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基于PRA的新疆三工河流域农户土地利用差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用参与式调查方法(PRA),对新疆三工河流域农户进行实地调查,研究三工河流域农户土地利用现状,对比分析不同条件下农户土地利用差异的形成原因。结果表明:1)低收入农户种植多样性相对较小,中等收入和高收入农户种植多样性较大。非农收入比例越小的农户多选择多元化种植,比例越大越趋向于单一化种植。2)地块规模越大越趋向于单一化种植,地块规模越小越趋向于多元化种植。土地综合质量较差时,农户多选择种植抗旱抗碱的作物;土地综合质量较好时,农户多选择高附加值的经济作物。3)土地体制不同,导致农户土地经营自主权和选择作物种类不同。4)由于种植习惯、土质以及水资源的差别,上中下游种植作物不尽相同,亩均耗水费也有差异。最后讨论了非农收入比例出现理论值之外值的情况以及兵地不同体制对农户土地利用差异的影响,以期更进一步了解三工河流域的农户土地利用差异及其产生原因。  相似文献   

This study on the epidemiology of banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) was carried out in the context of small‐scale farms in Burundi for an integrated management approach. Banana trials were established in farmers’ fields comparing different plot locations, while spatial and seasonal occurrence of aphid vectors was evaluated at three different altitudes. In addition, serological tests were performed on banana leaf samples to confirm the presence and titre of the virus. The results showed that BBTD incidence varied among banana cultivars and locations. Nine months after plot establishment, BBTD incidence ranged from 21·8% to 56·4% in plots within affected fields, while a range of 0–12·3% was reported in plots located between 5 and 30 m away from affected banana fields. Aphid numbers were highest in the dry season. These aphids were able to acquire and transmit the virus irrespective of altitude. A mean incubation period of 21 and 84 days was observed at low (780 m a.s.l.) and high (2090 m a.s.l.) altitude, respectively. Thus, a holistic approach, taking into account banana cultivar, plot location, disease‐free planting material and regular field sanitation, should be promoted for long‐term BBTD management.  相似文献   

Rangeland degradation is a serious problem throughout sub-Saharan Africa and its restoration is a challenge for the management of arid and semi-arid areas. In Lake Baringo Basin of Kenya, communities and individual farmers are restoring indigenous vegetation inside enclosures in an effort to combat severe land degradation and address their livelihood problems. This study evaluated the impact of enclosure management on soil properties and microbial biomass, being key indicators of soil ecosystem health. Six reseeded communal enclosures using soil embankments as water-harvesting structures and strictly regulated access were selected, varying in age from 13 to 23 years. In six private enclosures, ranging from 3 to 17 years in age, individual farmers emulated the communal enclosure strategy and restored areas for their exclusive use. Significant decreases in bulk density, and increases in the soil organic carbon, total nitrogen and microbial biomass contents and stocks were found in the enclosures as compared with the degraded open rangeland. In the private enclosures, the impact of rehabilitation on the soil quality was variable, and soil quality was in general lower than that obtained under communal management. The significant increase of absolute stocks of carbon, nitrogen and microbial biomass compared to the degraded open rangeland indicates the potential for the restoration of soil quality through range rehabilitation. Over-sowing with indigenous legume fodder species could improve total nitrogen content in the soil and nutritional value of the pastures as well.  相似文献   

There is little information on farmers’ knowledge about cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) brown streak disease (CBSD), despite extensive studies on incidences and severities. The objective of this study was to assess farmers’ knowledge of CBSD diagnosis and management. The study was conducted in three districts of Malawi by administering semi-structured interviews in combination with disease incidence and severity surveys. Farmers’ knowledge of disease diagnosis and management was associated with CBSD incidence and severity. High levels of knowledge about CBSD were observed in areas with high disease incidence. Only 10.1% of the farmers were capable of identifying the foliar symptoms of the disease. On average, 75.0% and 71.7% of the farms had leaf and storage root incidences, respectively. At harvest, 88.3% of the farmers’ fields exhibited storage root necrosis. CBSD leaf and storage root severities differed significantly (P < 0.001) from one district to the other and between varieties. Most farmers were found to lack a source of clean planting material. High needs for extension services on cassava cultivation methods and pest management were identified, but few farmers received such services. The lack of new improved varieties was reported as the most important constraint of cassava production, beyond CBSD. Education of farmers on the efficient management of this viral disease through selection of clean planting material should be provided. Additionally, the development of early root bulking cultivars as a long-term solution in avoiding CBSD impact should be supported.  相似文献   

