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采用RAPD-PCR分子标记技术分析了51株不同地理来源、寄主来源的绿僵菌Metarhizium anisopliae菌株的遗传多态性。从94条RAPD引物中筛选出18条引物,对所有试验菌株进行RAPD-PCR扩增,共获得96条扩增片段,其中81条片段表现多态性,占84.1%。聚类分析表明,供试的51株菌株间的相似性系数范围为0.52~0.98,表明菌株间存在丰富的遗传多态性。供试菌株在相似性系数0.7的水平可分为4个组群。按菌株DNA多态性与地理及寄主来源的聚类分析表明,大多数菌株的DNA多态性与地理或寄主有一定的相关性,即长期的地理环境和寄主适应性可能形成了种群的分化。  相似文献   

莴苣上发现一种新的核盘菌菌核病   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
 从湖北省神农架莴苣上分离到一种产菌核病原真菌。这种真菌在培养特性上同核盘菌、三叶草核盘菌和小核盘菌既存在着明显差异,又存在着相似之处。其菌核易萌发成子囊柄,但在一般散射光下柄顶端难以发育成子囊盘。对偶得的1枚子囊盘观察表明这种真菌符合核盘菌属真菌的特征,并且同核盘菌属3个近缘种的菌株不同。可溶性蛋白质和多种酶同功酶电泳分析结果表明这种真菌不同于核盘菌属的3个常见种,但同它们亲缘关系较近。这种新菌核病的初侵染来源是菌核萌发产生的菌丝,通过病健接触构成再侵染,在病组织上形成菌核越冬越夏。离体和活体致病性测定结果表明这种真菌只能侵染莴苣,不能侵染油菜、小白菜、萝卜和胡萝卜。  相似文献   

选用6个随机引物对淡紫拟青霉IPC菌株及其15株突变菌株的全基因组DNA进行随机多态性扩增,共扩增出114条250~2500bp的DNA片段,多态检测率为83.3%。利用UPGMA方法对扩增的DNA片段聚类分析,结果表明:供试菌株具有丰富的遗传多样性,应用RAPD技术可以快速准确地鉴定菌株是否突变及突变程度;参照突变菌株表型特性上的改变,该方法可以作为确定其遗传性上是否发生分化的依据。  相似文献   

香蕉枯萎病菌RAPD分析及4号生理小种的快速检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术,对采自广东、广西的香蕉和粉蕉上的30个香蕉枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense)菌株和3个其它尖孢镰刀菌专化型的菌株进行比较及聚类分析。在遗传相似系数0.67时,可将供试菌株划分为3个RAPD群(RGs),其中香蕉枯萎病菌4号生理小种(FOC4)共15个菌株属于RGⅠ,1号生理小种(FOC1)共15个菌株属于RGⅡ,供试的其它尖孢镰刀菌专化型的3个菌株则属于RGⅢ。这说明香蕉枯萎病菌和供试3个其它专化型菌株与致病性间存在明显的相关性。1号生理小种内菌株间的遗传分化大于4号生理小种内菌株间的遗传分化。从90条RAPD随机引物中筛选出2条引物可产生4号生理小种的RAPD标记2个。将这2个RAPD标记电泳切胶回收、克隆及测序,并根据这2个特异片段序列设计SCAR上下游特异引物,通过对30个菌株的PCR扩增检验,其中一个RAPD标记成功地转化为SCAR标记,初步建立了以此为基础的4号生理小种快速检测技术,其检测灵敏度为2 ng新鲜菌丝。对采自不同地区的显症样品、吸芽、室内接种未显症的香蕉苗以及发病的香蕉植株不同部位进行检测,能够准确灵敏地鉴定出4号生理小种,从而为香蕉枯萎病菌的快速检测及防治奠定了基础。同时,快速检测结果发现,田间发病植株果柄的各部位及果实内并没有枯萎病菌的存在。  相似文献   

