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在新疆天山山区,利用重建时间序列后的NDVI和DEM数据,基于人工神经网络对TRMM3B43月降水数据进行了校正。并采用研究区25个站点实测降水数据对仅考虑地理因子校正后的TRMM值与同时考虑地理因子和NDVI进行校正后的TRMM值分别进行精度检验,结果表明:仅考虑地理因子校正后的TRMM数据的校正效果明显,同时考虑地理因子与NDVI进行校正后的TRMM数据效果更好,R2显著提高,δ和RMSE明显降低。对于单个站点而言,仅考虑地理因子校正后的TRMM数据和综合考虑地理因子和NDVI校正后的TRMM数据精度大部分有所提高,个别站点与实测值之间有一定差异,降水量相对较小的站点差异较明显。  相似文献   

以MODIS卫星遥感数据为基础,结合BP神经网络方法,选取地面监测资料比较稀缺的博斯腾湖流域进行降雨估算研究。首先,从MODIS二级数据产品中读取与降水有直接关系的云、大气参数因子和研究区内实测降雨数据组成历史样本;而后,采用BP神经网络方法在山区和盆地建立降水估算模型,使用样本对模型进行训练和检验。结果表明:在水文、气象站点稀少的条件下,所建模型模拟山区日降雨量的效率系数达到0.7以上,模拟值与实测值拟合程度较好,可以进行空间上的推广,这对缺乏降水监测的山区具有数据补充意义。而在降水稀少的盆地,模型模拟效果不佳,可以通过对盆地水循环机理和降水物理机制的深入研究来完善模型。  相似文献   

以青海省乐都县、互助县6条侵蚀沟为研究对象,收集了研究区域的降雨、地形地貌、植被、土壤等数据,系统分析了各因子与土壤侵蚀量的关系。结果表明,该研究区域年侵蚀厚度与年降雨总量的变化规律不明显,土壤容重、植被覆盖度和坡度三个因子的共同作用对侵蚀量有显著的影响。区域内各影响因子对土壤侵蚀影响的大小排序为:植被盖度坡度土壤容重土壤可蚀性降雨侵蚀力,再次说明退耕还林(还草)工程能够有效改善区域水土流失问题。  相似文献   

大兴安岭南段白桦林降雨再分配特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2013年度赛罕乌拉地区白桦林64场有效降雨及林内再分配的野外观测数据,探讨了该地区白桦林降雨再分配特征。结果表明:白桦林的穿透降雨量、树干茎流量和林冠截留量分别占同期林外降雨量的76.0%,2.3%,21.7%。穿透降雨量及树干茎流量与林外降雨量均呈明显的线性相关(R2=0.8800),而林冠截留量与林外降雨量呈指数函数关系(R2=0.8303)。实验证明当林外降雨量大于0.3mm时,可发生穿透降雨;林外降雨量大于0.51mm时,可发生树干茎流。林冠层叶面积指数(LAI值)及独特的立地条件、生长特征对降雨再分配起着重要的影响。  相似文献   

ALMANAC 模型对黄土高原玉米、谷子和糜子产量的模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用ALMANAC作物模型对黄土高原安塞县大南沟小流域2000~2004年玉米、谷子和糜子的产量进行模拟.结果显示,ALMANAC模型能够很好地模拟该地区的粮食产量,模拟值与实测值回归方程的决定系数大于0.72,回归方程接近1∶1线.玉米、谷子和糜子模拟产量与实测产量之间的平均相对误差分别为-2.29%、-2.32%和8.34%,模拟产量与实测产量之间的标准化均方根差分别为15.7%、11.5%和15.8%.梯田、阴坡和阳坡之间的模拟误差有所差异,玉米梯田产量的模拟值比实测值偏高,阴坡和阳坡产量的模拟值偏低;谷子梯田和阴坡产量的模拟值偏低,阳坡产量的模拟值偏高;糜子梯田和阳坡产量的模拟值偏高.梯田模拟值与实测值之间的一致性较好,其次为阴坡,再次为阳坡.  相似文献   

