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一株PVYNTN-NW黑龙江马铃薯分离物的检测鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)是马铃薯、烟草等茄科作物上的重要病毒,在与寄主共同进化过程中产生了许多株系。本文从黑龙江马铃薯样品中得到PVY分离物A12。ELISA结果表明A12被PVYO的单克隆抗体特异性识别。A12开放阅读框为9 186个核苷酸,编码3 061个氨基酸,与SYR-II-Be1分离物的核苷酸和氨基酸序列一致率均最高,分别为98.3%和99.2%。系统发育分析发现A12与PVYNTN-NW株系SYR-II型的分离物聚类到一起;重组分析表明,A12是N-605和Oz的重组体,重组类型与SYR-II-Be1相同。综合以上结果表明,A12属于PVYNTN-NW株系SYR-II型。但与常见PVYNTN-NW株系分离物在珊西烟引起叶脉坏死不同,A12产生花叶症状。A12辅助成分-蛋白酶在182位和245位的氨基酸均为精氨酸,而其它PVYNTN-NW株系分离物为赖氨酸。本研究结果可为黑龙江马铃薯PVY的早期检测和有效防控提供理论指导。  相似文献   

 马铃薯Y病毒(Potato virus Y,PVY)是马铃薯、烟草等茄科作物上的重要病毒,在与寄主共同进化过程中产生了许多株系。本文从黑龙江马铃薯样品中得到PVY分离物A12。ELISA结果表明A12被PVYO的单克隆抗体特异性识别。A12开放阅读框为9 186个核苷酸,编码3 061个氨基酸,与SYR-II-Be1分离物的核苷酸和氨基酸序列一致率均最高,分别为98.3%和99.2%。系统发育分析发现A12与PVYNTN-NW株系SYR-II型的分离物聚类到一起;重组分析表明,A12是N-605和Oz的重组体,重组类型与SYR-II-Be1相同。综合以上结果表明,A12属于PVYNTN-NW株系SYR-II型。但与常见PVYNTN-NW株系分离物在珊西烟引起叶脉坏死不同,A12产生花叶症状。A12辅助成分-蛋白酶在182位和245位的氨基酸均为精氨酸,而其它PVYNTN-NW株系分离物为赖氨酸。本研究结果可为黑龙江马铃薯PVY的早期检测和有效防控提供理论指导。  相似文献   

马铃薯是重要的粮食和经济作物。马铃薯Y病毒(potato virus Y,PVY)是危害马铃薯安全生产的重要病毒。近年来,危害我国马铃薯的PVY株系组成发生了显著变化。PVY重组型株系尤其是PVYNTN-NW SYRI和SYRII型成为优势株系,但与传统株系分离物相比,优势株系分离物在不同寄主上的侵染性及其致病力还不清楚。本研究分析了PVYN株系代表性分离物PVYN605和PVYNTN-NWSYRI型分离物GZ在本氏烟、普通烟和辣椒上的侵染性,比较了二者在本氏烟和普通烟上的致病力。结果表明,PVYN605和PVYNTN-NWSYRI-GZ分离物均能侵染本氏烟和普通烟,并在普通烟上引起叶脉坏死;PVYN605不能系统侵染辣椒品种‘特大牛角王’,而PVYNTN-NWSYRI-GZ可系统侵染辣椒品种特大牛角王。PVYNTN-NWSYRI-GZ在本氏烟细胞间的移动速度明显慢于PVYN  相似文献   

 马铃薯Y病毒 (potato virus Y,PVY) 是一种重要的农作物病毒,可造成产量损失和产品质量下降。其宿主范围广泛,包括马铃薯、烟草、番茄和辣椒等经济作物。在广西从叶片表现斑驳褪绿症状的马铃薯上分离到一株PVY分离物DX,其基因组包含一个大的开放阅读框 (open reading frame,ORF),由9 186 nt组成,编码3 061个氨基酸。系统发育进化分析显示,分离物DX与PVYN-Wi株系分离物IUNG-12、SGS-AG、MAF-VOY聚类成一个分支。重组分析表明分离物DX基因组在496 nt和2 388 nt存在重组位点,分别位于P1和HC-Pro/P3结合区,是分离物Oz和N605的重组体。通过机械摩擦接种,分离物DX可侵染茄科9种作物,引起本生烟叶片花叶、皱缩和泡状突起等症状;引起普通烟草和番茄的轻微花叶症状;引起马铃薯叶片花叶症状,接种辣椒没有发病。序列比对分析显示,分离物DX缺乏引起烟草叶脉坏死相关的氨基酸位点N205、K400和E419。本研究比较了分离物DX对茄科共12种作物的侵染能力和病害症状差异,结果表明分离物DX可用于探索PVY在不同寄主中的致病机理。  相似文献   