苹果轮纹病及相关病害病原菌的RAPD分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
 运用随机扩增多态性DNA (RAPD)技术对苹果轮纹病及相关病害病原菌共16个菌株进行了基因组DNA多态性分析。利用14个引物,共获得了220条RAPD标记,根据聚类分析结果,可将供试菌株分为3组,引起苹果、梨轮纹病的8个菌株为一组,引起苹果干腐病、桃流胶病以及山楂轮纹病的7个菌株为一组,轮纹大茎点属的1个菌株单独为一组。苹果轮纹病菌与干腐病菌的亲缘关系很近,但亦存在明显的差异。  相似文献   

稻曲病菌遗传多样性与群体结构的初步分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 利用随机扩增多态性DNA (random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)初步分析了稻曲病菌(Ustilaginoidea virens)的群体遗传结构。从1 60个随机引物中筛选32个扩增带型清晰、重复性好的引物,对不同年份采自辽宁、云南、湖北和浙江等水稻种植区的5 6个菌株进行扩增。32个引物扩增出2 2 3条带,绝大多数引物对不同年度采自不同稻区的菌株扩增的DNA谱型相同,大多数菌株间相似性系数达0.80以上。根据扩增DNA片段的多态性,从空间分布来看,来源于北方、长江流域和南方的菌株难以划分出明显的地理宗谱;不同年度的菌株DNA多态性也无明显的差异。上述结果初步表明稻曲病菌遗传稳定,寄主选择作用(寄主的基因型及其时空分布)对稻曲病菌变异的影响较小。但是尚需采用其它的分子技术测试更多的菌系,才能较系统地分析我国稻曲病菌系的遗传变异及群体结构特点。  相似文献   

 核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)属于世界性分布的植物病原真菌,可以危害油菜等多种经济作物。研究不同地域核盘菌的遗传多样性对了解核盘菌的遗传演化过程和指导病害防控具有重要意义。实验采用序列相关扩增多态性(sequence-related amplified polymorphism,SRAP)标记对四川省17个不同地理来源的66株核盘菌菌株的遗传多样性进行了分析。10对检测引物共获得129个位点,其中123个为多态位点,占95.35%。UPGMA聚类结果显示,在相似性系数为0.7时,66个核盘菌菌株分为5类(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ),分别包含60、2、2、1和1个菌株。在相似性系数为0.74时,第Ⅰ类又可分为3个亚类(Ⅰ-1、Ⅰ-2、Ⅰ-3),分别包含21、37和2个菌株。聚类及组成分分析结果显示,四川省各地区的核盘菌菌株具有较高的遗传多样性,但其遗传变异与菌株地理来源无明显相关性。  相似文献   

我国玉米灰斑病菌遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为明确我国发生的玉米灰斑病菌地理差异及遗传结构,利用简单序列重复区间(ISSR)对玉米灰斑病菌遗传多样性进行了分析,并利用尾孢菌特异引物对分离自四川、云南、湖北、贵州等西南地区的16个玉米灰斑病菌菌株进行了分子鉴定。结果显示,通过ISSR标记筛选出10个扩增多态性好且稳定的通用引物,共扩增出81条DNA条带,均为多态性条带,扩增片段大小在200~2 000 bp之间,菌株遗传相似系数为0.19~1.00。在遗传相似系数为0.19时,供试菌株被聚为2大类群,来自西南地区和东北地区的菌株各自聚为一组,在DNA水平上表现出明显差异,认为是2类不同的致病类群。分子鉴定结果显示引起西南各地区玉米灰斑病的主要致病菌均为玉米尾孢菌Cercospora zeina。表明我国玉米灰斑病菌存在丰富的遗传多样性,ISSR标记可揭示出玉米灰斑病菌株间的亲缘关系及遗传差异性,可用于其遗传多样性研究。  相似文献   