董志塬核心区降雨侵蚀力时间分布及变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用董志塬中部西峰气象站1951-2011年逐日降雨量资料,采用日雨量侵蚀力模型、趋势系数和Mann Kendall突变检验法,分析董志塬核心区61 a来降雨侵蚀力的年内分布和年际变化特征。结果表明:① 董志塬核心区降雨侵蚀力在706.9~3 200.6 MJ•mm•hm-2•h-1•a-1,平均为1 634.7 MJ•mm•hm-2•h-1•a-1;其中7-9月降雨侵蚀力占全年的72.6%,冬季自1954年以来无侵蚀性降雨发生。② 61 a来年降雨侵蚀力变化趋势系数为0.005,春、秋两季有一定程度的下降,而夏季表现为上升趋势,但趋势均不显著。③ 突变检测表明,降雨侵蚀力波动幅度逐渐增加,表现为变率突变。其中,春季降雨侵蚀力标准差和变异系数在1972年前后增加了38.5%和47.8%;夏季4个变化阶段(1951-1969年、1970-1976年、1977-1984年和1985-2011年)降雨侵蚀力标准差和变异系数增加了36.3%和11.0%;秋季波动幅度略有减小趋势;年降雨侵蚀力标准差和变异系数在1952-1961年、1962-1974年、1975-1986年和1987-2011年4个阶段显著上升。尽管61 a来研究区降雨侵蚀力没有明显增加,但其变率突变将造成在波峰年对土壤更严重的侵蚀危害。  相似文献   

以新疆准噶尔盆地东部五彩湾地区为研究区,利用气象数据和多尺度遥感数据,通过改进的CASA模型对2010年研究区域的净初级生产力(NPP)进行估算,并对NPP分布进行分析.结果表明:①将TM数据和MODISNDVI数据融合,生成高时间分辨率的TM影像,对于NPP的高空间分辨率的研究提供数据支持.②2010年该研究区植被NPP为6.571 78 Mt·a-1,总体分布趋势由西北向东南递减,且随季节变化的趋势也非常明显,在6-8月NPP占全年的57.35%,12月、1月、2月植被NPP值极低,可以忽略为0.③利用地面实测点验证NPP模型估算值,平均相对误差为0.167,精度达到83.3%,NPP实测值与估算值的相关系数为0.952并在0.01水平上显著.④该模型在数据获取方面具有极大的优越性,仅利用遥感数据和地面气象数据就可以对干旱区植被NPP进行估算,为NPP的估算提供了较为便捷的方法.  相似文献   

AquaCrop作物模型在黄土塬区夏玉米生产中的适用性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为评价Aqua Crop作物模型在黄土塬区的适用性,基于Hsiao等人推荐的玉米参数对模型参数进行调试及验证。在陕西长武地区模拟2003、2004、2005、2007、2008、2010年玉米生育期内生物量、蒸发蒸腾量的变化过程及收获时产量、地上部生物量,将模拟值与收集到的实测值进行对比、分析。结果表明,这6年模拟产量与实测产量间的校正决定系数(Adj)R2为0.9270,相对误差在-2.479至11.182之间;模拟地上部生物量与实测地上部生物量间的Adj.R2为0.7842,模型对产量的模拟效果优于对生物量的模拟;2005年和2008年模拟蒸散量与实测蒸散量间的Adj.R2分别为0.6229和0.7973。模拟效果较好,对黄土塬区夏玉米水分优化管理模拟有重要意义。  相似文献   

利用MOD16蒸散产品数据以及2001—2014年新疆气象站点数据,基于混合型线性双源遥感蒸散模型估算南疆绿洲地区地表蒸散,并对比验证MOD16蒸散产品、反演蒸散量与研究区气象站蒸发皿实测蒸发量之间的关系。定义了蒸散干旱指数EDI,计算EDI距平,分析绿洲地区干旱分布特点,同时对比降水距平来检验干旱监测的准确程度。结果表明:MOD16蒸散产品蒸散量、模型估算蒸散量与蒸发皿实测蒸发量数据的相关性较好,说明利用MOD16蒸散产品数据估算蒸散量可行,也说明估算的蒸散量可信度高;由于绿洲地区北部水分供应更充足,EDI值空间上由南至北呈减小趋势,EDI值年际变化明显且均大于0.6;EDI距平与EDI同向变化,与降水距平反向变化;南疆绿洲地区在2001、2007、2008、2009、2014年的EDI值大于0.66。因此,EDI距平定义了干旱轻重程度界限:EDI临界值为0.66;EDI值越大,EDI距平越大,降水距平越小,干旱程度越严重。  相似文献   

