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樟曼盲蝽的形态特征及在上海的发生情况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王凤 《植物保护》2012,38(5):134-138
樟曼盲蝽(Mansoniella cinnamomi)是近年来在香樟上发现的新害虫。本文报道了该虫形态特征和在上海的发生情况。比较了居民区绿地、生态防护林、行道树、公园绿地4种不同绿地类型中的虫情发生差异。樟曼盲蝽成虫体型狭长,红褐色;卵光亮、半透明、长茄形;若虫分5龄,半透明,光亮,鲜绿色,长形。该虫在上海18个区县均有发生,大部分地区株害率均为100%,为害程度较严重的分别为挹翠苑、东方苑、四和花园、闵行东方花园、松江中山西路、古华新村、长江农场,这些地点虫情指数均大于80%;4种不同绿地类型中樟曼盲蝽为害程度差异显著,居民区绿地中发生最为严重。  相似文献   

曹建华 《植物保护》1986,12(1):48-48
盲蝽象是棉区的一大害虫。在江苏主要有绿盲蝽和中黑盲蝽两种。近年来,中黑盲蝽的危害突出。据1984、1985年调查,棉田一代中黑盲蝽每亩约3000—5000头,有的达1万头以上,占一代盲蝽总量的80—90%。各期危害亦很严重,幼铃受害率一般  相似文献   

棉盲蝽的发生规律及防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年,棉盲蝽在郓城县发生呈逐年加重趋势,逐渐成为抗虫棉的常发性害虫。本县棉盲蝽主要包括绿盲蝽、苜蓿盲蝽、三点盲蝽和中黑盲蝽 4种。其中绿盲蝽占比例较大,约占调查虫量的 70%左右。 2000年盲蝽大发生,全县发生面积 1 600 hm2,占棉花播种面积的 60%,平均百株虫 20~ 35头,最高达 60头,平均植株受害率 40%~ 60%,最高达 90%以上,叶片平均受害率 25%~ 30%,最高 60%以上,造成叶片大量破碎,严重影响叶片的功能,对抗虫棉的产量和品质造成很大的影响。 1为害特点   以成虫、若虫刺吸为害,使子叶期棉苗顶芽焦枯变…  相似文献   

在江西彭泽棉区,1代棉盲蝽主要在杂草上为害,一般在莴笋等蔬菜上为害较少,过去也未见报道.2008年3月中旬,笔者在进行棉盲蝽早春基数调查时,发现莴笋上虫口基数高,且莴笋受害严重,这种现象在彭泽乃至江西实属少见.  相似文献   

不同葡萄品种对越冬代绿盲蝽的抗性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确不同葡萄品种对越冬代绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum的抗性水平,于2012—2014年连续3年系统研究了不同葡萄品种上绿盲蝽的为害情况以及越冬卵量,并分析了绿盲蝽越冬卵量与葡萄受害指数之间的关系。结果显示,每年越冬代绿盲蝽对不同葡萄品种的为害情况均存在显著差异;不同葡萄品种对越冬代绿盲蝽的抗性不同,其中香悦对绿盲蝽抗性最强,抗性指数为5.00,金田美指抗性最弱,抗性指数为1.00;每年绿盲蝽在不同葡萄品种上的越冬卵量均存在显著差异;相关性分析表明,不同葡萄品种受害指数与绿盲蝽越冬卵量之间无显著相关性。研究表明,不同葡萄品种对越冬代绿盲蝽的抗性水平存在显著差异。  相似文献   

烟台葡萄绿盲蝽的季节性发生规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2011-2012年系统研究了烟台地区绿盲蝽在葡萄上的越冬场所及其季节性发生规律.结果表明,绿盲蝽以卵越冬,越冬卵主要产在葡萄芽鳞内,极少量产于葡萄枯枝、落叶内;绿盲蝽一年发生5代,世代重叠严重,1、2代为主要危害代;越冬卵于4月下旬达孵化高峰,第2代绿盲蝽成虫于6月中下旬达到羽化高峰,并开始向外转移扩散;第3、4代危害较轻;第5代成虫于9月下旬开始陆续迁回葡萄上产卵越冬.  相似文献   

修春丽  张伟  陆宴辉 《植物保护》2017,43(6):159-162
前期研究发现,葎草进入盛花期后对绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum成虫吸引力明显增强,植株上绿盲蝽成虫种群密度快速上升。2011年和2016年,研究了绿盲蝽成虫对初花期与盛花期葎草的产卵选择性。结果发现:盛花期葎草植株上的绿盲蝽成虫密度和卵密度显著高于初花期。绿盲蝽卵主要集中产在花上,而幼芽、嫩茎和叶柄上落卵量较低。同时,在盛花期葎草上,绿盲蝽若虫种群密度以及高龄若虫比例显著偏高。本研究进一步证实了绿盲蝽成虫对盛花期葎草的产卵偏好习性。  相似文献   