 采用RAPD技术对分离自河南省各地的43株小麦黑胚病优势病原菌(Alternaria spp.)菌株进行了遗传多样性分析。17个随机引物共扩增出151条清晰的DNA条带,所扩增出的DNA条带均为多态带,说明河南省小麦黑胚病菌存在着丰富的遗传多样性。利用NTSYS软件进行了病原菌的聚类分析,结果表明,河南省小麦黑胚病菌主要有2个种,即Alternaria alternataA. tenuissima,种间的遗传相似系数的变化幅度为0.62~0.92。来自同一个地区的小麦黑胚病菌菌株基本上聚在了一起,表现出很近的亲缘关系,来自不同地区之间的菌株也可以交叉聚类。病原菌遗传多样性分析进一步验证了形态学的鉴定结果。  相似文献   

山东小麦纹枯病菌致病性与遗传分化关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 对山东麦区被鉴定为双核丝核菌的35个菌株进行致病性测定的基础上,选用15个随机引物对上述菌株进行了RAPD分析,共标记出171条DNA片段,其中多态性片段161个,多态率为94.15%。用UPGMA法构建系统树,以遗传距离0.33为阈值,被鉴定为AG-D融合群的33个菌株隶属于同一个RAPD组,而3个未定融合群菌株(WK-6、WK-37和WK-13)均为独立的RAPD组。以遗传距离0.25为阈值,将属于同一个融合群的33个AG-D群菌株划分为7个亚组,说明受试小麦纹枯病菌株间存在丰富的遗传多样性。综合分析受试菌株的致病力测定结果与RAPD分析发现,供试菌株的RAPD组与菌株致病力的强弱无明显的相关性,但少数菌株的致病力强弱与亚RAPD组有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of a new specific diagnostic technique to accurately quantify airborne inoculum of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and discusses its potential use in disease-forecasting schemes, using examples of three contrasting epidemic seasons: 2007, when there was a severe epidemic of sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) in England and high numbers of airborne ascospores were trapped at Rothamsted, and, in contrast, 2003 and 2004, when the incidence of SSR in England was low and low numbers of airborne ascospores were trapped at Rothamsted. DNA was extracted from wax-coated plastic tapes, such as those used in Burkard (Hirst-type) spore traps and rotating-arm traps. A SYBR-green quantitative PCR (qPCR) method produced a linear relationship between ascospore numbers and S. sclerotiorum DNA (mean 0·35 pg DNA per spore) and was able to detect DNA representing as few as two ascospores. The technique was insensitive to DNA of the host plant, Brassica napus , and other plant pathogens, including Sclerotinia minor , S. trifoliorum and Botrytis cinerea , and common airborne fungal genera such as Cladosporium and Penicillium . There was no relationship between rainfall and numbers of airborne ascospores of S. sclerotiorum present at Rothamsted during the period of infection in the severe SSR season (2007).  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of 47 strains of Agrobacterium originating from different host plants and geographical locations in Poland, together with 12 strains from other countries was investigated. It was analyzed using RFLP of DNA fragment amplified with primers UP-1 and UP-2r flanking part of gyrB and parE genes, gyrB sequencing and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. On the basis of obtained results, we found the majority of agrobacteria isolated in Poland belong to biovar 2. However, among others, three strains distinct from type strains of all the known Agrobacterium species, were discovered. All three methods showed no correlation between genetic diversity and geographical origin or the host plant of all studied strains but they revealed high diversity of the tested agrobacteria. The highest diversity was observed within strains of biovar 1, whereas those of biovar 2 were found to be the more homogenous group. The topology of the constructed gyrB tree corresponds to topologies of 16S and 23S rDNA trees obtained in this and other studies, but the gyrB tree had deeper branching. In the case of RAPD, it was possible to find a unique DNA fingerprint for almost each strain tested. The gyrB gene appeared to be a good phylogenetic marker with high discrimination power allowing better differentiation between species and strains, whereas the RAPD technique can serve as a tool for single strain typing.  相似文献   

