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为探寻非寄主和寄主种子分泌物中抗病信号分子,通过显微观察,采用菌丝生长速率法和离体接种法对不同种子分泌物处理后大豆疫霉Phytophthora sojae的游动孢子数、孢子囊数、游动孢子释放后残留的空囊数、成囊和未成囊的游动孢子数、萌发和未萌发的胞囊数、菌落直径、卵孢子数进行测量,并计算抑制率,明确非寄主菜豆和寄主大豆抗病品种、感病品种种子分泌物对大豆疫霉游动孢子趋化性、生长发育和侵袭力的影响。结果显示,非寄主菜豆种子分泌物不吸引大豆疫霉游动孢子,显著抑制大豆疫霉孢子囊形成、胞囊萌发和卵孢子产生,抑制率依次为97.3%、73.0%和17.5%,然后溶解胞囊,最终导致游动孢子对下胚轴侵袭力降低,抑制率为67.1%。寄主大豆种子分泌物能吸引大豆疫霉游动孢子,感病品种种子分泌物吸引力高于抗病品种。感病品种种子分泌物对大豆疫霉生长发育无显著影响,但促进大豆疫霉游动孢子侵袭力;抗病品种种子分泌物显著抑制大豆疫霉孢子囊形成、胞囊萌发和卵孢子产生,抑制率依次为86.6%、34.3%和12.8%,然后溶解胞囊,但作用强度小于非寄主菜豆种子分泌物,最终导致游动孢子对下胚轴的侵袭力降低,抑制率为24.2%。表明非寄主菜豆和寄主大豆抗病品种的种子分泌物对大豆疫霉有抑菌活性,大豆疫霉的非寄主和寄主抗病性与种子分泌物有关。  相似文献   

百合疫病病原菌的鉴定及培养基的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
从具典型症状的新鲜百合疫病植株茎基部病组织中分离到百合疫霉菌,根据其病原菌菌丝的形态、菌落特征,厚垣孢子、游动孢子囊和卵孢子的形态和大小,以及病原菌致病性测定,该病原菌鉴定为烟草疫霉Phytophthora nicotianae van Brede de Haan.供试的16种培养基中,病原菌在胡萝卜琼脂培养基(CaA)和辣椒琼脂培养基(PeA)上生长最好,生长速率分别为1.771和1.770mm/h.在常规培养条件下,病原菌不易产生厚垣孢子、游动孢子囊和卵孢子,在低温、皮氏溶液和土壤浸出液中分别诱导产生出大量厚垣孢子、游动孢子囊和卵孢子.  相似文献   

 真核生物的基因表达能够在转录与转录后等水平受到调控,以适应不同时空环境中的生长与发育等生物学过程,其中PUF家族RNA结合蛋白是一类具有保守PUM-HD(Pumilio homology domain)功能域的转录后调节因子,通过与靶标mRNA特异性结合控制其稳定性及翻译。本研究利用CRISPR/CAS9介导的疫霉菌基因组编辑技术,对大豆疫霉的PUF家族基因PsM90进行敲除和功能研究。结果表明,PsM90敲除突变体的卵孢子产量减少至野生型的32%,卵孢子壁明显变薄,卵孢子中的细胞器未能正常分化;游动孢子对大豆黄化苗下胚轴的致病力有所下降。此外,PsM90的敲除不影响营养菌丝生长、孢子囊发育、游动孢子释放和休止孢萌发等生物学性状。上述结果揭示了PsM90是大豆疫霉有性发育等过程的重要相关基因,为深入揭示卵菌中卵孢子发育这一独特生物学过程的分子调控机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