内蒙古半干旱地区沙质过牧草地的沙漠化过程   总被引:24,自引:17,他引:24  
为了掌握我国北方半干旱地区沙质放牧草地的沙漠化过程,在内蒙古东部的科尔沁沙地进行了为期5年的放牧试验。结果表明,在牧草利用率为70%的过牧条件下,草地植被盖度、高度、个体大小和根量急剧降低,第5年分别只有10.1%、1.0cm、2.5cm^3/株和18.7g/m^2(0-30cm土层内),是禁牧区的12.0%.3.02%.0.86%和22.1%。同时,家畜觅食活动增加,对草地践踏作用增强,如第5年其单位面积的蹄印6数和每只羊单位面积的蹄印数达到36.4n/m^2和8.5n/m^2,分别是轻牧区的9.6倍和8.25倍,土壤紧实度是禁牧区的3.75倍。植被盖度、高度、根量和植物个体普遍降低,家畜喜食植物首先从草地中退出后,草地开始出现小块裸斑,随着过牧的继续,这种裸斑迅速增加和扩大,使之相互连接成为大片裸地,如试验当年过牧区裸斑数仅为19个,而且73.7%≤2.5m的裸斑,到第3年裸斑数迅速增至358个,>2.5m的裸斑比例从26.3%增加到31.3%,裸地率由1.8%增加到35.8%,第5年裸斑平均长度由2.4m增加到4.1m,>2.6m的裸斑比例增至45.7%,裸地率达到了51.6%。当地面出现裸斑后,即使冬季不进行放牧,在风力的作用下草地中的裸地面积也会自然扩大,如第5年秋季过牧区的裸地率为51.6%,到第6年春季自然扩展到71.6%。裸地出现以后,冬春季在风力作用下地面迅速出现风蚀,过牧区第3年70%的测点发生风蚀,平均风蚀深度8.5cm,第5年90%的测点发生风蚀,平均风蚀深度25cm,最大风蚀深度90cm,地面呈现出凹凸不平的风沙地貌。研究结果表明,试验期间夏季放牧啃食对地表裸露的贡献率为41.3%,而冬春季节土壤风蚀对地表裸露的贡献率高达58.7%,这说明在内蒙古半干旱风沙区地表一旦裸露,马上就会因风蚀而迅速扩大。  相似文献   

This paper reports for the first time on farmers’ knowledge, perceptions and management practices of the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in Ethiopia and Kenya. A survey of 343 smallholder maize farmers was conducted. Most farmers in Ethiopia and Kenya had knowledge about fall armyworm; they could identify it mainly during its larval stage. Furthermore, most farmers in Ethiopia (93%) and Kenya (97%) encountered damage by fall armyworm in their farms. They estimated an average of 32% crop damage in Ethiopia and 47.3% of crop damage in Kenya, with an estimated yield reduction between 0.8 to 1 tonnes/ha. Nearly half of the farmers relied on chemical insecticides to control this pest. The majority (60%) of the farmers in Kenya perceived that insecticides were not effective in controlling fall armyworm as compared to most farmers (46%) in Ethiopia who perceived that chemical spray is effective for the control of fall armyworm. In Ethiopia, 26% of the farmers combined handpicking larvae with insecticide sprays, whilst 15% of the farmers practiced only handpicking. The present study highlights the need to develop management strategies for fall armyworm based on farmers’ needs and priorities.  相似文献   