 马铃薯Y病毒(potato virus Y,PVY)主要侵染马铃薯和烟草等茄科作物,给世界农业造成巨大经济损失。本文对测定的23个及GenBank中注册的52个中国PVY分离物ORF序列进行了系统发育、重组和选择压等分析。系统发育分析表明,根据ORF序列可把我国75个PVY分离物和国外30个参比分离物分成O、C、E、NTN-NW(SYR-I型)、NTN-NW(SYR-II型)、NTN(NTN-a型)、NTN(NTN-b型)、NA-N/NTN、Eu-N、N-Wi(N:O型)和N-Wi(N-Wi型)等11个分子株系,其中中国PVY分离物属于除E和C株系外的9个分子株系。除ME162、guiyang、PVYzu、SD-G、WA-13和CN:JL-1:17等 6个分离物基因组中未检测到重组,其余69个分离物均存在明显重组。根据重组位点的不同,中国PVY可分为11种重组类型,其中5种为新的重组类型。选择压分析表明,中国PVY分离物的11个基因均处于负选择,其中核内含体b基因受到的选择压最大,PIPO受到的选择压最小。基因流分析表明,黑龙江、河南和山东PVY分离物间基因交流频繁,马铃薯与烟草PVY分离物之间基因交流频繁。本研究的结果明确了中国PVY分离物的分子株系组成,对指导PVY的检测和防控具有积极作用。  相似文献   

 马铃薯Y病毒 (Potato virus Y,PVY) 是世界范围内对茄科属植物造成影响的重要病毒,为了解PVY对新疆加工番茄的危害,本文采集205份加工番茄样品进行血清学检测,结果PVYO、PVYO\N\C、PVYN检出率分别为20%、18.05%和0%,且PVY不同株系总检出率达24.9%。根据血清学检测结果,在苋色藜 (Chenopodium amaranticolor) 上进行单斑分离获得2个PVY分离物S1-10、S2-12,其基因组序列分析结果显示,S1-10分离物是PVYO与PVYN的重组体,属于PVYN∶O株系,S2-12属于PVYO株系。本研究表明新疆加工番茄上的PVY主要为PVYN∶O和PVYO株系。  相似文献   

 马铃薯是我国重要粮食和经济作物。马铃薯Y病毒(potato virus Y,PVY)是危害马铃薯生产的重要病害。种植脱毒种薯是防治PVY最有效的途径。马铃薯种薯携带PVY问题严重,但种薯中PVY株系还不清楚。本研究利用PVY特异性抗体检测了7个马铃薯品种362个种薯,发现不同品种种薯带毒率差异较大,最高达12%。通过RT-PCR方法扩增获得了7个PVY分离物编码区全序列。重组分析发现7个分离物基因组均为重组型,根据重组位点的差异可以分为PVYNTN-NW(SYR-II型)、Rec-1、Rec-2和Rec-3等4种重组类型,后3种为新重组类型。系统进化分析发现,分离物HQH18G3-10与PVYNTN-NW(SYR-II型)处于同一个大的分支,但与中国PVY大田分离物聚集在一起形成一个相对独立的组,命名为PVYNTN-NW(CN型);其余6个分离物与数据库中的中国分离物聚集在PVYN-Wi组。这暗示PVY中国分离物具有相对独立的进化过程,PVY马铃薯大田分离物和种薯分离物进化上相近。所有分离物均能在珊西烟上引起典型叶脉坏死症状,HQH18G3-10引起的坏死症状最为严重。本研究首次报道了我国种薯内PVY发生情况,对分析病毒发生发展规律和防控具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

 菊花上的番茄不孕病毒危害很普遍,1986年我们将菊花上的分离物CB人工接种局部侵染昆诺藜、苋色藜,系统侵染番茄、千日红、心叶烟、珊西烟,在心叶烟上形成耳突及鼠尾叶;在珊西烟上小叶脉坏死,新生叶片沿叶脉坏死或严重皱缩、花叶,在番茄上果实不孕或极少籽粒。  相似文献   