苎麻疫霉对棉苗致病力的遗传与变异研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
 以分离自江苏省棉铃疫病病组织的苎麻疫霉(Phytophthora boehmeriae Sawada)野生型菌株JS-5为亲本,采用菌丝块创伤接种法测定了苎麻疫霉对棉苗致病力在游动孢子无性系和卵孢子后代的遗传。结果表明,苎麻疫霉对棉苗的致病力在单游动孢子无性系连续两代稳定遗传,而在单卵孢第1代(OG1)则发生连续性变异。从OG1中选致病力强、弱2个单卵孢株为亲本,分别建立单卵孢第2代(OG2)和单游动孢子无性系,并测定其对棉苗的致病力。结果为上述2个单卵孢株的游动孢子后代对棉苗的致病力均与其各自亲本相似,而在它们的单卵孢株群体(即OG2)中对棉苗的致病力继续发生复杂的连续性变异。上述结果表明,苎麻疫霉对棉苗的致病力可能由细胞核杂合多基因控制。  相似文献   

诱导疫霉菌产生游动孢子囊液体培养基的研制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研制了几种诱导疫霉菌产生游动孢子囊的蔬菜汁混合培养液,测定了各培养液诱导苎麻疫霉游动孢子囊的效果以及其对苎麻疫霉菌游动孢囊产生量、形态特征、游动孢子释放、卵孢子产生量、卵孢子的形态、菌丝生长和菌落形态等生物学性状的影响。试验结果显示,各配比培养液均能很好地诱导游动孢子囊的产生,且以较低浓度的培养液对孢子囊诱导效果较好,而高浓度则有利于卵孢子的产生,不同培养液中产生的游动孢子囊均能正常释放游动孢子。其中西红柿∶黄瓜=1∶2配比的培养液简单易行且诱导效果最好,是V8C的理想替代培养液。  相似文献   

通过霜霉威(Propamocarb商品名普力克)、甲霜灵(Metalaxyl商品名瑞毒霉)对辣椒疫霉菌(Phytophthora capsici)6个菌株作用方式的体外测定结果表明,霜霉威浓度在2000ppm时对P. capsici孢子囊和卵孢子的形成,游动孢子的释放、游动及休止孢萌发、菌丝体的生长没有明显的抑制作用。而甲霜灵对P. capsici的各种孢子的产生及菌丝体的生长有较强的抑制作用,对菌丝体生长抑制的Ec_(50)和Ec_(95)分别为0.5596ppm和2.1511ppm;对孢子囊形成抑制的Ec_(50)和Ec_(95)分别为0.1520ppm和15.0032ppm。0.1ppm的甲霜灵可显著抑制卵孢子的生成。但500ppm的甲霜灵对于游动孢子的释放和休止孢萌发没有明显的抑制作用。对霜霉威和甲霜灵的体内活性试验结果表明,800ppm的霜霉威对辣椒疫霉菌的内吸保护防效达94%,1.0ppm的甲霜灵对该病的防效达100%。室内初步试验结果表明,甲霜灵与霜霉威对P. capsici没有交互抗性。  相似文献   

烟草疫霉的产孢和接种方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
烟草疫霉是重要的病原真菌,但在人工培养条件下难以培养、产孢以及释放游动孢子.作者对烟草疫霉培养、产孢、接种方法进行了研究.芝麻培养基、黑麦培养基、燕麦培养基可用来培养烟草疫霉,烟草疫霉在三种培养基上平均每天生长量为1.10、0.78、0.86cm;芝麻培养基、黑麦培养基为烟草疫霉产孢子囊较好的培养基,产孢能力强,分别为2.52×104、2.07×104个孢子囊/cm2.而且孢子囊释放率高,分别为43.0%、32.1%.游动孢子囊悬浮液灌根接种和注射接种都能使烟草发病,但不同的接种方法和接种浓度下,病情指数不同.  相似文献   

