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滴灌条件下土壤水分再分布过程研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对均质风干砂壤土在滴灌条件下水分再分布过程进行研究发现:距离供水滴头较近的点,水分再分布过程开始后该点土壤含水量突然下降1~2个百分点,随后该点土壤含水量随时间延长而减少,前期较快,后期变缓;原湿润锋边缘处各点的土壤含水量在再分布过程前期表现为继续增加,后期则随时间的延长而缓慢减少。土壤水分的再分布运动使得湿润体内的土壤含水量均有不同程度的下降,土壤水分由高含水区向低含水区运移。在试验条件下水平湿润锋增长幅度6%,垂直方向增长幅度为9%,垂直方向大于水平方向;灌溉结束24 h后土壤水分运动达到暂时的平衡,此后土壤含水量变化很小,土壤湿润锋几乎不再扩展。  相似文献   

在新疆林业科学院枣树示范基地进行了原状土的树下单点源滴灌试验,研究砂壤土在不同滴头流量条件下(滴头流量分别为8、12、16 L·h~(-1))地表滴灌湿润体特征值的变化规律。结果表明:1停止灌溉时湿润锋呈平卧半椭球体分布,随着滴头流量的增加湿润锋的分布范围逐渐增大,停止灌溉后12 h内各滴头流量下土壤中的水分运移均存在再分布过程,水分再分布后湿润锋呈直立半椭球体分布,湿润体的形状大小受到滴头流量及灌溉总量的影响,湿润锋水平、垂直运移距离与入渗时间存在显著的幂函数关系,决定系数(R~2)均大于0.95;2滴灌初期湿润锋在水平、垂直方向上的运移速率随着滴头流量的增加而增大,随着灌水历时的延长逐渐降低,滴头流量越大入渗距离比也就越大,并且随着灌溉时间的推移入渗距离比值逐渐减小,三种滴头流量下入渗距离比由最初的2~2.27逐渐减小到0.8~0.97;3随着滴头流量的增大湿润体的体积不断增大,湿润体含水量也随之增大,距离滴头越近含水量等值线越密,外围含水量等值线较稀疏,滴头正下方约40 cm处土壤含水量增加值达到最大,再分布后含水量等值线变为稀疏,水平扩散半径增加值较小,垂直方向再分布距离较大。  相似文献   

垄作沟灌技术具有显著的节水增产作用,但在春小麦种植中应用尚缺乏参数设计方面的理论支撑。本研究采用粉砂质粘壤土与粘土两种典型土壤实测水分运动参数和HYDRUS软件,模拟了梯形灌水沟不同垄宽情况下的土壤水分运动和停水后水分再分布,研究了不同灌水量时湿润锋推进过程和水分再分布后的湿润体变化,分析了设计灌水定额下适宜作物生长湿润体范围,提出了粉砂质粘壤土和粘土宜采用的合理垄宽为20~50 cm和20~35 cm,这一结果为干旱区春小麦垄作沟灌技术推广提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

水分是沙区农田的主要限制因子,研究灌溉对沙区农田土壤水分的影响,对该区域农业水资源利用以及农业生产具有指导意义。为揭示乌兰布和沙漠不同土壤类型农田土壤水分规律及深层渗漏损失,分析播种-拔节期土壤体积含水量变化特征与深层渗漏规律。研究结果:1)观测期内不同土壤类型农田土壤含水量大小顺序依次为:砂土农田<壤土农田<粘土农田。4月17日灌溉211. 5mm对不同土壤类型0~150cm层土壤含水量均产生显著影响(p <0. 01),影响大小依次为:砂土农田、壤土农田、粘土农田。2)不同土壤类型农田在监测期内150cm土层均持续有深层渗漏,且211. 5mm灌溉量使砂土农田与壤土农田深层渗漏量增大,粘土农田无明显变化。观测期内砂土农田共产生深层渗漏138. 2mm,壤土农田共产生深层渗漏74. 6mm,粘土农田共产生深层渗漏3mm。  相似文献   

