘麻最高,小麦、黄瓜和反枝苋次之,稗草最低。说明八重樱各器官,特别是果实、叶和花中均含有高除草活性物质。  相似文献   

以夏至草、稗草和反枝苋为受体杂草植物,采用琼脂混粉法研究了不同浓度树舌灵芝发酵液醇溶物对杂草植物生长的影响.结果表明:树舌灵芝发酵液醇溶物对稗草的胚根、胚轴具有明显的抑制作用;对夏至革和反枝苋胚根的抑制作用较弱,而对它们的胚轴具有促进生长的作用,且对反枝苋的促进作用尤其明显.  相似文献   

通过室内生测法,研究了不同浓度的黄花棘豆甲醇提取液对油菜、燕麦、反枝苋和狗尾草萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:黄花棘豆植株地上部分和地下部分的甲醇提取液对4种受体的萌发和幼苗生长均有影响,显著抑制了4种受体萌发和生长。同时随着浓度的降低,其抑制作用逐渐减弱,表现出较强的浓度效应。其中浓度为0.100 g/mL的黄花棘豆甲醇提取液对油菜、燕麦、反枝苋和狗尾草的种子萌发、幼苗生长和根生长抑制作用最为明显。  相似文献   

为了明确荆条不同器官的除草活性,为进一步开展活性化合物的研究提供依据,采用琼脂混粉法于室内测定荆条对生菜、黄瓜、反枝苋、苘麻、小麦和稗草6种受体植物的除草活性。结果表明,在10 mg/mL的供试浓度下荆条不同器官粉末对6种植物幼苗均有明显的抑制作用,其中以花活性最高。进一步测定了花乙醇提取物及不同溶剂极性萃取物对6种植物幼苗生长的抑制作用,石油醚层和乙酸乙酯层的抑制活性较高,其中石油醚层对黄瓜幼根和乙酸乙酯层对稗草幼根的EC50分别为0.07、0.03 mg/mL,说明花含有较高的除草活性物质。  相似文献   

We compared photosynthesis and growth of Zea mays L (corn) and four weed species, Setaria viridis (L) Beauv (green foxtail), Echinochloa crus-galli (L) Beauv (barnyardgrass), Abutilon theophrasti Medic (velvetleaf), and Amaranthus retroflexus L (redroot pigweed), following foliar applications with atrazine, mesotrione, or a combination of atrazine and mesotrione in two greenhouse experiments. Plant responses to the three herbicide treatments were compared with responses of untreated plants (control). Photosynthesis on day 14 and dry mass of Z mays was not reduced by any of the herbicide treatments. Photosynthesis and dry mass of E crus-galli, A retroflexus and A theophrasti were significantly reduced by mesotrione and atrazine alone and in combination. Photosynthesis on day 14 and dry mass of large Sviridis plants were not suppressed by either herbicide applied alone. The mesotrione plus atrazine treatment was the most effective treatment for grass weed control because plants did not regain photosynthetic capacity and had significantly lower dry mass. Shoot dry mass of broadleaf weeds was significantly reduced by all three herbicide treatments, except for A retroflexus treated with mesotrione alone.  相似文献   

反枝苋种子休眠解除方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了光照和黑暗两种条件下氢氧化钠(NaoH)、盐酸(HC l)、赤霉素(GA3)和乙烯利(ETH)处理对反枝苋种子萌发的影响。结果表明,氢氧化钠、盐酸、赤霉素和乙烯利浸泡处理均可以明显提高反枝苋种子的发芽率,且随着试剂浓度的提高,发芽率表现出单峰变化曲线,浓度过低或过高均不利于种子的萌发。其中,赤霉素对解除反枝苋种子休眠最有效,且以200 mg/L浸泡处理24 h效果最好,发芽率可达90.8%,比对照提高了52.5百分点。其次为4%NaOH和6%HC l处理1 h,与800 mg/L ETH处理24 h的效果相当,发芽率在70%~75%之间。黑暗条件不利于反枝苋种子的萌发,发芽率略低于光照条件。  相似文献   