 通过霜霉威(Propamocarb商品名普力克)、甲霜灵(Metalaxyl商品名瑞毒霉)对辣椒疫霉菌(Phytophthora capsici)6个菌株作用方式的体外测定结果表明,霜霉威浓度在2000ppm时对P. capsici孢子囊和卵孢子的形成,游动孢子的释放、游动及休止孢萌发、菌丝体的生长没有明显的抑制作用。而甲霜灵对P. capsici的各种孢子的产生及菌丝体的生长有较强的抑制作用,对菌丝体生长抑制的Ec50和Ec95分别为0.5596ppm和2.1511ppm;对孢子囊形成抑制的Ec50和Ec95分别为0.1520ppm和15.0032ppm。0.1ppm的甲霜灵可显著抑制卵孢子的生成。但500ppm的甲霜灵对于游动孢子的释放和休止孢萌发没有明显的抑制作用。对霜霉威和甲霜灵的体内活性试验结果表明,800ppm的霜霉威对辣椒疫霉菌的内吸保护防效达94%,1.0ppm的甲霜灵对该病的防效达100%。室内初步试验结果表明,甲霜灵与霜霉威对P. capsici没有交互抗性。  相似文献   

辣椒疫霉产毒缺陷与抗药性突变体筛选及其遗传特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用MNNG诱变与自交(S1-S3)纯合的方法,从辣椒疫霉的游动孢子群体中,筛选出1株带有抗霜脲氰标记的产毒缺陷突变体、2株抗甲霜灵的产毒突变体。产毒缺陷菌体和产毒菌株均对茄门甜椒致病,但产毒缺陷菌株的致病力降低一半,证明辣椒疫霉的致病显症过程与毒素作用有关,病菌毒素是重要的致病因子。此外,突变菌株的抗药性和产毒缺陷表型在无性游动孢子后代和有性孵孢子后代群体中均可稳定遗传。在姐妹配对F2代卵孢子群体中,辣椒疫霉毒素产生和对甲霜灵的抗性为不完全显性基因所控制,而对霜脲氰的抗性为完全显性基因所控制。  相似文献   

前期试验中发现芽孢杆菌(Bacillus spp.)WL1和WL2等6株细菌的菌液对致病疫霉菌丝生长有较强的抑制作用,且其中WL1、WL2和M15菌株无菌体发酵液对致病疫霉的抑制作用也较强。为深入了解其抑制作用,以筛选出对马铃薯晚疫病更具生防潜力的菌株,本试验比较了这6株菌株的菌液和其中3株菌株的发酵液对致病疫霉游动孢子释放、游动孢子萌发和孢子囊直接萌发的抑制效果以及菌液在马铃薯离体叶片上病害的预防效果。结果显示,对游动孢子释放、游动孢子萌发和孢子囊直接萌发的抑制作用以WL2菌株最强,在最低菌液浓度(1×10~4 cfu/m L)下,病菌萌发率及释放率均在36%以下,显著低于对照(47%以上);菌液处理不同时间后,对游动孢子释放、游动孢子萌发和孢子囊直接萌发的综合抑制作用仍以WL2菌株最强,处理18 h后其抑制强度保持不变,其次是M15菌株,对孢子释放和游动孢子萌发的抑制作用也不随处理时间延长而明显下降;发酵液抑制不同时间后,也以WL2的抑制作用最强,抑制游动孢子释放、游动孢子萌发和孢子囊直接萌发所需时间仅为1.0~1.5 h,而WL1和M15则需处理2.0 h或2.5 h以上。预防效果也显示,经WL2菌液处理后的马铃薯离体叶片病情指数最低(14.4),相对保护率达到81.2%。  相似文献   

Self and hybrid oospore progeny and zoospore progeny of two pairs of Phytophthora cactorum mutants carrying a metalaxyl-resistance (Mr) nuclear gene or a chloroneb resistance (Cnr) mitochondrial gene were compared for variation in growth rate, production of sporangia and oospores, and pathogenicity. Zoospore progeny were relatively uniform, whereas oospore progeny resulting from both selfing and outcrossing displayed great dissimilarity in all the traits tested. For pathogenicity, both pairs of tested mutants had greater variation in hybrid progeny than self progeny. For growth rate and oospore production, the same is true only for the first pair, but not the second pair. The variation in sporangium production displayed by one parental self progeny was greater than that by hybrid progeny in both pairs tested. These results show that isolates and traits selected for study have considerable effect on the variation in hybrid and self progeny and suggest that different mechanisms may be operating in creating variation in these two types of progeny. Received 23 October 2000/ Accepted in revised form 11 January 2001  相似文献   

