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黄河源玛多县退化草地土壤温湿度变化特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
土壤水热状况变化是退化草地土壤的主要特征,对退化草地生态系统具有重要的影响。研究青藏高原退化草地的土壤温湿度变化规律,可以对高原草地在各季节、各时段的土壤温度和湿度变化进行动态预测,同时,对于退化草地的恢复和改善环境具有指导意义。选择青藏高原玛多地区典型退化草地,利用一年的观测数据,计算土壤温度、土壤湿度及土壤热通量的季节变化和年变化特征,分析土壤温度和湿度及热通量之间的相互关系。结果表明:在季节变化上,土壤温度和湿度在夏季均为最大值,土壤温度在各季节的变化趋势较一致,土壤热通量变化幅度比温度和湿度大,日振幅达到102 W•m-2;在年变化上,土壤湿度在6月出现最大值,12月出现最小值,极值年较差为12.6%。春季和夏季的土壤热通量均大于0 W•m-2,冬季均小于0 W•m-2。青藏高原退化草地土壤温湿度及热通量存在明显的季节变化和年变化特征,就土壤湿度而言,夏季是高原的湿润期,春季和秋季为干旱期。青藏高原地区土壤从11月开始冻结,次年4月开始解冻。土壤热通量在春季和夏季均为正值,说明这一时段热量由大气向土壤传递;冬季则相反,热量由土壤向大气传递。整体而言,土壤温度和湿度及土壤热通量之间的关系呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

退化沙质草地植被与土壤分布特征及相关分析   总被引:19,自引:12,他引:19  
对科尔沁退化沙质草地的植被与土壤的分布特征及两者的相关性进行了研究。结果表明 ,退化沙质草地土壤养分含量贫瘠 ,土壤性质已经高度异质化 ;植被盖度低 ,物种较为贫乏 ;植被与其着生的土壤基质之间关系密切 ,是一个相互作用 ,相互影响的统一系统。要恢复退化生态系统 ,首先要恢复退化草地的植被 ,通过植被—土壤相互作用 ,土壤肥力可得到提高。  相似文献   

新疆平原低地盐化草甸类草地是新疆畜牧业生产中禾本科牧草的主要来源之一。由于多种原理,草地退化严重,产草量降低。通过对呼图壁奶牛场的盐化低地草甸草地的生态条件,土壤类型与特性等调查,分析其退化原因,提出提高产草量的措施。  相似文献   

放牧对荒漠灌丛草地土壤团聚体组成及其稳定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以内蒙古阿拉善盟荒漠草地为研究对象,分析了不同放牧强度对土壤理化性质、团聚体组成、养分含量及其稳定性的影响。结果表明:与轻度放牧相比,重度放牧使0~5 cm、5~10 cm和10~20 cm土层土壤有机C和全N含量显著降低,土壤容重显著增加;各土层中土壤团聚体以0.053~0.25 mm粒径为主,放牧强度的增加造成土壤团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)和几何平均直径(GMD)值降低,分形维数(D)值升高,土壤团聚体结构遭受破坏,稳定性降低,导致土壤团聚体由大粒径团聚体(0.25~2 mm)向小粒径团聚体(0.053~0.25 mm、<0.053 mm)转变;重度放牧使土壤团聚体的C/N值升高,造成有效养分难以释放,植物所需养分亏缺。说明重度放牧是造成阿拉善盟荒漠草地退化的重要因素。  相似文献   