为明确分离自黑龙江省克山县马铃薯上的2个病毒分离物KS4和KS7的分类地位,通过RTPCR扩增、克隆获得其基因组序列,利用重组分析程序包和最大似然法分别进行重组分析和系统发育分析。结果显示,分离物KS4和KS7的开放阅读框均有9 186个核苷酸,编码3 061个氨基酸,分离物KS4的核苷酸和氨基酸序列均与马铃薯Y病毒(potato virus Y,PVY)分离物Mb112一致率最高,分别为96.9%和98.4%;分离物KS7的核苷酸序列与PVY分离物12-94一致率最高,为97.4%,其氨基酸序列与PVY分离物SYR-Ⅱ-Be1一致率最高,为97.8%。重组分析表明,分离物KS4和KS7均为分离物N-605和Oz的重组体,其中KS4基因组5′-端的2 392个核苷酸来自分离物N-605,其余核苷酸来自分离物Oz;KS7基因组的第800~2 227个核苷酸和第5 637~8 950个核苷酸来自分离物N-605,其余核苷酸来自分离物Oz。系统发育分析发现,分离物KS4被聚类到N:O株系(PVY~(N:O)),分离物KS7被聚类到NTN株系(PVY~(NTN))b型。  相似文献   

 马铃薯是我国重要粮食和经济作物。马铃薯Y病毒(potato virus Y,PVY)是危害马铃薯生产的重要病害。种植脱毒种薯是防治PVY最有效的途径。马铃薯种薯携带PVY问题严重,但种薯中PVY株系还不清楚。本研究利用PVY特异性抗体检测了7个马铃薯品种362个种薯,发现不同品种种薯带毒率差异较大,最高达12%。通过RT-PCR方法扩增获得了7个PVY分离物编码区全序列。重组分析发现7个分离物基因组均为重组型,根据重组位点的差异可以分为PVYNTN-NW(SYR-II型)、Rec-1、Rec-2和Rec-3等4种重组类型,后3种为新重组类型。系统进化分析发现,分离物HQH18G3-10与PVYNTN-NW(SYR-II型)处于同一个大的分支,但与中国PVY大田分离物聚集在一起形成一个相对独立的组,命名为PVYNTN-NW(CN型);其余6个分离物与数据库中的中国分离物聚集在PVYN-Wi组。这暗示PVY中国分离物具有相对独立的进化过程,PVY马铃薯大田分离物和种薯分离物进化上相近。所有分离物均能在珊西烟上引起典型叶脉坏死症状,HQH18G3-10引起的坏死症状最为严重。本研究首次报道了我国种薯内PVY发生情况,对分析病毒发生发展规律和防控具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Tian YP  Liu JL  Zhang CL  Liu YY  Wang B  Li XD  Guo ZK  Valkonen JP 《Phytopathology》2011,101(3):377-387
Genetic variability of Potato virus Y (PVY) isolates infecting potato has been characterized but little is known about genetic diversity of PVY isolates infecting tobacco crops. In this study, PVY isolates were collected from major tobacco-growing areas in China and single-lesion isolates were produced by serial inoculation on Chenopodium amaranticolor. Most isolates (88%) caused systemic veinal necrosis symptoms in tobacco. Of these, 16 isolates contained a PVY(O)-like coat protein (CP) and PVY(N)-like helper component proteinase (HC-pro) and, in this respect, were similar to the PVY(N-Wi), PVY(N:O), and PVY-HN2 isolates characterized from potato in Europe, the United States, and China, respectively; two isolates contained a PVY(O)-like HC-pro and a PVY(N)-like CP; another two isolates had recombination junctions in the CP-encoding region. Both the HC-pro and CP of PVY were under negative selection as a whole; however, seven amino acids in HC-pro and six amino acids in CP were under positive selection. Selection pressures differed between the subpopulations of PVY distinguished by phylogenetic analysis of HC-pro and CP sequences. When PVY isolates from potato were included, no host-specific clustering of the PVY isolates was observed in phylogenetic and nucleotide diversity analyses, suggesting frequent spread of PVY isolates between potato and tobacco crops in the field.  相似文献   