Oospores of Phytophthora infestans were produced in potato leaf discs floating on metalaxyl solution (100 μg mL−1 a.i.) and inoculated with all combinations of two metalaxyl-sensitive and two -resistant parental isolates. Numbers of oospores produced varied between different matings, depending on parents, in the absence of the fungicide and when metalaxyl was added 0, 7, 14 and 21 days after inoculation. Oospores were not produced when metalaxyl was added at the time of inoculation (0 days) when either one or both parents were sensitive to metalaxyl. In two of three such matings further oospore formation was arrested when metalaxyl was added either 7 or 14 days after inoculation. Oospores extracted from leaf discs 14, 21 and 28 days after inoculation were assessed for germination on water agar after 21 days. Germination of oospores from water control treatments varied between 6 and 30% depending on the cross. Germination was significantly reduced in oospores of metalaxyl-sensitive parents extracted 28 days after inoculation of leaf discs treated with metalaxyl 0, 7 and 14 days after inoculation compared with the 21-day treatment. Minimal differences in germination were observed for oospores from the mating of resistant parents irrespective of metalaxyl treatment, although germination was generally low, not exceeding 8.5%.  相似文献   

恶疫霉有性生殖交配行为的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
 对同宗配合疫霉种——恶疫霉(Phytophthora cactorum Schroter)抗甲霜灵突变株和抗地茂散突变株的抗药性在游动孢子和卵孢子后代的遗传分析,筛选到抗性分别由细胞核纯合显性单基因控制的抗甲霜灵突变株和由细胞质可稳定遗传的线粒体基因控制的抗地茂散突变株。将携带抗甲霜灵对地茂散敏感(即MtrCns)标记的亲本与携带抗地茂散对甲霜灵敏感(即MtsCnr)标记的亲本共同培养,在200个有性生殖单卵孢后代中检测到携带3种不同抗药性标记的单孢株,其中32株携带MtrCns标记,165株携带MtsCnr标记,另有3株同时携带双亲的标记性状即MtrCnr。结果表明:恶疫霉种内不同菌株共同培养时,有性生殖以配对亲本的各自自交为主,同时配对亲本间也可发生一定频率的杂交。  相似文献   

Phytophthora syringae, P. drechsleri, P. cactarutn, P. cambiuora and P. megasperma were isolated from the roots of red raspberry plants affected by severe root and crown rot with associated cane death. Phytophthora megasperma occurred most frequently and consisted of two types of isolates which differed in colony morphology, growth rates, and oogonial, oospore, sporangial and zoospore size, and pathogenicity to a range of plants. One type with large oospores was typical of P. megasperma var. megasperma , and was non-pathogenic to red raspberries, while the other with smaller oospores and which grew more slowly in culture than the first, was highly pathogenic, producing symptoms similar to those observed in the field. Highly pathogenic isolates from Germany and the USA were of this type.
All red and black raspberry cultivars tested were susceptible to the pathogenic type, although North American cultivars were generally less affected than British ones. Inoculated plants had reduced shoot and root weights, stem lesions and wilted and yellowed leaves. The blackberry × raspberry hybrid Tayberry and its blackberry parent were immune.
Phytophthora drechsleri, P. cactorum and P. cambivora produced small to moderate amounts of root rot on red raspberry, and P. cambivora also caused slight symptoms on shoots.  相似文献   