通过土柱模拟试验,选取塔里木灌区粉砂质壤土和黏壤土两种重度盐碱土,以淡水灌溉为对照,按照咸淡水比例1:1,设置1种咸淡水混灌、2种咸淡水交替灌溉(咸淡、淡咸)模式,探究南疆地区不同质地盐碱土最优微咸水淋洗灌溉模式。结论如下:1)不同质地盐碱土在淡咸、咸淡两种交替灌溉模式下土壤水分分布更均匀,粉砂质壤土的持水性能优于黏壤土。2)微咸水淋洗灌溉模式下不同质地土壤均表现为中上层脱盐,下层积盐,脱盐深度达均到60cm;由0-60cm深度内土壤脱盐率平均值可知,粉砂质壤土在咸淡交替灌溉模式下最高,达到65.70%,黏壤土在咸淡、淡咸两种交替灌溉模式下优异分别达到了60.13%和56.78%。3)粉砂质壤土在咸淡交替灌溉模式下土壤脱“氯”、脱“钠”效果最佳,黏壤土在咸淡、淡咸两种交替灌溉模式下土壤脱“氯”、脱“钠”效果明显但两者差异不大;不同质地盐碱土Cl-淋洗效果均优于Na+淋洗效果。综合灌水均匀度及脱盐率情况,推荐咸淡交替灌溉模式适用于粉砂质壤土,两种交替灌溉模式对黏壤土均适用。  相似文献   

滴灌条件下水分入渗与再分布是评价滴灌灌溉效率的重要内容,通过Hydrus3D模型模拟单点源和点源交汇情况下水分入渗及其再分布过程,并利用田间试验实测资料进行验证。结果表明:采用Hydrus3D软件建立的模型可较好地模拟单点源水分入渗、水平湿润锋扩散过程及土壤剖面水分的分布情况,水平湿润锋距离的模拟值和实测值的误差在灌水结束时达到最大,且滴头流量越大,误差亦越明显,其中最大绝对误差为4.6 cm,最大相对误差达0.167,R2在0.95以上,F检验P值大于0.05,且RMSE在2.1以内;模型模拟的土壤体积含水量分布和实测值基本一致,模拟值和实测值的R2在0.90以上,F检验P值大于0.05,RMSE均小于0.07;湿润范围模拟结果和实测结果的吻合度较高。灌水结束后20 h,模拟土壤剖面含水量的分布情况与实测值基本一致,模拟值和实测值R2在0.575~0.652之间,F检验P值大于0.05,RMSE在0.013左右,双点源交汇区整个剖面模拟值和实测值R2为0.526以上,F检验P值大于0.05,RMSE均小于0.01,模拟结果较好,说明Hydrus3D模型可模拟土壤水分再分布情况。  相似文献   

固沙植被土壤水分动态及其对降雨的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水分是影响固沙植被生长发育的最重要的限制因素,同时也是沙漠环境中最容易受到影响的生态因子。因此,定位观测研究流动沙地建立固沙植被后土壤水分变化具有重要的现实意义。文中采用Watchdog土壤水分自动监测系统,定位定时记录了7月1日-10月31日期间杨柴固沙林、固定沙丘天然草地和流动沙丘土壤体积含水量数值。结果表明:相同降水量条件下,不同固沙植被土壤重力水湿润深度存在明显差异。5.33mm降雨时流动沙丘水分湿润深度小于20cm,13.97mm降雨时水分湿润深度达40cm,30.3mm降雨时水分湿润深度达80cm,40.3mm降雨时水分湿润深度达120cm。而30.3mm及以下降雨时杨柴固沙林和天然草地植被土壤水的湿润深度小于40cm;40.3mm降雨时杨柴固沙林地水分湿润深度达80cm,天然草地植被水分湿润深度达120cm。植物生长季流动沙地土壤水分状况最好。流动沙丘20cm、40cm、80cm和120cm土层含水量平均值分别为2.15%、2.42%、1.96%和2.94%;而杨柴固沙林和天然草地植被下土壤水分状况明显不良,特别是80cm土层以下土壤水分状况明显恶化。杨柴固沙林生长期20cm、40cm、80cm和120cm土层含水量平均值分别为1.89%、1.67%、0.81%和1.08%;天然草地植被生长期20cm、40cm、80cm和120cm土层含水量平均值分别为2.34%、1.96%、1.02%和1.43%。  相似文献   