黑河流域植被退化的主要原因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黑河流域地处我国西北内陆干旱区,生态与环境十分脆弱。据调查资料,自20世纪50年代以来,黑河中下游地区天然植被严重退化,植被覆盖度大于70%的林灌草甸草地减少了78.26%,覆盖度介于30%~70%之间的湖盆、洼地、沼泽草甸草地以及产量较高的草地减少了约40%,草地总面积也减少了将近50%。额济纳绿洲林地和沼泽地草甸植被面积与50年代相比,分布于河岸的胡杨、沙枣林面积减少54%,红柳林面积减少33%,成片的芨芨草甸、芦苇沼泽逐步消失,已被旱化的骆驼刺、花花柴、黑果枸杞群落取代;沿河乔灌木林严重退化,以疏林为主且林木生活力极差。植被退化的因素很多,近年来自然环境在缓慢地向干旱变化,但非主要因素,主要是进入下游的水量呈减少趋势,由此引起了区域地下水位持续下降,从而加大了包气带厚度,造成了包气带土壤的极度干旱化,使部分不适宜该水分和盐分生存的植物长势由密变稀、由好变坏、甚至死亡。  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔草甸草原羊草群落不同退化程度土壤理化指标   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文中对放牧干扰下不同退化程度呼伦贝尔草甸草原羊草群落土壤理化性质进行了研究。结果发现,土壤含水量、土壤全氮、土壤有机物、土壤速效氮随着退化程度的增加显著下降,而土壤容重、土壤(1-2mm)粗粒百分含量、土壤速效钾随着退化程度的增加而显著提高。土壤速效磷和pH值没有规律性变化。通过研究表明:土壤含水量、土壤容重、土壤(1-2mm)粒径粗粒、土壤有机物、全氮、速效氮和速效钾在不同退化程度之间都具有显著性差异,因此,这些指标可做为草甸草原羊草群落确定土壤退化程度的退化指标。  相似文献   

陕北农牧交错带土地利用变化环境效应   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用1986,1993,2003年3期Landsat TM遥感影像,在构建环境评价指标体系的基础上,借助地理信息系统技术,对陕北农牧交错带1986-2003年土地利用变化环境效应进行了分析。结果表明:陕北农牧交错带耕地、未利用土地和沙地面积不断减少,主要转化为林地和草地;居民及建设用地大幅增加,水体面积不断缩减。与此相应,生态系统功能严重退化,但环境逐渐好转,主要是人文因素逐渐增强了对环境的影响程度。土地利用格局中,耕地、林地、草地和沙地是影响环境的主要土地利用类型,其中林地、草地面积的增加是改善环境的主要原因,而沙地面积大、降水稀少成为城市化快速发展和社会经济发展以及环境保护的瓶颈,是限制环境改善或导致生态恶化的重要因素。  相似文献   

植物生物量分配特征及其向土壤中的物质输入是退化沙质草地生态系统恢复,尤其是土壤碳含量增加的关键环节。本研究以科尔沁沙地不同恢复阶段的流动沙丘、半固定沙丘、固定沙丘和封育草地为研究对象,调查分析草本植被生物量分配特征、根系性状和土壤理化性质特征,厘清生物量分配特征和根系性状与土壤碳的相互关系。结果发现:随着沙化草地逐步恢复,植被地上生物量、根系生物量、地表凋落物以及地下残体均呈显著的增加趋势(P<0.01),相对于沙化严重的流动沙丘,半固定沙丘、固定沙丘和封育草地的植物总干物质(生物量+凋落物)分别增加了11.0%、116.3%和151.2%。与生物量变化趋势相同,土壤碳含量随沙化草地的逐步恢复显著增加(P<0.05),其中0~10 cm层的增加速率高于10~20 cm层。结构方程模型(SEM)分析显示,0~10 cm层土壤碳含量受地表凋落物、地下残体和根表面积3个因素的影响,10~20 cm层土壤碳含量仅受地下残体和根表面积两个因素的影响,同时,两层土壤碳含量均与地上生物量无显著的关系。研究结果表明,在退化沙质草地恢复过程中,土壤碳含量主要受凋落物输入以及根系性状的影响,而...  相似文献   