以设在山西省阳高县的大型径流观测场为依托,以2005-2009年的野外实测数据为依据,研究了晋北黄土丘陵区人工植被与鱼鳞坑配合的蓄水保土及土壤水分效应,并与荒坡、苜蓿地进行了对比。结果表明:在观测的5年内,柠条、沙棘、油松的蓄水保土能力随种植年限延长无明显增加趋势,但鱼鳞坑的蓄水能力和保土能力分别高达84.7%~96.0%和95.2%~99.7%;荒坡和苜蓿(Medicago sativa)第一年和第二年的蓄水保土能力较差,第三年和第四年随植被盖度增加能力急剧增强,第四年蓄水能力分别达82.8%和91.2%,保土能力达97.0%和98.0%;土壤水份分析结果表明:不同小区4~9月土壤水分变异系数为7.0%~19.1%,油松区变异系数最大,其次为沙棘、苜蓿和柠条区,荒坡区和裸坡区变异较小,不同小区土壤水分亏缺率为23.98%~52.66%,亏缺顺序为柠条区>苜蓿区>油松区>沙棘区>荒坡区>裸坡区;林草植被有效地减少了水土流失,亦增加了土壤水分的变异及亏缺程度,应注意林草植被的合理选择和配置。  相似文献   

樟子松固沙林土壤理化特性对林分密度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究樟子松人工固沙林林分密度对土壤理化特性的影响,在章古台地区选取林分密度分别为625(P1)、775(P2)、1 025(P3)、1 175(P4)株·hm^-2和1 250(P5)株·hm^-2的樟子松中龄林(林龄为23~27 a)为研究对象,对0~100 cm深度的樟子松林地土壤按0~10、10~20、20~40、40~60、60~80、80~100 cm进行分层,分析其理化特性。结果表明:0~10 cm土层全氮和20~40 cm土层土壤容重随密度增加呈上升趋势,P5显著高于P1(P <0. 05);0~80 cm土层全钾和0~60 cm土层pH随密度增加先升高后降低,P3最高,且P3样地全钾在10~60 cm土层显著高于P1(P <0. 05);pH在0~40 cm土层显著高于其他样地(P <0. 05);0~10 cm土层全磷随密度增加而减小,P1显著高于P3~P5(P <0. 05);P4或P5样地有效钾在0~40 cm土层显著高于P1、P2样地(P <0. 05),在40~100 cm土层显著高于P3样地(P <0. 05);P2~P4样地的土壤孔隙度在40~100 cm土层低于P1和P5样地。综合考虑林分密度对樟子松中龄林土壤理化特性的影响,章古台地区樟子松林的合理林分密度为1 025~1 175株·hm^-2,可采取间伐等营林管理措施调节林分密度,确保樟子松固沙林生长具有良好的土壤条件。  相似文献   

The use of pesticides on vegetables in Sub-Saharan Africa by small-scale farmers dates back to several decades. However, little research has been conducted to capture farmers’ perception on pesticide use on vegetables. This study aims to identify and evaluate farmers’ local knowledge and perception of vegetable pests and diseases and their protection and management practices in humid tropics of Cameroon. Key informant and focus group interviews complemented with quantitative one-on-one structured interviews of 130 farm households and observational assessments were employed. Standard vegetables such as chili pepper are the preferred vegetables in Bafoussam area, whereas traditional vegetables dominate in the Buea and Ebolowa area. Among over 15 vegetables, more than 60% are in the traditional African vegetables category, with insect infestation and fungal infection known to be the most critical biotic production constraints. Successful intensification and diversification of cocoa-based systems with vegetables will require increasing awareness on safer production methods, long-term harmful effects of pesticide misuse, and strengthening the capacity of regulatory agencies responsible for preventing importation of banned pesticides.  相似文献   


Plots 17 × 5 m were laid out in farmers' fields in three villages. Treatments (replicated thrice) included atrazine (0.5 or 1.0 kg a.i./ha) on sorghum and nitrofen (0.75 and 1.5 kg a.i./ha) on groundnuts with or without hand-weeding or farmers normal weed control. Groundnuts were unfertilized, sorghum received 20 or 80 kg N/ha. Cooperating farmers were allocated plots for traditional weed control, other operations were carried out by research staff. Some plots were discounted because farmers withdrew cooperation or did not participate correctly or because of flooding. In groundnuts nitrofen alone was inferior to nitrofen + one hand-weeding. In sorghum there were no differences between high and low fertilizer regimes. Atrazine gave superior yields to farmers' weed control. All treatments were better than the unweeded control. Generally farmers fields had low weed populations due to good, timely control and low soil fertility. Herbicides are not economic at present. Problems associated with research in farmers fields included: selection of farmers who would participate correctly, variability between different farmers' weeding practices and between different fields due to previous crops and cultural practices; lack of control of farmers weeding operations and the distance of experimental plots from the research station. The authors suggest that small experiments with only 4-6 treatments are easier for participating farmers to comprehend, selecting suitable size and shape of plots is important and that if many farmers are involved the number of replicates can be reduced.  相似文献   