河套灌区农田地下水埋深普遍较浅且年内波动较大,明确不同膜下滴灌条件下深层土壤水分对根区的补给作用及作物根系吸水的响应差异有利于膜下滴灌技术的完善和推广。本研究开展了连续2 a(2017—2018年)的春玉米田间试验,设置3个膜下滴灌灌溉水平,分别控制土壤基质势下限为-10 kPa(S1)、-30 kPa(S3)和-50 kPa(S5)。利用HYDRUS-2D模型模拟0~120 cm深度土壤含水量、根层下边界(100 cm深度处)水分通量和作物根系吸水速率。结果表明,经过率定后的HYDRUS-2D模型对0~120 cm深度土壤含水量模拟结果的根均方差(RMSE)和决定系数(R~2)分别为0.039~0.042 cm~3·cm~(-3)和0.78~0.73,模拟结果可靠。膜下滴灌农田100 cm和120 cm深度处土壤含水量较高且处理间差异不大,说明不同滴灌条件对于100 cm以下深层土壤含水量影响较小;但不同处理显著影响根区下边界的水分通量和根系吸水速率。基质势下限控制水平越低,深层土壤水分对于根区的补给量(毛管上升)越大,S1、S3、S5生育期内累积补给量在31.9~49.6 mm之间。S5处理根系吸水速率较低,根系吸水受到显著抑制,从而造成作物生长指标和产量显著低于S1和S3处理(P0.05);而S1和S3之间籽粒产量差异不显著。综上,在本研究所设置的3个滴灌处理中,S3生育期内灌溉定额为240~300 mm,既较S1显著减少灌水量、提高水分利用效率,又具有较好的根系活力,有效利用深层土壤水分,因此建议该地区春玉米膜下滴灌的灌水下限为-30 kPa。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区土壤空间异质性研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
通过对新疆艾比湖湿地自然保护区内土壤颗粒组成、水分、盐分、pH值和速效养分(氮、磷、钾)、有机质含量等土壤理化性状的空间分宜进行了探讨。结果表明:土壤颗粒组成主要以粉粒与砂粒为主,土壤质地以粉砂质壤土与砂质壤土为主;土壤含水量总体呈现湖周湿地>河流入湖口>泉眼分布区>荒漠的规律;艾比湖湿地不同类型土壤盐分存在明显的表聚现象,土壤盐化、碱化严重;艾比湖湖周土壤pH值北部高于南部,东部高于西部;艾比湖东部土壤速效氮含量最低,南部速效钾含量最低,北部速效磷含量最低,与此同时,艾比湖湿地速效养分在不同土壤类型不同剖面中的含量具有一致性;土壤有机质与碱解N含量相关性较强,其空间分布的特点是环湖土壤有机质含量低于阿其克苏河沿岸土壤有机质含量,梭梭荒漠表层及平均有机质含量与土壤含水量呈弱线性相关。  相似文献   

河套灌区杭锦后旗各质地盐渍土壤的水分入渗性能、温度及含盐量不同,使土壤改良效果存在差异。为研究"沙穴"种植番茄对不同土质的土壤水分、温度、盐分的迁移规律,通过在土柱中填装3种典型土质(砂壤土、粉壤土、黏壤土),同时布设沙穴,探索在滴灌条件下种植加工番茄以改良不同土壤质地的可行性。结果表明:沙穴种植对不同土质的水热盐迁移影响不同,沙穴种植能显著改善黏壤土土壤水分入渗性能,提高根系层土壤的湿润区面积及含水率,在深度20~40 cm相对增加了24.15%,但降低了砂壤土和粉壤土的保水性,土壤剖面含水率呈上干下湿的特点;沙穴种植可显著提高作物生长初期黏壤土的温度(P0.05),平均增温3.64℃,有利于初期幼苗生长发育,但对原状砂壤土和粉壤土的温度变化不显著,生育后期土壤温度随着气温变化均呈下降趋势;沙穴种植对土壤盐分具有淋洗作用,在深度20 cm处,粉壤土和黏壤土的盐分淋洗效果显著(P0.05),平均相对脱盐率达23.28%和56.29%。综合分析沙穴种植对不同土质盐渍土土壤水热盐迁移规律,得出在杭锦后旗3种典型盐渍土中,黏壤土是最适宜沙穴改良方式的土质。  相似文献   