以北京师范大学陕西省靖边县榆林风沙科学野外实验站自动气象站2007-2009年的降雨、风速和风向数据为基础,分析沙漠-黄土过渡带风水复合侵蚀营力的特征。结果表明:① 研究区年内降雨量≥12 mm的降雨事件主要分布在5-9月,月平均降雨侵蚀力8月最大,为318.24 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a),年平均降雨侵蚀力为510.08 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a);② 该区西北风占主导地位,东南风次之,累计频率分别为43.8%和16.21%;起沙风主要集中在3-6月,其频率分别为19.34%、12.34%、20.5%、12.39%;③ 研究区年平均输沙势(DP)、合成输沙势(RDP)分别为228.76 VU、41.73 VU,合成输沙方向(RDD)为141.17°,方向变率指数(RDP/DP)为0.2,起沙风变率较大,属于中等风能环境,沙物质向东南偏南方向输移。  相似文献   

以谷子( Setaria italica)、冬小麦( Triticum aestivum Linn 。)为研究对象,利用人工模拟降雨测定了不同降雨强度和生长阶段两种作物植株的穿透雨,采用人工喷雾法测定了不同生长阶段的冠层截留,根据水量平衡法计算了不同观测阶段的茎秆流。结果表明:谷子、冬小麦冠层对降雨的再分配作用显著,谷子冠下穿透雨率平均约为79%,茎秆流率平均约为20%,冠层截留率平均约占1%;冬小麦冠下穿透雨率平均约为79%,茎秆流率平均约为19%,冠层截留率平均约占2%。在其全生育期内,两种作物冠下穿透雨与茎秆流呈彼此消长趋势。穿透雨量和茎秆流量与降雨强度呈显著正相关关系,但是穿透雨率和茎秆流率与降雨强度的关系不显著。茎秆流量和冠层截留量及其二者占总降雨量的比率均与作物叶面积指数呈显著正相关关系,但穿透雨量及穿透雨率随叶面积指数增加呈显著下降趋势。  相似文献   

A. WALKER 《Weed Research》1976,16(6):369-373
In glasshouse experiments, atrazine, simazine, lenacil and linuron applied to the soil surface were phytotoxic to turnip seedlings which had emerged from a depth of 1–5 cm when 3 mm artificial rainfall was applied at the time of seedling emergence or shortly afterwards. When rainfall was applied on 2 or 3 consecutive days, the herbicides were in general more phytotoxic. As the delay between emergence and commencement of surface watering increased, however, the response of the seedlings decreased. Studies with [14C]-atrazine showed that at emergence the seedlings contained a small amount of herbicide which increased considerably with surface watering. Relatively high concentrations were attained when rainfall was applied while the seedlings were small, but as the interval between seedling emergence and rainfall increased, the same uptake resulted in lower shoot concentrations, Atrazine extraction from the soil showed little movement from the surface 1.0 cm, suggesting uptake via the stem. The observed responses of the other three herbicides are explained by assuming the same pattern of uptake as that recorded for atrazine.  相似文献   