利用SRAP分析油菜品种对核盘菌遗传分化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文采用茎秆牙签接种法将单一核盘菌菌株接种至不同油菜品种茎秆,再从46个油菜品种茎秆内收集接种后形成的菌核进行分离纯化和培养,并采用SRAP技术对46株核盘菌菌株进行了遗传分化分析。从12对检测引物中共获得357个位点,其中多态性位点273个,占76.47%;UPGMA聚类分析显示,在相似系数为0.77时,46株核盘菌菌株能够分为7组。当以寄主的抗(耐)病程度、寄主品种类型和品种选育地来源为标准将菌株分为不同群体时,AMOVA(analysis of molecular variance)结果表明核盘菌菌株在各群体内变异率分别为98.50%、105.16%和95.36%,均达到极显著水平(P<0.001),而寄主品种选育地群体间的遗传变异达到极显著,变异率为4.64%。结果表明:核盘菌菌株接种不同油菜品种后,菌株间存在明显的遗传分化,这种分化与油菜品种的选育地来源有密切关系。  相似文献   

核盘菌致病性分化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解核盘菌的致病性分化,本研究用活体定位穿刺接种法,以油菜为供试寄主,对采自四川省10个地区23个县、9种寄主的108个菌株进行了致病性测定,结果表明,所有菌株对供试油菜品种均能致病,但各菌株所致病斑长度差异很大(2.7~82.0 mm),说明核盘菌种群内存在明显的致病性分化,这种分化与地理来源和寄主来源没有明显的关系。  相似文献   

Wu BM  Subbarao KV 《Phytopathology》2008,98(10):1144-1152
Extensive studies have been conducted on the carpogenic germination of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, but carpogenic germination in S. minor has not been studied adequately. It remains unclear why apothecia of this pathogen have seldom been observed in nature. In this study, a new method was developed to produce apothecia in the absence of soil or sand, and carpogenic germination without preconditioning was recorded for 95 of the 96 S. sclerotiorum isolates tested. Carpogenic germination of the two species was compared under a variety of temperature, soil moisture, burial depths, and short periods of high temperature and low soil moisture. The optimal temperatures for rapid germination and for maximum germination rates were both lower for S. minor than for S. sclerotiorum. The temperature range for carpogenic germination was also narrower for S. minor than for S. sclerotiorum. A 5-day period at 30 degrees C, either starting on the 10th or 20th day of incubation, did not significantly affect carpogenic germination of S. sclerotiorum. For both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum, the percentage of carpogenically germinated sclerotia increased as soil water potential increased from -0.3 to -0.01 MPa. In the greenhouse, a 10- or 20-day dry period completely arrested carpogenic germination of S. sclerotiorum, and new apothecia appeared after an interval of 35 days following rewetting, similar to the initial carpogenic germination regardless of when the dry period was imposed. In naturally infested fields, the number of sclerotia in 100 cc of soil decreased as depth increased from 0 to 10 cm before tillage, but became uniform between 0 and 10 cm after conventional tillage for both species. Most apothecia of S. minor were, however, produced from sclerotia located at a depth shallower than 0.5 cm while some apothecia of S. sclerotiorum were produced from sclerotia located as deep as 4 to 5 cm. These results provide the much needed information to assess the epidemiological roles of inoculum from sexual reproduction in diseases caused by the two Sclerotinia species in different geographical regions. However, more studies on effects of shorter and incompletely dry periods are still needed to predict production of apothecia of S. sclerotiorum in commercial fields under fluctuating soil temperature and moisture.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Interspecific transmission of a hypovirulence-associated double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and hypovirulent phenotype was attempted from hypovirulent isolate Ss275 of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum to five virulent isolates of S. minor. dsRNA and the hypovirulent phenotype were successfully transmitted to one of the five isolates, Sm10. Three putative converted isolates of Sm10 were slow growing and developed atypical colony morphologies characteristic of the hypovirulent phenotype. These isolates were assayed for virulence and produced significantly smaller lesions than isolate Sm10 on detached leaves of Romaine lettuce. One of these putative converted isolates, designated Sm10T, was tested to confirm interspecific transmission of dsRNA. In northern hybridizations, dsRNA isolated from Sm10T hybridized with a digoxigenin-labeled cDNA probe prepared from dsRNA isolated from Ss275. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis confirmed that isolate Sm10T was derived from Sm10 and not from Ss275 or a hybrid of the two species. The dsRNA and hypovirulent phenotype were subsequently transmitted intraspecifically from Sm10T to Sm8. To our knowledge, this is the first report of interspecific transmission of dsRNA and an associated hypovirulent phenotype between fungal plant pathogens by hyphal anastomosis.  相似文献   