Piche LM  Singh RP  Nie X  Gudmestad NC 《Phytopathology》2004,94(12):1368-1375
ABSTRACT Potato field isolates (Solanum tuberosum) of Potato virus Y (PVY) collected from the midwestern and western United States were characterized using serological, molecular, and biological assays. PVY field isolates were grouped into the previously defined categories: PVY(O), European PVY(NTN), North American PVY(NTN), and PVY(N:O) recombinant and four previously undefined groups. Studies reported here agree with published reports from Europe and elsewhere in North America as PVY isolates capable of causing veinal necrosis in tobacco indicator plants appear in high frequency. In contrast to European experiences, PVY tuber necrosis isolates have a PVY(O) coat protein rather than that of PVY(N). Several PVY(N:O) recombinant isolates induced potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease (PTNRD) in the highly susceptible potato cv. Yukon Gold. The PTNRD symptoms produced by these PVY(N:O) recombinants were atypical compared with lesions found on the same cultivar infected with either the European or North American PVY(NTN) isolates. These PVY(N:O) isolates produced a roughly circular, sunken necrotic lesion on the surface of the tuber instead of the typical external sunken ring pattern displayed by PVY(NTN) isolates. This study establishes the complex nature of PVY populations within the U.S. potato industry and clearly demonstrates the diverse nature of PVY in the United States.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is a plant virus distributed worldwide that causes damage to several species of the Solanaceae family. It was established long ago that groups of PVY isolates defined by phylogenetic analyses correlate strongly with those demarcated by differential biological properties. Consequently, life‐history traits of this viral species can be inferred by phylogenetic analysis. In this study, characteristics of PVY isolates sampled in different tobacco fields in Brazil were analysed and most of the tested Brazilian PVY isolates were assigned to the recently described unconventional serogroup YU. The analysis of molecular diversity of the coat protein (CP) cistron from some YU isolates made it possible (i) to identify specific amino acid residues in the N‐terminal of the CP protein and (ii) to assign some YU isolates to a new PVY clade. The symptoms caused by isolates belonging to this new PVY ‘Brazilian’ clade and their ability to infect selected susceptible hosts led to the conclusion that neither veinal necrosis symptoms expressed on infected tobacco plants nor adaptation to potato or pepper hosts are ancestral characteristics of PVY. These observations suggest that PVY has gained a remarkable new biological property and broadened its host range over time.  相似文献   

A variant of Cucumber mosaic virus, CMV(Y/GM2), was isolated from a tobacco plant with mild green mosaic symptoms that was regenerated in vitro from a yellow strain of CMV [CMV(Y)]-infected tobacco leaves by tissue culture. CMV(Y/GM2) has two amino acid substitutions at 36 and 111 positions in the coat protein encoded on RNA3. CMV, assembled by mixing in vitro transcribed CMV(Y) RNA1 and RNA2 plus infectious RNA3 transcribed in vitro from cDNA to RNA3 of CMV(Y/GM2), was prepared and designated as CMV(Y/GM2)tr. When tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi nc) plants were inoculated with CMV(Y/GM2)tr, large necrotic local lesions in which the virus was localized, developed on the inoculated leaves. This host response unique to CMV(Y/GM2)tr was similar to the hypersensitive response (HR), which is a common resistance response to avirulent pathogens and was observed in five cultivars of Nicotiana tabacum and eight Nicotiana species. The revertant virus, however, accumulated to quite different levels in the various hosts. CMV(Y/GM2)tr induced pathogenesis-related 1 (PR-1) protein accumulation and systemic acquired resistance (SAR) which were generally observed in the HR. However, when tobaccos were inoculated with CMV(S36P)tr and CMV(V111I)tr, which have an amino acid substitution at either the 36 or 111 position in the coat protein of CMV(Y), respectively, CMV(S36P)tr was restricted to the primary infection site without necrotic local lesion formation and PR-1 protein and SAR induction. CMV(V111I)tr, however, systemically spread and induced mild green mosaic symptoms, while the host had the HR to CMV(Y/GM2)tr. The localization of CMV(Y/GM2)tr at the primary infection site may not only be caused by the HR, but also by the restriction of virus systemic movement resulting from the amino acid substitution at position 36 in the coat protein of CMV(Y). Received 15 December 1999/ Accepted in revised form 18 April 2000  相似文献   

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