纪亚君 《杂草科学》2005,(4):3-5,47
青海省境内有天然草地3 636.9万hm2,其中可利用草地面积3 153.07万hm2。广袤的草原不仅是青海省生态系统的重要屏障,也是青海省畜牧业的物质基础和牧区的经济主体。但多年来由于恶劣的自然环境及人类不合理利用等因素的影响,草地生态系统受到破坏,草地退化问题日益严重。据调查  相似文献   

呼伦贝尔退化草地植被演替特征研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
由于气候环境条件的变化和人类长期不合理的草地利用方式,致使呼伦贝尔草原退化、沙漠化趋势加剧,草地的退化严重威胁着当地的生态环境,制约着畜牧业的发展。对草甸草原、典型草原和沙地植被三种草地类型的植被退化演替特征研究结果表明:随着草地退化(沙化)程度加大,群落结构与多样性逐渐丧失,草层高度、植被盖度、株丛密度、地上部生物量等,都呈现不同程度的递减趋势,草地退化过程中,群落物种组成逐渐单一,数量逐渐减少,物种组成发生显著的变化。未退化草地以禾本科植物占主导地位,随着退化程度的加大,退化指示类的菊科植物的重要地位得到提升,中度退化阶段蔷薇科植物不断增加,并占据优势地位,重度退化阶段,多以耐践踏的蔷薇科植物和小型禾草为优势种,其中重度沙化草地,多年生植物几乎全部消失,而被一年生植物替代。  相似文献   

分布型过牧:一个被忽视的内蒙古草原退化的原因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
过牧已成为学界和决策部门普遍认可的草原退化原因之一。它是基于牲畜总数超过草原承载力这一简单逻辑来定义的。为了消除过牧,中国采取许多措施以降低牲畜数量和增加草料产量。但是,草原"整体恶化"的局面并没有改变。通过案例调查研究村一级的草原管理和牲畜分布方式,本文提出除了目前单纯强调牲畜总量的解释("数量型过牧")外,由于产权制度变化引起的牲畜分布变化也是导致草原退化的重要原因,本文将其定义为"分布型过牧"。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to explore the dynamic changes of greenhouse gas(GHG)from grasslands under different degradation levels during the growing seasons of Inner Mongolia, China.Grassland degradation is associated with the dynamics of GHG fluxes, e.g., CO_2, CH_4 and N_2O fluxes. As one of the global ecological environmental problems, grassland degradation has changed the vegetation productivity as well as the accumulation and decomposition rates of soil organic matter and thus will influence the carbon and nitrogen cycles of ecosystems, which will affect the GHG fluxes between grassland ecosystems and the atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to explore how the exchanges of CO_2,CH_4 and N_2O fluxes between soil and atmosphere are influenced by the grassland degradation. We measured the fluxes of CO_2, CH_4 and N_2O in lightly degraded, moderately degraded and severely degraded grasslands in Inner Mongolia of China during the growing seasons from July to September in 2013 and 2014. The typical semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia plays a role as the source of atmospheric CO_2 and N_2O and the sink for CH_4. Compared with CO_2 fluxes, N_2O and CH_4 fluxes were relatively low. The exchange of CO_2, N_2O and CH_4 fluxes between the grassland soil and the atmosphere may exclusively depend on the net exchange rate of CO_2 in semi-arid grasslands. The greenhouse gases showed a clear seasonal pattern, with the CO_2 fluxes of –33.63–386.36 mg/(m·h), CH_4 uptake fluxes of 0.113–0.023 mg/(m·h) and N_2O fluxes of –1.68–19.90 μg/(m·h). Grassland degradation significantly influenced CH_4 uptake but had no significant influence on CO_2 and N_2O emissions. Soil moisture and temperature were positively correlated with CO_2 emissions but had no significant effect on N_2O fluxes.Soil moisture may be the primary driving factor for CH_4 uptake. The research results can be in help to better understand the impact of grassland degradation on the ecological environment.  相似文献   