2017年于烟台福山樱桃园开展绿盲蝽性诱捕试验。结果表明,性诱剂可用于樱桃园绿盲蝽田间发生动态监测。应用性诱剂诱捕器可有效降低樱桃叶芽、幼果的受害率;在樱桃集中采摘开始日调查,叶芽防效为65.33%,幼果防效为75.00%,对绿盲蝽有较好的防治效果。  相似文献   

赤须盲蝽在北京地区小麦上发生为害赤须盲蝽在我地区多年未发生为害,今年突然在小麦上发生为害,发生面积约占播种面积的1/4,密云县发生较重,面积约200hm2,其中有20hm2麦田受害严重。据5月初调查,百网虫量一般在100头以上,高的达1330头。房山...  相似文献   

甘薯跳盲蝽Halticus minutus Reuter属半翅目盲蝽科。此虫国内记载为害甘薯、大豆、花生等,而我省用于生食的凉薯近年受害十分严重,为进行安全有效的防治,我们于1985—1986年在长沙饲养观察及田间防治。 一、形态简述 成虫:体长2.0毫米,体黑色具光泽,  相似文献   

Root infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi in seedlings of three oak species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The combination of soil infestation with Phytophthora cinnamomi and repetitive flooding was studied on 1-year-old plants of Quercus ilex (holm oak) and Q. suber (cork oak). In a second experiment, using 2-year-old plants of the same species and of red oak ( Q. rubra ), the soil infestation was followed by two drought-rewatering cycles. Oak predawn leaf water potential (PLWP) and stomatal conductance (gs) were monitored during both experiments. Root infection, root loss, wilting and mortality were assessed at the end of the experiments. Q. ilex exhibited the highest susceptibility to P. cinnamomi , and Q. rubra the lowest. Root infections caused by P. cinnamomi were more severe in the flooding than in the drought experiment. The most noticeable effect of the infection on plant water relations was a decrease in stomatal conductance. This occurred at different times after inoculation, varying with species susceptibility and experiment. Inoculation with P. cinnamomi induced a decrease of PLWP in Q. ilex plants, and in some Q. suber plants exhibiting a severe root loss. The results further showed that the relationship between PLWP and gs was modified by infection with P. cinnamomi . The combination of flooding and infection with P. cinnamomi acted synergistically on the water relations of Q. ilex . By contrast, there was no significant increase in disease severity due to the postinoculation water stress imposed on the oaks.  相似文献   

The soil-borne plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi is widely distributed in the jarrah ( Eucalyptus marginata ) forest of Western Australia. Infested areas of the forest are mined for bauxite and the presence of the pathogen could after the survival of trees re-established after mining. Monitoring of 21 revegetated bauxite mined areas found that survival of jarrah and marri ( Eucalyptus calophylla ) trees was high (85–92% and 93–99%, respectively) after 5–7 years but P. cinnamomi was recovered from dead trees. To identify trees for more detailed study, plant symptoms of stress such as suppressed growth, wilting, yellowing of crown, coppice and epicormic growth and visible stem lesions were used. Over a period of 15 months, 30 E. marginata and 28 E. calophylla were carefully excavated and examined for lesions and the presence of P. cinnamomi. P. cinnamomi was consistently isolated from the lignotuber and collar regions of both hosts but never from the roots alone, except in one instance from E. calophylla where it was isolated from a non-lesioned root. In E. calophylla , the lignotuber appears to be very susceptible to invasion by P. cinnamomi in contrast to the roots which appear resistant. The invasion of the pathogen into the lignotuber and collar regions of both species was consistently associated with ponding of water around the plants. This ponding persists for many hours to days after rain and appears to provide an infection court for P. cinnamomi. Development of rehabilitation procedures to reduce this ponding will minimize the risk of tree deaths caused by this pathogen.  相似文献   