为了研究樟子松人工固沙林林分密度对土壤理化特性的影响,在章古台地区选取林分密度分别为625(P1)、775(P2)、1 025(P3)、1 175(P4)株·hm-2和1 250(P5)株·hm-2的樟子松中龄林(林龄为23~27 a)为研究对象,对0~100 cm深度的樟子松林地土壤按0~10、10~20、20~40、40~60、60~80、80~100 cm进行分层,分析其理化特性。结果表明:0~10 cm土层全氮和20~40 cm土层土壤容重随密度增加呈上升趋势,P5显著高于P1P < 0.05);0~80 cm土层全钾和0~60 cm土层pH随密度增加先升高后降低,P3最高,且P3样地全钾在10~60 cm土层显著高于P1P < 0.05);pH在0~40 cm土层显著高于其他样地(P < 0.05);0~10 cm土层全磷随密度增加而减小,P1显著高于P3~P5P < 0.05);P4或P5样地有效钾在0~40 cm土层显著高于P1、P2样地(P < 0.05),在40~100 cm土层显著高于P3样地(P < 0.05);P2~P4样地的土壤孔隙度在40~100 cm土层低于P1和P5样地。综合考虑林分密度对樟子松中龄林土壤理化特性的影响,章古台地区樟子松林的合理林分密度为1 025~1 175株·hm-2,可采取间伐等营林管理措施调节林分密度,确保樟子松固沙林生长具有良好的土壤条件。  相似文献   

In developing countries such as Ethiopia, research to develop and promote soil and water conservation practices rarely addressed regional diversity. Using a water-balance approach in this study, we used runoff plots from three sites, each representing a different agro-ecological environment, e.g., high, mid and low in both elevation and rainfall, in the Upper Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia to examine the runoff response and runoff conservation efficiency of a range of different soil and water conservation measures and their impacts on soil moisture. The plots at each site represented common land use types(cultivated vs. non-agricultural land use types) and slopes(gentle and steep). Seasonal runoff from control plots in the highlands ranged 214–560 versus 253–475 mm at midlands and 119–200 mm at lowlands. The three soil and water conservation techniques applied in cultivated land increased runoff conservation efficiency by 32% to 51%, depending on the site. At the moist subtropical site in a highland region, soil and water conservation increased soil moisture enough to potentially cause waterlogging, which was absent at the lowrainfall sites. Soil bunds combined with Vetiveria zizanioides grass in cultivated land and short trenches in grassland conserved the most runoff(51% and 55%, respectively). Runoff responses showed high spatial variation within and between land use types, causing high variation in soil and water conservation efficiency. Our results highlight the need to understand the role of the agro-ecological environment in the success of soil and water conservation measures to control runoff and hydrological dynamics. This understanding will support policy development to promote the adoption of suitable techniques that can be tested at other locations with similar soil, climatic, and topographic conditions.  相似文献   

Predicting the risk of weed infestation in winter oilseed rape crops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chemical weed control before crop and weed emergence is a systematic practice in winter oilseed rape crops in France. It would be profitable both for farmers and the environment to predict the level of weed infestation early on in the growing season and to control weeds only when necessary using post‐emergence weed control. The objective of this paper was to develop and evaluate simple models to predict weed biomass in oilseed rape crops. The model input variables were related to weed population characteristics and farmers’ practices. The models can be used to classify oilseed rape plots into two categories: plots with a level of weed infestation above a threshold or those with level of weed infestation below a threshold. A data set including 3 years of experiments, conducted across several regions in France, was used to estimate the parameters and to evaluate the models. High values of sensitivity and specificity were obtained when weed biomass was predicted as a function of sowing date, type of soil tillage, soil mineral nitrogen, crop density, weed density at emergence, and main characteristics of the most abundant weed species. Model performance strongly decreased when input variables related to the weed population were not taken into account. The best models correctly classified 90% of the plots with high weed infestation and 64% of the plots with low weed infestation.  相似文献   