油菜菌核病内生拮抗细菌的筛选及防病作用研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
以油菜菌核病菌Sclerotinia sclerotiorum为靶标菌,测定了63株内生细菌对其菌丝生长、菌核形成及萌发的抑制作用。结果表明:在所有供试菌株中,除1株未表现出抑菌活性外,其余菌株均有抑菌作用,其中有6.3%的菌株抑菌带大于10 mm,7株细菌可完全抑制病原菌的菌核形成,1株细菌可完全抑制菌核萌发;此外,结合生物测定结果,从中筛选到1株对油菜菌核病的高效生防菌株Em7,其无菌培养滤液对温室苗期油菜菌核病的防治效果可达97.5%。通过形态特征、生理生化特性及16S rDNA序列分析,认为该菌株属于枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis。于接种病菌前后不同时间喷施菌株Em7无菌培养滤液,对油菜菌核病均有防治效果,但防效之间差异显著,以接种病菌前24 h喷施防效最高。原液及不同稀释度无菌培养滤液对菌丝生长、菌核萌发及病害防治的效果明显不同,随着稀释度的增加,其抑菌效果降低。显微观察结果表明,菌株Em7对油菜菌核病菌菌丝的生长与发育会产生明显影响,可致使菌丝畸形、皱缩及细胞质外渗。  相似文献   

Thirty-three isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from various Stylosanthes species collected in Africa and Australia and associated with restricted (type A), extensive (type B) or nontypical anthracnose lesions (type C) were first compared by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on 118 reproducible polymorphic bands generated with 16 random primers, using the upgma method. Twenty-nine isolates were grouped in two main clusters, corresponding to types A and B, within which polymorphic subgroups were partially related to geographical origin. Strong similarities were observed among isolates of distant origin. Four isolates presented profiles completely different from the A and B types and were grouped in two additional clusters. To assess the phylogenetic relationship among isolates of various types and origins at the species level, the lnternal Transcribed Spacer region (ITS 1) of the ribosomal DNA was sequenced. Type A isolates and a restricted number of type B isolates selected in the RAPD clusters showed an homology of 99.4–100%. When compared with published sequence data, the isolates that were clustered separately in the phylogenetic tree, had the exact sequence of a C. gloeosporioides strain associated with the rotting of coffee berries, or of C. kahawae , the causal agent of coffee berry disease.  相似文献   

云南植物上冰核细菌多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 1990~1997年,从云南省24个县市的54种植物上分离到了197株冰核细菌,并进行了鉴定。其中菠萝欧文氏菌83株,占42.1%;草生欧文氏菌9株,占4.6%;流黑欧文氏菌3株,占1.5%;边缘假单胞菌10株,占5.0%;丁香假单胞菌71株,占36.0%;菜豆荚斑假单胞菌19株,占9.6%;草莓黄单胞菌1株,占0.5%;野油菜黄单胞菌1株,占0.5%。冰核细菌的种群和生态学在云南省植物上呈丰富的多样性。在120个随机引物中,有35个随机引物对供试的9株冰核细菌有DNA扩增片段出现,从中筛选出OPA-09、OPA-13、OPG-11、OPG-17、OPL-12、OPL-14、OPL-15、OPN-04等8个扩增条带数较多的随机引物,共扩增出148条DNA扩增片段。  相似文献   

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