Forty eight isolates of Phytophthora cinnamomi from various host plants in France (35 isolates) and in other countries were tested for pathogenicity. Seedlings of chestnut, northern red oak, pine and eucalyptus were infected by soil contamination. Taproots, stems and bark strips of plants of chestnut and different oak species were inoculated with mycelium agar disks. Results of the different experiments were in good agreement. All isolates appeared pathogenic to all the different test species but with variable levels of virulence. Isolates with consistent low or high level of virulence, which could be used as standards in further studies, were identified. Interaction between P. cinnamomi isolates and host plant species was significant in terms of lesion lengths. These interactions could not be related to host from which P. cinnamomi was isolated. Consistent with this, in Quercus rubra, the isolate-provenance interaction was not significant. This feature is encouraging for provenance screening for resistance to P. cinnamomi in this species. The variation in virulence was not related to other isolate characteristics (mating type, electrophoretic type, age).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We examined the effects of fresh and composted animal manures on the development of root rot, dieback, and plant death caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Fresh chicken manure, or chicken manure composted for 5 weeks before incorporation into the potting mix (25%, vol/vol), significantly reduced pathogen survival and the development of symptoms on Lupinus albus seedlings. Chicken manure composted for 2 weeks was less suppressive. Cow, sheep, and horse manure, whether fresh or composted, did not consistently suppress populations of P. cinnamomi or disease symptoms at the rates used (25%, vol/vol). All composts increased organic matter content, total biological activity, and populations of actinomycetes, fluorescent pseudomonads, and fungi. Only chicken manure stimulated endospore-forming bacteria, a factor that was strongly associated with seedling survival. Fallowing the potting mix for an additional 8 weeks after the first harvest increased the survival of lupin seedlings in a second bioassay, with survival rates in chicken manure compost-amended potting mix exceeding 90%. These data suggest that the ability of composted manure to stimulate sustained biological activity, in particular the activity of endospore-forming bacteria, is the key factor in reducing disease symptoms caused by P. cinnamomi. Supporting these results, the survival of rooted cuttings of Thryptomene calycina was significantly higher in sand-peat potting mix following amendment with commercially available chicken manure (15% vol/vol). However, this protection was reduced if the potting mix was steam pasteurized before amendment, indicating that suppression was due to endogenous as well as introduced microbes. Chicken manure compost incorporated at 5% (vol/vol) or more was strongly phytotoxic to young Banksia spinulosa plants and is not suitable as an amendment for phosphorus-sensitive plants.  相似文献   

Phytophthora cinnamomi is an ecologically and economically important pathogen. In this study, PCR assays were developed with primer pair LPV2 or LPV3 for rapid detection and identification of this organism. Both primer pairs were selected from putative storage protein genes. The specificity of these primer pairs was evaluated against 49 isolates of P. cinnamomi , 102 isolates from 30 other Phytophthora spp., 17 isolates from nine Pythium spp. and 43 isolates of other water moulds, bacteria and true fungi. PCR with both primer pairs amplified the DNA from all isolates of P. cinnamomi regardless of origin. The LPV3 primers showed adequate specificity among all other species tested. The LPV2 primers cross-reacted with some species of Pythium and true fungi, but not with any other Phytophthora species. PCR with the LPV3 primers detected the pathogen at levels of a single chlamydospore or 10 zoospores in repeated tests. The PCR assay was at least 10 times more sensitive than the plating method for detection of the pathogen from artificially infested soilless medium, and, to a lesser extent, from naturally infected plants. PCR with LPV3 primers can be a useful tool for detecting P. cinnamomi from soilless media and plant tissues at ornamental nurseries, whereas the LPV2 primers can be an effective alternative for identification of this species from pure culture. Applications of these assays for detection of P. cinnamomi in other environments were also discussed.  相似文献   

Monthly inoculations of both intact plants and excised shoots of Quercus suber with the pathogenic species Botryosphaeria stevensii and Phytophthora cinnamomi were performed to investigate seasonal changes in susceptibility of this forest tree species in relation to environmental parameters and plant water status. Infection symptoms were mainly detected on seedlings inoculated from spring to autumn (April through October) with either pathogen. Mean canker sizes also showed a seasonal pattern, the higher values being recorded in the same period as above. Lesion lengths were significantly ( P  < 0·001) related to environmental minimum temperature. Mean daily minimum temperatures within the range of 5–12°C clearly inhibited lesion development of P. cinnamomi , whereas B. stevensii showed a less pronounced decrease in canker expansion at the same temperature range. In excised shoots of Q. suber inoculated monthly with B. stevensii , a negative linear relationship was found between the studied range of plant relative water content (81–91%) and canker length. In contrast, the lesions caused by P. cinnamomi were not significantly ( P  = 0·32) related to any seasonal change in water content. Some control measures for the diseases caused by both pathogens are discussed on the basis of the seasonal changes in host susceptibility observed in this study.  相似文献   