何伟  邓晖  牛永春  赵杏利  高洁 《植物保护》2011,37(1):99-104
为了解我国东北地区常见禾本科杂草病原真菌资源状况,于禾草生长季节对东北三省19个县市的稗草、狗尾草、马唐和虎尾草的发病情况进行了调查和采样。对病害样品用组织分离法分离获得186个真菌菌株,经形态学观察和rDNA ITS序列比对分析,鉴定到10个属的真菌。对其中分离率较高具代表性的或来自发病严重样品的31个菌株用人工接种法进行了致病性测定,明确了新月弯孢(Curvularia lunata)对稗草、狗尾草、马唐和虎尾草均有较强致病性,梭形凸脐蠕孢(Exserohilum fusiforme)和尖角凸脐蠕孢(E. monoceras)对稗草具有较强致病性,麦根腐平脐蠕孢(Bipolaris sorokiniana)、狗尾草平脐蠕孢(B. setariae)、嘴突凸脐蠕孢(E. rostratum)和链格孢(Alternaria spp.)对狗尾草具有较强致病性。不同菌株致病性有差异,一般来讲,对原寄主的致病性强于对其他寄主的致病性。研究结果丰富了禾草的病菌资源和信息,为真菌除草剂的研发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

通过对玉米田茎叶处理除草剂烟嘧磺隆、硝磺草酮、唑嘧磺草胺、唑草酮和噻吩磺隆等与不同用量HA桶混使用效果的测定,初步明确了上述除草剂推荐剂量下对玉米田主要杂草的生物活性以及HA对其活性的影响,除烟嘧磺隆外,硝磺草酮、唑嘧磺草胺、唑草酮及噻吩磺隆等除草剂推荐剂量苗后单独使用对已萌发的稗草、牛筋草控制效果不理想,药后30 d生物量积累的控制效果低于70%。0.2%HA显著提高了硝磺草酮的除草活性,药后30 d对杂草生物量积累的控制效果较硝磺草酮单独使用提高10%~50%,有助于降低硝磺草酮的使用量。  相似文献   

Buthidazole (3-[5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,3.4-thiadiazol-2-yl]-4-hydroxy-l-methyl-2-imidazolidinone) at concentrations of 10?6-10?4M did not affect germination of corn (Zea mays L.,‘Pioneer 3780’), redroot pigweed (Amaranlhus retroflexus L.), alfalfa (Medicago saliva L., ‘Vernal’), and quackgrass (Agropyron repens(L.) Beauv.) seeds. Stressing the seeds obtained from mature corn plants treated either pre-emergence or pre- plant incorporated with buthidazole at several rates by accelerated ageing and cold treatments further indicated that this herbicide did not affect germination. Total photosynthesis and dark respiration of corn plants 12 days after pre-emergence application and of redroot pigweed, alfalfa, and quackgrass plants after postemergence application of buthidazole at several rates were measured with an infrared CO2 analyser. The results suggested that buthidazole was a rapid inhibitor of photosynthesis of the sensitive redroot pigweed and quackgrass plants, with less effect on corn and alfalfa. Buthidazole did not affect respiration of the examined species except for a transitory increase in corn and alfalfa 12 days after pre-emergence or 4 h after postemergence treatment with buthidazole at 0.56 or 1.12 and 2.24 kg/ha, respectively. A long-term inhibition of quackgrass respiration 96 h after treatment with buthidazole at 1.12 and 224 kg/ha was also evident.  相似文献   

稗草Echinochloa crus-galli作为稻田难以防除的恶性杂草,严重影响水稻产量。为发掘具有防治稻田稗草潜力的生防菌,本研究从江苏、广西、贵州三省采集感病稗草,采用组织分离法获得10株对稗草致病性较强的优势菌株。通过观察优势病原菌的形态特征,结合rDNA-ITS、GAPDH、EF-1α基因片段序列分析确定10株菌分别为新月弯孢Culvularia lunata、尖角突脐蠕孢Exserohilum monoceras、禾长蠕孢菌Setosphaeria rostrata、稻平脐蠕孢Bipolaris oryzae、梭形突脐蠕孢Exserohilum fusiforme、澳大利亚弯孢Curvularia australiensis、双色平脐蠕孢Bipolaris bicolor、高粱附球菌Epicoccum sorghinum、亚隔孢壳属Didymella americana和亚隔孢壳属Didymella pinodella。该研究丰富了稗草病原菌生物资源,为进一步开发稻田生物除草剂提供了新材料。  相似文献   