为了解雨水集聚深层入渗(RWCI)系统土壤水分的入渗规律,设置不同灌水量(10 L、21 L和36 L)和RWCI设计坑深(40 cm和60 cm)的室内土箱试验,观测不同灌水量与不同水头变化情况土壤含水率变化和土壤湿润锋在径向和垂直方向上运移过程,依据非饱和土壤水动力学理论,建立HYDRUS-2D变水头边界条件土壤水分二维入渗模型。通过与实测数据对比,结果表明模型模拟值和实测值具有较好一致性:垂向湿润锋相对均方差(R_E)、平均绝对误差(MAE)和纳什系数(NE)分别为0.019、0.011 cm和0.994,径向湿润锋R_E、MAE和NE分别为0.018、0.851 cm和0.977,土壤含水率R_E、MAE和NE分别为0.188、0.016 cm~3·cm~(-3)和0.916。相比于设计深度为40 cm的RWCI系统, 60 cm RWCI系统在不同灌水量下能够更有效地增加果树根系分布层的土壤含水率,增加土壤水分入渗深度;相同灌水量下RWCI系统设计深度的径向湿润锋分布间无明显差异,而垂直方向的分布具有明显差异;RWCI系统在相同的设计深度下,随着灌水量增大湿润锋在垂向与径向的运移距离差异逐渐增大。  相似文献   

The leaching of aldicarb and thiofanox in soils (sandy loam, silt loam and sandy clay loam), and their uptake by sugarbeet plants were studied. Three irrigation levels were maintained: half, normal and double dose. The residues were determined as the sum of the insecticidal metabolites (parent compound + sulphoxide+ sulphone) for both pesticides. Leaching was greatly influenced by the amount of water added and the soil type. Under normal conditions, leaching seemed to proceed very slowly, keeping the chemicals available for uptake by the root systems for a long time. The concentration of insecticide in the leaves was highest in beets grown on sandy loam and lowest in those grown on sandy clay loam. The quantity of irrigation did not influence the residue concentration in the leaves greatly, although its influence was obvious on the total residue present (μg per plant). Increasing the water dose always resulted in a higher total residue, and a greater plant weight. The breakdown in the soils was directly related to the water dose. The experiments show that thiofanox was more stable than aldicarb and was taken up by sugarbeet to a greater extent.  相似文献   

Herbicide degradation in soils is highly temperature‐dependent. Laboratory incubations and field experiments are usually conducted with soils from the temperate climatic zone. Few data are available for cold conditions and the validation of approaches to correct the degradation rate at low temperatures representative of Nordic environments is scarce. Laboratory incubation studies were conducted at 5, 15 and 28°C to compare the influence of temperature on the dissipation of metribuzin in silt/sandy loam soils in southern and northern Norway and in a sandy loam soil under temperate climate in France. Using 14C‐labelled metribuzin, sorption and biodegradation were studied over an incubation period of 49 days. Metribuzin mineralisation and total soil organic carbon mineralisation rates showed a positive temperature response in all soils. Metribuzin mineralisation was low, but metabolites were formed and their abundance depended on temperature conditions. The rate of dissipation of 14C‐metribuzin from soil pore water was strongly dependent on temperature. In Nordic soils with low organic content, metribuzin sorption is rather weak and biodegradation is the most important process controlling its mobility and persistence.  相似文献   

LANG Man 《干旱区科学》2021,13(5):487-499
The soil type is a key factor influencing N(nitrogen) cycling in soil; however, gross N transformations and N_2O emission sources are still poorly understood. In this study, a laboratory ~(15)N tracing experiment was carried out at 60% WHC(water holding capacity) and 25℃ to evaluate the gross N transformation rates and N_2O emission pathways in sandy loam and silt loam soils in a semi-arid region of Heilongjiang Province, China. The results showed that the gross rates of N mineralization, immobilization, and nitrification were 3.60, 1.90, and 5.63 mg N/(kg·d) in silt loam soil, respectively, which were 3.62, 4.26, and 3.13 times those in sandy loam soil, respectively. The ratios of the gross nitrification rate to the ammonium immobilization rate(n/ia) in sandy loam soil and silt loam soil were all higher than 1.00, whereas the n/ia in sandy loam soil(4.36) was significantly higher than that in silt loam soil(3.08). This result indicated that the ability of sandy loam soil to release and conserve the available N was relatively poor in comparison with silt loam soil, and the relatively strong nitrification rate compared to the immobilization rate may lead to N loss through NO_3~– leaching. Under aerobic conditions, both nitrification and denitrification made contributions to N_2O emissions. Nitrification was the dominant pathway leading to N_2O production in soils and was responsible for 82.0% of the total emitted N_2O in sandy loam soil, which was significantly higher than that in silt loam soil(71.7%). However, the average contribution of denitrification to total N_2O production in sandy loam soil was 17.9%, which was significantly lower than that in silt loam soil(28.3%). These results are valuable for developing reasonable fertilization management and proposing effective greenhouse gas mitigation strategies in different soil types in semiarid regions.  相似文献   

