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印楝杀虫剂的杀虫作用和机理   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
钟平 《植物保护》1995,21(5):30-32
印楝杀虫剂的杀虫作用和机理钟平(中国─—欧共体农业技术中心北京100026)使用化学杀虫剂引起的害虫抗药性和农药残留,污染农产品和环境的问题已受到世界各国的广泛关注。为寻找化学杀虫剂的替代品,近年各国积极开展对植物杀虫剂的研究。楝科植物中的印楝(Az...  相似文献   

为探究使用产卵驱避剂防治苦瓜上瓜实蝇的可行性,本研究于室内测定了13种杀虫剂对瓜实蝇的产卵驱避作用,并对印楝素进行了田间药效试验。结果表明,13种杀虫剂对瓜实蝇均具有产卵驱避作用,其中印楝素的驱避效果最好,以有效成分12.5mg/L的剂量喷雾处理苦瓜果实24h后,产卵驱避率达100%;进一步试验表明,印楝素对瓜实蝇的产卵驱避作用具有较长的持效期,以9.375g/ha的剂量喷雾处理苦瓜果实后,至第5天时仍有80%以上的产卵驱避率;田间试验表明,印楝素对苦瓜果实具有较好的防护效果,以9.375g/ha的剂量喷雾3次后,保果率为93.33%。因此,印楝素可作为防治苦瓜瓜实蝇的药剂。  相似文献   

楝科植物杀虫研究概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
由于植物质杀虫剂一般低毒、无残留 ,特别适合在果树、蔬菜、烟草、茶叶和其它经济作物上使用。在害虫综合治理和农业环境保护工作中都有广阔的应用前景。现已发现全世界约 1 6 0 0种以上植物具有杀虫活性物质 ,其中研究应用最多的是楝科植物 ,主要是苦楝、川楝和印楝的活性物质[1 ] 。楝科植物在我国有 1 5属 6 4种 ,以苦楝分布最广 ,川楝次之 ,华南农大 1 986年开始引种印楝 [2 ] ,并在海南、广东种植成功。我国研究最多的也是苦楝和川楝。赵善欢等 1 980年以来首先证明川楝中有对水稻三化螟具有内吸毒杀和拒食作用的成分 ,继而发现印楝、…  相似文献   

将棉籽油与地沟油按1∶1比例混合,配制成基础油,然后添加5%乳化剂制成95%蔬菜油杀虫剂,再将该蔬菜油杀虫剂与0.7%印楝素乳油按1∶1比例配制成混配剂,对菜青虫进行防治试验。结果表明,每667 m~2用蔬菜油与印楝素混配剂60 mL对菜青虫的防治效果略优于对照药剂每667 m~2用0.7%印楝素乳油40 mL。每667 m~2用蔬菜油与印楝素混配剂80 mL对菜青虫的防治效果显著高于对照药剂每667 m~2用0.7%印楝素乳油40 mL。  相似文献   

<正>苦参碱是由中草药植物苦参Sophora flavescens的根、植株、果实经乙醇等有机溶剂提取制成的低毒植物源广谱杀虫剂,具有触杀和胃毒作用,对鳞翅目害虫、蚜虫、红蜘蛛等具有良好的防治效果[1-3]。害虫一旦触及该药剂,即麻痹神经中枢,继而使虫体蛋白质凝固,堵死虫体气孔,使害虫窒息而死[4]。而苦参碱直接在中药临床上应用已有多年历史[5]。印楝Azadirachta indica是原产于印度、缅甸的一种楝科  相似文献   

采用植物源杀虫剂印楝素对烟草烟青虫进行田间药效试验,结果表明,0.3%印楝素EC80ml/667m2和100ml/667m2对烟青虫幼虫有较好的防治效果,药后7d防效分别达93%和89.6%,且对烟草生长安全。建议在烟田烟青虫防治中推广应用,在低龄幼虫期施药。  相似文献   

印楝制剂对多种水稻病虫害具有防治作用,并对稻田天敌安全。本文概述了国内、外关于印楝制剂对水稻病虫害生物活性的研究情况,简单介绍了印楝制剂的作用效果和作用机制,并初步探讨了印楝质生物农药在我国无公害水稻生产中的应用前景。  相似文献   