掘氏疫霉卵孢子萌发研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
 掘氏疫霉(Phytophthora drechsleri)种内菌株直接交配产生的卵孢子分别用0.1% KMnO4处理20分钟和0.3% H2O2处理2分钟在S+L培养基上(26℃)培养7天萌发率>70%。H2O2是本研究首次报道的一种刺激掘氏疫霉卵孢子萌发的处理剂,其效果略优于KMnO4。用KMnO4和H2O2处理均可有效地抑制卵孢子悬浮液中菌丝片段及菌丝膨大体的萌发生长。在一定时期内卵孢子萌发率随卵孢子保存时间的增加而增加,保存30天和45天的卵孢子分别用KMnO4和H2O2处理萌发率最高。卵孢子保存期间有无光照对萌发率无显著影响,但卵孢子荫发时给予光照对萌发有明显的促进作用,保存30天的卵孢子在光照下萌发率为60-70%,在黑暗中仅0-16%。卵孢子萌发过程中的光照条件以黑光灯8小时,日光灯16小时交替连续照射7天效果最好,其次为黑光灯单独连续光照,以日光灯单独照射效果较差。所测定的6种培养基中以S+L培养基对卵孢子萌发的效果最好,其次为V8+L和WA+L。蜗牛酶、纤维素酶、土壤浸出液和黄瓜果提取液对掘氏疫霉卵孢子萌发无明显刺激作用。  相似文献   

Groves CT  Ristaino JB 《Phytopathology》2000,90(11):1201-1208
ABSTRACT A wide range of commercially formulated fungicides cause in vitro effects on mating behavior in specific isolates of Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of late blight of potato and tomato. Four isolates of P. infestans representing each of the four common US genotypes, US-1, US-6, US-7, and US-8 and varying in their sensitivity to metalaxyl, were exposed to a variety of fungicides used to control late blight in petri dish assays at concentrations ranging from 1 to 100 mug a.i./ml. Exposure of each of these normally heterothallic single mating type isolates of P. infestans to 9 of the 11 commercial fungicide formulations tested resulted in the formation of oospores after 2 to 4 weeks. The highest numbers of oospores were formed on media amended with Ridomil 2E (metalaxyl) and Ridomil Gold EC (mefenoxam) at 0.1 to 10 mug a.i./ml, averaging as many as 471 and 450 oospores per petri dish, respectively. Several other fungicides including Maneb, Manzate (Mancozeb), Curzate (cymoxanil + mancozeb), and Acrobat MZ (dimethomorph + mancozeb) also induced oospore formation, producing from 0 to 200 oospores per plate at fungicide concentrations from 0.1 to 10 mug a.i./ml. The metalaxyl resistant isolates formed oospores in response to the fungicides more often than the metalaxyl sensitive isolates. No oospores were formed on media amended with Bravo (chlorothalonil) or Tattoo C (chlorothalonil + propamocarb HCl) and these compounds completely suppressed growth of the isolates at 0.1 and 1 mug a.i./ml. Three metalaxyl resistant A2 isolates mated with both A1 and A2 isolates after exposure to the fungicides Ridomil 2E and Ridomil Gold EC. Alterations in mating type expression were also observed in a metalaxyl sensitive A1 isolate after exposure to Benlate (benomyl). Copious amounts of chemicals are applied annually to potato and tomato production areas to control late blight. Our results indicate that a wide range of chemically diverse fungicides can induce normally heterothallic metalaxyl resistant isolates of P. infestans to form oospores in vitro after short exposures to the fungicides.  相似文献   

The downy mildew pathogen, Pseudoperonospora humuli, forms oospores abundantly in diseased hop tissue. Diverse monosporangial isolates of P. humuli derived from samples collected in Japan, Germany and the USA readily formed oospores within hop leaves when inoculated singly, suggesting homothallism. Single zoospore isolates also readily formed oospores within hop leaves, further supporting the homothallic nature of this oomycete. The majority of oospores were deemed viable based on cytoplasm characteristics and plasmolysis assays. However, disease symptoms failed to develop when hop leaves were inoculated with newly formed oospores, even when oospore conditioning was attempted with treatment with potassium permanganate or β‐glucuronidase/arylsulphatase, brief exposure to freezing temperature, or passage through an earthworm. Oospores derived from a monosporangial isolate of P. humuli that overwintered outdoors in infested leaves buried in soil also failed to cause downy mildew. Pseudoperonospora humuli is homothallic and oospores of the organism appear to require as yet unknown conditions to stimulate their germination and/or infection.  相似文献   

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