Plants of the eucalypt. Eucalyptus marginata. selected through a glasshouse screening procedure for resistance or susceptibility to Phytophthora cinnamomi , were established in tissue culture and micropropagated. After inoculation with P. cinnamomi , root lesions in clonal lines selected as resistant (RR) to P. cinnamomi were restricted and became contained within four days after inoculation while lesions in roots of those lines susceptible (SS) to P. cinnamomi continued to extend rapidly. Activity of phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) was increased above controls in root segments of the RR lines 48 h after inoculation with P. cinnamomi while activity in unselected seedlings and the SS lines was reduced or unchanged. After inoculation, lignin concentration was increased and reached high levels compared with uninoculated control levels in roots of the two RR lines tested. Constitutive levels of phenolics in roots of the RR lines were up to 94% higher than in seedling roots and levels were further increased after inoculation. Levels of phenolics in the other lines and seedlings were unaltered by inoculation. A line derived from resistant seedlings from a susceptible family (RS) had the highest constitutive levels of lignin, which were further increased after inoculation. Resistance to P. cinnamomi in clonally propagated E. marginata seedlings is based on similar mechanisms to those of field resistant species.  相似文献   

侵染垂花悬铃花的木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒分子特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 垂花悬铃花曲叶病是近期在广东发现的一种新病害,病株表现为叶片向上卷曲,叶脉肿大,叶脉变深绿色等症状。PCR检测结果显示, 该病样中均存在菜豆金色花叶病毒属病毒。基因克隆及序列分析结果表明,该病毒分离物(GD11)DNA-A全长为2 737 nt,具有菜豆金色花叶病毒属病毒基因组典型特征,为闭合环状单链DNA,编码6个ORFs;该序列与木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuMV)各分离物序列的相似性均大于89.0%,其中与G6、Okra06及GX1等分离物序列的相似性大于99.0%。该病毒分离物也伴有卫星DNA β分子,其全长为1 348 nt,与CLCuMV各分离物的DNA β序列相似性大于85.0%,其中与G6、Okra06及GX1等DNA β的序列相似性均大于99.0%。因此,侵染广东垂花悬铃花的病毒分离物属于CLCuMV,且与入侵我国的朱槿分离物G6、黄秋葵分离物Okra06及棉花分离物GX1亲缘关系很近。本文首次报道了CLCuMV及其卫星β复合侵染垂花悬铃花。  相似文献   

为探究牛角花齿蓟马Odontothrips loti的产卵选择及寄主营养和次生代谢物质对其产卵行为的影响,本研究观测了牛角花齿蓟马在苜蓿Medicago sativa、草木樨Melilotus officinalis、红豆草Onobrychis cyri和红三叶Trifolium pratense 4种豆科牧草叶片上的产卵量和卵孵化率,同时测定、分析了牧草主要营养和次生代谢物质含量与蓟马产卵选择的相关性。结果表明,无选择条件下,牛角花齿蓟马在苜蓿上产卵量最高,为59.1粒/复叶,其次是草木樨,15.7粒/复叶,在红豆草和红三叶上的产卵量仅为0.9粒/复叶和1.1粒/复叶。卵孵化率在苜蓿上最高,为85.05%,在草木樨和红豆草上分别为40.09%和39.18%,红三叶上最低,为5.48%。两两选择条件下,牛角花齿蓟马明显偏好在苜蓿叶片上产卵,在其他牧草叶片上不产卵或产卵量极低。相关性分析表明,牛角花齿蓟马的产卵量与寄主可溶性蛋白含量显著正相关(r=0.722,P=0.002),卵孵化率与可溶性蛋白(r=0.673,P=0.004)和淀粉(r=0.586,P=0.017)含量显著正相关。牛...  相似文献   

Buddleja davidii is a major invasive weed and its success is attributed to its ability to recover rapidly following defoliation. To quantify the impacts of defoliation on seasonal leaf area dynamics, we measured rates of leaf area growth and loss on cohorts of leaves on control plants and on plants that were defoliated by 66% repeatedly at monthly intervals throughout two growing seasons. The rate of leaf area growth was closely related to cumulative air temperature, but the maximum rate for the defoliated plants in the first season was 2.2 times that of the control plants. This compensational leaf growth resulted in 52% greater total emergent leaf area, attributable to increased node production (34%) and leaf size (35%), compared with control plants. Leaf longevity during the first growing season in the defoliated plants was 12% greater than that in the control plants. During the second season, the degree of compensation was greatly reduced, attributable to reduced leaf size in defoliated plants compared with the control. Total emergent leaf area over both seasons in the defoliated treatment exceeded control values by only 15%. The impact of leaf loss on the vigour in this invasive shrub may, in the short term, be less significant than would be predicted. However, the impacts of continued defoliation are likely to increase markedly in subsequent years. The study provides the basis for modelling leaf area dynamics and plant growth in response to defoliation associated with biocontrol release programmes.  相似文献   

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