为探讨植物源杀虫剂印楝素对马铃薯甲虫的防治作用,采用叶碟法测定印楝素乳油对其成虫的拒食作用,并通过药效试验测定印楝素乳油对马铃薯甲虫的控制效果。结果显示,印楝素对马铃薯甲虫成虫有较强的非选择性拒食作用,且拒食率随取食时间的增加而升高。在取食36 h后,浓度为6、7.5、10、15和30 mg/L印楝素的拒食率分别为55.5%、59.1%、53.4%、76.1%和63.3%,拒食率与浓度无显著相关性;但印楝素对马铃薯甲虫的选择性拒食率较低,各浓度处理间均无显著差异,取食36 h时,选择拒食率约20%;在田间10 mg/L印楝素溶液施药1 d和3 d后,虫口减退率分别为26.52%和50.76%,显著高于对照组,施药9 d后,马铃薯甲虫的校正防治效果为48.86%。表明印楝素对马铃薯甲虫有一定的控制效果。  相似文献   

印度政府已设立专项经费用以提高印楝素的生产和应用。印楝素是从印楝树提取的植物性农药,是一种优良的化学农药替代产品。印度环保部指出,该项目的目的是要减少如茶叶、咖啡、香料类  相似文献   

为协调使用杀虫剂及害虫天敌,本文测定了阿维菌素、印楝素、苦参碱、除虫菊素和吡虫啉5种常用杀虫剂分别与天敌黄瓜新小绥螨(原名胡瓜钝绥螨)对棉田朱砂叶螨的联合防治效果。结果表明:1.8%阿维菌素EW(1∶8 000)处理6d后释放黄瓜新小绥螨对朱砂叶螨的防治效果最佳,20d后相对防治效果高达96.63%;其次是0.3%印楝素EC(1∶250)处理7d后释放黄瓜新小绥螨,1d和20d后防效分别为59.7%和90.16%;0.5%苦参碱AS(1∶2 000)处理6d后释放黄瓜新小绥螨,20d后相对防治效果达到82.65%。本研究为朱砂叶螨可持续防控提供了可选方案,为延缓抗药性产生提供了研究思路。  相似文献   

从植物源杀虫剂作用的特异性、作用机理、对非靶标生物的安全性以及害虫对植物源杀虫剂的抗性等方面介绍了植物源杀虫剂领域新的研究进展,并对该领域新的研究方向做了介绍,对植物源杀虫剂在未来的发展做了展望。  相似文献   

In spite of the wide recognition that many plants possess insecticidal properties, only a handful of pest control products directly obtained from plants,i. e., botanical insecticides, are in use in developed countries. The demonstrated efficacy of the botanical neem (based on seed kernel extracts ofAzadirachta indica), and its recent approval for use in the United States, has stimulated research and development of other botanical insecticides. However, the commercialization of new botanical insecticides can be hindered by a number of issues. The principal barriers to commercialization of new botanicals are (i) scarcity of the natural resource; (ii) standardization and quality control; and (iii) registration. These issues are no problem (i) or considerably less of a problem (ii, iii) with conventional insecticides. In this review I discuss these issues and suggest how the problems may be overcome in the future. Based on a paper presented at the symposiumBiopesticides for Crop Protection, Seoul National University Suwon, South Korea, 22 August 1996.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Greenhouse experiments were conducted at Khartoum (Sudan) with the aphid predator Hippodamia variegata, two botanical and one synthetic insecticides: neem...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Aphis glycines Matsumura, an invasive insect pest in North American soybeans, is fed upon by a key biological control agent, Harmonia axyridis Pallas. Although biological control is preferentially relied upon to suppress insect pests in organic agriculture, approved insecticides, such as neem, are periodically utilized to reduce damaging pest populations. The authors evaluated direct spray treatments of two neem formulations, azadirachtin and neem seed oil, under controlled conditions for effects on survivorship, development time and fecundity in A. glycines and H. axyridis. RESULTS: Both azadirachtin and neem seed oil significantly increased aphid nymphal mortality (80 and 77% respectively) while significantly increasing development time of those surviving to adulthood. First-instar H. axyridis survival to adulthood was also significantly reduced by both neem formulations, while only azadirachtin reduced third-instar survivorship. Azadirachtin increased H. axyridis development time to adult when applied to both instars, while neem oil only increased time to adult when applied to first instar. Neither neem formulation affected the fecundity of either insect. CONCLUSIONS: Results are discussed within the context of future laboratory and field studies aimed at clarifying if neem-derived insecticides can be effectively integrated with biological control for soybean aphid management in organic soybeans.  相似文献   