为了探讨降香黄檀人工林土壤因子与叶部病害发生的关系,对海南省13块降香黄檀人工纯林样地进行了病害调查和土壤因子的测定,运用冗余分析找到影响病害发生的主导因子,结果表明:土壤的pH、速效氮、全磷、速效钾是影响病害发生最主要的4个指标。对病害发生影响的土壤因子按其重要性依次为:pH速效氮全磷速效钾。在冗余分析的基础上,通过聚类分析将样地划分为轻度、中度、重度感病区3种不同类型,并通过单因素方差分析研究了4个主导因子在不同类型样地中的差异。结果表明,不同发病程度的样地与土壤因子相关性差异明显,总体表现为:发病严重的Ⅲ类样地土壤中的速效氮和全磷含量最高,平均值分别为82.08mg/kg、0.68g/kg,轻度感病的Ⅰ类样地土壤中的pH和速效钾含量最高,平均值分别为6.56、143.60mg/kg。  相似文献   

以6年生矮化密植梨枣树(Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)为试材,在雨养条件下,设置4种不同初始土壤体积含水率水平(1区,15.17%;2区,14.33%;3区,11.34%;4区,8.61%),测定并分析土壤水分变化、枣树生长、枣树耗水及其产量。结果表明:在雨养条件下,随着时间的推进,4个小区的土壤体积含水率不断接近,由最初的有显著差异变为没有显著差异;梨枣林地在低土壤水分情况下,可以通过自然降雨修复干层;4个小区的生物量和产量都是随着初始土壤含水率的减小在减小,且小区之间产量差异显著;4种初始土壤水分条件下,4个小区获得的产量分别为21 744.9、18 648.0、12 354.3 kg·hm~(-2)和6 660.0 kg·hm~(-2),说明即使在初始土壤水分亏缺情况下,在平水年也可以得到一定的产量;高度为0.9~1.2 m,冠幅为0.5~0.9 m的梨枣树,产量却达到最高21 744.9 kg·hm~(-2),说明梨枣获得高产不需要高大的树体,所以矮化密植具有很大潜力。  相似文献   

Aigamo duck farming has been noticed as one of the techniques of environmental conservation agriculture. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of loosing Aigamo ducks on the growth and production of rice plants, the quantity of weeds and arthropods, and the balance of nitrogen (N) in paddy fields by changing the density of the Aigamo ducks. A paddy field was divided into three test plots: a 10-Aigamo-duck plot, a five-Aigamo-duck plot, and a weeding plot. The results show that the height, number of culms, and yield crops of the rice plants increased more in the 10-Aigamo-duck plot and the five-Aigamo-duck plot than that of the weeding plot. Millet ( Echinochloa oryzicola ) remained in both the Aigamo duck plots. The weeding plot was covered with monochoria ( Monochoria vaginalis ). In both the Aigamo duck plots, the outbreak of total arthropods was lower than that of the weeding plot, but the number of rice plants damaged by grass leaf rollers ( Cnaphalocrocis medinalis ) was increased. The number of spiders, regarded as useful insects, did not differ that much between the experimental plots. The N content of the soil did not differ as an effect of loosing the Aigamo ducks. The rice plants in the 10-Aigamo-duck plot absorbed more N than the rice plants in the other plots.  相似文献   

Soil structure is a dynamic property affected by physical, chemical, and microbiological processes. Addition of organic matter to soils and the use of different management practices have been reported to impact soil structure and crop production. Moderation in soil temperature and increases in microbial activity and soil water retention are often suggested as reasons for the rise in crop yield when organic matter is added to the soil. Less is known about the direct effect of changes in soil structure on crop production. A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of summer cover crop and in-season management system on soil structure. The experiment was a nested design with summer cover crop as the main plot and management system as the subplot. Summer cover crop treatments included cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) incorporated into the soil in the fall (CI), cowpea used as mulch in the fall (CM), sudangrass (Sorghum vulgare) incorporated into the soil in the fall (S), and dry fallow or bare ground (B). Management systems were organic (ORG) and conventional (CNV) systems. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and cantaloupes (Cucumis melo L.) were cultivated in rotation in the plots for three consecutive years using the same cover crops and management systems for each plot. Disturbed and undisturbed soil cores were collected at the end of the third year and used for laboratory experiments to measure physical, chemical, and hydraulic properties. Image analysis was used to quantify soil structure properties using a scanning electron microscope on thin sections prepared from the undisturbed soil cores. We found that total soil carbon was correlated with porosity, saturation percentage, and pore roughness. Pore roughness was correlated with crop production in general and with marketable production in particular. We found that the higher the complexity of the pore space, the more water retained in the soil, which may increase soil water residence and reduce plant water stress.  相似文献   