R. F. PARK 《Plant pathology》1990,39(3):416-423
Infection of wheat seedlings by Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici was investigated under both laboratory (constant temperature) and field conditions using a 15-h period of 100% r.h. In laboratory studies, infection decreased from 100% at 15 4 C to 0.8% at 20.5 C, and it was estimated that no infection would occur at or above 20.8 + 0.2 C. In contrast, high levels of infection occurred under field conditions even when temperatures fluctuated within the range 19–30°C. Overnight infection experiments conducted at Toowoomba over an 18-month period demonstrated that periods of moisture and temperature favouring infection by P. striiformis f.sp. tritici occurred regularly, even during summer, and that high temperature was a limiting factor on only 3% of the nights tested. This indicates that stripe rust could oversummer readily in this region of the eastern Australian wheat belt, at least in sheltered areas, given a susceptible host. Regression equations relating mean temperature to infection and minimum temperature to infection identified mid to late autumn as an important period in the epidemic development of the disease in this region. The amount of rain recorded during this period was closely associated with subsequent levels of stripe rust observed in commercial crops over the years 1983–87.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A novel sensor for measuring the kinetic energy of impacting raindrops, developed based on a soil-mass erosion sensor, was tested in the laboratory, with a rain simulator, and in the field. Drop impactions on the sensor-consisting of a piezoelectric crystal and associated electronics-produce an electrical charge that equals a fixed amount of energy. Calibration of the sensor was done in the laboratory using water drops of known diameter impacting with known velocity, and thus, with known kinetic energy. The relationship between pulse-count output of the sensor minus the background pulse counts when no drops were impacting (O; per min) and kinetic energy flux density (i.e., power [P; mJ cm(-2) min(-1)]) was found to be described by the formula P; = (0.204 + 0.065 . O)(0.67). The measurement threshold was 0.34 mJ cm(-2) min(-1). Using the sensor, generated rains with intensities of 23 to 48 mm/h were found to have powers of 0.4 to 2.2 mJ cm(-2) min(-1). In 2 years of field testing, 85 individual rain episodes were monitored, with mean intensities ranging from 0.1 to 42 mm/h. These rains had mean powers ranging from 0 to 5 mJ cm(-2) min(-1), and the highest power for a 5-min sampling period was 10 mJ cm(-2) min(-1). Both power and intensity varied greatly over time within rain episodes, and there was considerable variation in power at any given rain intensity, emphasizing the importance of measuring rather than simply predicting power. Although there was no known true power measurements for the generated or natural rains, estimates were realistic based on theoretical calculations, assuming that the gamma distribution represents raindrop sizes. The sensor is important in assessing the risk of rain splash dispersal of plant pathogens.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although Asian soybean rust occurs in a broad range of environmental conditions, the most explosive and severe epidemics have been reported in seasons with warm temperature and abundant moisture. Associations between weather and epidemics have been reported previously, but attempts to identify the major factors and model these relationships with field data have been limited to specific locations. Using data from 2002-03 to 2004-05 from 34 field experiments at 21 locations in Brazil that represented all major soybean production areas, we attempted to identify weather variables using a 1-month time window following disease detection to develop simple models to predict final disease severity. Four linear models were identified, and these models explained 85 to 93% of variation in disease severity. Temperature variables had lower correlation with disease severity compared with rainfall, and had minimal predictive value for final disease severity. A curvilinear relationship was observed between 1 month of accumulated rainfall and final disease severity, and a quadratic response model using this variable had the lowest prediction error. Linear response models using only rainfall or number of rainy days in the 1-month period tended to overestimate disease for severity <30%. The study highlights the importance of rainfall in influencing soybean rust epidemics in Brazil, as well as its potential use to provide quantitative risk assessments and seasonal forecasts for soybean rust, especially for regions where temperature is not a limiting factor for disease development.  相似文献   

The key to achieving effective weed control is to target them when they are young. Understanding their temperature and moisture requirements for emergence will help growers to develop timely control strategies. This study examined the emergence requirements of four key species: Conyza bonariensis, Sonchus oleraceus, Echinochloa colona and Chloris virgata. Two experiments were conducted in a growth room with temperatures of 25/15 and 30/20°C day/night with a photoperiod of 12 h. The first experiment examined emergence under single rainfall events of 0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30 and 50 mm. The second experiment examined emergence under accumulated rainfall events of 0 mm, 5 mm × 2 (consecutive) days, 5 mm × 4 days, 5 mm × 6 days, 10 mm × 1 day, 10 mm × 2 days and 10 mm × 3 days. The temperature was not significant on emergence in both experiments. In the first experiment, at least 10 mm of rainfall was required for the emergence of all the species, with significantly higher germination rates at rainfall amounts of >20 mm. In the second experiment, the species had higher emergence rates with accumulated rainfall over consecutive days, rather than single rainfall events of the same amount. The length of time that the soil surface remained above the permanent wilting point, allowing the imbibition of water, was also an important factor. This study has provided information on the drivers for emergence of these species and will assist growers in determining what rainfall events are likely to trigger emergence in the field and make timely weed management decisions.  相似文献   