选用5种不同的植物源杀虫剂3%苦参碱水剂,0.2%苦皮藤素乳油,0.3%印楝素乳油,0.5%藜芦碱可溶性液剂,4%鱼藤酮乳油对烟蚜进行田间防治试验。结果表明,3%苦参碱水剂和0.2%苦皮藤素乳油对烟蚜防效皆达到90%以上,药效期可持续20 d。因此,3%苦参碱水剂和0.2%苦皮藤素乳油这两种植物源杀虫剂可作为无公害烟叶和有机烟叶生产中防治烟蚜的推荐药剂。  相似文献   

对微胶囊技术在植物源杀虫剂中的应用进行总结,采用微胶囊技术制备植物源杀虫剂可提高其稳定性,通过控制释放时间及释放速度来提高其活性。微胶囊技术也是植物源杀虫剂在实际应用中最能模仿自然植物灭虫过程的技术。  相似文献   

生物技术在植物性杀虫剂研究开发中的应用   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
植物性杀虫剂是与环境有较高和谐度的害虫控制制,但研究开发进程缓慢。生物技术将是二十一世纪的主导技术,是解决人类面临的诸多问题的有力武器。利用基因工程技术对杀虫植物进行遗传改良以提高植物性杀虫剂的含量。应用植物细胞培养技术对高效杀虫植物加大繁殖力度以及对杀虫植物进行器官、细胞大规律发酵培养,从而解决植物性杀虫剂的来源问题。利用昆虫细胞培养技术可以加快有效杀虫植物的初筛和 植物性杀虫剂的抗性预报等。可见,生物技术与植物性杀虫剂研究的有机结合,必将使这门学科更好、更快地向前发展。  相似文献   

Variability in the insecticidal effects of botanical preparations has been one of the major obstacles in the application of this type of insecticide. Understanding of the variability may help to improve formulations of the preparations and develop more practical strategies for field applications. Here we report the varying effects of two lots of the same commercial neem formulation, Neemix® 4.5, on the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. We found that one lot had stronger adverse effect on the development and survival of P. xylostella larvae but little repellent effect on the adults, whereas, the other lot had a weaker effect on the larvae but a substantial repellent effect on the adults.  相似文献   

Nathan  S. Senthil  Chung  Paul Gene  Murugan  K. 《Phytoparasitica》2004,32(5):433-443
The effect of botanical insecticides and bacterial toxins on gut enzyme activity of larvae of the rice leaffolderCnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée) (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was investigated. Gut enzyme activities were affected by botanical insecticides and bacterial toxin individually and in combination. When fed a diet of rice leaves treated with botanical insecticides and bacterial toxins, in bioassays the activities of gut tissue enzymes — acid phosphatases (ACP), alkaline phosphatases (ALP) and adenosine triphosphatases (ATPase) — of rice leaffolder larvae were affected. When combined, the effect was more severe at a low concentration. Larvae that were chronically exposed to botanical insecticides and bacterial toxins showed a reduction in weight (59–89%) and exhibited a significant reduction in ACP, ALP and ATPase activities. The combination ofBacillus thuringiensis kurstaki and botanical insecticides caused a decrease of twofold in enzyme activity even at reduced concentration. A synergistic effect was found when botanical insecticides and bacterial toxins were combined at low doses. These effects were most pronounced in early instars. Clear dose-response relationships were established with respect to enzyme activity. In conclusion: (i) biopesticides are relatively safe and biodegradable; (ii) a synergistic effect of botanical insecticides and bacterial toxins was found; (iii) less expensive, readily available and naturally occurring biopesticides could be an alternative for organic and inorganic pesticides in controlling RLF. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 28, 2004.  相似文献   

Botanical insecticides continue to be a subject of keen interest among the international research community, reflected in the steady growth in scientific publications devoted to the subject. Until very recently though, the translation of that theory to practice, i.e. the commercialisation and adoption of new botanical insecticides in the marketplace, has seriously lagged behind. Strict regulatory regimes, long the bane of small pesticide producers, are beginning to relax some of the data requirements for ‘low‐risk’ pesticide products, facilitating movement of more botanicals into the commercial arena. In this paper I discuss some of the jurisdictions where botanicals are increasingly finding favour, some of the newer botanical insecticides in the plant and animal health arsenal and some of the specific sectors where botanicals are most likely to compete effectively with other types of insecticidal product. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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