The causes of land degradation in the African drylands have been shown to vary. Some researchers consider climate to be the major contributor to degradation, with anthropogenic factors playing a minor role. Others reverse the significance of these two factors. A third group attributes land degradation to climate and anthropogenic factors equally. This study was undertaken to establish the factors influencing land degradation in a semi-arid environment in southeastern Kenya and the rate of change in vegetation types for a period of 35 years(1973–2007). The reduction in grassland cover was used as an indicator of land degradation. Causes of land degradation were determined by a multiple regression analysis. A log-linear regression analysis was used to establish the rate of vegetation change. The multiple and log-linear regression analyses showed:(1) woody vegetation, livestock population and cultivated area to be the main contributors of reduction in grassland cover in the area, and (2) an increase in undesirable woody species, livestock population and cultivated area had a significant(P0.05) negative effect on grassland vegetation. Increased human population, low amounts of rainfall and drought showed no significant negative effect on grassland vegetation cover. In conclusion, human and livestock population growth and increased agricultural land have contributed to intensive crop cultivation and overgrazing in the semi-arid lands. This overuse of the semi-arid rangelands has worsened the deterioration of the natural grassland vegetation.  相似文献   

浑善达克地区生态环境劣化原因分析及治理对策   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
本文阐述了浑善达克沙化草原区的自然环境特征、社会经济情况和生态环境退化现状。从系统物流平衡、环境气候变化 ,以及人类活动对草地生态系统的影响等方面探讨了该地区生态环境劣变的原因。分析结果表明 ,放牧畜牧业是该地区的牧业主要生产方式 ,家畜是生态系统中植被的主要控制者 ,系统内物流 (以 N为例 )的出入失调和季节性的草 -畜供求失衡是引起草地生态系统迅速退化的主要因素。而其它因素 (如气候变化、垦荒、挖药材等 )对系统的劣变起了推波助澜的作用。著者指出 ,增加向系统内的物质投入 ,调整四季放牧的自然畜牧业生产方式 ,积极引种入牧 ,缓解草地春季敏感期放牧压力等 ,是治理和维护该地区草地生态系统健康的有效措施  相似文献   

Rangeland degradation is a serious problem throughout sub-Saharan Africa and its restoration is a challenge for the management of arid and semi-arid areas. In Lake Baringo Basin of Kenya, communities and individual farmers are restoring indigenous vegetation inside enclosures in an effort to combat severe land degradation and address their livelihood problems. This study evaluated the impact of enclosure management on soil properties and microbial biomass, being key indicators of soil ecosystem health. Six reseeded communal enclosures using soil embankments as water-harvesting structures and strictly regulated access were selected, varying in age from 13 to 23 years. In six private enclosures, ranging from 3 to 17 years in age, individual farmers emulated the communal enclosure strategy and restored areas for their exclusive use. Significant decreases in bulk density, and increases in the soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and microbial biomass contents and stocks were found in the enclosures as compared with the degraded open rangeland. In the private enclosures, the impact of rehabilitation on the soil quality was variable, and soil quality was in general lower than that obtained under communal management. The significant increase of absolute stocks of carbon, nitrogen and microbial biomass compared to the degraded open rangeland indicates the potential for the restoration of soil quality through range rehabilitation. Over-sowing with indigenous legume fodder species could improve total nitrogen content in the soil and nutritional value of the pastures as well.  相似文献   

干旱区绿洲荒漠交错带土地退化及生态重建   总被引:20,自引:15,他引:20  
由于经济的发展,土地资源受到越来越大的压力。当这种压力超过了土地资源的承载能力,就导致了土地退化的发生。作为陆地生态系统的基础,土地资源的退化表现为:土壤肥力降低,生物多样性降低,以及伴随的经济发展的落后。当前世界范围内对土地退化的治理,基本方法仍是基于生态学理论的生物方法。但对土地退化的恢复与生态系统的重建的研究,需要经过谨慎设计的长期实验。绿洲荒漠交错带的重要性,不仅表现为是绿洲的保护屏障,而且在绿洲经济的发展中也起到巨大的作用。通过对国内外大量研究的回顾,讨论了在不同地区进行的长期实验所采用的方法。有人为因素参与的退化土地恢复与生态重建,可以在短期内取得明显效果。产生土地退化的原因,不仅仅是土地资源特点与自然环境这样一些自然因素,还包括一些社会与经济因素。因此退化土地的恢复与生态重建的成功,需要一种考虑自然、社会和经济因素的综合的方法。  相似文献   