In experiments over 4 years, separate field plots were cultivated once only at 2-week intervals and the weed seedlings recorded weekly. Soil disturbance resulted in a flush of seedlings of which 90% appeared within 10 weeks after cultivation in early spring and within 3 weeks after cultivation in summer. Weekly emergence then returned to the level prevailing on undisturbed soil. The species composition of the seedling populations varied with the time of year at which the soil was disturbed. In each year there was a spring flush of seedlings, probably associated with rising soil temperature; subsequent flushes were coincident on cultivated and undisturbed soil and were related to the rainfall pattern. In each year there were periods when lack of soil moisture restricted emergence, and this appeared to be the over-riding factor determining seedling numbers. When cultivations were followed by long dry periods which prevented germination, the numbers of seedlings appearing when rain ultimately fell were no different from those when the soil was disturbed just before the rainfall.  相似文献   

SU Yuanyi 《干旱区科学》2020,12(6):937-949
Seasonal freeze-thaw processes have led to severe soil erosion in the middle and high latitudes. The area affected by freeze-thaw erosion in China exceeds 13% of the national territory. So understanding the effect of freeze-thaw on erosion process is of great significance for soil and water conservation as well as for ecological engineering. In this study, we designed simulated rainfall experiments to investigate soil erosion processes under two soil conditions, unfrozen slope (UFS) and frozen slope (FS), and three rainfall intensities of 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 mm/min. The results showed that the initial runoff time of FS occurred much earlier than that of the UFS. Under the same rainfall intensity, the runoff of FS is 1.17-1.26 times that of UFS; and the sediment yield of FS is 6.48-10.49 times that of UFS. With increasing rainfall time, rills were produced on the slope. After the appearance of the rills, the sediment yield on the FS accounts for 74%-86% of the total sediment yield. Rill erosion was the main reason for the increase in soil erosion rate on FS, and the reduction in water percolation resulting from frozen layers was one of the important factors leading to the advancement of rills on slope. A linear relationship existed between the cumulative runoff and the sediment yield of UFS and FS (R2>0.97, P<0.01). The average mean weight diameter (MWD) on the slope erosion particles was as follows: UFS0.9 (73.84 μm)>FS0.6 (72.30 μm)>UFS1.2 (72.23 μm)>substrate (71.23 μm)>FS1.2 (71.06 μm)>FS0.9 (70.72 μm). During the early stage of the rainfall, the MWD of the FS was relatively large. However, during the middle to late rainfall, the particle composition gradually approached that of the soil substrate. Under different rainfall intensities, the mean soil erodibility (MK) of the FS was 7.22 times that of the UFS. The ratio of the mean regression coefficient C2 (MC2) between FS and UFS was roughly correspondent with MK. Therefore, the parameter C2 can be used to evaluate soil erodibility after the appearance of the rills. This article explored the influence mechanism of freeze-thaw effects on loess soil erosion and provided a theoretical basis for further studies on soil erosion in the loess hilly regions.  相似文献   

旱作玉米提高降水利用率的覆膜模式研究   总被引:31,自引:8,他引:31  
通过对旱作玉米几种不同覆膜栽培模式降水利用率、玉米整个生育期的土壤水分监测、生育时期观测、经济性状及产量分析证明,旱作玉米双垄面全膜覆盖集雨沟播技术是一项充分接纳和利用天然降水、最大限度保蓄土壤水分、显著提高降水利用率、提早成熟、增产效果明显、经济效益显著的旱作玉米栽培模式。  相似文献   

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