Biochar addition can improve the physical and hydraulic characteristics of sandy soil. This study investigated the effects of biochar on water holding capacity and water movement in sandy soil under drip irrigation. By indoor simulation experiments, the effects of biochar application at five levels (0%, 1%, 2%, 4%and 6%) on the soil water retention curve, infiltration characteristics of drip irrigation and water distribution were tested and analyzed. The results showed thatbiochar addition rate was positively correlated with water holding capacity of sandy soil and soil available water. Within the same infiltration time, with an increasing amount of added biochar, the diffusion distance of the horizontal wetting front (HWF) tended to decrease, but the infiltration distance of vertical wetting front (VWF) initially declined and then rose. The features of wetted bodies changed from "broad-shallow" to "narrow-deep" type. The relationship between the transport distance of HWF and VWF and the infiltration time was described by a power function. At the same distance from the point source, the larger was the amount of added biochar, the higher was the soil water content. Biochar had a great influence on the water content of the layer with biochar (0-200mm) and had some effects at 200-250mm without biochar; but had less influence on the soil water content deeper than 250mm. For the application rate of biochar of 4%, most water was retained within 0-250mm soil layer. However, when biochar application amount was high (6%), it would be helpful for water infiltration. During the improvement of sandy soil, biochar application rate of 4% in the plow layer had the best effect.  相似文献   

层状非均质包气带渗透性特征及其对降水入渗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同的岩性界面影响了降水在包气带中的入渗、运移与再分布过程,其影响机制仍是有待研究的学科前沿问题。针对上述问题,基于层状非均质包气带6 m×4 m×5 m样方,开展了多场次自然降水入渗过程的原位试验监测,研究结果表明层状非均质结构对降水入渗过程和速率影响明显:(1)地层分界面处土壤含水率呈现陡降变化特征;(2)220 cm深度以上包气带中土壤含水率对降水入渗响应变化敏感,呈含水率陡变的多峰谷式脉冲响应变化特征,其中20~100 cm地层土壤含水率变化幅度为22.58%~29.76%,120~200 cm地层土壤含水率变化幅度为13.74%~20.74%;220 cm深度以下包气带中土壤含水率对降水入渗响应滞缓,年内呈现平缓单峰响应变化特征,反映了多场次降雨的累积效应,其中220~400 cm地层土壤含水率变化幅度为2.3%~12.15%,430~460 cm地层土壤含水率变化幅度为2.5%~3.41%;(3)层状非均质结构阻滞了水分的运移(湿润锋通过亚砂土-粉砂界面时,平均运移速度由10.53 cm·d~(-1)下降为0.77 cm·d~(-1);湿润锋通过亚砂土-亚粘土界面时,平均运移速度由12 cm·d~(-1)下降为1.86 cm·d~(-1)),当岩性界面处水分不断蓄积克服阻力后才能向下运移;受上部界面水分蓄积的影响,下部层状非均质结构的阻滞作用将被减弱甚至不明显。  相似文献   

The effect of irrigation time on the dispersion of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloroproparie (DBCP) in soil after a shallow injection treatment was determined for Yolo fine sandy loam. When injections equivalent to 23.5 litres of DBCP/ha at a depth of 7 to 8 cm were subsequently followed by 15 cm of irrigation water, adequate distribution of DBCP was obtained if the soil was irrigated within 5 days. However, the most rapid and deepest penetration of fumigant was obtained by irrigating 2 to 5 days after application. There was insufficient downward movement of DBCP in non-irrigated soil.  相似文献   

The degradation of bis(tri[1-14C]butyltin) oxide in two soils (1 mg tin kg?1) has been studied under laboratory conditions. Half of the applied compound disappeared from unsterilised silt loam and sandy loam in approximately 15 and 20 weeks, respectively; it disappeared also from the sterilised soils but to a lesser extent. The formation of small amounts of dibutyltin derivatives was established by thin-layer chromatography both in the unsterilised and sterile soils. The amount of unextractable radioactivity increased with time in the unsterilised and sterile soils. In the unsterilised soils 14C was released as [14C]carbon dioxide in amounts equivalent to 20% of the applied radioactivity for silt loam and 10.7% for sandy loam over a period of 42 weeks. Almost no [14C]carbon dioxide was released from the sterile soils, confirming microbial participation in the degradation of the compound in the unsterilised soils.  相似文献   

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