为估算农田害鼠对作物的为害损失量,使用无人机拍摄甘肃鼢鼠Eospalax cansus为害的22块马铃薯样地正射影像图,首先目视解译标定各样地为害区域,计算为害率,并据此划分各样地鼠害为害等级;随后运用基于规则的特征提取法和监督分类法(支持向量机分类法和神经网络分类法)对各样地裸地和植被进行分类,结合对照区裸地率计算各样地的鼠害为害裸地率;通过构建鼠害为害裸地率与马铃薯产量的线性关系模型来评估不同分类法获得的鼠害为害裸地率的精确性;用拟合度最好的线性关系模型估算无鼠害及当前鼠害水平下的马铃薯产量,最终计算全部样地鼠害造成的马铃薯损失量。结果表明,基于规则的特征提取法、支持向量机分类法和神经网络分类法的地物分类精度分别为71.46%、99.33%和98.84%,3种分类方法获得的样地鼠害为害裸地率与马铃薯实际产量均呈显著线性相关,但神经网络分类获得的结果拟合度最好,R2为0.558。利用该方法估算的甘肃鼢鼠造成的马铃薯产量损失量为7 032.75 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

A pre- and post-monitoring study was conducted of the potential use of capsicum oleoresin as an in-soil repellent for northern pocket gophers (Thomomys talpoides). Pocket gophers were captured in irrigated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L), affixed with radio transmitters, and monitored daily for location. Six plots (4.87 x 4.87 m) each were randomly assigned to capsicum oleoresin and soybean oil treatments; these were set up based upon the centers of initial core areas of gophers. Mean (+/-SD) volumes of capsicum oleoresin and water and soybean oil and water mixtures (10 + 90 by volume) dispensed onto plots equaled 178.5 (+/-4.7) and 175.7 (+/-14.0) liters, respectively. Movements (m) of the radio-transmitted gophers from plot centers were computed for four daily readings (i.e., 0801-1000, 1101-1300, 1501-1700 and 1801-2000 h). Spectrophotometric analysis of soil samples from capsicum oleoresin plots validated the presence of capsicum on plots and the absence of capsicum on placebo- and off-plot locations. Analysis of variance for movement distances of gophers yielded a Date main effect [F(11, 103) = 2.08, P < or = 0.03] and a Date x Reading (time) interaction [F(32, 299) = 3.21, P < or = 0.01]. Results showed that gophers were located farther from plot centers for the 0801-1000 and 1501-1700 h telemetry readings for < or =3 days post-chemical application-a probable 'disturbance' effect rather than a chemical-induced avoidance. In a prior laboratory study, capsicum oleoresin and soil treatments of 1.5% w/w capsicum caused nearly a 50% decrease in soil contact time by gophers relative to placebo-exposed control animals. This implies that procedural variables warrant revision before abandoning this approach. The potential for soil insertion of repellents as a technique for expelling pocket gophers from territories and some methodological changes for future research of the technique are discussed.  相似文献   

塔里木河流域环境信息系统开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境信息系统是塔里木河流域水量调度管理系统的一个专业分析子系统.通过计算生物丰度指数、植被覆盖指数、水网密度指数、土地退化指数和污染负荷指数进行环境质量评价;采用"植株潜水蒸发定额法"来计算维持天然植被现状的生态需水量;结合生态风险评价思想和景观生态学方法,分别计算生态退化指数、风险度指数和易恢复度指数,构建一个生态风险强度指数进行相应的生态风险分析评价,从而探讨系统建设总体方案、系统的功能和结构以及与其他子系统集成问题.实践表明,将理论研究成果,通过ArcGIS+Oracle9i+ArcSDE技术来开发环境信息系统具有较强的实用性和可操作性,能够为干旱区环境作出科学的评价,也可为其他相关系统开发提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

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