Overgrazing is regarded as one of the key factors of vegetation and soil degradation in the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China.Grazing exclusion(GE)is one of the most common pathways used to restore degraded grasslands and to improve their ecosystem services.Nevertheless,there are still significant controversies concerning GE’s effects on grassland diversity as well as carbon(C)and nitrogen(N)storage.It remains poorly understood in the arid desert regions,whilst being essential for the sustainable use of grassland resources.To assess the effects of GE on community characteristics and C and N storage of desert plant community in the arid desert regions,we investigated the community structure and plant biomass,as well as C and N storage of plants and soil(0-100 cm depth)in short-term GE(three years)plots and adjacent long-term freely grazing(FG)plots in the areas of sagebrush desert in Northwest China,which are important both for spring-autumn seasonal pasture and for ecological conservation.Our findings indicated that GE was beneficial to the average height,coverage and aboveground biomass(including stems,leaves and inflorescences,and litter)of desert plant community,to the species richness and importance values of subshrubs and perennial herbs,and to the biomass C and N storage of aboveground parts(P<0.05).However,GE was not beneficial to the importance values of annual herbs,root/shoot ratio and total N concentration in the 0-5 and 5-10 cm soil layers(P<0.05).Additionally,the plant density,belowground biomass,and soil organic C concentration and C storage in the 0-100 cm soil layer could not be significantly changed by short-term GE(three years).The results suggest that,although GE was not beneficial for C sequestration in the sagebrush desert ecosystem,it is an effective strategy for improving productivity,diversity,and C and N storage of plants.As a result,GE can be used to rehabilitate degraded grasslands in the arid desert regions of Northwest China.  相似文献   

准确了解草地生态系统的碳密度及其分配,对于估算不同草地类型中的植被碳储存能力、判定碳汇、合理开发草地资源以及研究陆地生态系统碳循环具有重要意义。通过野外调查测定和室内分析,对内蒙古赛罕乌拉自然保护区草地生态系统的6种草地类型(线叶菊草原、贝加尔针茅草原、银穗草草原、林缘杂类草草甸、河谷草甸和蒙古冰草草原)的碳密度及其分配进行了研究。结果表明,赛罕乌拉自然保护区6种草地类型植被地上部分碳密度为89.61~240.20g/m2,地下部分碳密度为965.74~1520.00g/m2,植被总碳密度为1148.21~1616.99g/m2。在碳密度分配中,植被活体层、凋落物层和地下部分分别占总量的4.59%~12.81%、0.91%~6.56%和83.94%~94.43%,地下部分碳密度随土层深度增加而减少,0~10cm明显高于其他几层,平均占总量的56.86%。  相似文献   

氟虫腈在三种土壤中的降解特性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
实验室条件下,研究了氟虫腈在东北黑土、江西红壤和太湖水稻土中的降解特性。结果表明,氟虫腈在土壤中降解较慢,其在好气条件下的东北黑土、江西红壤和太湖水稻土中的降解半衰期分别为165、267和42 d,在渍水条件下的3种土壤中的降解半衰期分别为31、173和32 d。氟虫腈在pH 偏中性的太湖水稻土中降解最快;微生物对氟虫腈在土壤中的降解起主要作用;渍水条件有利于氟虫腈的降解,推测降解氟虫腈的微生物主要是厌氧菌属。  相似文献   

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