Weeds that emerge along with or immediately after crop plants usually can reduce the yield of those crops. Two randomized complete block design experiments were conducted during 2006 and 2007 in Tabriz, Iran to determine the critical period of redroot pigweed control in the green bean hybrid “Cantander”. The treatments were weed‐infested and weed‐free plots at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 14 weeks after bean emergence (WABE). The green bean biomass was affected by the early emergence of redroot pigweed, but it was not reduced when redroot pigweed emerged at 10 weeks after crop emergence, along with crop emergence, and grew with green bean until 4 WABE. The redroot pigweed biomass decreased by 2.7 g m?2 per day when weed emergence was delayed. Each 100 g m?2 of weed biomass that was produced resulted in a 1.4 kg ha?1 loss in the green bean yield. When redroot pigweed interference lasted for ≥4 weeks after green bean emergence, the green bean yield was reduced significantly. Weeds, which emerged 2 weeks after green bean and thereafter were controlled, did not decrease crop productivity significantly. The highest crop yield was obtained when the weed emerged at 14 WABE. The critical period of redroot pigweed control, considering a 10% yield loss, was between 19 and 55 days after green bean emergence. Thus, weed control practises should be begun no later than 3 WABE and should continue until at least 8 WABE in order to obtain the maximum green bean yield.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effects of three organosilicone-based and six conventional organic adjuvants on the absorption and translocation of 14C-glyphosate in guineagrass and redroot pigweed. The organosilicone adjuvants produced rapid absorption of the 14C-glyphosate into the redroot pigweed leaves, reaching maximum absorption within 0.5–1.0 h after application. The conventional adjuvants produced slower absorption of the 14C-glyphosate, as the maximum absorption was not achieved until at least 24 h after application in redroot pigweed, remaining similar until 72 h. In guineagrass, the maximum absorption of the glyphosate was earlier than 24 h with the organosilicone-based adjuvants, compared with longer times for the conventional adjuvants. The organosilicone-based adjuvants also increased the glyphosate translocation in redroot pigweed, but not in guineagrass. Organosilicone adjuvants have the potential to provide greater rainfastness to glyphosate on redroot pigweed and, to a lesser extent, on guineagrass.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse of the Subtropical Field Science Center, University of the Ryukyus, Japan, from April to October 2015 to assess the allelopathic potential of 50 indigenous Bangladeshi rice varieties by using the donor–receiver bioassay, equal compartment agar method (ECAM), plant residue extract method and pot culture method. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), cress (Lepidium sativum L.), radish (Raphanus sativus L.), barnyard grass (Echinochloa crus‐galli L. Beauv.) and jungle rice (Echinochloa colona L.) were used as the test plants. The highest inhibition effect was given by Boterswar, while the stimulating effect was given by Kartikbalam and Panbira in the donor–receiver bioassay and ECAM tests. Boterswar, Goria, Biron and Kartiksail were selected as the highest allelopathic‐potential varieties by the donor–receiver bioassay and ECAM. In the methanol extract test, Boterswar gave the strongest inhibitory effect on both barnyard grass and jungle rice, while Kartiksail gave the highest inhibitory effect on the jungle rice shoot. The growth parameters and total dry matter of barnyard grass in the greenhouse pot experiment were significantly reduced as a result of the application of aqueous extracts of the selected rice varieties, which was similar to the results of the laboratory experiments. The varieties of Boterswar, Goria, Biron and Kartiksail were selected as the most allelopathic among the 50 indigenous Bangladeshi rice varieties. These rice varieties could be used for the isolation and identification of allelochemicals and to further develop new varieties that are tolerant to weeds.  相似文献   

Hairy vetch is a leguminous winter annual cover crop that provides a significant contribution toward meeting the nitrogen requirement of succeeding crops. Hairy vetch residue is capable of suppressing weeds, but low levels of residue can intermittently stimulate the emergence of weeds, particularly smooth pigweed. This research was conducted to assess the inhibitory and stimulatory effects of hairy vetch extracts on two smooth pigweed lots with differing dormancy conditions under differing germination conditions (25 or 35°C in light or dark). Full-strength extracts inhibited germination of both lots under all conditions, a result explained by the inhibitory osmotic potential of the full-strength extract. At ≤ 0.1× proportions of the hairy vetch extract, there was a slight stimulation of germination above that of the control (average = 11%) of both lots of pigweed under all germination conditions, except for a large stimulation (87%) by the more dormant lot at 25°C in light. A similar response to ammonium hydroxide solutions was observed, in which germination stimulation averaged 7% for all conditions except for germination of the dormant pigweed lot that was stimulated 115% by 15 p.p.m. of ammonium (     ) at 25°C in light. As the     concentration in the hairy vetch extract was similar to that in the ammonium hydroxide solutions that promoted the largest stimulation of germination, and because there was a high correlation between the degree of germination stimulation by hairy vetch extracts and by ammonium hydroxide,     appears to be the principle ingredient in the extract responsible for stimulation of smooth pigweed germination.  相似文献   

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